Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 501 to 520 of 527
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Multiple
Language of Description: Dutch
Country: Belgium
  1. Transportlisten. Collection

    The Transportlisten series consists of two parts : KD_00013_01 : The first part contains the carbon doubles of the original lists of all transports (Jews, Roma and Sinti) from the SS-Sammellager Mecheln (Dossin barracks) to Auschwitz-Birkenau, Buchenwald, Ravensbrück, Vittel and Bergen-Belsen. Each sheet contains the names of 10 to 20 deportees on a specific transport, their place and date of birth, their profession and their nationality. In some cases the date of arrival at the Dossin barracks is mentioned in the top left corner of the page. The handwritten notes were added by the Director...

  2. Turfkruijer-Meljado family. Collection

    This collection contains: a pre-war extract from the civil registry of the Dutch city Rotterdam regarding the birth of Marcus alias Marc Turfkruijer (sometimes wrongly Turfkruyer) ; pre-war photos of Marcus alias Marc Turfkruijer and his wife Rebecca alias Bertha Meljado, including their wedding photo ; pre-war photos of their son Salomon Turfkruijer as a baby, a toddler and a child, including two class photos ; a Belgian yellow star of David worn by Salomon Turfkruijer ; wartime photos of the rescuers of the Turfkruijer-Meljado family (name unknown) ; post-war photos of Rebecca alias Berth...

  3. Tweede Wereldoorlogfonds van het Belgische Rode Kruis.

    In dit bestand noteren we, naast de verwachte algemene stukken zoals activiteitenrapporten, notulen, briefwisseling, dienstnota’s, instructies, … eveneens een aantal dossiers in verband met de acties ondernomen door het BRK ten gunste van de vervolgde Joodse bevolking. Nr. 919 bevat een dossier over de repatriëring van gevluchte Joden uit Frankrijk (1940-1941). Het dossier onder nr. 923 handelt over de weigering van het Duitse Rode Kruis om nog informatie te geven over gedeporteerde Joden (1943). Onder de nrs. 917, 918 en 922 noteren we briefwisseling inzake de hulpverlening aan Joden (1941...

  4. U.S. Private David (“Doov”) Stein World War II Letters from Antwerp. Collection

    This collection contains letters written by Private David “Doov” Stein during his first months of service in the US Army in Antwerp, from November 10 to December 31, 1944. There are also letters written by Private David “Doov” Stein during 5 ½ of his 7 months of service in the US Army in Antwerp from January 1 to June 10, 1945, and a similar number of letters from individuals and organizations to him, concerning his relief activities on behalf of the Jewish community of Antwerp following the Nazi occupation. This collection also consists of Stein’s notepad containing names, addresses and so...

  5. Union des Anciens Déportés Juifs de Belgique (UDJB). Collection

    This collection contains: the articles of association of the Union des Déportés Juifs et Ayants Droit de Belgique (1956) ; the 1961 membership file card system of the Union des Anciens Déportés Juifs de Belgique ; the 1979-1982 membership file card system of the Union des Anciens Déportés Juifs de Belgique ; two postcards edited by the Comité International d'Auschwitz.

  6. Van Beylen-Beirnaert family. Collection

    This collection contains : the poetry album of Frieda Beirnaert with drawings created by her Jewish classmates Rosa Seewald and Miriam (Maria) Hauser in 1942, as well as autographs of several British soldiers who signed the album after Liberation ; a table cloth given by a Jewish family to concierge misses Huyskens for safekeeping during the war, who presented it to Frieda Beirnaert as a wedding gift in 1949 ; a post-war newspaper clipping regarding the city of Antwerp and the persecution of its Jewish population ; a book entitled “Antwerpen”, which was owned by Frieda’s uncle Marcel Beirna...

  7. Van Velzen-Viskoper family. Collection

    This collection contains: a pre-war photograph of Barend and Rebecca van Velzen-Viskoper ; a postcard from the brothers Louis, Benjamin and Salomon van Velzen sent from camp Jawischowitz to the Papegaai family in Antwerp in 1943 ; a postcard from A. van Wien to Mathilda Randolfi sent from camp Westerbork ; a photograph of Benjamin van Velzen taken just after his repatriation in 1945 ; documents concerning the war damage suffered by the van Velzen family, including statements about the emptying of their house ; documents concerning Benjamin van Velzen's application for recognition as a polit...

  8. Van West-Goudsmit family. Collection

    This document is a parcel request form sent by Michel Van West, his wife Sara Goudsmit and their son Edouard Van West during their detainment at the SS-Sammellager Mecheln (Dossin barracks) to Paul Mouradian, asking him to send them a package with specific types of food and toiletries

  9. Vereeniging der Joden in België - Association des Juifs en Belgique. Front de l'Indépendance. Collection

    This collection consists of 4,058 documents confiscated by the Front de l’Indépendance (Independent Front) at the offices of the Association of Jews in Belgium (AJB) – “Aide Spéciale Malines” [Special Assistance Mechelen department], after the liberation. The documents can be divided in five sections : - Correspondence of the AJB : between the leading committee and local committees, between local committees, between the AJB and German or Belgian officials, between the AJB and Suisse, German, French and Dutch organisations, etc. - Lists : e.g. employees of the AJB, Organisation Todt workers,...

  10. Vereeniging der Joden in België - Association des Juifs en Belgique. Institut Martin Buber. Collection

    The archives of the Association of Jews in Belgium (AJB), donated to the Jewish Museum of Deportation and Resistance by the Martin Buber Institute, contain almost 3,500 documents which cover over 40 topics, including : copies of German decrees, the statutes and procedures of the AJB, files of the general and local committees (Brussels, Antwerp, Liège and smaller cities), interventions by the AJB with the German authorities, population registration, Jewish schools and children’s homes, the Arbeitseinsatz (forced labour) for Organisation Todt (France), convocations for the SS-Sammellager Mech...

  11. Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshabers in Belgien und Nordfrankreich - Massnahmen gegen Juden. Collection

    This collection consists of 20 issues of the Verordnungsblatt des Militärbefehlshabers in Belgien und Nordfrankreich, containing the anti-Jewish measures ordained in Belgium, including: legislation on ritual slaughter, determining who is Jewish, the municipal registration of Jews as of the age of 15, the registration and marking of Jewish shops and restaurants with placards, the exclusions of Jews from certain professions (government, educational, press, judicial and later medical professions), the residency restrictions (curfew and relocation sites in Belgium), the creation of the Associat...

  12. Verwaltung des Jüdischen Grundbesitzes.

    Dit bestand valt uiteen in twee reeksen, resp. de reeks van Verwalter Ernst Robert Müller (960 dossiers, in totaal 51 kisten), en die van Verwalter Rudolf Nicolay (721 dossiers, in totaal 29 kisten). Het gaat telkens om individuele dossiers inzake de aangifte en het beheer van onroerende goederen, grotendeels eigendom van Joodse particulieren. Slechts enkele gevallen hebben betrekking op ‘Joodse ondernemingen’ of Joodse organisaties (in casu de Communauté israélite de Bruxelles, het Œuvre Centrale israélite, de Refuge pour Vieillards Israélites en de Société israélite d’Assistance Antituber...

  13. Verzameling affiches en pamfletten van Joodse verenigingen.

    Deze verzameling bevat affiches, pamfletten en folders met betrekking tot allerlei politieke, religieuze, sociale en culturele activiteiten georganiseerd door Joodse organisaties in Antwerpen in de jaren 1932-1934. Het gaat om zowel politieke meetings en debatten als tentoonstellingen, concerten, filmvoorstellingen, bals, dansavonden, theater (o.a. Jiddisch theater van de Vilna groep), voordrachten, uitstappen en reizen, … Onder de vermelde organisaties noteren we o.a. B’rith Trumpeldor, Vereniging van Joodse Handwerkers, KKL, Agudath Zion, Agoedas Jisroel, Comité tot verdediging van de rec...

  14. Verzameling Microfilms van het Algemeen Rijksarchief.

    Deze verzameling bevat enkele microfilms die relevant zijn voor deze gids. We noteren vooreerst, onder nrs. 1324/1 tot en met 1324/3, drie microfilms met privé-archief van Samson Wiener (1851-1914), advocaat, senator, zakenman en lid van de Conseil supérieur van Congo Vrijstaat. De originelen worden bewaard door de familie Wiener, die het Rijksarchief in 1971 de toelating gaf om kopies te maken op microfilm. De documenten (in totaal 29 dossiers) beslaan de periode 1883-1914. Het gaat vooral om briefwisseling en notities, die in het bijzonder betrekking hebben op de activiteiten van Wiener a...

  15. Video- en dvd-collectie.

    In deze collectie vinden we zowel losse documentaires, documentaire reeksen, speelfilms als allerhande video-opnames van vb. journaals en andere televisieprogramma’s. Ze hebben grotendeels betrekking op de gebeurtenissen in de periode 1933-1945, in het bijzonder de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Relevant voor deze gids zijn de opnames die handelen over de situatie van de Joden voor de oorlog, de Jodenvervolging (deportatie, concentratiekampen), naoorlogse documentaires en getuigenissen van overlevenden, allerlei herdenkingsplechtigheden enzoverder. We noteren bij uitstek de documentaire reeksen De La...

  16. Violin of Maurice Flam. Collection

    This item is a violin used by an unidentified prisoner to play for the guards at the Dora concentration camp and taken to Belgium by camp survivor Maurice Flam in 1945.

  17. Vredescentrum Antwerpen.

    In dit bestand vermelden we hoofdzakelijk de stukken met betrekking tot door het Vredescentrum georganiseerde activiteiten. Zie o.a. de debatavonden “De Holocaust en de Belgische staten” (nr. 705 # 98; 1989), “Primo Levi, een humanist in de hel van Auschwitz” (nr. 705 # 153; 1993) en “Overleven. Relaas van een zestienjarige Joodse Antwerpenaar” (nr. 705 # 186; 1996); de boekvoorstelling “Partisans armés juifs. 38 témoignages” (nr. 705 # 123; 1991); de persvoorstelling van “De laatste getuigen” (nr. 705 # 122; 1991); de boekvoorstelling van Regine Beer (nr. 705 # 130; 1992) en het colloquium...

  18. vzw Het Ondergedoken Kind, Brussel. Collection

    The archive of vzw Het Ondergedoken Kind - L'Enfant caché asbl consists of: (1) institutional files and series on the creation of the association, on the administrative committee, on the yearly general assembly and on the membership administration, as well as (2) files and series on the organisation of activities. This second section includes both general files and files on activities organised to reach the goals of the association. The archive of vzw Het Ondergedoken Kind - L'Enfant caché asbl also contains several files created by the Amicale des Anciens de Jamoigne, the association of Je...

  19. Weissblum-Wachspress family

    This collection contains: a wartime photo of spouses David Weissblum and Giza Wachspress ; a wartime photo of Giza Wachspress ; a wartime photo of Giza Wachspress and her son Simon Weissblum ; two wartime photos of Simon Weissblum as a baby and as a toddler ; a wartime photo of Simon Weissblum with his rescuer misses Ecran-Petri ; two post-war photos of the Weissblum-Wachspress family.

  20. Weisz-Sztajnberg family. Collection

    This collection contains: documents regarding the service of Josef Weisz in the Czechoslovakian Army while in the United Kingdom during the Second World War ; correspondence (telegrams and postcards) from and to relatives in Belgium ; the diary of Blima alias Betty Sztajnberg who fled from Antwerp to the United Kingdom in 1940 with her mother and sister ; five photos, including pictures of Josef Weisz while serving in the Czechoslovakian army and pre-war photos of social and professional gatherings