Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 6,021 to 6,040 of 26,867
Language of Description: English
Country: United States
  1. Gadomski family papers

    Contains documents and correspondence related to the family of Mieczyslaw and Wanda Gadomski, including correspondence in 1980s between Gadomski and other former internees at Ebensee.

  2. Prewar life in Vienna

    Home movies under the label "Herzstark Filmjournal" with German intertitles. Young women and men at leisure, playing games in the garden. Title card: “Hohe Schule der Hundedressur: Wilde Bestie vorgef. von Papa Herzstark“ Mr. Herzstark trains the family dog in the yard. Title card: "Grossmutters Film Debut“ Grandmother sits on a bench and waves for the camera. Title card: "Wird einer gefallen? Hutprobe im Garten vor dem Ausflug!“ Family members playfully try-on hats and look in the mirror. Title card: "Eine die fuers Huete-probieren Verstaendnis hat.“ Young woman in hat points off-camera. T...

  3. Part 2 excerpt from Police Yearly Retrospect 1938

    Title card: “Montag, den 14. Marz 1938 | Ankunft des Führers an der Wiener Gemeindegrenze.” Lines of Nazis. The soldiers speak with Austrian civilians on the sidewalk. A processional of cars with soldiers goes by; pedestrians on the side of the road give them the Nazi salute. Hitler passes in one of the cars. Various shots of the rally. Title card: “16. Marz 1938 | Die Beeidigung der Wiener Polizei durch den Reichsführer SS, Chef der deutschen Polizei, Himmler.” Marching band and soldiers lined up on the Heldenplatz in front of a building draped with Nazi flags. Line of men dressed in nice ...

  4. 1938 educational film for drivers in Austria

    Short film advising drivers in Austria toswitch from driving on the left-hand side of the road to the right-hand side. Narration ends with "Fellow Germans! Traffic community is part of the National Socialist people's community! Take this into account, show more discipline, more gallantry, and have more regard for others in road traffic."

  5. German Auxiliary Police photograph album

    Contains a photo album possibly owned by Franz Schneider, a policeman who served in the German auxiliary police force and later taught in the police school of Bohemia. Some of the photographs show an inspection by SS-Obergruppenführer and Generaloberst der Polizei Kurt Max Franz Daluege, deputy Reich Protector of Bohemia and Moravia, and Major General Max Ziervogel, a Luftwaffe general and the Wehrmacht chief of staff for Bohemia and Moravia. The photographs in the album include family shots with wife and daughter in 1942; border-patrol maneuvers in Königshütte in October 1942; firefighting...

  6. Marti Dotan photograph collection

    Contains photographs of the donor and family in the Netherlands. Includes portraits of Dutch children (including donor) who were on the "Exodus," as well as a kindergarten class in Jewish school.

  7. Richard Lyons photographs

    Collection of photographs documenting survivors and victims found in the Buchenwald concentration camp after liberation; dated April 1945. Photographs given to Richard Lyons by his neighbor Agnes "Sue" Sullivan who herself had received them from a friend. Ms. Sullivan worked as an interpreter/translator/court reporter at the Nuremberg Trials.

  8. "My Story--the Holocaust"

    Contains of a memoir, 13 pages, entitled "My Story--The Holocaust" by Marcia Krause, originally of Łódź, Poland. In the memoir, Mrs. Krause recounts her memories of her childhood in Łódź, internment in the Łódź ghetto, and deportation to Auschwitz. From Auschwitz, Marcia, with her sole surviving family member, her sister Helen, was deported to a concentration camp near Hamburg. From Hamburg, the sisters were deported to Bergen-Belsen, where they were liberated. Also includes several articles by and about Marcia Krause and a photograph of Mrs. Krause at an unknown Holocaust memorial.

  9. Henry Kolber collection

    Consists of photographs and documents related to Henry Kolber's experiences as a refugee in post-war Switzerland and his immigration to the United States on the SS Drottningholm in 1947. Also includes a memory booklet signed by fellow refugees in 1945, a musical score entitled "Bitte um Menschwerdung" and letter dated 1950, both written by Rudolf (Ruedi) Schaerer.

  10. Portfolio

    Print from a set of 24 published rotogravures of drawings by Jerzy Zielezinski depicting scenes he witnessed from 1943-1945 while a political prisoner in Auschwitz and Flossenbürg concentration camps.

  11. Portfolio

    Print from a set of 24 published rotogravures of drawings by Jerzy Zielezinski depicting scenes he witnessed from 1943-1945 while a political prisoner in Auschwitz and Flossenbürg concentration camps.

  12. Portfolio

    Print from a set of 24 published rotogravures of drawings by Jerzy Zielezinski depicting scenes he witnessed from 1943-1945 while a political prisoner in Auschwitz and Flossenbürg concentration camps.

  13. Portfolio

    Print from a set of 24 published rotogravures of drawings by Jerzy Zielezinski depicting scenes he witnessed from 1943-1945 while a political prisoner in Auschwitz and Flossenbürg concentration camps.

  14. Family films, 1938

  15. Hitler Marches into Purkersdorf; Field Exercises; Fundraising Campaign

    NSKK, part I. Caravan arrives in Purkersdorf, Austria. Driving through main street, passing retail shops and government. Well-dressed female onlookers and local men in uniforms. Official Nazi motorcade through streets: cars, trucks, tanks. Streets lined with people. Handmade “Adolf Hitler Platz“ sign. Rally in city center. NSKK, part II. Rural landscape, sheep grazing in field in Austria. Nazis in uniform. A group studies paperwork in field. Nazis in camoflauge train civilians how to load and shoot guns, march, crawl through grassy fields, hide in ditches, survey, study maps, etc. Airplanes...

  16. Nazi Rallies in Vienna

    The streets are packed with marchers and spectators. Nazi rally with horns, statue. A large group of women in white uniforms marches down the street. Signs: “Sudentenland” Speech. Nazi flags flying. “Deutschland” sign. Crowd raises arms in “Heil Hitler” stance following speaker. Traffic jam, honking horns. Crowd gathers, smiling, singing, saluting Hitler. A man is visibly shoved by German for not raising his arm to salute Hitler. Germans march in the street, smiling, rowdy crowd. Nazi rally in stadium with flag ceremony, marching band, speech in German, huge crowd. Streets filled with Nazi ...

  17. Wehrmacht in Russia

    Everyday Wehrmacht life in (most likely) the DULAG 372 camp near Pskov (Pleskau), Russia, in the winter of 1941/42. Includes graphic depiction of mass graves, and the beating of Soviet POWs, as well as the hanging of a Soviet civilian by a Wehrmacht squad.