Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 5,741 to 5,760 of 26,867
Language of Description: English
Country: United States
  1. Neef addresses crowd in Vienna

    Silent. Neef arrives by plane in Vienna. He delivers a speech to a crowd in Vienna on April 7, 1938 at 5:00PM from the Rathaus.

  2. Ingeborg Price collection

    The collection consists of a printed leaflet containing a wartime poem, "La Terrible Epreuve"; a leaflet with an image of Marshal Petain on a horse, with a handwritten message to a child, addressed to Therese Majewski and counseling her to work hard, persevere, and be loyal; a broadside containing a mock testament from Adolf Hitler; and a copy of a French newspaper ("La liberte du centre"), announcing the surrender of the German army, May 1945.

  3. Hannah Starman research collection

    Consists of photocopies of original documents collected from various archives in Slovenia, Serbia, Hungary, Austria, and Italy, pertaining to Jewish life in Slovenia from the mid-19th century to the late 20th century. Incudes copies of birth and death certificates; community membership lists; individual, community and industrial property listings; deportation lists; documents related to the aliyah of Slovenian Jews and the subsequent confiscation of their property; individual files pertaining to expropriation of Jewish properties by the Nazis and later by the Communist regime; documents per...

  4. Reports of Eichmann trial (NSG)

    Contains 29 reports written by Dietrich Zeug, a German Prosecutor who was a member of the West German observer team at the trial of Adolf Eichmann in Jerusalem. Zeug worked at the Zentrale Stelle Ludwigsburg and was tasked with looking for evidence that could be of relevance for its work.

  5. German forced laborers in Lithuania in 1942

    Forced (or foreign) laborers from the occupied territories (Ostarbeiter) being transported from Russia into the Reich, to Tilsit , in the formerly Russian-controlled part of Lithuania (Tilze, now Sovetsk, Russia). Filmed by an anonymous soldier. Shows the train station where the laborers are registered, deloused, and fed (this is the border station at Krottingen in Eastern Prussia, a sign is visible in the delousing segment, now Kretinga in Western Lithuania). Shows the administrative apparatus of the German forced labor system, as well as the people from the occupied territories. Includes ...

  6. Refugee girls at the de Monbrison chateau in France

    Refugee girls living at a chateau owned by Count Hubert Conquere de Monbrison in Quincy-sous-Senart, located about 30 km south of Paris. De Monbrison and the Princess Irena Paley (a niece of the last Russian czar who later became Monbrison's wife) used the chateau to house refugee girls from the Russian and Spanish civil wars. In 1939 de Monbrison was approached by his children's Jewish physician, who was a member of the board of the OSE, and asked whether he would take in a group of forty German Jewish refugee children. The count agreed and the Kindertransport of boys arrived on July 4, 19...

  7. Rabinowitsch family papers

    The collection includes identification cards belonging to Gabriel Rabinowitsch, Fryda Nadel Rabinowitsch, and Leib Nadel, in Russian, issued 1946-1948, and the handwritten journal kept by Gabriel Rabinowitsch while in hiding near the Vilnius (Vilna) ghetto between November 1943 and June 1944. In the journal, he describes his wartime experiences, including the German invasion of Vilnius, forced labor, deportations, and his escape into hiding in November 1943. He describes life in hiding and hearing of the Soviet offensive. Also included is an English language translation of the diary.

  8. Austrian newsreel excerpts, March 25, 1938

    Excerpts from reel 1 of Ostmark-Wochenschau Nr. 13/1938 (25. März 1938), from frames 02107 to 05331. German narration. Title card: “Eintreffen motorisierter deutscher Truppen-Abteilungen in Wien und Graz” Night motorcade with motorcycles, cars, and tanks through city streets. Nazi officials wave and smile from platform before the Heinrichhof Cafe in Vienna. CUs. Crowds watch and cheer from balcony. Salute. (01:26) Daytime motorcade in Graz. Crowds line cobbled streets, swastika flags. Sign for: "Grand Hotel Steirerhof". Cars and tanks pass. Excerpts from reel 2 of Ostmark-Wochenschau Nr. 13...

  9. Gottschalk family correspondence

    The Gottschalk family correspondence consists of correspondence from the Gottschalk family of Libau (Liepaja), Latvia, in the period before, during, and after the Holocaust. Includes correspondence to Agnes Arnsdorff, who had immigrated to Palestine from her family from 1937-1941, and after 1944. Most of the family was murdered by the Einsatzgruppen in December 1941.

  10. Matus collection

    Contains two typewritten reports written by Sadie Rurka (Hofstein) about the state of Amsterdam Jewry in June 1945 and about the “Noddorp” emergency village for children near Rotterdam, Holland. Sadie Rurka served as a welfare officer in the Jewish Relief Unit. Also includes a report written by Dr. Fritz Leo about the conditions in the sick-bay in the concentration camp Bergen-Belsen before the liberation; the report was confirmed by eight physicians, former inmates, among them Dr. Ada Bimko (Hadassah Rosensaft). Also incldues a report written by Bertha Weingreen, welfare officer in the Jew...

  11. Hitler Youth

    Brief shot of Karl Doenitz follwed by a one man torpedo in the water. A man wearing a Ritterkreuz gets out of a small submarine. Scenes from the Pacific: Japanese pilots in the cockpit (staged); bombing ships; conference with Allied soldiers somewhere in the Pacific. Narration is Japanese. 03:05:47 CUs of German soldiers in battle. Good CUs of faces. Overhead shot of a large group of Hitler Youth boys who have volunteered for the war effort [Kriegsfreiwilliger]. The leader of the ceremony announces that 70% of the boys from the class of 1928 have enlisted. Deutsche Wochenschau eagle on screen.

  12. Selected police records from the Arad Branch of the Romanian National Archives

    Contains records from the police of the town of Arad, including records relating to new orders and name lists of the Iron Guard.

  13. Simone Brand Birndorf photographic collection

    The Simone Brand Birndorf photograph collection consists of black and white photographic prints of members of the Brand family of Łódź, Poland, taken before and after World War II.

  14. Officials review Reichsarbeitsdienst workers

    Private film by Herbert Apfelthaler. Title card reads: “Schnitt, Kamera: Herbert Apfelthaler.” Rows of Nazi Reichsarbeitsdienst (RAD) march with shovels on their shoulders. A small group of other soldiers, perhaps higher ranking, shake hands and give the Nazi salute. They inspect the lines of Nazi RAD, who stand at attention with their shovels. They march down a path through fields. Shots of them in formation with their shovels in a field, then running into formation. Marching. More maneuvering and inspections. They do exercises in unison in shorts. They perform gymnastics on wooden logs an...

  15. Rasela Knezevic papers

    Contains photographs and photograph album, as well as a 1959 report for the US Department of Agriculture written by Rašela Levi.

  16. Part 1 excerpt from Police Yearly Retrospect 1938

    Title card: “11. März 1938. Der große nationale Umbruch in Österreich.” Title card: “Abends, nach dem im Rundfunk verkündeten Rücktritt der Regierung Schuschnigg, kam es zu großen spontanen Freudenkundgebungen in den Straßen Wiens.” Crowds of people yelling, smiling, cheering. Most of them are doing the Nazi salute. Some are holding swastika flags, others are holding torches. City lights can be seen in the distance. Title card: “12. März 1938, - um ½ 2 Uhr früh. Vom Balkon des Bundeskanzleramtes wird die neue nationale Regierung Seyß Inquart proklamiert.” Flashlights show men in long coats....

  17. Sara Sternlicht identification card (Kennkarte)

    Contains an identification card (Deutsches Reich Kennkarte) issued to Sara Sternlicht (donor's mother); marked with large "J" identifying her as Jewish; black and white photograph of bearer affixed; issued November 20, 1939; Vienna, Austria.

  18. Rotenberg family collection

    Collection of photographs depicting the Rotenberg family in Jauer, Germany and in Tientsin, China in the years 1930-1948. Collection of documents relating to Haim Szmul Rotenberg, cantor and shochet (ritual slaughterer for kashrut), his wife Rosa Deborah Pollak Rotenberg, and their two sons, Bernhard and Wolfgang, and their efforts to emigrate from Germany in 1938-1939; school certificates from Jewish school in Tientsin, China. Correspondence: letters and postcards from members of the Rotenberg and Pollak families residing in Poland, dated 1939-1941.

  19. Belsen child survivors recover at Joodse Invalide

    Jewish children recuperate at "Joodse Invalide," a hospital for Jewish disabled in Amsterdam, after liberation from Bergen-Belsen. MCU four Jewish children jumping and climbing on a bed, smiling, the boys wear kippahs. Nurse (woman in white apron uniform) puts one of the children, who had climbed out, back onto the bed. Nurse seats the children at the end of the bed, they are all clapping and smiling. She places a tin bin on the floor and undresses one boy so that he can relieve himself. Nurse pushes two children in front of the camera. One child slides towards the door and tries to open it...

  20. Vogel and Baer family correspondence

    The Vogel and Baer family consists of Berta (Bertha) Baer Vogel of Untergrombach, Germany, her ex-husband Albert Vogel, their children, Inga and Ellen, and extended family. The daughter of a Jewish ironmonger, Berta lived in Karlsruhe, Germany with her family until her and Albert separated in 1930 and she immigrated to Basel, Switzerland. The Vogel and Baer family correspondence comprises letters primarily from Inga, who was a student in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to her Berta, Ellen, and her grandparents in Basel, Switzerland between 1938 and 1941. The letters detail her studies, life in the...