Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,581 to 3,600 of 4,487
Holding Institution: Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies
  1. Rose W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rose W., who was born in Sandomierz, Poland, in 1921. Mrs. W. recalls the sizeable Jewish population and considerable antisemitism of her home town; the outbreak of the war; traveling throughout Poland as a non-Jew, doing trade in order to support her family; her deportation, along with two siblings, to Skarz?ysko-Kamienna; working first in Werk B in a HASAG munitions factory, where she was aided by a Polish girl, and later in Werk A, where she witnessed the deterioration and disappearance of her brother; and her transfer to Cze?stochowa and slave labor there. She spe...

  2. Philippe P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Philippe P., who was born in Antwerp, Belgium in 1937. He recalls his upper middle-class upbringing; fleeing to France after the German invasion; his father's brief service in the Polish Army; moving to Marseille; living in one room with his parents, aunt, and uncle; his mother working as a dressmaker to support them; moving to Lyon; never being told he was Jewish for safety reasons; food shortages; air bombardments; his mother recovering their false papers from the police; staying briefly with an aunt in the country; living with a Catholic family in a village near Ly...

  3. Ola S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ola S., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1914. She recalls her assimilated family; economic difficulties as antisemitism increased; German invasion; her brother's escape to Soviet territory and her sister's to Vilna, Japan, then Canada; marriage; ghettoization and subsequent poverty, starvation, deportations (including her parents), relocations, forced labor, and smuggling; and her husband's job as a policeman which enabled her to be smuggled as a boy into a forced labor camp in March 1943. She describes a former maid's efforts to hide her; obtaining false papers; wo...

  4. Cecilia K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Cecelia K., who was born in Yasinya, Czechoslovakia (presently Ukraine) in 1925, the youngest of six children. She describes her family's orthodoxy; attending public school; her father's death in 1936; membership in Hashomer Hatzair; a brother and sister emigrating to Palestine in 1939; Hungarian occupation; losing their citizenship; her mother's and sister's arrests; a family friend obtaining their release; her brother hiding her with her mother in Hor?ice for about eight months; moving to Nyi?regyha?za when her brother's arrest was imminent; working in a dental lab ...

  5. Helga F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Helga F., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1926. She recounts increasing anti-Jewish actions; expulsion from public school in 1936; attending Jewish school; visiting relatives in Sweden who warned them to emigrate; her sense that Kristallnacht marked the end of her childhood; fleeing to Paris with her parents; her father's incarceration as an enemy alien prior to German invasion; his return after the invasion; his death from a heart attack in 1942; anti-Jewish regulations; being rounded-up with her mother in the Ve?lodrome d'hiver; her mother's release due to an inf...

  6. Marion C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Marion C., who was born in Warsaw, Poland. He recounts his father's death; graduating from an industrial school in 1939; antisemitic incidents; German invasion; enlisting in the Polish army; returning to Warsaw from the Soviet-occupied zone to care for his mother, who died before his arrival; working for a Jewish welfare organization; marriage; ghettoization; working for the Judenrat; the Jewish police force's active role in deportations; his father-in-law's killing; escaping from the Umschlagplatz with assistance from a Polish policeman; hiding with his wife, aunt, a...

  7. Peter S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Peter S., who was born in Chomonin, Czechoslovakia in 1923. He remembers antisemitic harassment; attending school in Mukacheve; membership in Hashomer Hatzair and Betar; Hungarian occupation; compulsory service in a Hungarian slave labor battalion in Uz?h?horod; German occupation; transfer to Baia Mare (Nagyba?nya), then Ditra?u; a beating by Hungarian police; futile escape attempts; transfer to Budapest; meeting his brother; escaping; producing false papers for the Swedish Red Cross; returning to the battalion since he was unable to hide; transfer to Szombathely; ret...

  8. Maryla D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Maryla D., who was born in Będzin, Poland in 1919, the elder of two children. She recounts attending a secular private high school; Vladimir Jabotinsky visiting their home; participating in Noʻar ha-Tsiyoni; increasing antisemitism in the 1930s; German invasion; working for the Judenrat; ghettoization; delivering weapons for the ghetto underground; visiting an aunt in the Sosnowiec ghetto; a German warning her of her brother's imminent arrest; hiding him; hiding in a bunker with others; capture; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau in August 1943; starvation; slave labo...

  9. Hal L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hal L., who was born in Wanne-Eickel, Germany in 1923. He recalls his traditional and strict upbringing; his father's medical practice; non-Jewish friends; anti-Semitic incidents in school; expulsion of Jewish students in 1936; attending Jewish high school in Cologne, where he lived with an aunt; and emigrating alone to the United States in 1937. Mr. L. recounts living with a Jewish family in Washington, D.C.; corresponding with his family; their arrival in 1939; assistance from the Baron de Hirsch Fund to purchase a chicken farm in Woodbine, New Jersey; his father's ...

  10. Marlies G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Marlies G., who was born in Breslau, Germany in 1919. She recalls growing up in Katowice, where her father was the Brazilian consul; pro-Nazism in school; attending school in Montreux; living in England; pre-medical studies in Paris; returning to Katowice in 1939; German invasion; attending dental school in Danzig; registering as a Brazilian citizen; her father and brother's arrest; her arrest and release; living with a friend's family in Okarben; re-arrest; traveling in a prisoner train to Katowice with Jews and Romanies; friendly Wehrmacht guards; imprisonment en ro...

  11. Norman K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Norman K., who was born in Dzia?oszyce, Poland in 1927, the youngest of seven children. He recalls speaking Yiddish at home; learning Polish in public school; German invasion in September 1939; anti-Jewish measures including expulsion from school; fleeing to Wis?lica with his parents and sister in September 1942 to avoid a round-up (his married sister lived there); returning home; learning many Jews were killed locally and others deported by train; another round-up in November; hiding with a non-Jewish farmer; having to leave a week later; traveling to Wodzis?aw, his ...

  12. Abraham S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Abraham S., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1929. He recalls his secular home; German invasion; moving to his father's hometown of Radoszyce; difficulties adjusting to orthodoxy and shtetl life; their return to ?o?dz?; ghettoization; his father's privileged status as a factory director; horrendous physical and psychological effects of the starvation; escaping a round-up due to his father's position; deportation to Auschwitz with his family in August 1944; separation from his brother and mother (he never saw them again); remaining with his father; pretending to be ol...

  13. Ivan K. Holocaust testimony

  14. Ervin H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ervin H., who was born in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy in approximately 1915. He recounts attending public school, then yeshiva in Czechoslovakia; working in his father's business; anti-Jewish legislation; marriage in 1941; conscription into a Hungarian slave labor battalion; assignments in Kiev and Belopol?ye; encountering a school friend who was an officer (he beat other Jews, but communicated to Ervin H.'s parents for him); frequent beatings and killings; being left for dead when he was ill; a doctor (a friend from home) assisting him; Italian soldiers providing e...

  15. Irena D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Irena D., who was born in Warsaw, Poland. She describes her family; religious life in prewar Warsaw; her ambivalence toward Judaism and Christianity; German invasion; her father's unsuccessful attempt to flee; living with her family in the Warsaw ghetto; starvation; her father arranging for her, her mother, and sister to escape; using false papers to hide with a Polish woman; working as a Polish maid; learning of the ghetto uprising and her father's death; participating in the 1944 Warsaw uprising; deportation as a non-Jew to Pruszko?w; meeting her aunt; working in a ...

  16. Joseph M. Holocaust tesimony

    Videotape testimony of Joseph M., who was born in Paris, France in 1938. He recalls his father being wounded while in the French military; visiting him in Beaune-la-Rolande with his mother; his father's return to Paris; hiding with his parents with assistance from his father's non-Jewish employers; moving to a hiding place in the suburbs; wandering off by himself; his mother retrieving him from the police station; his parents placing him with a French family, then with a French concierge (they secretly looked at him weekly, but he was not aware of their presence); hiding with his parents in...

  17. Leonid B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Leonid B., who was born in Shpikov, Ukraine in 1921. He recounts his father's death when he was six; moving to Pohrebyshche; his mother's remarriage; moving to Kiev; attending a Jewish school, then a military school; completing training as an artillery officer two days before the German invasion in June; posting to Przemyśl; relocating to Korostenʹ; retreating with his unit through Ukraine and Belarus; witnessing the bombing of civilians; battles in Kiev and Poltava; being wounded; locals assisting him medically, providing false papers, and hiding him; moving to Cher...

  18. Paul L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony Paul L., who was born in Brussels, Belgium in 1910, an only child. He recounts his bar mitzvah; attending university; teaching statistics in Ghent; marriage to a Catholic; his daughter's birth in 1935; joining the Belgian Labor Party in 1932, then resigning in 1938; working as a journalist for Belgian radio; German invasion in 1940; his wife, daughter, and parents fleeing to France; broadcasting news from Ostend, then Poitiers; traveling to Toulouse; returning to Brussels, as had his wife and daughter; refusal to collaborate with the German-controlled radio; arrest; inca...

  19. Jacob F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jacob F., who was born in Sambor, Poland, in 1900. Mr. F. tells of resisting a Cossack pogrom at the age of fourteen; the Austrian, Russian, and German occupations; the enforcement of slave labor in 1941; and his separation from his wife and children (he was ordered from the cattle car which took them to their deaths). He describes making his way to Drohobych and Boryslav and hiding there before being captured and taken, via L?vov, to Mauthausen, where he worked in the quarry for four weeks. He relates his religious observance while in Mauthausen and in Linz, where he...