Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 21,781 to 21,800 of 22,191
Language of Description: English
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Paul Bleier collection

    Oral history interviews with Paul Bleier who dicusses his experiences with the 663rd Topographic Engineers during WWII.

  2. David F. Busch collection

    The collection consists of artifacts, including United States and German military clothing, equipment, and insignia, scrip, currency, pins, correspondence, documents, and publications relating to the experiences of David F. Busch in the US Army in Europe during World War II.

  3. Osterreicher and Konigfest (Kingsley) families collection

    Collection of documents and photographs relating to the Oesterreicher and Königfest (later Kingsley) families and their experiences during the time period surrounding the Holocaust. Accretion: Collection of scrip from the Theresienstadt [Terezin] ghetto given to donor's father

  4. de Boton family collection

    Collection of documents, correspondence, photographs and two tapes; relating to the de Boton family; Dr. Yves de Boton, donor’s father, who was one of the leaders of the Resistance in southern France and who was executed by the Germans in August 1944; Esther de Boton (donor’s mother) died in 1940 and Aline, born in 1937 was taken care of and later adopted by her paternal aunt Alice de Boton and her husband Robert Bernard, later de Boton. The tapes contain interview with Mrs. Alice de Boton.

  5. Gaston Kahn collection

    The collection consists of a rubber hand stamp, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of Gaston Kahn, his wife Jeanne, and children Danny-Claude and Marcel-Francis during the Holocaust in Paris, Gap, and Marseille, France, when Gaston worked with the Comite d'Assistance Aux Refugies and the Union Generale Des Israelites De France, and after the Holocaust in Paris.

  6. Douglas Smith collection

    The collection consists of notebooks and photographs relating to the history of poetry and Jewish life in prewar Poland and to the experiences of postwar Holocaust survivors in Sweden, as well as a publication of drawing reproductions by Gheorghe Ceglokoff depicting Targu Jiu concentration camp in Romania during World War II.

  7. Ajzyk and Chaja Kawalek Celnik family collection

    The collection consists of a matzah cover, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of Ajzyk and Chaja Kawalek Celnik and their families during and after the Holocaust in Kalisz and Zdunska Wola, Poland.

  8. Edward Herzbaum Hartry collection

    The collection consists of artifacts, artwork, medals, correspondence, documents, a journal, photographs, and publications relating to the experiences of Edward Herzbaum (from 1949, Edward Hartry) during the German invasion of Poland, his imprisonment in a slave labor camp in the Soviet Union, his service in the 2nd Polish Corps, British Army (Anders Army) during World War II, and his emigration to Great Britain after the war.

  9. Ruth Danzig Rauch collection

    The collection consists of badges, luggage tags, purse, suitcase, storybook, prayer book, and documents relating to the experiences of Ruth Danzig before, during, and after the Holocaust as a Kindertransport refugee from Munich, Germany, to the United Kingdom, and her 1944 emigration to the United States.

  10. Arthur R. List collection

    The collection consists of six commemorative triangle badges, documents, and a DVD relating to the experiences of Adolf Lustgarten (later Arthur Robert List) during the Holocaust, when he was imprisoned in Gross Rosen, Flossenbürg and Dachau concentration camps and subcamps.

  11. Forced labor artifact and book collection

    The collection consists of badges, an armband, savings stamp cards, postcards, documents, photographs, and laborer's work books related to the use of forced laborers from western, eastern, and southern Europe in Vienna, Austria, and to the persecution of Jews by Nazi Germany during World War II.

  12. Florida Holocaust Museum Survivor Testimony Project collection

    Oral histories from the Florida Holocaust Museum Survivor Testimony Project.

  13. Gyula Nador collection

    The collection consists of one dog tag, three notebooks, and one gray vinyl pocket calendar pertaining to Gyula Nador's experiences in Strasshof, Bergen-Belsen, and Hillersleben.

  14. Jewish experience ephemera and manuscript collection

    The collection consists of a booklet, correspondence, documents, fliers, and memoirs relating to the cultural life, emigration, and history of the Jewish people in Europe and Palestine during and after the Holocaust.

  15. Vladimir Jabotinsky, Zionism, and prewar Palestine collection

    The collection consists of artifacts, documents, and photographs relating to Vladimir Jabitinsky, the Zionist movement in prewar Europe, and life in prewar Palestine.

  16. Mandate Palestine collection

    The collection consists of a poster and several archival collections relating to the Jewish experience before, during, and after the Holocaust in the British Mandate in Palestine.

  17. Maury Adams collection

    The collection consists of an identification tag, chest x-ray, documents, oral history interview transcript, and photographs relating to the experiences of Moses Adam (later Maury Adams), before and during the Holocaust in Przemysl, Poland, while incarcerated in Plaszow, Starachowice, Auschwitz-Birkenau, Mauthausen, and Ebensee concentration camps, and after the war in Italy and the United States.

  18. Felicia Berland Hyatt collection

    The collection consists of twenty-seven black and white photographs, three documents, one negative and a prisoner badge relating to Felicia Berland Hyatt and her family in Chelm, Poland, before the war and in Łódź, Poland, and Sweden after the war, and her immigration experiences to North America as a Displaced Person.

  19. Eric Bergtraun collection

    The collection consists of scrapbooks, photographs and photo albums, log books, biographical materials, badges, and uniforms relating to Boy Scout activities of Eric Bergtraun and other Jewish refugees in Shanghai, China.