Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 161 to 180 of 527
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Dutch
Country: Belgium
  1. Dierickx-Tallieu family. Collection

    This collection contains a photo of Paula Tallieu, a biography of Paula Tallieu by her son Michel Dierickx and two post-war certificates granted by Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur Tedder and by General of the Army Dwight Eisenhower to Paula Tallieu for her aid to allied airmen during the Second World War.

  2. Digitale kopie van het archief van de International Tracing Service te Bad Arolsen.

    Dit indrukwekkende geheel is in feite een conglomeraat van archieven van heel wat verschillende organisaties en instellingen, samengebracht en/of gekopieerd door de ITS om opzoekingen naar personen mogelijk te maken. De focus van dit complexe archief ligt dan ook op de voornaamste groepen slachtoffers – vervolgde personen, dwangarbeiders en displaced persons. De Centrale Naamindex is met meer dan 42 miljoen digitale beelden de meest uitgebreide reeks. Dit steekkaartensysteem fungeert als het globale zoekinstrument voor de identificatie van personen. De verschillende types steekkaarten dekke...

  3. Diplomatic service passport issued by the Republic of Liberia to Kelman Charles Mincberg. Collection

    A diplomatic service passport issued by the Republic of Liberia, represented by Baron O. de Bogaerde, Minister Plenipotentiary, to Kelman Charles Mincberg, granting him diplomatic immunity and allowing them to travel to Spain and Portugal.

  4. Diplomatic service passport issued by the Republic of Liberia to Matus Kugel. Collection

    A diplomatic service passport issued by the Republic of Liberia, represented by Baron O. de Bogaerde, Minister Plenipotentiary, to Matus and Chaja Kugel-Rubin, granting them diplomatic immunity and allowing them to travel to Spain and Portugal. The passport also contains wartime visa for Italy and Monaco.

  5. Ministère des Affaires économiques. Direction de l'organisation professionnelle

    • Ministry of Economic Affairs. Directorate of Professional Organisation

    The archives inventoried here constitute a mine of information for anyone interested in the organisation and operations of the Belgian economy under German occupation, economic collaboration, or the persecution of Jews.

  6. Dora Turksma. Collection

    This collection contains: two photos of Dora Turksma as a child, including a photo of her with her mother Klara Schilt at the beach; the ‘Volksmisboek en Vesperale’ (catholic prayer book) Dora Turksma received when being baptised as a hidden child in 1944; several dozen post-war prayer cards and devotional cards tucked away in the bible, signed by nuns and pupils at the boarding schools Dora attended; an interview with Dora Turksma in which she talks about her childhood in Antwerp, daily life at Morpheusstraat where she and her mother lived, moving around during the first years of the war, ...

  7. Dreyfuss-Isenberg family. Collection

    The collection contains seven photos of the Dreyfuss-Isenberg family and a prayer card commemorating rescuer Yvonne Veys as well as seven letters and two cards. Five letters and perhaps the two cards were sent by the Dreyfuss family, after they had moved to Leuven, to their former next-door neighbours, the Perck family. Two other letters were sent by the Dreyfuss family, while detained at the Dossin barracks, to their friends the Perck family and the Samuel family.

  8. Dublon-Beerman family. Collection

    This collection contains five pictures of the Dublon-Beerman family : two photos of the sisters Lore and Eva Dublon, two group photos of the extended Dublon-Beerman family, and one photo of the Dublon-Beerman family with friends on deck of the MS St. Louis on its way to Cuba.

  9. Dutkiewicz-Wagner family. Collection

    This collection contains: the envelope created by the Dossin barracks administration to contain the documents of Laja Wagner, confiscated from her upon her arrival at the SS-Sammellager ; the false ID card of Laja Wagner which was stored in the Dossin barracks envelope ; the wedding photo of Gdalja Dutkiewicz and Laja Wagner.

  10. EA Antwerpen A 2000.

    Dit bestand bevat o.a. een dossier (nr. 152) betreffende de verordening van 25 november 1940 van de secretaris-generaal van het Ministerie van Justitie, inzake uitoefenen van ambten bij de rechterlijke macht door Joden.

  11. Eerste Minister en Minister van Justitie Joseph Pholien.

    De voor deze gids belangrijkste stukken in dit bestand hebben betrekking op de ambtstermijn van Pholien als minister van Justitie. Het gaat om dossiers, briefwisseling en andere documenten omtrent de vreemdelingen- en vluchtelingenproblematiek – zoals de instroom van Joodse vluchtelingen uit het Duitse Rijk, de ‘Joodse kwestie’, uitwijzingen, uitlevering van vluchtelingen aan Duitsland, de oprichting van een vluchtelingencentrum in Merksplas, … – te vinden onder nrs. 945 - 954. Deze documenten beslaan de periode 1925-1939. Daarnaast vermelden we twee dossiers inzake racisme en antisemitisme...

  12. Ehrenfeld family. Collection

    This collection contains: one portrait of the extended Ehrenfeld family ; five photos of Anna Lambrechts walking down a street or at the Antwerp Stadspark (city park) in the company of Marcel and/or Sylvain Ehrenfeld, sons of her employer Jacques Ehrenfeld ; a photo of brothers Marcel and Sylvain Ehrenfeld walking down a street ; a wartime ID card of Anna Lambrechts' husband August Bosmans

  13. Miscellaneous documents collected to create the Jewish Museum of Deportation and Resistance. Collection

    This collection consists of work copies of miscellaneous documents on the Holocaust in general and the Belgian case in particular, stored in dozens of institutes worldwide. The copies were entrusted to the Jewish Museum of Deportation and Resistance in 1994-1996, in order to create its permanent exhibition.

  14. Electrabel (eerste overdracht).

    In dit bestand vinden we stukken terug afkomstig uit heel wat archiefvormers (o.a. Electriciteitsmaatschappij der Schelde, Verenigde Energiebedrijven van het Scheldeland, Compagnie Électrique Anversoise, Elektrische Centralen voor Vlaanderen, Elektrische Centralen voor Vlaanderen en Brabant, …) die later opgeslorpt werden door Ebes en daarmee ook de voorlopers zijn van Electrabel. We noteren voornamelijk enkele dossiers met daarin briefwisseling en andere stukken inzake: het beheer van de maatschappijen tijdens de Duitse bezetting, anti-Joodse maatregelen en de aangifte van ‘Joodse’ bezitti...

  15. Eli Ringer. Collection

    This collection contains one hundred and thirty-three photographs containing the Ringer family, David Stein, Malvine Babad and others, three birth certificates, one Paraguayan passport for Salomon Ringer, one identity card, travel pass and shopping booklet of the UNRRA Jeanne d'Arc Refugee Centre, forty-two letters concerning the return from the UNRRA Jeanne d'Arc Refugee Centre, one letter from the Swiss Embassy about release from Internierungslager Laufen, one letter from the Paraguayan Consulate about release from lager Bergen-Belsen, three letters about the internment in Tittmoning, one...

  16. Elias Stainfeld. Collection

    This collection contains : three war-time letters from Charlotte Stainfeld to her brother Elias Stainfeld living in France ; documents and three letters with news about acquaintances written by Elias Stainfeld’s (unidentified) friend Blajwajs or Blejwas who was interned at the Le Vernet camp ; a post-war letter sent by survivor Elias Stainfeld from the Monowitz labour camp to the address of his deported sister Charlotte Stainfeld in Antwerp ; three post-war letters delivering the news of his sister and niece’s deportation to Elias Stainfeld ; a letter and a telegram involving Elias Stainfel...

  17. Elisabeth Kanis. Collection

    This collection contains the false ID of Elisabeth Kanis, her post-war civil resistance ID and six documents regarding medals and titles awarded to Elisabeth Kanis post-war.

  18. Elisabeth Thalheim. Collection

    This collection contains digitised copies of 7 postcards and a letter sent by Elisabeth Thalheim to her mother Karola Kohn and her daughter Nelly Klein via Elisabeth’s Belgian, non-Jewish friend Lina Govaerts, while interned at the Dossin barracks from February until April 1943 ; a digital copy of an essay in English, written by Elisabeth Thalheim while taking an English course in preparation of her migration to China.

  19. Elise Leekens. Collection

    This collection contains 1 travelling trunk in pressed cardboard, wood and leather handles as is. The initials L.R. are indicated on the top of the trunk. This trunk belonged to Wolf Leib Richter, husband of Feigel Ritterman. This collection also contains two photos showing Elise Leekens who had kept the travelling trunk with her after the war.

  20. Else Raesener. Collection

    This item is a short letter sent by Else Raesener, living in Brussels, to her daughter Lea Raesener, living in Palestine, via the Red Cross only a few weeks before Else's arrest and deportation. It would be her last sign of life.