Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1 to 20 of 43
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Italian
Language of Description: Slovak
Country: Ukraine
Holding Institution: Державний архів Одеської області
  1. Дирекція праці Губернаторства Трансністрії, м. Одеса.

    • Directorate of Labor of the Governorate of Transnistria, City of Odessa

    The fond includes two inventories systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. The fond contains (op. 1, 2) orders of the Romanian occupation authorities, including an order (2 January 1942) by head of state I. Antonescu and Transnistria civilian governor G. Alexianu on the forcible removal of Jews from Odessa and environs beginning 10 January 1942 and their settlement in ghettos (in northern Ochakov county and southern Berezovka county), and on the liquidation of the property of Jews; prefects’ letters on creating Jewish labor bureaus in the counties, including a state...

  2. Фінансова дирекція Губернаторства Трансністрії, м. Одеса.

    • Governorate of Transnistria Finance Directorate

    The fond includes two inventories systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Among materials held in the fond (op. 1-2) on the occupation authorities’ use of the forced labor of POWs and civilian specialists are documents directly concerning the Jewish population. These include reports by the director of the Finance Directorate on organizing the work of Jews in the camps of Transnistria (1942-44); a report of the Mogilev prefecture on the work of a commission on deporting Jews from Bukovina and Bessarabia to Transnistria (1942); lists of Jews driven from northern Buko...

  3. State Archive of the Odessa Region

    The fond includes four inventories systematized chronologically and, for personal files in op. 2L, alphabetically. Included are materials (op. 1) connected with the work of archive personnel in assisting the Odessa Regional Extraordinary State Commission, in particular, the album Fascist Atrocities in the Odessa Region during its Temporary Occupation, with photographs of the ghetto near the village of Bogdanovka (Domanevka district, Odessa region) showing external and internal views of living quarters, excavations of burial sites in places of mass shootings of Jews, a medical commission’s w...

  4. Documents and Materials on the History of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45 in the Territory of the Odessa Region: The Underground and Partisan Movement

    Documents on the underground and partisan struggle that took place in the territory of the Odessa region during World War II began to be put into storage in 1944 at the former Party Archive of the Odessa Regional Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine, where they were stored in fond P-11, op. 45 (Odessa Regional Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine). These documents were made into a separate consolidated collection (f. P-92) in 1975. In subsequent years, a number of units therefrom were transferred to the corresponding party archives of the Nikolaev and Kirovograd regions, and s...

  5. Головна регістратура Губернаторства Трансністрії, м Одеса

    • Main Registry of the Governorate of Transnistria, City of Odessa

    The fond consists of four inventories systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Documents (op. 1, 3-4) include correspondence of Governorate directorates with administrative institutions and military and police departments of Romania and Transnistria on the deportation of the Jewish population of Odessa, Bessarabia, and Bukovina into ghettos, the location and movements of Jews in the territory of Transnistria and their labor conscription fulfillment, on food ration deliveries, etc. (1942-43); lists of Jews (including a breakdown by sex and profession) in the ghettos ...

  6. Дирекція лісів Губернаторства Трансністрії, м. Одеса

    • Governorate of Transnistria Directorate of Forestry

    The fond includes one inventory systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Documents housed in the fond include correspondence of the Directorate of Forestry with prefectures and forestries on the forced transport of Jews to logging areas and their use there as a labor force (1942); on sending Jews to work at the Shargorod and Kryzhopol’ forestries (1942); and on the appointment of a Jewish specialist to the Directorate of Forestry (1942). There is also information on the condition of Jews in the Rybnitsa ghetto and the number of houses located therein; on the deplora...

  7. Дирекція індустрії Губернаторства Трансністрії, м. Одеса

    • Governorate of Transnistria Directorate of Industry

    The fond includes three inventories systematized chronologically. Documents in the fond include orders of the governor of Transnistria (11 November 1941) that a special count be taken of Jews, that special lists be drawn up of their settlement in colonies, and that their labor conscription be organized; (2 January 1942) that the Jews of Odessa be deported beginning 10 January 1942 with the aim of their subsequent settlement in ghettos (in northern Ochakov county and southern Berezovka county), and that the property of Jews be liquidated; correspondence with the Directorate of Labor on using...

  8. Префектура Березовського повіту, с. Березівка Березовського р-ну Одеської області

    • Berezovka County Prefecture, Village of Berezovka

    The fond’s inventories are systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Included are orders, circulars, and instructions of the Governorate of Transnistria and the Romanian Army command, and correspondence with various institutions on restrictive measures regarding Jews and their conscription in forced labor. Among these is information of the military praetorate of the village of Myndra (now in Moldova) on rounding up Jews and imprisoning them in camps (1942); military command instructions on using 4,000 Gypsies and Jews in the construction of defense installations (194...

  9. Претура Любашівського району, с. Любашівка Любашівського р-ну Одеської області

    • District Pretura of the Liubashevka District, Village of Liubashevka (Golta County)

    The fonds’ inventories are systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Included are directives, instructions, and orders of the Romanian civilian and military authorities on restrictive measures regarding Jews located in the territory of Transnistria. Among these are decrees of the Governorate of Transnistria forbidding Jews to mail packages and letters or use a Romanian-language greeting, and on rights granted to Jewish doctors; orders of the Liubashevka county prefecture barring correspondence and telephone communications between the Jews of Transnistria and Romania ...

  10. Одеська обласна комісія сприяння у роботі надзвичайної державної комісії по встановленню та розслідуванню лиходійства німецько-фашистськими загарбниками та їх спільниками і заподіяних ними збитків громадянам, колгоспам, громадським організаціям, підприємствам та установам.

    • The Odessa Regional Commission to Aid the Work of the Extraordinary State Commission to Ascertain and Investigate the Crimes of the German-Fascist Invaders and their Accomplices and the Damages Caused by them to Citizens, Collective Farms, Public Organizations, Enterprises, and Institutions of the USSR

    The fond includes one inventory systematized chronologically by year, and within years, by file significance. Contained in the fond are summary statistical data by district of the city of Odessa and the Odessa region regarding casualties among the civilian population during the German-Romanian occupation of 1941-44 (numbers of those killed, deceased, expelled to Germany, etc.), including information on the number of individuals located in ghettos. Similar information – on Odessa Jews discovered by the occupiers in their places of residence and sent to prisons and ghettos – is found in certa...

  11. Префектура Балтського повіту, м. Балта Балтського р-ну Одеської області

    • County Prefecture of the Balta County, City of Balta, Governorate of Transnistria

    The fond’s inventories are systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Included are orders, circulars, and instructions of the Governorate of Transnistria and the Romanian Army command, and correspondence with various institutions on restrictive measures regarding Jews and their conscription in forced labor. Among these are reports of police praetors and agents on living conditions of Jews in the camps of Balta county (f. R-2358, 1942); etc. A considerable portion of the documents consists of lists of the Jewish population, including of Jewish specialists of Ovidiopol’...

  12. Претура Березовського району, м. Березівка Березовського р-ну Одеської області.

    • District Pretura of the Berezovka District, City of Berezovka (Berezovka County)

    The fonds’ inventories are systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Included are directives, instructions, and orders of the Romanian civilian and military authorities on restrictive measures regarding Jews located in the territory of Transnistria. A significant number of documents concern Jews located in ghettos and labor camps. These include official correspondence of Governorate of Transnistria preturas and prefectures forbidding the issuance of passes to visit camps (f. R-2377, 1942). Documents of the Romanian authorities regarding the conscription of Jews into ...

  13. Дирекція комерції Губернаторства Трансністрії, м. Одеса

    • Governorate of Transnistria Directorate of Commerce

    The fond includes four inventories systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Documents in the fond include an order (31 December 1942) by the civilian governor of Transnistria to utilize Jews interned in the Vapniarka camp in forced labor, and the governor’s permission (1942) to utilize Jewish specialists from the city of Odessa in institutions of Transnistria; lists of Jewish bookkeepers located in the cities of Balta and Mogilev-Podol’skii and in Mogilev county (1942); etc. The documents are in Romanian and Russian.

  14. Дирекція охорони здоров'я Губернаторства Трансністрії, м. Одеса.

    • Directorate of Health of the Governorate of Transnistria, City of Odessa

    The fond includes two inventories systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Documents in the fond include (op. 1) a report (1942) by Dr. Mircha Beier on the condition of Jews in the Tiraspol’ ghetto; the ghetto’s population, sanitary conditions, etc.

  15. Archival Section of the Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Odessa Region, City of Odessa

    The fond includes forty-three inventories, in which documents are systematized chronologically and, for personal files in op. 11, 39, and 40L, alphabetically. Documents in the fond include (op. 2, 24) correspondence with the Main Archival Administration of the Ukrainian SSR, subsections of the NKVD and Ministry of Internal Affairs, and local organs of executive power on ascertaining and investigating crimes of the German-Romanian invaders in the Odessa region; chronologies of the occupation of population centers in the Odessa region, including information on instances of mass terror perpetr...

  16. Дирекція забезпечення Примарії Одеського муніципалітету, м. Одеса.

    • Odessa Municipal Primaria Procurement Directorate

    The fond includes four inventories systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Documents in the fond include the order (8 January 1943) of Odessa city head G. Pyntia that Jews’ and communists’ personal assets remaining after their deportation to the ghetto be leased to Romanian military and diplomatic personnel, officials, and other persons; instructions of the Odessa Municipal Primaria Procurement Directorate on the leasing and takeover of “ghetto property” and a report by commodities subsection chief N. Okul on the transfer of 4,000 apartments of Odessa residents dri...

  17. Дирекція агрикультури Губернаторства Трансністрії, м . Одеса.

    • Governorate of Transnistria Directorate of Agriculture
  18. Інспекторат в`язниць Губернаторства Трансністрії, м. Одеса.

    • Governorate of Transnistria Inspectorate of Prisons
  19. Дирекція культури Губернаторства Трансністрії, м. Одеса

    • Governorate of Transnistria Directorate of Culture
  20. Дирекція юстиції Губернаторства Трансністрії, м. Одеса.

    • Governorate of Transnistria Directorate of Justice