Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 81 to 100 of 166
Language of Description: Danish
Language of Description: German
Language of Description: English
Country: Lithuania
  1. Laikraščio ,,Panevėžio apygardos balsas“ redakcija

    • Editors of the Newspaper "Panevėžio apygardos balsas" (English: The Voice of Panevėžys County)

    Propaganda of Lithuanians nationalists; programme of the Lithuanian Activist Front (with some antisemitic paragraphs); various announcements and reports of the Nazi authorities, proclamations, drafts of nationalist articles, etc.

  2. Vilniaus miesto policijos 3-ioji nuovada

    • Police Station No 3 of the City of Vilnius

    Various administrative documentation; reports about incidents in the county, about moods of locals; documentation concerning transferring of Jews to the ghetto, confiscation and registration of Jewish property; lists of Jews; lists of Vilnius Criminal Police, reports about accident in the "Kailis" forced labour camp for Jews in Vilnius (on November 1943); other items.

  3. Vilniaus miesto savivaldybė

    • Stadtverwaltung Wilna
    • Municipality of the City of Vilnius

    This collection holds "documents dealing with the use of the Vilnius Ghetto inmates for work, payrolls, food cards for Jews, lists of the Jews in Vilnius 1 and 2 ghettos (September 1941), requests by gentiles to buy confiscated Jews' property" (Galina Žirikova, Lietuvos centrinio valstybės archyvo fondai : holokausto Lietuvoje tyrimo šaltinis (The Collections of the State Archive of Lithuania: a Source of Research on the Holocaust in Lithuania), Vilnius: Valstybinis Vilniaus Gaono Žydų Muziejus, p. 11. The fonds consists of personal documents of residents (154108 personal cards), docum...

  4. Atrinkti dokumentai iš Gosudarstvennij Archiv Rossijskoj Federacii (GARF)

    • Selected Documents from the State Archive of the Russian Federation
    • Atrinkti dokumentai iš Valstybinio Rusijos Federacijos archyvo

    Protocols of the witnesses of the mass killings in the Vilnius and Suvalkai area, in the Vilnius ghetto, Paneriai mass killing site. Memoirs of the Jewish survivors (members of the corpses burning brigade in Paneriai) and IX Fort in Kaunas. Protocols, acts, and other documentation compiled by the Extraordinary Soviet Commission (1944). First list of Jews living in Lithuania (compiled on September 1944). Total 1195 persons (data includes names, names of both parents, birth date). Second list of Jewish residents in Lithuania (27 September 1944). Total 468 persons (name, surname, place of birth).

  5. Atrinkti dokumentai iš Tsentr Khroneniya Istoriko-Dokumentalnykh Kolektsyi (TsKIDK)

    • Selected Records from the Tsentr Khroneniya Istoriko-Dokumentalnykh Kolektsyi (TsKIDK)/ Centre for the Preservation of Historical Document Collections

    Walter Stahlecker's second report and Karl Jäger's report on the actions of Einsatzgruppen A and local collaborators in Lithuania (October 1941-February 1942).

  6. Ministry of Domestic Affairs of the Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic (Vilnius)

    This fonds contains official orders, decrees, proclamations, and announcements from the occupying authorities. Proclamation by the Liberation propaganda headquarters in Lithuania: proclamation urging people to fight the "Jewish constitution" and demeaning Jews. Appeal to fight Soviet rule; appeal to fight the Jews. The Jews accused of deporting Lithuanians. Proclamation of the information bureau of Lithuania in Berlin (part 4 is addressed to Jews: they are advised to "get out of Lithuania to avoid becoming unnecessary victims"). Call to expropriate Jews' property.

  7. Atrinkti duomenys iš Eesti Riigi Archiiv

    • Selected Records from the Eesti Riigi Archiiv
    • Selected Records from the Estonian State Archives

    1943-1944. Register lists of the prisoners (forced labourers; also register of sick prisoners); alphabetical collection of personal cards of Jewish prisoners' (from Vilnius and Kaunas ghettos); the cards of prisoners who tried to escape and were shot. Documentation of the Extraordinary Soviet Commission (microfilms). 1944.

  8. Lietuvos SSR valstybės saugumo komitetas (KGB)

    • Security Committee (KGB) of Lithuania SSR

    Criminal proceedings (protocols of interrogations, information which deals with personal data of the arrested persons, photos, sometimes-small personal belongings (certificates, books, checks, drawings, photos of the members of the family and ect.), protocols of the questioning to witnesses, various decrees and reports (part of them with the sign: Secret). The subfonds includes approx. 1034 criminal files for people who have been suspected or accused of colaboration, for people who partipicated in mass killings of Jews ect.). - Criminal files No. 8890/3, 36137/3, 739/3, 45275/3, 36138/3, 20...

  9. Trakų apskrities viršininko fondas

    • Chief of Trakai County

    The collection of the chief of Trakai (Troki) county contains important documents concerning activities of the Jewish community and Jewish organizations before the Second World War. There are also documents about establishing ghettos in the district, confiscation of Jewish private property, and annihilation of Jews in the province of Lithuania.

  10. LSSR-MGB-KGB centro skyriai (pabiros)

    • Lithuanian SSR-MGB-KGB Central Departments (Loose Files)

    Some files of the subfond are related to the Holocaust (surveillance/criminal proceeding files (interrogation and confrontation protocols, testimonies of witnesses and ect.) for people who colaborated with the Nazi and were involved into annihilation process of local Jews). - files No. 1234, 1251, 1290, 4907-4909, 4911, 4912, 4913 (11 volumes), 4914-4916: related to activities of the Special Squad (Sonderkommando Vilinius SD) which operated in the Paneriai (Ponary) mass killing site.

  11. Lietuvos TSR valstybės saugumo komiteto (KGB) operatyvinės įskaitos bylos

    • Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic Security Committee (KGB) Operative Follow-Up Files

    "SSRS OGPU-GUGB-NKVD-MGB-KGB and Lithuanian SSR NKVD-KGB operative files compiled by reconnaissance department (for the poltiticians, cultural and political leaders, activists of the the Uprising on June, 1941, local partisans, leaders of the antisoviet oragnizations, disidents, refugees from the Soviet Union and criminals" (Based on LYA). There are operative files (which deals with prosecution and surveillance proceedings) related to suspicious persons or to group of persons (for example: leaders of Jewish organizations (in Interwar period and early Soviet occupation period in 1940) and re...

  12. Ukmergės kalėjimas

    • Ukmergė Prison

    Many files of people who were arrested and interrogated at the prison; files of political and criminal prisoners and POW's; personal files of Jews who were imprisoned there from the end of June 1941 until September 1941, as well as documents about prison activities.

  13. Ukmergės apylinkės teismas

    • The Court of the Rural District of Ukmergė

    The fonds contains civil and criminal files, protocols of the interrogations of eyewitnesses with testimonies about events in the town during the Second World War.

  14. Atrinkti dokumentai iš Latvijas Valsts Vestures Arhivs (LVVA)

    • Selected Documents from the Latvian State Historical Archives

    List of Vilnius Jews (75 persons) transported to Riga, compiled in 1944 by the Extraordinary Soviet Commission; the certificate of the graduation from the Vilnius ghetto school issued to ghetto prisoner Lejba Lewkowitsch (1 July 1943); list of Vilnius Jews (44 persons) transported for annihilation to Riga, compiled in 1944 by the Extraordinary Soviet Commission (includes dates of birth and occupations in the ghetto); the excerpt from the Stahlecker's report "Jüdischer Einfluss auf die Lebensgebiete im Ostland" (15 October 1941); SS Sturmbannführer Stübor's entry about the solution of the Je...

  15. Atrinkti duomenys iš Štutthofo muziejaus archyvo. I-11B-10

    • Selected Records from the Archive of the Stutthof Museum. I-11B-10

    List of 957 Kaunas Jews transported to Stutthof concentration camp (17 July 1944). Lists of 1095 Kaunas Jews women and children transported to Stutthof concentration camp (19 July 1944). List of 1321 Kaunas Jews transported to Stutthof concentration camp (25 July 1944). List of 1683 Lithuanian Jews transported to Stutthof concentration camp (26 July 1944). List of 793 Kaunas Jews (mostly women) transported to Stutthof concentration camp (4 August 1944). List of 1001 Jews (mostly from Lithuania) transported from Stutthof concentration camp to Natzweiler concentration camp (29 September 1944)...

  16. Rukšėnas K. Hitlerininkų politika Lietuvoje 1941-1944 metais (Istorijos mokslų kandidato disertacija)

    • Nazi Policy in Lithuania 1941-1944 (K. Rukšėnas, PhD Dissertation)

    This work contains information about Nazi attitudes toward Jews, about forced labour camps for Jews, and about Jewish prisoners in Lithuanian jails.

  17. Žydų padėties nuostatai

    • The Regulations on the Status of the Jews

    The "Regulations on the Status of the Jews" were declared by the Provisional Government and regulated the lives of the Jews in Lithuania. Under these regulations the Jews of Lithuania were deprived of all human and civil rights and were obliged to wear special marking.

  18. ELTA informacija. Buržuazinių nacionalistų kovos veiksmų aprašymas traukiantis Raudonajai armijai Vilniuje ir Trakuose

    • Information from News Agency ELTA (Electronic Lithuanian Telegrams Agency). Descriptions of the Fighting Between the Red Army and Local Nationalists in the First Days of Second World War (When the Red Army Was Retreating) in Vilnius and Trakai

    Information about activities (including correspondence, notes, letters, writings) of units of the white arm-banded local partisans who were fighting against communists and Jews.

  19. ELTA informacija. Bolševikų bėgimas iš Ukmergės

    • Information from news agency ELTA (Electronic Lithuanian Telegrams Agency). Escape of the Bolsheviks from Ukmergė

    Correspondence, notes, writings send to ELTA (Electronic Lithuanian Telegrams Agency) about the first days of WWII in Ukmergė, including information about people (most of whom were Jews) arrested by local activists.

  20. Hitlerininkų piktadarybėms tirti respublikinės komisijos aktai

    • Documents of the State Commissions for Investigation of Nazi Crimes

    The fonds consists of the documents of the Extraordinary Commission on the crimes of the Nazis and local collaborators. Files include information about crimes in almost every region of Lithuania (except Jurbarkas, Švenčionėliai, Varėna, and Vilkaviškis). Other items inlude documents compiled by the Vilnius, Kaunas, Šiauliai, Panevėžys towns' and districts' commissions about the crimes, testimonies of witnesses, testimonies about the camp for evacuated people in Alytus; testimonies about people killed or deported to do forced labour in the Germany; various kinds of the documentation regardin...