Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 16,101 to 16,120 of 22,191
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Selected records from the Central State Archive of Public Organizations of Ukraine (Former Ukrainian Communist Party Archive), L’viv

    Contains records of the Extraordinary Commission to Investigate German-Fascist Crimes Committed on Soviet Territory. The materials pertain to the L’viv oblast, including reports on atrocities and mass killings and name lists of victims.

  2. Oral history interview with Simon Strauss

  3. Extraordinary State Commission to Investigate German-Fascist Crimes Committed on Soviet Territory from the USSR

    This collection contains selected material about victims, crimes against persons, and perpetrators, and excludes information about crimes against property. Documents include victim name lists, protocols of interrogating eyewitnesses by local members of the Extraordinary Commission, and signed depositions summarizing the commission’s findings. Also included are photos, diagrams, and maps showing the location of atrocities and graves.

  4. Delegacy of Government for a Country Poland, Department of Internal Affairs records Delegatura Rządu Polskiego na Kraj, Ministerstwo Spraw Wewnętrznych (Sygn. 202/II)

    Contains information about the activities of the Delegacy of a Government for a Country Poland and its subordinate units during the German occupation. Of special interest is information about prisons in various Polish cities; concentration camps; communist activity; conditions in the Warsaw ghetto; and underground movements.

  5. Delegatura Rządu Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej na Kraj. Rada Pomocy Żydom "Żegota"; Rada Narodowościowa; Sekcja Finansowa, and Biuro Delegatura Rządu (Sygn. 202/XV-XVIII)

    Contains information about the activities of the Department for Aid to Jews, and other offices.The bulk of the materials consist of reports, publications, interviews, lectures and financial documents relating to topics of concern for the exile government including the Polish economy, propaganda, and foreign policy.

  6. Delegacy of Government for a Country Poland, Department of Information and Press Delegatura Rządu Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej na Kraj. Departament Informacji i Prasy (Sygn. 202/III/1-116)

    Contains information on the activities of the Department of Information and Press; monitoring of Nazi terrorism; monitoring of resistance movements; monitoring of radio broadcasts in Poland; surveys of underground press; and surveys of foreign press. Also contains information on Majdanek and other concentration camps, file # 202/III-12.

  7. Delegatura Rządu Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej na Kraj. Departament Sprawiedliwości, Przemysłu, Handlu i Rolnictwa (Sygn.202/IV-VI)

    Contains information about laws and legislation; conditions in industry (especially petroleum and electronics); financial and economic situations; and the agricultural situation during the German occupation of Poland.

  8. Delegatura Rządu Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej na Kraj. Departamenty Edukacji, Pracy, Pomocy Społecznej, Skarbu, Komunikacji, Robót Publicznych i Rekonstrukcji, Likwidacji Konsekwencji Wojny, Narodowej Obrony (Sygn.202/VII-XIII)

    Contains information about the establishment, administration, financial management, and activities of several Delegacy of Government departments including the departments of Education, Labor and Welfare, Treasury, Communication, Public Works and Reconstruction, Liquidation of the Consequences of War, and National Defense during the German occcupation. Also contains information about economic conditions in Warsaw during the German occupation.

  9. Nazi propaganda: war in the Balkans

    This "Sonderbericht der Deutschen Wochenschau" [Special report of the German weekly newsreel] starts on April 4, 1941 with footage of Goebbels addressing the German people via radio and von Ribbentrop delivering diplomatic letters to the ambassadors of Yugoslavia and Greece. Then soldiers, armored personal carriers, and tanks cross the Yugoslav border into Croatia from Styria, thus opening the Southeastern front of WWII after an alleged 'new provocation by the British.' German Stukas [dive fighters] and Italian warplanes fly over Greek mountains. Serbian fortresses and bunkers are captured,...

  10. Odessa Oblast Archive records from the collections of Yad Vashem

    Contains documentation of the Romanian occupation of Transnistria and the fate of the Jews on that territory. Subjects include the evacuation of Jews from Odessa; Aryanization; the activities of the gendarmerie; the forced labor of Jews, including physicians, pharmacists, and dentists; transports to ghettos, with name lists; support for Jews in Transnistria from the Jewish community in Bucharest; and public health matters.

  11. Antisemitic Nazi propaganda film (part)

    A propaganda film declared as a "documentary film contribution about the problem of world Judaism," in which antisemitic stereotypes are disseminated by the Nazis, including scenes showing: Poland as a nesting place for Judaism; the comparison of Jews with rats; the difference between Jews and Aryans; "international crime"; "financial Judaism"; "assimilated Jews"; the Jewish influence on economics, culture, and politics; and Jewish religious practice with a portrayal of haggling and misused sacred Jewish texts.

  12. Oral history interview with Freda Silberberg Wineman

  13. Memories revisited

    Testimony, typescript, 13 pages, "Memories Revisited" by Fred Rosenbaum, 1995. Recounts feelings and experiences in returning to his childhood home in Vienna fifty years after his family fled the Nazis.

  14. Photocopies of documents, letters and publications relating to the persecution of Jews and Jewish resistance in Belgium during the Holocaust

    Photocopies of documents, letters and publications relating to the persecution of Jews and Jewish resistance in Belgium during the Holocaust.

  15. Arthur Klein and Rudolf Huber memoirs

    Contains testimonies by Arthur Klein and Rudolf Huber about the Jewish communities in Nove Mesto and Zarosice, Czechoslovakia during German occupation. Includes translations of the texts created by Fred and Leon Deutsch.

  16. Rampart "Szaniec"

    Szaniec (Rampart) was a weekly newsletter devoted to Poles in captivity. This collection contains articles about forced labor, the massacre of Polish intellectuals, resettlement, news from the front, and the German occupation of other countries.

  17. "Outpost" "Placówka"

    Contains copies of Placówka, a weekly newspaper for “the Polish village” published clandestinely in Warsaw in 1940. Topics include discussions of the war in general including war news in other theaters and U.S. efforts to build a war machine larger than Germany’s; the need for Polish farmers to retain their land at all costs; the efforts of the occupiers to substitute German and Soviet culture for Polish culture; Soviet deportations of Poles; a speech by the Pope; and plans for the postwar period (assuming the defeat of Germany), specifically that Poland should use German lands to solve agr...

  18. Der Befehlshaber der Sicherheitspolizei und des Sicherheitsdienstes in Frankreich records (Sygn. 350)

    Contains records from the commander-in-chief of the Sicherheitspolizei and SD in France. Included are organization and personal files on Frenchmen and Germans; financial and economic records on matters such as salaries, taxes, and pay lists; files on the Catholic church; material about youth organizations; orders and correspondence of the SD; and documents regarding the resistance.

  19. "Multiply by Six Million - Portraits and Stories of Holocaust Survivors"

    Multiply by Six Million - Portraits and Stories of Holocaust Survivors, formerly entitled "Legacy: Portraits of Holocaust Survivors" was a project began by Evvy Eisen in 1992, which sought to photograph Holocaust survivors and accompany their portraits with a biography of their life during the Holocaust. The portraits are taken in black and white silver gelatin prints. While most of the portraits are 11"x14", some of the later portraits are 8"x11." The biographies are generally several pages long, and tell the stories of each individual’s story through the Holocaust. The United States Holoc...