Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 301 to 320 of 22,191
Language of Description: English
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Jewish Brigade, 1940-1949

    The Jewish Brigade in action in Italy: Mortars firing; soldiers showing Star of David on tank. Brig Gen Benjamin talking to Major Jackson. 25 pound gun in action. CUs, soldiers, badges. Night fighting patrol lined up and receiving instructions from officer. Funeral ceremonies for member killed in action, Star of David tomb marker. German prisoners captured by the Jewish Brigade. VAR, CUs of Germans and smiling Brigade officers.

  2. Highlights from the Film and Video Archive in the year 2006

    Orphans 5 Presentation, SC Julien Bryan Collection Orthodox Jews in the Jewish quarter of Krakow, 1936. Old market square and synagogue. Close-ups of Jewish boys. 3:05 minutes, Silent Stanley Baker Collection This collection consists of amateur film shot by members of an American family who were living in Vienna when the Germans entered Austria in 1938. One clip shows jubilant crowds celebrating the Anschluss. Another sequence documents the damage done to Jewish shops immediately after the German takeover and shows Helen Baker as she is prevented from entering a Jewish shop by an Austrian m...

  3. "Deutsche Welle"

  4. Oral history interview with Jacqueline Wolf

  5. Soviet parade; beach; Kharkov Trial verdict; US soldiers in Paris

    Title: UNIVERSAL NEWSREEL. SOVIET PARADES ITS ARMED MIGHT IN RECORD REVIEW. MOSCOW, U.S.S.R. Infantry units march in formation in Moscow’s Red Square. Soviet officers salute from platforms above. Narrator describes this as the “greatest display of might and power ever staged by Soviet Russia.” Artillery, motorcycles and tanks speed by, all meant to show the success of Russia’s mass production. Josef Stalin speaks and looks at the planes of the Russian Air Force flying in formation above. The narrator declares the parade “an assurance to communists and a warning to Russia’s enemies.” Men and...

  6. Belsen: Loading women's corpses onto truck

    Germans/Nazis heaving women's brittle flattened bodies on back of flatbed truck. (GRAPHIC FOOTAGE)

  7. Belsen: Nazis bury the dead

    Nazis (stonefaced) dropping women's and men's bodies from edge of pit.

  8. Oral history interview with Victor Fishman

  9. Illich family activities in 1938

    Family activities in the year 1938. Introduced with Maexie Films logo (drawing of Maexie holding a film camera) and German titles throughout, some are comical. Micha and Sascha Illich roll out dough in a kitchen, making cookies. CU of a Christmas tree with a nativity scene underneath. The boys trudge through the snow with skis at Kurhaus Semmering. The twins ski down a large hill. Cousin Hanni cautiously walks in front of the camera with her father Paul in the BG. On holiday at Semmering, the three boys walk hand-in-hand and pose for the camera. Ivan with box camera. Train station. The boys...

  10. Conscripts forced to labor in Hungary

    Magyar Híradó 816. Intertitle: “MÁTÉSZALKA. A VIII. közérdekíí munkaszolgálatos zászlóalj út-építési munkálatai. M.F.I.-KISS E.” Forced labor battalions constructing roads. Men dig shovels and pickaxes into the dirt. Others unload materials from wagons alongside a pile of large rocks next to train tracks. WS of the labor battalions working in a field. Some move wheelbarrows full of rocks and others keep digging in the dirt. Others in the battalion work on breaking up the large rocks into smaller ones using sledgehammers. Behind them, officers survey their work. Men kneel down and hammer awa...

  11. Speeches at the 1933 harvest festival in Bueckeberg (Part 2)

    Title: "Deutscher Erntedanktag 1933 auf dem Bückeberg bei Hameln” “II. Teil.” Nazi flags, officers. “Auf dem Bückeberg.” An enormous crowd gathered on the hill to observe parade of military. Nazi flags on tall poles. Band waiting to march. Soldiers lounge in the grass. Cavalrymen approach their horses. 01:02:32 Intertitle: “Ankunft der Diplomaten.” Train carrying German diplomats. The side of the train reads, “MITROPA.” The diplomats, dressed in fine clothing, walk away from the train. 01:03:53 Intertitle: “Die Ehrengäste und Ab-ordnungen der Bauern-schaft begeben sich zur Festtribüne.” Gue...

  12. Men review book; woman in fashionable dress

    Men sitting at table inside office building, chalkboard in BG, looking at book. MS, woman in white dress and hat.

  13. Nordhausen; dead US soldiers; demolition of Nazi swastika at Nuremberg stadium

    (LIB 5663) V Weapon Plant and Dead Workers. Nordhausen, Germany. 15 Apr 45 Maj Gen J Lawton Collins, Commander VII Corps, Third Army, followed by officers and men examines bodies of Nazi slave laborers and tours the grounds of weapons plant. CU, Gen Collins looking at corpse. CU, corpse with name and nationality written upon chest: "Orlich, Yuogoslave". (LIB 5787) Moscow Nazi Murder, Eller Str., Hilden, Germany. 18 Apr 45 MSs, US officer interviews Russian civilian near wrecked M-4 tank of the 13th Army Div. MS, bodies of three US soldiers of the 13th Army Div tank who were taken prisoners ...

  14. Funeral; Speech in Brussels; Germans training; SS advance in Normany; Russian front

    29/44 No. 38. Part 1, Adolf Hitler speaks at the funeral of Gen. Dietl as Himmler and Keitel look on. Part 2, Leon Degrelle makes an anticommunist speech in Brussels. Part 3, German officer candidates train near the fighting front. Part 4, German coastal guns fire on a U.S. cruiser off Cherbourg and set it afire. Part 5, wrecked U.S. equipment on a beach and along roads, destroyed tanks in ruined villages, and captured U.S. paratroopers. Part 6, German SS troops and tanks advance in Normandy. Part 7, German tanks and rocket guns fire on the Russian front.

  15. Alfred Rossner and other managers at work behind-the-scenes

    “1942” Alfred Rossner, the SS-appointed German manager of a textile factory in Bedzin, Poland, answers the phone at his desk and writes down some notes. Rossner protected and saved some Jewish workers and has been named a "Righteous Gentile" by Yad Vashem. 00:37 Mr. Rossner rides on the back of a horse-drawn carriage on a country road, smokes a cigarette and looks out towards a field and back at the camera. Slow pan of the carriage and horse. 01:05 Jewish men at work in an office, filing papers and logging data in a notebook, CUs of man with Jude star. CU, woman at work, writing. Another Je...

  16. British Pathé Newsreel -- Atrocities at Buchenwald and Belsen

    Title: "Germany Atrocities - Germany's crimes are no longer hidden from sight. At last the eyes of the world are opened. We believe it our duty to screen these pictures as a warning to future generations..." Title: "Here is a woman who went to Buchenwald Mrs. Mavis Tate M.P." Members of Parliament visiting Buchenwald, Mrs. Tate speaking, "We saw and we know..." Liberation of Buchenwald, survivors, showing tattooed arms. Piles of bodies on wooded truck, MPs in BG. CUs corpses. CUs, British representatives. Piles of corpses. British delegation looking at papers. Ovens, burned bodies inside, d...

  17. Liberation special exhibition monitors E1-G

    Monitors E1-G exhibited as part of "Liberation 1945" at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum from May 9, 1995 to May 8, 1996.

  18. Town square; monument & signs

    Sign: "Rn 3 Chateau Thierry Aisne." Stevens and man walk across town square to monument. CU of flowers on monument. "Maison de L'amitie Franco-Americaine." Pan from Stevens and Bill Hamilton to bridge with vehicles crossing it. Shot of horse drawn carriage crossing bridge. Rectangular monument/building with two statues on side. Sign reads: "This monument has been erected by the United States of America to commemorate services of her troops and those of France who fought in this region during the World War. It stands as a lasting symbol of the friendship and cooperation of the French and Ame...

  19. London

    Pan, front of soot covered building, a couple walks by, camera pans up. 01:00:41:05 Large crowd gathered in front of building, man walks in front of the camera, pan up. 01:01:26:06 Pan, “The Old Curiosity Shop. Charles Dickens” (13-14 Portsmouth Street, Holborn, London), groups of people in front, van passes by, “T.H. Bull & Sons Ltd.” 01:01:51:09 Pan, tudor style building. 01:02:04:15 Pan, ornate building. 01:02:47:08 Pan, private garden. 01:03:24:20 Pan, Same ornate building.