Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 17,921 to 17,940 of 26,867
Country: United States
  1. Ghetto conditions; soup kitchen; eating in street

    Various ghetto scenes: people, including children, eating in muddy and garbage-infested building courtyard. People line up for food at soup kitchen. Woman washes clothes in small tub. Woman sells food from stall heated by charcoal. Child takes food from wired street vendor box.

  2. Oral history interview with Arline Kuznetz

  3. Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp scrip, 10 kronen note

    Scrip, valued at 10 kronen, issued in the Theresienstadt (Terezin) ghetto-labor camp in 1943. All currency was confiscated from deportees upon entry and replaced with scrip and ration coupons that could be exchanged only in the camp. The Theresienstadt camp existed for 3.5 years, from November 24, 1941 to May 9, 1945. It was located in a region of Czechoslovakia occupied by Germany, renamed the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, and made part of the Greater German Reich.

  4. Funeral of Iron Guard Leader

    01:34:42 LS funeral cortege coming out of church. 01:34:48 CU of General Antonescu and Nazi official Baldur von Schirach leading group down steps. Crowds in street along route saluting and holding banners. 01:35:04 Casket being carried by many bareheaded men in dark uniforms. 01:35:11 Overhead of street procession. German soldiers carry funeral wreath. LS of formation in shape of crossed arrow. Women in black. Men carrying iron cross symbols. Man crying. 01:35:41 Arrival at cemetery with casket. Huge banners with men's portraits on them. CU of officials saluting. LS large crowd there saluti...

  5. Prison camp, slave labor, atrocities

    Slave labor, workshops, atrocities and leaders of camp are highlighted during war and at liberation. 01:01:09 Scrolling text, camp/place names superimposed over shots of atrocities, titles and credits. 01:03:49 AV Town and camp of Jasenovac, ruins of town. More scrolling text, HAS of photographer Steiner, (survivor/witness?) 01:06:33 MS of rounded up men being brought into labor camp by both German and Ustasa, archway of labor camp.

  6. Nazis visit Krupp firm

    "Nazi officials visiting the Krupp Firm" Soldiers marching, holding flags with swastikas, delivering speech, distributing Hitler's book, "Mein Kampf."

  7. March of Time -- outtakes -- Jewish boys on English farm

    Flint Hall Farm maintained by YMCA agreed to take 50 Jewish boys. Boys lead harnessed work horses from farm stables. Out in field they are taught to plough as instructor (in suit and hat) watches. Good CUs. Boy throws out feed for cattle from back of cart. Boy being given instruction on milking of cow.

  8. Oral history interview with Ruth Jacobsen

  9. Nazi conquest of Czechoslovakia: comedians

    A documentary about the conquest of Czechoslovakia by the Nazis just prior to World War II. Map; comedians (Jiří Voskovec and Jan Werich).

  10. Flemish Hitler Youth

    Flanders Hitler Youth present flags to Eastern front volunteers. Buglers on battlements, shots of fortress, MLS pan down to Flanders Hitler Youth parading out of doorway carrying swastika flags. Flag up flagpole. AV ranks of Flanders Hitler Youth (men and women) standing in semicircle in courtyard. CU symbols hanging from wall, stylized lion and pan up wall to black eagle with swastika. LS castle and banners. Pan down from flag to column of Hitler Youth, those in black are Flemish those in military helmets with banners. German officers observing. LS ceremony, then CU as German officer trans...

  11. Nazi Gdańsk Proclamation

    Consists of a photocopy of the Nazi Danzig Proclamation of September 1, 1939. It is the announcement by the Nazi party that Gdańsk is again a part of Germany.

  12. Program booklet and map relating to Reichsparteitage

    Includes information about the Reichsparteitage observances in Nuremberg, Germany, for 1929 and 1938.

  13. Children play games with teacher in ghetto

    Healthy, well-dressed children in a school or children's home merrily play games, led by their teacher (her Star of David armband is visible throughout).

  14. Prisoner of War identification tag issued by the Red Cross to an inmate of Stalag 10B during an inspection

    Prisoner of War identification bracelet issued to Lewis Lax by the International Red Cross in 1944. Law was interned by the Germans in Stalag 10B from fall 1944 until liberation in spring 1945.

  15. Samuel Gerstenfeld memoir

    Consist of a copy of a handwritten memoir by Samuel Gerstenfeld. The memoir describes his experiences of antisemitism in pre-World War II Poland, discrimination against Jews in business and education, his life in the Kielce ghetto, and his escape from the Blizyn camp. The memoir also contains detailed information concerning the Gerstenfeld family genealogy.

  16. "Dancing through the minefields"

    Consists of a copy of "Dancing through the minefields," a typescript memoir by Fred Schiller and Janice Blumberg. The memoir describes Schiller's early life in Yugoslavia, his career as a jazz musician, his flight from Yugoslavia after the establishment of the Nazi-Ustashi (Ustaša) government, his experiences as a refugee on various Yugoslav islands in the Adriatic Sea, his service with the United States Army, and his immigration to the United States in 1948.

  17. A life of survival

    The testimony describes John P. Kartal's early life in Hungary, his experiences as a laborer during World War II, his hiding during the deportation of Hungarian Jews, his life under Hungary's post-war communist government, and his immigration to the United States.

  18. From "Jerushalayim d'Lita" and back (Wilno, "Jerusalem of Lithuania")

    Consists of a copy of a survivor testimony entitled "From 'Jerusalayim d'Lita' and back (Wilno, 'Jerusalem of Lithuania')" written by William Z. Good. The testimony describes Good's experience as a child in Niemenczyn, Soviet Union; persecution by Poles; his narrow escape from an execution in Ponary; hiding in the forest and in the homes of Poles during the Holocaust; and his return to Wilno, Poland (Vilnius, Lithuania) and Niemenczyn after 43 years. Also included are several photocopies of Gdud family photographs through the years and an article from a Russian-language newspaper in Vilnius...

  19. Out of the hell of Minsk into the 'paradise' of Theresienstadt

    Includes a copy of a German-language printed version of "Aus der Hölle Minsk in der 'Paradies' Theresienstadt" by Dr. Karl Loewenstein, accompanied by an undated English translation by Bernard Ahrend. The article is Loewenstein's account of events in Theresienstadt (Terezín) during his imprisonment. Among the things described are the deportation of Jews from the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia to the camp, the role of the SS in the camp, the "self administration" of the Jewish elders, the treatment of children and the elderly, and the liberation of the camp by the Red Army.

  20. My story

    Contains information about the life of Rosa Taubman Budick in Poland before the Holocaust, the antisemitism she experienced from Poles, the ghetto in Kraków, Poland, her experiences while working for the SS in a prison, the Jewish police in the Kraków ghetto, living under an assumed identity, and liberation by the Red Army. Also included is a photograph of Taubman family members in Kraków circa 1940 and a brief biography of Rosa T. Budick written by the Ruth Taubman Glosser [donor].