Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 81 to 99 of 99
Language of Description: English
Holding Institution: Arhivele Militare Naționale Române, Ministrul Apărării Naționale
  1. Dispositions

    regarding the creation of a new Zionist organization, for the Jews from Romania. Information bulletin of the Pretorate in Odessa. 247 Jews in Shmerinca are taken over by German authorities. A German lieutenant is found to be a Jew from Cernauti.

  2. Problems related to Jews.

    Proposal to evacuate Jews ages 15 - 50 from towns in operation zones of the Army. On 30/6 Antonescu orders a curfew for Jews and placing them in guarded places during the night hours. Also hostages will be taken from Jews, communists, to be shot at the first signs of rebellion. The problem of transferring masses of Jews East of the Dniester and the Germans turning them back on the West banc. The Jews already in Transnistria will stay there until taken over by the Germans with whom a convention in this matter was signed. (Tiraspol, Oct.11, 1941). Orders to prevent contacts between Jews and t...

  3. All Army officers

    must certify by word of honor of not being affiliated to a franc Masonic loge. Follow declarations of officers from all Units.

  4. Exceptional measures. Various Orders of the Day to be issued. Orders regarding refugees.

    No Jews or Russians allowed to cross the Prut into Romania. Vigilance for foreign agents Report of operations. Hostile attitude of the local population. The attitude of the Jews and the reaction to it by the troops. Solution proposed to protect (by internment) the Jews from the troops. Requests for information regarding the hostile acts against the Army and the population, by the “jewish-communists”.

  5. Study

    of retrenchment (repliere) of the 4-th Army from Bessarabia into Moldova over the Pruth under enemy pressure.

  6. Declarations

    of ethnic origin for commissioned and non-commissioned officers. Rules for establishing the ethnic origin as Jew. Individual declarations.

  7. Working brigades.

    Instructions for organization. Reports of activity from groups. Units composed of minority citizens; special instructions.

  8. Manifests and informative reports

    with regard to the mood of the military. Atrocities committed by the Hungarian and German troops in Transylvania. Manifests spread by the legionnaires, full of antisemitic venom. (Note: a great number of pages were taken out by the Security Services and do not appear on the reel).

  9. Correspondence.

    The armament collected from the legionnaires after the rebellion of 22 - 24 January 1941. 16.I - 31.III, 1941. Orders sent to all Units to collect, clean and store the armament left after the rebellion. Also to be collected all the materials taken by the rebel bands from businesses and private homes. Also to be reported all the arrests performed. Reports received from districts. Reports requested from military units of armament and ammunition missing and for establishing the culprits and put them under arrest. Results of chasing after known legionnaires and of searches. Reports on political...

  10. Reports

    Reports related to the legionary rebellion on January 1941. 24 - 28 Jan. 1941. 2 pages of lists w/o explanation or title. Detailed report of the events that took place on 21-23 January 1941. A note indicates that a number of pages were taken out by the security services.

  11. Underground propaganda.

    1.IV - 28.VI, 1940. A bible erroneously translated is distributed to the troops. Information on activity of Hungarian chauvinists. List of brochures confiscated from various sources. Information regarding the German Youth organization (DJ). Lists of magazines and publications imported. Request to bar “Neue Zurcher Zeitung. Material propagandistic Magyar reported. The Magyar minority disposes of political and ethnical organizations. Lists of leaders and members of those organizations. The German minority is organized in the “Volksgemeinschaft” and is under the influence of the National Socia...

  12. General Headquarters. Mobil Command Post. Miscellaneous.

    Vol. XII. 218.VI - 30.VII. Brochures showing the longtime camaraderie in arms between the Romanian and German people; to be translated and sent to all German units on the common front. Also a newspaper “Sentinela” and daily radio transmissions on the same subject shall be initiated. All this due to an accident of friendly fire. The Jewish population accused of abetting the spread of damaging rumors. Border policy and regulation. Overloading of railroad lines, leading to lack of foodstuff and military clothing on the frontlines. Jews from Galicia cross the Dniester on boats into Romanian ter...

  13. General Headquarters. Mobil Command Post. Miscellaneous.

    Vol. XI. 18.VII - 27.VIII, 5-th Army Corps, Conflict between Romania and Hungary is solved. Organization of liberated territories in Bessarabia. Situation of infrastructure. Rebuilding of wired services between Bucovina and Bessarabia. Regime of Jews used for forced labor. Various administrative measures in those territories. Cost of expenses used to fight against the Bolshevik peril. 10,500 Jews transferred to West banc of the Dniester by German Army. Instructions for the commandant (future) of Odessa. Situation of military transports. The assets of the kolkhozes. Administrative organizati...

  14. General Headquarters. Mobil Command Post. Miscellaneous.

    Vol. VII. 15.VII - 12.VIII, 1941. Winston Churchill’s speech on July 14, 1941. Short notes on the war on other fronts. Report from German headquarters of the situation on the Russian front. Counter-informative reports on activities of the legionnaires, the Russian émigrés, the Heads of the Jewish Community, the leaders of the Communist party, acts of sabotage etc. Reports on military operations. Bombing of Ploiesti. Texts of radio transmissions from a pirate station, from the Comintern radio stations and from the TASS agency. On July 20, 1941 the creation of internment camps for the Jewish ...

  15. General Headquarters. Mobil Command Post. Miscellaneous.

    Vol. XIII. 28.VII - 30.IX, 1941. 5-th Army Corps, Problems related to the conquest of Bessarabia. Creation of pre-military work units. Reports of execution of various works by the Technical Army Corps (Pioneers). Reports of plundering and acts of barbarism by the troops in the occupied territories. Iuliu Maniu requests to cease military operations after Bessarabia and Bucovina are liberated. Antonescu replies there are Romanians up until the Dnieper. Abusive behavior of the Ukrainian Police East of the Dniester. No Romanian currency allowed there. Frictions between the German Police and the...

  16. Reports and orders

    The campaign against the Soviet Union. Orders and reports. 3-rd & 11-th Armies. 21.VI - 15.VII. General order of operations from 1st Armored Division. Orders received from the 11-th German Army Division. Gendarmerie units are posted in the occupied territories.

  17. Reports and orders

    Orders and Reports 2nd Army Corps, 20.VI - 11.VII, 1941 (Vol.I). Army and naval battles in Southern Bessarabia and Dobrudja.Instructions regarding the reaction of the troops when sighting parachutists. Information from the German front in the Ukraine. The bridge over the Danube in Cernavoda is damaged by Soviet aviation.

  18. Reports

    Reports of military operations 2.VII -5.VII, 1941 (Vol.II). Partial occupation of Bessarabia and the Northern part of Bucovina; the fall of Cernautzi. Jews found with weapons are isolated. Among the prisoners are people from the region, the commanders are Jewish. Reports on aerial fights and of losses of planes and personnel on both sides.

  19. Reports

    Reports of military operations 6.VII -10.VII, 1941 (Vol.III). Information is also given about the activity and positions of the German troops in the region. Reports on the naval activity along the Black sea and the Danube.