Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 41 to 60 of 163
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Croatian
Language of Description: Italian
Country: Moldova
  1. Bessarabian Regional Police Inspectorate. Rezina Police Station

    • Inspectoratul Regional de Poliție al Basarabiei. Poliţia centrelor de plasă. Rezina
    • Резинский комиссариат полиции
    • Rezinskiy komissariat politsii

    Notes of the guards about the Jews who were deported to the Soviet Union and those suspected of communist activity. Personal files of accused Jews of loyalty to the Soviet state who stayed in Bessarabia during the Soviet occupation. Bessarabian Regional Police Inspectorate orders about surveillance of foreigners, lists of people with foreign citizenship in Rezina. Copies of orders of Bessarabian Regional Police Inspectorate about the decisions taken to solve the Jewish problem. Informative report about moral and political attitudes of the population in the county Rezina. Correspondence with...

  2. Tighina Gendarmes Legions, County Sections and Posts

    • Legiunile de jandarmi, secţiile şi posturile judeţene Tighina
    • Жандармский легион, секции и посты Тигинского уезда
    • Zhandarmskiy legion, sektsii i posty Tiginskogo uyezda

    Personal files of Jews who were accused of robbery and injuring the villagers; information reports on the events and situation in the villages of Tighina county; Maer Jacob's suicide investigation file; protocols of gendarmerie posts on robberies committed by German military units in Gangur village; personal files of Trahtenberg Abram, Blishtmein Neiv and Spivak Berku accused of being members of the communist organization in Căușeni; manifesto of the Bessarabia regional committee of the communist party and the land committee addressed to all workers; files on prosecution of Falic Zeltser ac...

  3. Financial administration of Lăpușna district

    • Administrația financiară raională Lăpuşna
    • Лапушнянская уездная финансовая администрация

    Files on taxation of Jews owners of small business in Chișinău (alcohol factories, restaurants, private medical offices, shops, farm animals). Lists of owners of commercial and industrial enterprises in the county Lăpuşna. Information about social support offered to orphans. Lists of homeowners in Chișinău, 1927. Certificates for the right to sell alcohol in different counties of Bessarabia. Lists of alcohol factory owners in Bessarabia. Materials on activity of credit cooperatives of traders and producers in Chișinău. Certificates on private corporate's income of Chișinău residents with th...

  4. Bălți district prefecture and its subordinated preturas and town halls

    • Бельцкая уездная префектура и подчиненные ей претуры и примарии
    • Bel'tskaya uyezdnaya prefektura i podchinennyye yey pretury i primarii
    • Județul Bălți: prefecturile judeţene, subprefecturile plaselor/preturilor şi comunele subordinate

    Files on the issue of permit residents for foreign citizens to stay in Bălți. Correspondence with the sub-prefectures on the work of schools and churches. Lists of schools opened in county Bălți, 1920-1921. Lists of residents of villages: Fălești, Limbeni, Logofeni, Albineț, Catranîc, Năvîrneț, Obreja Veche, Obreja Nouă. Certificates that allow Jews to leave the country starting from 1932 until 1940. Files of Prefecture fight against speculation in food insdustry and other essential goods, 1940. The list of residents of county Bălți, where is indicated their residence and profession in 1928...

  5. Directorate of Internal Affairs of Bessarabia

    • Directoratul afacerilor interne ai Basarabiei
    • Директорат внутренних дел Бессарабии
    • Direktorat vnutrennikh del Bessarabii

    Files on the issuing the permit to the resident of Marculesti, Ioffe Mendel, to open a cinema theater. Correspondence with the police prefectures regarding people deported for their anti‐Romanian propaganda. Identity cards of the agents of Siguranta [secret police] from Chisinau. The requests for being accepted to work for Siguranta. Information about publishing houses from Chisinau and their owners. Information about the teachers from Soroca district. Information about the functionaries of prefectures and subprefectures of Bessarabia. The lists of teachers from Soroca girls’ and boys’ tech...

  6. Soroca City Hall

    • Primăria oraşului Soroca
    • Сорокская городская примэрия
    • Sorokskaya gorodskaya primeriya

    The record book of the owners of real estate; the minutes of the meetings of communal council; the lists of manufacturers insured with the central office of social assurance; the list of residents of Soroca town The list of residents of Soroca town; the list of residents of Soroca town and its suburbs; the lists of functionaries, civil servants, workers of city hall and state institutions; the lists of staff of Soroca women’s professional school # 2, who remained in Bessarabia under the Soviet regime; the budget of Soroca town for 1931; the budget of Soroca town for 1935‐36; the budget of S...

  7. Soroca Jewish Community

    • Comunitatea evreiască din or. Soroca
    • Еврейская община города Сороки
    • Yevreyskaya obshchina goroda Soroki

    Register of synagogues maintained by tailors in Soroca. The list of Jews who received Romanian citizenship. The file of 32 young people from Zgurița, who initiated summer school - Zionist Organization - in Soroca. Minutes of the community council meetings, where they discussed the situation of schools, providing financial expenses for operation of the board, political issues (checking voter lists to ensure that all Jewish citizens are included). Ballot papers for community council records. Correspondence with Soroca prefecture on administrative matters. Correspondence with military institut...

  8. Statistical Department of Bessarabia

    • Direcția de Statistică a Basarabiei
    • Статистическое управление Бессарабии
    • Statisticheskoye upravleniye Bessarabii

    Information reports on population movement in Bessarabia in 1924

  9. Statistical Department of Bessarabia

    • Статистическое управление Бессарабии
    • Direcția de Statistică a Basarabiei
    • Statisticheskoye upravleniye Bessarabii

    Register of the rural population of villages Năvîrneț and Petrești, county Bălți

  10. Bălți Town Hall

    • Бельцкая городская примария
    • Primăria oraşului Bălţi
    • Bel'tskaya gorodskaya primariya

    Materials for the construction of the vegetable oil factory owned by brothers Tsepeman. Granted permission to businessmen Ghersh and Sendl for building a house. House plan.

  11. Bălți Town Hall

    • Primăria oraşului Bălţi
    • Бельцкая городская примария
    • Bel'tskaya gorodskaya primariya

    Minutes of the Provisional Council of the City Hall. Lists of factories, workers and owners of printing houses in Bălți. Municipality statement toward the city's population to contribute to get out of the crisis in 1929. The status of Jewish community in Bălți. The personal file of the architect, Etti-Rosa Stfer and the civil servant, Tishler Moishe. Lists of financial agents, owners of bakeries and agricultural land with grape-vine from Bălți.

  12. Bălți Town Hall

    • Primăria oraşului Bălţi
    • Бельцкая городская примария
    • Bel'tskaya gorodskaya primariya

    Lists of military personal from Bălți recruited in 1919, 1920, 1921 and 1934. Minutes of the Municipal Council in 1936. Materials on renting kiosk in Bălți by Boruh Kleiman

  13. Republican Board of the Moldovan SSR to promote the activity of the emergency state commission for the Investigation of crimes committed by German-Fascist invaders

    • Реcпубликанская Комиссия Молдавской ССР по содействию в работе чрезвычайной государственной Комисии по установлению и расследованию злодеяний немецко-фашистских захватчиков
    • Respublikanskaya Komissiya Moldovskoi SSR po sodeistviju v rabote chrezycainoi gosudarstvennoj Komisii po ustanovleniju i rassledovaniju zlodeyanij nemetski-fashistskih zahbatchikov
    • Comisia de asistență republicană a RSS Moldovenească pentru a sprijini activitatea comisiei de urgență de stat pentru investigarea crimelor comise de invadatorii germano-fasciști

    Materials about prejudices and crimes committed by Germans and Romanians in Bessarabia. Commission report on the investigation of crimes and prejudices committed against the population of Bălți county during Romanian administration.

  14. Cahul County Tribunal

    • Tribunal judeţean Cahul
    • Кагульский уездный трибунал
    • Kagul'skiy uyezdnyy tribunal

    The case on charging of Zelikovich Avram and Saktsier Yakov for anti-Romanian activities; correspondence with the Cahul gendarme legion and gendarme posts about people engaged in propaganda in favor of the Iron Guard organizations and the National Christian Party; cases on charging various individuals for anti-Romanian activities, charging various individuals in disarming Romanian troops during the retreat and insult of the Romanian nation

  15. Lăpuşna Gendarmes Legions, County Sections and Posts

    • Legiunile de jandarmi, secţiile şi posturile judeţene Lăpuşna
    • Жандармский легион, секции и посты Лапушнянского уезда
    • Zhandarmskiy legion, sektsii i posty Lapushnyanskogo uyezda

    Files of the Lăpuşna Gendarmes Legions (including correspondence with the gendarmerie posts of the county on issuing permits for carrying weapons; internment prisoners to the camp); files of gendarme sections of villages in Lăpuşna district (including patrol sheets; list of persons suspected of underground communist activities; circular regulations of the Siguranţa and Lăpuşna gendarmerie department on monitoring the communist movement; lists of foreign nationals residing in the county; lists of gendarmes in Lăpuşna district; informational reports of gendarme posts on the mood of the reside...

  16. Cahul County Tribunal

    • Tribunal judeţean Cahul
    • Кагульский уездный трибунал
    • Kagul'skiy uyezdnyy tribunal

    Reports of the Cahul district prefecture and the police of the city of Cahul on the moral integrity of the residents; correspondence with gendarme posts and other institutions of the county about the verification of persons suspected of committing various crimes; cases of inventory of the property of individuals repressed by the Soviet authorities

  17. Lăpuşna County Tribunal

    • Tribunal judeţean Lăpuşna
    • Лапушнянский уездный трибунал
    • Lapushnyanskiy uyezdnyy tribunal

    Cases of the chancellery (lists of county gendarmes; reports to the Attorney General about daily incidents in the city); cases of determining the date of birth (including date of birth of Joseph Birman; Pinya Zilberman; Basya Kleiman, etc.); cases of legalization of children; cases of recognition of the fact of marriage (including marriage by Rosa Schwartzman with Schwartzman Copel; Heikel' Schwartzman with Welya Schwartzman); divorce cases; property division cases; cases of registration of trade enterprises and firms (including the fruit shop owned by Herman Abramovich; grocery store owned...

  18. Lăpuşna County Tribunal

    • Tribunal judeţean Lăpuşna
    • Лапушнянский уездный трибунал
    • Lapushnyanskiy uyezdnyy tribunal

    Investigative material on the charges with the communist activities of Shoym Palancker and Leiba Goudis; material on the charge of Itzik Weitzmann with participation in the communist movement; investigative material on charges of Ida Ostrinskaya with communist activities; the same for Elic Kigel'; the same for Benjamin Weinberg and Z. Goldstein; investigative material on Rosa Gladshteyn; Reizi Sherman et al.; the same for Chaim Katsal; the same for Mendel Presem; the same for Esther Poghel' and Gersh Zuckerman; the same for Liya Jester, Feyga Averbukh and Sheyndiya Kuchuk; the same for Meer...

  19. Ananiev district prefecture and its subordinated preturas and town halls

    • Judeţul Ananiev – prefercturile judeţene, subprefecturile plaselor (preturilor) şi comunelor subordinate lor din stînga Nistrului
    • Примарии Ананьевского уезда
    • Primarii Anan'yevskogo uyezda

    Order of the primaria on the fulfillment of duties by the residents of the Ananiev district; list of policemen at Ananyevka village; lists of residents in Ananievka village et al.

  20. Ananiev district prefecture and its subordinated preturas and town halls

    • Judeţul Ananiev – prefercturile judeţene, subprefecturile plaselor (preturilor) şi comunelor subordinate lor din stînga Nistrului
    • Примарии Ананьевского уезда
    • Primarii Anan'yevskogo uyezda

    Files of the town hall of Chernovo village in Chernovsky district in Ananiev county (lists of persons who extradited Soviet citizens to the Romanian authorities; information about the policemen related to the town hall; information about tax collection from the residents) et al.