Part 2 excerpt from Police Yearly Retrospect 1938
- Österreichisches Filmmuseum
- Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Digital History
Scope and Content
Title card: “Montag, den 14. Marz 1938 | Ankunft des Führers an der Wiener Gemeindegrenze.” Lines of Nazis. The soldiers speak with Austrian civilians on the sidewalk. A processional of cars with soldiers goes by; pedestrians on the side of the road give them the Nazi salute. Hitler passes in one of the cars. Various shots of the rally. Title card: “16. Marz 1938 | Die Beeidigung der Wiener Polizei durch den Reichsführer SS, Chef der deutschen Polizei, Himmler.” Marching band and soldiers lined up on the Heldenplatz in front of a building draped with Nazi flags. Line of men dressed in nice coats. Soldiers on horseback. The marching band. A group of Nazis in uniform walk with Heinrich Himmler. Nazi salute. Title card: “Parade.” Pan of several Nazi officers. Men shake hands and give the salute. Close shot of Reinhard Heydrich. Himmler, and other prominent Nazis standing on a platform, decorated with the swastika, in front of bleachers. The parade begins, with many different uniformed Nazi groups marching down a wide street lined with spectators. Children watch the parade and salute. Continuation of the parade. Title card: “25. Marz 1938 | Feierliche Hissung der Reichsdienstflagge am Gebäude der Polizeidirektion Wien.” Inspection in the streets of Vienna. Saluting and marching. Title card: “27. Marz 1938 | Ausspeisung von Bedürftigen durch die deutsche Polizei auf dem Heldenplatz.” A marching band. Men carry stacks of plates, setting tables and distributing slices of bread. Soup is ladled into bowls. The bowls are distributed. A conductor leads the band. Civilians eat soup. Title card: “5. April 1938 | Der Chef der Ordnungspolizei SS-Obergruppenführer Daluege inspiziert die Ausrüstung der Wiener Polizei.” Lines of soldiers are inspected by a group of officers. They shake hands and give the Nazi salute. Title card: “20. April 1938 | Parade der Polizei und der SS-Formationen anläẞlich des Geburtstages des Führers u. Reichskanzlers.” HAS, soldiers assembled in formations. Higher-ranking Nazis walk down the street between the assembled lines. Ernst Kaltenbrunner speaks from a podium. Men shake hands and salute. More shots from the parade. Title card: “2. Mai 1938 | Die ersten österreichischen Anwärter für den Polizeidienst begeben sich ins Altreich zur Ausbildung.” Karl Retzlaff speaks to a group of Nazis. A marching band walks by. Men in plainclothes walk in two rows. Title card: “7. Mai 1938 | Feierliche Amtseinführung des Kommandeurs der Wiener Schutzpolizei. Oberst Becker durch den Staatssekretär SS-Brigadeführer Dr. Kaltenbrunner.” Men salute one another. Rows of soldiers stand at attention. More hand shaking. The marching band. Kaltenbrunner and others examine the rows of soldiers. Kaltenbrunner stands at a podium addressing the soldiers. Herbert Becker addresses the soldiers. Soldiers on horseback. Soldiers standing at attention. Soldiers give the Nazi salute. Herbert Becker and others drive off in a car. Title card: “14. Mai 1938 | Generalfeldmarschall Goring vollzieht den ersten Spatenstich zum Bau der Wiener Flak-Kaserne auf dem Küniglberg. Die Schutzpolizei stellte eine Ehrenwache.” Hermann Goering walks past soldiers standing at attention with Nazi flags. They salute Goering. He stands at a podium, addressing the crowd. A sign waves in the breeze that reads: “Was wir hier bauen verdanken wir dem Führer!” More shots of Goering at the podium and the crowd, including plainclothes civilians. Goering shovels dirt. CU, waving Nazi flags. More shots of the crowd. Title card: “18. Mai 1938 | Der Generalinspekteur der Schutzpolizei, Generalmajor Mülverstedt inspiziert die Polizeikaserne Marokkanergasse.” Arthur Mülverstedt and August Meyszner salute one another. They examine a line of soldiers. They get in a car. Film ends abruptly.
This film is featured in the Ephemeral Films Project: National Socialism in Austria. Watch the historic film through an innovative film player showing contemporary images, geographical mapping, and shot-level analysis at
- Vienna, Austria
- Institutional.
- Film