Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 5,141 to 5,160 of 26,867
Language of Description: English
Country: United States
  1. Selected records from the State Archives of Ancona

    This collection contains records relating to a census of the Jews, racial laws, Jewish businesses, publishing houses, and companies, refugees, and the Jewish community.

  2. Selected records from the State Archives in Gorzów Wielkopolski

    Contain selected records from files of the towns Brójce, Pszczew and Gorzów Wielkopolski, created during the pre-war period, as well as in the first years of WWII. The materials from 1933-39 refer to the election of the Jewish community (list of members of the community in Gorzów), religious schooling, holidays and Jewish graveyards. Records from the period after 1939 relate to anti-Jewish orders, as well as press cuttings and personal questionnaires related to Kennkarte (from the town of Pszczew).

  3. Isenberg family visits relatives in Gilserberg; cemetery; synagogue

    Man riding bicycle through town, past stacks of timber. Horse-drawn wagon. More logs and pan of houses. 01:16:00 "Jakob Stern" sign on a house [see notes about Stern family], men on wagon. Mailman closes door to truck. Man walks down street with a cane. Muddy trail in a field. 01:16:52 Cemetery - gravestones with Hebrew inscriptions - family names: Stern, Marx, Isenberg, Stahl. Family rides in a horse-drawn wagon in town. Jacob and Sophie Stern and family pose in front of the Stern house. Sigmund, Rosa, Julie, unknown women, and Isenberg family work on a farm. Sigmund leads oxen. 01:19:15 M...

  4. "My Story"

    Consists of one memoir, 55 pages, entitled "My Story," by Sol Graf (also known as Zoltan Grof or Shlomo Graf), originally of Mosonmagyaróvár, Hungary. He describes pre-war life, the invasion of Hungary, being sent to the Moson ghetto and from there to the ghetto in Gyor. At the beginning of June, he was deported to Auschwitz and describes the selection process and being placed in the children's barrack in the so-called "Gypsy camp." He was transferred to Auschwitz I and later to the Sachsenhausen, Lieberose, and Mauthausen concentration camps. He was liberated from Gunskirchen in May 1945 a...

  5. Nachum family papers

    Photographic album of family history; two (2) German passports illustrating travel to Shanghai; documents relating to the family's emigration. Identification documents, passports, and immigration documents, related to the emigration of Siegfried (later Fred) and Rosa Nachum, and their sone Uri (later Ronald) from Germany to the United States, via Shanghai, 1939-1947. Includes school records from Shanghai for Uri Nachum (1943-1946), U.S. naturalization certificates for each member of family, and photographs. Also includes records related to the family of Mozes Wrubel (also Wrobel) of Wilkes-...

  6. Belgian couples tour Germany by bicycle

    The de Brouwers and their neighbors Joseph and Yvonne de Hemptinne, take a self-guided tour through Germany in July 1936. The film begins with an introduction of each traveler on the "Voyage au Pays Rhenan, taken in July 1936 by bicycle, boat, train, and car." Yvonne de Hemptinne (acting director for the film), Denise de Brouwer (acting treasurer), Joseph de Hemptinne (acting mechanic), and Carl de Brouwer (acting cameraman) smile at the camera while on a boat. 00:01:15 On a map of Western Europe, a pointer indicates the route of the families' journey from Cologne down the Rhein River and b...

  7. Deportation of Jews

    Deportation scenes in Poland. Quick shot of elderly Jews next to railway car. LS, line of Jews (filmed from behind) walking beside empty railcars followed by a Reichsbahn official. An armed SS man directs the Jewish women marching left to right across the frame. Closer view of a group of Jewish women and children with armbands walking towards the camera beside the train. A man and teenage boy help load Jews onto the train. View from inside the railcar to women as they climb into the car, a SS rifleman supervises them on the platform. On a platform, another group of Jewish civilians files to...

  8. Ehrentheil family papers

    Consists of documents, correspondence, memoirs, and research notes related to Dr. Otto Ehrentheil’s attempts to assist family and friends to escape Nazi-occupied Europe. After his family arrived in the United States from Vienna, Austria, in November 1938, Dr. Ehrentheil worked to provide financial assistance and affidavits for numerous family and friends. Includes correspondence, financial documentation, memoirs and additional information about those he assisted, and research notes related to the writing and publication of “Dear Otto,” written by Dr. Ehrentheil’s daughter, Susanne Learmonth...

  9. Annual harvest festival at Bueckeberg

    Large groups of civilians travel along a road to the harvest festival in Bueckeberg on October 6, 1935. Germans heil officials and watch a large procession. Tillman describes in his diary how one million people traveled by special trains and by foot to the rally. "The whole mountain... was alive with people, hardly room for more... People of different parts of G[ermany] with their native costumes marched in procession until 12:00 when the Fuehrer arrived - walked through the crowd to platform on top of mountain to watch the battle - very realistic." In his manuscript "Meine Herrschaften" (i...

  10. Aron Glass papers

    Documents detailing the service of Aron Glass in the Palestine Police and the Jewish Brigade, from 1941-1946, including soldier's pay book, discharge papers, photographs, a naturalization certificate granting him citizenship in Palestine (1940), and a later Israeli passport (1956).

  11. Hitler Youth visit Egypt and Japan

    Teil I. Missing titles at head. Hitler Youth (HJ) boys on boat, one looks through binoculars with ship captain. Boys exercise, perform calisthenics, and box in uniforms on deck. Swimming. Musical entertainment with guitar and accordion. 01:01:21 Boys in dress uniform visit a fountain on a plaza, probably in Rome, Italy. View overlooking city. The group visits ruins. 01:01:28 HJ boys in civilian dress walk past a pyramid in Egypt. Tourist views of the pyramids and the Great Sphinx of Giza. 01:02:19 Local military men guard ancient ruins. 01:02:40 Ancient temple. Men with fez hats ride on hor...

  12. Golstick family photograph

    Photograph: image of Golstick family taken in Riga, Latvia in the 1930s. Photograph previously belonged to donor's grandmother, and it was the last item she ever received from them. It is presumed they all perished during the Holocaust.

  13. Print

    Print from a set of eight reproductions of lithographed drawings by Gheorghe Ceglokoff depicting scenes he witnessed in 1941 while a political prisoner in the Romanian concentration camp Târgu Jiu in Transnistria.

  14. Mojzesz (Mietek) Pachter memoir

    Memoir, typescript, 732 pages, written in 1945-1947 by Mojżesz "Mietek" Pachter (donor’s paternal uncle) during his recuperation in a tuberculosis sanatorium in Davos, Switzerland. In the memoir, Mietek described the Pachter family life in the Warsaw ghetto; forced labor by his older brother Wilek Wolf and himself and smuggling of food for the parents: Pinchas and Rywka and their youngest brother Sewek Jeshayahu. The parents and Sewek were deported to Treblinka in January 1943; Wilek and Mietek survived the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and in May 1943 they were deported to Treblinka, from there t...

  15. Tageschronik (Chronicle of the Łódź Ghetto), selected entries

    Four separate typescript entries of the "Chronicle of the Łódź Ghetto," or "Tageschronik," covering the dates of 2 November 1942 (Nr. 182), 17 November 1942 (Nr. 197), 9 March 1943 (Nr. 53), and 1 August 1943 (Nr. 197). The Department of the Archives, of the Eldest of the Jews in the Łódź ghetto, produced the daily chronicle from 12 January 1941 until 30 July 1944. Until 1 September 1942, the chronicle was written in Polish and titled "Biuletyn Kroniki Codziennej," and from 1 September 1942 onward it was published in German and titled "Tageschronik," although editions in both languages ...

  16. Kimmel family collection

    Consists of post-war photographs dating from 1946-1956 of the Kimmel family, originally of Lvov, Poland. Included also are five copies of photograph strips and one postcard written on October 7, 1947 to Dr. Alfred Kimmel, who at that time was living in the Schlachtensee DP camp in Berlin, Germany. The photographs include portraits of individuals and of groups, and images of daily life in the displaced persons camp. Dr. Alfred Kimmel and his wife, Laura (Späth) Kimmel emigrated to the United States in 1949.

  17. Testimony from the ancestral homeland of the Wilner family

  18. "Refugees and Rescuers in Fascist and Post War Italy (1933-1946)"

    Consists of one manuscript, 94 pages, entitled "Refugees and Rescuers in Fascist and Post War Italy (1933-1946)" by Donato Grosser, based on the recollections and documents of his father, Bernardo (Berl) Grosser. In the manuscript, Donato Grosser describes the experience of Italian Jews and Jewish refugees in Italy in the 1930s, including information about the 1938 emigration of his father, Bernardo Grosser, who was from Kamionki Wielkie, but emigrated by way of France. In Italy, Grosser became one of the secretaries of the Genoa office of DELASEM (the Delegazione per l'Assistenz agli Emigr...

  19. Mauthausen liberation photograph

    Consists of one photograph taken after the liberation of the Mauthausen concentration camp. The photograph depicts piles of corpses in the Soviet section of the camp, with a newly liberated prisoner pointing at the bodies.

  20. Selected serials from the National Library of Uruguay

    Contains predominantly rare Jewish serials, German and pro-Nazi serials published in Uruguay in the years preceding, during, and after World War II (n a few cases).