Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 14,541 to 14,560 of 39,504
Language of Description: German
Language of Description: English
  1. Soroca Jewish Community

    • Comunitatea evreiască din or. Soroca
    • Еврейская община города Сороки
    • Yevreyskaya obshchina goroda Soroki

    Register of synagogues maintained by tailors in Soroca. The list of Jews who received Romanian citizenship. The file of 32 young people from Zgurița, who initiated summer school - Zionist Organization - in Soroca. Minutes of the community council meetings, where they discussed the situation of schools, providing financial expenses for operation of the board, political issues (checking voter lists to ensure that all Jewish citizens are included). Ballot papers for community council records. Correspondence with Soroca prefecture on administrative matters. Correspondence with military institut...

  2. XII. SS-Armeekorps

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Die überlieferten Schriftgutsplitter stammen aus Rückführungen aus den USA. Bestandsbeschreibung Von der Führungsabteilung (Ia) ist lediglich eine Akte mit Befehlen erhalten. Darüber hinaus wurde in den Bestand auch eine Nachkriegsaufzeichnung aus dem Jahr 1947 aufgenommen. Erschliessungszustand Vollständig erschlossen Zitierweise BArch RS 2-12/...

  3. Bayerische Staatskanzlei 1: NS-Zeit

    Protokolle des Staatsrats bzw. des Geheimen Rates; Protokolle des Ministerrats (von 1912-1954); Berichte des Regierungspräsidenten (1919-1945); Berichte der Polizeidirektion München (1924-1932, 1934-1937), Nürnberg-Fürth (1924-1932) und Augsburg (1934-1943); Berichte aus Berlin über Parteibewegungen (1919-1923); Berichte des Reichskommissars für Überwachung der öffentlichen Ordnung (1920-1929). Die Akten bieten vor allem für die Zeit nach 1945 einen Querschnitt durch alle Verwaltungszweige so­wie Unterlagen zum Verfassungsleben und zur Vertretung Bayerns in Deutschland und im Ausland. Zeitg...

  4. Selected records from the British Colonial Office : Confidential general and confidential original correspondence files on Palestine

    Contains confidential records relating to the distribution of immigration certificates to Jews in DP camps in Germany, the rate of immigration, illegal immigration, and files relating to the formation of a Jewish fighting force in Palestine.

  5. Nighttime event in Olympic Stadium; display of jousting

    Olympic Stadium, Berlin. EXT, extreme LS, undercranked night scene, all actions occur at exaggerated rate of speed. HASs from a seat in the stadium. Night scenes, spotlighted entry into stadium, marchers with flags, horses, acrobats and figures in formation, running and jousting. In the last sequence the silhouetted heads/hats of the audience are visible in the FG.

  6. Sumy Regional committee of the Communist party of Ukraine

    • Сумський обласний комітет Комуністичної партії України
    • Sumskyi oblasnyi komitet Komunystychnoi partii Ukrainy

    Collection includes: Acts of damage and materials on crimes committed by German fascist invaders. Information about the mass graves (inventory 1). Documents about participation of the Jews in the Soviet partisan and underground movement during the WWII. Lists of Soviet partisans and underground fighters include individuals of the Jewish origin: inventory 3п, file 15, pp. 1-10, 12, 14-17, 19-21, 25, 26, file 88, pp. 13, 17, file 106, pp. 7-12, 21, 23, file 190, pp. 7, 18, file 238, pp. 19, 20, 22-24, 28, 33, 35, 38-40, 73, 74, 76, 77, 102, file 239, pp. 3, 6, 7, file 256, pp. 5, 6, file 257,...

  7. Jacob Ettlingers arkiv

    • Riksarkivet
    • Jacob Ettlingers arkiv
    • English
    • 1916-1952
    • 4 linear meter of records. Textual material, financial records, printed material, photographs and film.

    Jacob Ettlinger's (1880-1952) archive consists of a total of four shelf meters and includes many records related to the Holocaust. For example, series number 3: Jacob Ettlingers ”privata” pärmar 1932–1952 (Jacob Ettlinger's "private" binders 1932-1952) consists of 27 volumes in cardboard boxes. They include alphabetically arranged correspondence containing information from survivors of war and camps, lists of relatives and friends sought through the Red Cross and other aid organizations, and lists of survivors. There are also documents relating to Ettlinger's work in sending aid to German...

  8. De Kadt family at home in warmer weather

    Toddler Wilhelmina (Willie) and a baby picnic on the lawn with three adults; 01:02:39 Willie gets a haircut outdoors (because she had eczema) and roams naked in the grass; 01:06:09 Willie is sprayed with water by an adult standing behind the camera, and bathes in a metal tub outdoors. She holds a teddy bear and plays in the yard with glasses; 01:10:42 Willie carries a bouquet of flowers across the lawn toward the camera.

  9. Louise Wegweiser Kruk papers

    The collection primarily consists of post-war photographs documenting the experiences of Louise Wegweiser Kruk, originally of Tłuste, Poland, in the Föhrenwald, Rivoli, and Turin displaced persons camps. Also included is the marriage certificate for Louise and Martin Wegweiser, whom she married in Turin in 1947; and an O.R.T. diploma for Louise received in 1949.

  10. Collection of various documents Obce registratury (Sygn.VI)

    Records collected by various institutions, organizations, and offices: correspondence of prisoners from several camps and of prisoners of war; documents regarding individuals released from camps at Bliżyn, Dębica, Zamość, and Krochmalna Str. in Lublin; minutes of meetings of chief village headmen and town mayors in Kraśnik district (1941‒1944); lists of people arrested in the village of Jamy; documents of the Arbeitsamt (labor office) in Lublin; files from the St. Paul parish in Lublin regarding prisoner deaths; other documents.

  11. Birgit N. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Birgit N., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1923. She recalls her assimilated family; being allowed to attend public school as a Jew only because of her father's service in World War I; his emigration to Holland in 1935; her present guilt at not intervening when a Jewish student was harassed; emigration with her mother to Holland in 1938; attending a Quaker school; their departure by ship to Chile; the sinking of the ship by a German mine and their rescue (many passengers perished); remaining in England as disaster refugees; going to Shanghai via Canada in 1940, the...

  12. Dachverband Freier Weltanschauungsgemeinschaften e.V.

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Der DFW ging 1991 aus dem Deutschen Volksbund für Geistesfreiheit (DVfG) hervor. Er setzt die Bestrebungen zur Bündelung der freigeistig-humanistischen Kräfte in Deutschland fort. Der DFW verfolgt das Ziel, die Verwirklichung und Entwicklung der Menschen- und der Grundrechte im öffentlichen Leben zu erreichen. Es setzt sich insb. ein für Geistesfreiheit und für die Freiheit der Weltanschauung, des Glaubens, Gewissens und der Religion. Stand: Okt. 2017 Bearbeitungshinweis Erschließungsdaten stehen online zur Verfügung Bestandsbeschreibung Der Bestand gelangte ...

  13. Flottille der Marineführungsdienste

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Am 1. Juni 1956 wurde das Marinefernmeldekommando aufgestellt. Zum 1. Februar 1962 wurde es in Kommando der Marineführungsdienste umbenannt. Am 1. Oktober 1965 erfolgte eine Eingliederung in das Marineamt. Mit Aufstellungsbefehl Nr. 195 -Marine- zum 1. Oktober 1974 wurde das Marineführungsdienstkommando (MFÜDstKdo) in Kiel aufgestellt. Truppendienstlich und für den Einsatz war es dem Flottenkommando unterstellt, wirtschaftlich der Marinedivision Ostsee. Der Aufgabenbereich des MFÜDstKdo umfasste: den landgebundenen Fernmeldedienst mit Fernmeldeverbindungsdien...

  14. Sailing on the SS Normandie in 1938

    People on board the SS Normandie sailing from Le Havre, France on October 5, 1938, including Erna, leaning against the rails, reading papers. More views of ship passengers and Sally at 01:44:39.

  15. Liliane Steinfeld. Collection

    This collection contains : several documents regarding members of the Steinfeld/Stainfeld family during the war, two photos of deported Steinfeld family members, a Gestapo pin and a scrapbook containing a collection of wartime cartoons published in British and American newspapers, gathered by Liliane Steinfeld.

  16. Fürsorgezentrale der IKG Wien, Auswanderungsabteilung, Gildemeester-Auswanderungshilfsaktion

    Erhebungsblätter der Gildemeester-Auswanderungshilfsaktion über Schutzhäftlinge in Dachau, Mitarbeiterlisten der Gildemeester-Auswanderungshilfsaktion, Korrespondenzen sowie diverse Formulare (1938 bis 1941, 1944)

  17. March of Time -- outtakes -- Soldiers; Munich Pact

    667 KK (09:01:12): Hilly countryside. Underground bunker with barbed wire. Group of soldiers going underground with rifles. Beds. Removing gear. Shaving, barechested. Pouring water from large bucket (preparing food?). Ladder. Switchboard. Nazi Party Rally. German horses, tanks, boats, submarines, planes. 667 MM (09:03:44) Heston Airport with Chamberlain leaving for Munich. Cabinet members at airport. 03:36:44 Plane taking off. 03:37:02 London street scenes, sandbagging. Marines jumping off truck. 03:38:08 Mussolini arriving with Adolf Hitler, entering hall where Munich Pact was signed. 03:3...

  18. Friedrich L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Friedrich L., a Catholic Romani, who was born in Frankfurt, Germany in 1915, one of eight children. He recalls their traveling musical show; expulsion from the national musicians organization and no longer being allowed to travel due to anti-Romani laws; escaping with his sister to Yugoslavia (they were the only survivors); posing as a German musician; Ustas?as burning a barn filled with people; living in Austria; returning to Munich after the war; meeting his wife; and performing with his son because all his colleagues had been killed. Mr. L. discusses not speaking o...

  19. Selected records. Obóz Koncentracyjny Stutthof Konzentrationslager Stutthof (GK 138)

    Personal files of guards at the Stutthof concerntration camp, including Ukrainians, Lithuanians and Russians; lists of soldiers of the dissolved National Army of General Kurdic, operating in Lithuania (approximately 1,000 names) and pay lists, surveys of arrested persons; list of children from Tuszynek admitted to the camp.

  20. Dancing; young people relaxing by the river in swimsuits

    INTs, dancing couples including Győrgy at 01:26 (could be postwar 1945 or 1946). 01:28 Outdoors by the river (prewar summer), includes Bandi Kardos who perished in Holocaust. A man photographs a young woman lying on a boat. A different couple lounges in the grass. Woman in bikini puts on makeup as the man continues to photograph her. The group of young friends joke around on the riverside beach, CUs. HAS, they relax in chairs on a pier. Film ends 03:02