Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 7,761 to 7,780 of 26,867
Language of Description: English
Country: United States
  1. Selected records of the Departmental Archives of Ain

    This collection contains general information about “Jewish” affairs, Freemasons, identity documents, and internment. It includes documents specifically on the sub-prefectures of Belley and Nantua, as well as a list of “fugitive” foreigners.

  2. Selected records from the archives of the Military Historical Institute General Staff of the Armed Forces of Serbia related to the German Occupation of the former Yugoslavia

    Selected records from the archives of the Military Historical Institute of General Staff of the Armed Forces of Serbia related to the German Zone of occupation of the former Yugoslavia. This collection includes correspondence of the German occupation authorities regarding arrests, persecution and reprisals against Jews, Roma, members of partisan and antifascist movements, communists and the civilian population. The documents refer mainly to occupied Serbia, but also include parts of Croatia. The collection includes a complete copy of Nuremberg Trial VII.

  3. George Charles Lange family collection

    Collection consists of 23 photograph prints showing images from Ohrdruf concentration camp post-liberation; images captioned on reverse in English by George Lange, a soldier in the U.S. Infantry Division. The photographs were taken by another soldier and entrusted to Lange, who was also a witness to the liberation of the camp in April 1945.

  4. Eli Wallach collection

    Collection of 31 Nazi propaganda photographs found on the floor of the Propaganda Ministry in Berlin, Germany, August 1945.

  5. Print 2, Deby Rogalinskie, depicts trees

    Print 2 of 10, in a book of ten prints by Leon Wyczolkowski, either signed or signed in plate.

  6. Alois Zamecnik papers

    Collection consists of documents relating to Alois Zamecnik including his succesful efforts to prove that he had not been a member of the Nazi Party. Also includes certificates issued to his wife and mother for being "good German mothers."

  7. Jack Cynamon collection

    Contains five pre-war photographs of the donor and his parents. The donor was hidden with the help of Father Joseph André, and was sent to a children's home in Namur and then to Serville.

  8. Knobler family collection

    Collection consists of documents, photographs and a newspaper clipping which document the experiences of Szaja Aron Knobler [donor] and his experiences in Poland and Germany during the Holocaust. Collection includes a letter stating he was a shaliah (or agent) for a youth movement.

  9. Print 9

    Print 9 of 10, in a book of ten prints by Leon Wyczolkowski, either signed or signed in plate.

  10. Nehemia Nordheim collection

    Collection consists of a photo album and loose photographs depicting Nehemia Nordheim as a baby while in hiding with Ton and Ans Rijbroek in the village of Naarden in Holland. Nehemia, who was just 13 months old in May 1943, stayed with the Rijbroek family till the end of the war. Nehemia's mother, Chelly Nordheim, and his three siblings, Moshe, Bat-Sheva, and Rivka, also survived the war. His father, Dr. David Nordheim, died in Tröbitz, Germany.

  11. 'Tran und Helle' dialogue re. foreign newspapers

    Tran is reading a newspaper when there is a knock at the door. He quickly puts the paper away as Helle enters. Tran tells Helle that the German public is not aware of England's great victories in the war. Helle denies that this is true, and Tran produces the English newspaper to make his point. Helle dismisses the content of the newspaper and tears it into squares, saying that now it is the proper format . . . to be used in the WC. Tran and Helle were a comic duo who appeared in Nazi newsreels. In each episode Tran [dopey] made stupid mistakes which were corrected by Helle [brilliance].

  12. Hetty Klein collection

    Contains a pre-war autograph book belonging to Hetty Fisch (later Hetty Klein) with notes from school friends in Bratislava; a school algebra notebook from Bratislava, 1946; four school report cards for Janka Fischova; two high school certificates issued to donor's father, Dr. Geza Fisch; one document issued to Dr. Geza Fisch in 1942 allowing him to remain at home and treat patients; one falsified wedding certificate of Dr. Fisch and a neighbor, allowing her to avoid being sent to a labor camp; one identification card for Janka Fischova, dated 1939; four postcards and three letters.

  13. Claire Keeman collection

    Contains documents, photographs, and identification cards relating to the Shipper family before and during World War II. Includes letters written by Osias Shipper asking for help, dated 1937-1939; false identity documents; a school diploma; passports; a family photograph; a portraits of the donor's parents, who were murdered in Auschwitz; and two documents relating to the Shipper family before the war.

  14. Nat Soffer photographs

    Consists of four photographs taken at a one year anniversary of the liberation of Dautmergen subcamp of Natzweiler; images show survivors in uniforms and a commemorative wreath.

  15. Cigarette lighter crafted from a bullet shell casing by a prisoner in a Soviet labor camp

    Cigarette lighter fabricated by Laszlo Weisz while he was imprisoned in a forced labor camp in Russia. He was a master watchmaker and bartered his services to obtain provisions while in the camps. Weisz was 29 years old and living with his wife and 5 year old son, Peter, in his hometown of Kunszentmarton, Hungary, when he was conscripted into a forced labor battalion in June of 1942. He was transferred to several labor units in Hungary, Poland, and the Soviet Union. At the end of the war in late 1944-1945, he was in a labor camp in Dnepropetrovsk in the Soviet Union. He returned to Hungary ...

  16. Doris Mirman collection

    Photographs, writings, and poetry illustrating the experiences of Doris (Dveira Szapiro) Mirman before, during, and after the Holocaust. Includes pre-war photographs of the donor's families in Krewo, Poland (present day Belarus) as well as post-war images of donor's husband, Elliot (Ilya), whom she met in Israel. The collection includes a poem written immediately following Doris' liberation from a series of Lithuanian and German concentration camps, by the group of girls with whom Doris was in slave labor.

  17. Levéltári gyűjtemények Magyar Országos Levéltárból átkerült iratok Joint Magyarországi Képviselete iratai Records related to Hungarian Jewish communities

    The collection consists of written recollections, protocols of the Magyarországi Zsidók Deportáltakat Gondozó Országos Bizottsága, DEGOB (National Committee Taking Care of Hungarian Jewish Deportees), an index to the DEGOB protocols, documents of the Central Council of the Hungarian Jews, records related to the registration of the Jewish communities, documents of the countryside ghettos, Holocaust-related name lists, lists of victims, prisoner registry cards, casualty cards, documents related to labor service, deportation of Hungarian Jews, rescue, resistance, inventories of the confiscated...

  18. Collection of documents of Anti-Jewish Laws and Decrees of Hungary

    This collection consists of the texts of Hungary's anti-Jewish laws and decrees from 1938 to 1944 that appeared in official serial publications. Records are derived from five periodicals: Magyar Törvenytár, Magyaroszági Rendeletek Tára, Budapesti Közlöny, and Csendörségi.

  19. Hungarian-Italian Bank, Secretariat (MOL Z 77)

    Records relating to the implementation of anti-Jewish laws, reports about Jewish employees, name lists, files of office of personnel; exemption issues, records of laborers liked or had disappeared, cases regarding employees, drafted into the army and/or labor companies, post-war compensation issues, re-admittances, and retirements, etc.

  20. Hungarian-Italian Bank. Personnel Department (MOL Z 83)

    Contains selected records of the Hungarian Italian Bank, Personnel Department. Includes files relating to Jewish employees and implementation of Jewish law, bank statements, name list of employees, reports, correspondence of rural branches, and miscellaneous regulations.