Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 23,921 to 23,940 of 26,867
Language of Description: English
Country: United States
  1. John C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of John C., who was born in Lynn, Massachusetts in approximately 1922. He recalls attending Yale in fall 1940; attempting to enlist in the naval air corps after Pearl Harbor; failing to pass the eye test; enlisting in the army; beginning active duty in early 1943; assignment to a mobile engineering corps; landing in Le Havre; moving into Germany; entering Wöbbelin shortly after its liberation; horror at the conditions; local Germans being forced to dig mass graves; and not believing local Germans and POWs denying knowledge of the camp and demonstrating no remorse. Mr. C...

  2. Esther M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Esther M., who was born in Brussels, Belgium in 1930. She recalls anti-Jewish regulations after the war began, including expulsion from school and wearing the star; hearing of concentration camps; her parents hiding with a non-Jewish business colleague and hiding her and her sister with a non-Jewish neighbor; visits from her mother (she had false papers so could go out); joining their parents; placement in a convent; being moved to another convent when other children became suspicious; writing letters to their parents through an intermediary; retrieval by their mother...

  3. Nathan L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Nathan L., who was born in Łańcut, Poland in 1934, the younger of two brothers. He recounts living in bunkers in the woods with his family, including grandparents, aunts, and uncles; often running and hiding in cemeteries; his uncle carrying him when he could not run through high snow; assistance from some non-Jews; his grandparents giving up; his mother not returning when she went for food (he never saw her again); liberation six month later; returning to Łańcut; living with his aunt, then in an orphanage for a few months; living in Rzeszów with his brother, fathe...

  4. Solomon R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Solomon R., who was born in Jerusalem in 1908. He describes traveling to Ulm in 1946, representing the Joint; working with displaced persons, Allied forces, HIAS, and UNRRA; providing food, religious services and supplies, schools, and recreational activities to displaced persons in camps and in the area; cigarette rations functioning as currency; diverse political and religious groups; relations with local Germans, non-Jewish eastern European refugees, and Allied personnel; and the efforts of army chaplains to raise morale.

  5. Berthold and Gertrude H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Berthold and Gertrude H. Mr. H. was born in Vienna, Austria in 1904. He recalls his apprenticeship at age fourteen; earning a good living as a salesman; antisemitic attacks; many Jews committing suicide; confiscation of their apartment; arrest on Kristallnacht; abusive treatment until his release; emigration to the United States in February 1939; and psychiatric treatment to deal with his traumatic memories. Mrs. H. was born in Vienna in 1909. She recalls her father's death as a soldier in World War I; marriage in 1937; changes after Hitler took over Austria; being sh...

  6. Vivette S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Vivette S., who was born in Paris, France in 1919. She recalls her family life with its secular, socialist and French emphases; participating in the Front Populaire, including traveling to Spain; German invasion in May 1940; fleeing to Orle?ans, Saint-Jean-de-Luz, and Vichy; attending university in Toulouse; joining her family in Cannes in 1941; learning about OSE in Montpellier; working for OSE in Rivesaltes rescuing children; a Hanukkah celebration there; leaving in June 1942, having rescued more than 400 children; marriage to the OSE director in Marseille in Octobe...

  7. Barbara Z. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Barbara Z., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1921, an only child. She recalls her father was not Jewish; her parents were both dentists; their divorce when she was twelve; her maternal grandfather living with them; her mother's Danish friend urging her mother to send her to Denmark due to Hitler's ascent to power; arrival in Copenhagen in 1936; attending a Catholic school; her mother's arrival a year later (her grandfather had died); their sham marriages so they could remain; German invasion; non-Jews arranging their transport in a small fishing boat to Sweden (the ...

  8. Jerrit A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jerrit A., who was born in Amsterdam in 1909. He describes aspects of prewar life in the Jewish section of Amsterdam; the beginnings of anti-Jewish legislation and forced labor; being rounded up, with his wife and three children, by the SA and taken to Westerbork; his separation from his wife and children, when he was forcibly removed from the deportation train (which continued to Auschwitz, where his family was killed); and being taken as a slave laborer to Cosel, in Silesia. He speaks of his transfer to Niederkirch, where most of the prisoners were also Dutch; to Se...

  9. Ervin E. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ervin E., who was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1922. He describes his father's status as a World War I hero, which provided exemption from anti-Jewish laws; being barred from university due to those laws; working as a lathe operator; compulsory service in a Hungarian forced labor battalion in 1943 in Hungary, Romania, Ukraine, and an area near Novi Sad; witnessing Ustas?i, Croatians, and SS burning Serbian villages and killing civilians; being recruited by Chetniks; German occupation of Hungary in March 1944; escaping to Budapest with false papers in November; deporta...

  10. Morris S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Morris S., who was born in Cze?stochowa, Poland, in 1921. He recalls growing up in a middle-class family of seven children; his father's bakery business; German invasion; killings of Jews; creation of the Judenrat; ghettoization; leaving the ghetto for forced labor; a friend's death in a mass killing; liquidation of the ghetto; forced labor with two sisters and one brother in Racho?w; transfer to Buchenwald, then a camp near Dresden; a death march; escaping with his brother; separating from him to avoid being caught (he never saw him again); posing as a non-Jew to joi...

  11. Elizabeth S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Elizabeth S., who was born in Paris, France in approximately 1938. She recounts traveling with her mother to Toulouse after German invasion; reunion with her father; his leaving them (he was recognizable as a Jew because he was a well-known violinist); living in a non-Jewish friend's chateau as non-Jews; Germans being billeted with them; wearing a cross (she did not know she was Jewish); placement in a convent; visits from her mother; learning catechism and being confirmed; transfer to an orphanage; being told the war was over; returning to Paris with her mother; livi...

  12. Malvinia S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Malvinia S., who was born in Sighet, Romania. She describes her family's Hasidism; her mother's death when she was eleven; one brother's emigration to Cuba; Hungarian occupation; her brother's draft into a forced labor battalion; obtaining documents in Velyikyy Bychkiv to confirm her father's citizenship; his death; ghettoization in spring 1944; deportation to Auschwitz; selections; a friend who obtained extra food and shared it with her; transfer to a camp in Upper Silesia; slave labor digging trenches; a death march; digging graves after mass killings; declining to ...

  13. Boris A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Boris A., who was born in Paneve?z?ys, Lithuania in 1915, one of seven children in a religious family. He recalls his parents' deaths in 1936 and 1938; continuing the family business with his brothers; Soviet occupation when he was in Kovno; opening a brush store in S?iauliai; German invasion; ghettoization; manufacturing brushes for the Germans; his sister's escape, with her three children, from the Kovno ghetto to S?iauliai; deportations of two of her children; and transfer with his brother, sister, and her child to a nearby camp. Mr. A. recounts a German supervisor...

  14. Sue K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sue K., who was born in Roz?h?ishche, Ukraine (then Poland) in 1931, one of six children. She recalls her father and brother emigrating to the United States in 1938; brief Soviet occupation; German invasion; her mother's rape by a Ukrainian neighbor; ghettoization; learning the Catholic catechism to pose as a non-Jew; escaping with her sister and brother; separation from them; hiding on a farm; and learning of her brother's murder. She recounts hiding in the woods; working on another farm as a non-Jew; liberation by Soviet troops; living in an orphanage in Kiev; retur...

  15. Edith K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Edith K., who was born in Khust, Czechoslovakia in 1920. She recounts moving with her family to Munka?cs in 1933; attending Czech school; graduation in 1938; Hungarian occupation; anti-Jewish laws resulting in her father losing his business; assistance from his former employee; German occupation; ghettoization; her brother being drafted into a forced labor battalion; her father refusing an offer to hide their family in order to remain with his siblings; deportation to Auschwitz; separation from her parents upon arrival (she never saw them again); six weeks in Birkenau...

  16. Krystyna B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Krystyna B., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1921. Mrs. B. describes her parents, who were both educators, and details the charitable works of her mother; education as an assimilated Jew; her older brother being drafted into the Polish Army and never seeing him again; ghettoization of Warsaw and conditions there; going often to the Polish side posing as a non-Jew; and being caught in a ghetto round-up. She relates transport to Majdanek with her mother; their arrival and separation during the selection process; six weeks in Majdanek during May and June 1943; transfer...

  17. Selene B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Selene B., who was born in Bia?ystok, Poland. She recalls German occupation; mass killings; anti-Jewish measures; ghettoization; hiding with her family during round-ups; her brother's work as a photographer's assistant (he brought home pictures of the ghetto); her brother arranging for her and her mother to work at a furniture factory; hiding with her mother after the ghetto's liquidation; their arrest and deportation to Stutthof, then Birkenau; working with her mother in a bomb factory; attempting to sabotage the bomb fuses; a public hanging; transfer to Auschwitz; f...

  18. Pincus and Sylvia S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Pincus S., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1906, and his wife Sylvia S., who was born in Pultusk, Poland in 1922 and moved to ?o?dz? in 1937. Mr. S. tells of his prewar marriage to his first wife and his work as a furrier. Both Mr. and Mrs. S. speak of the German occupation of ?o?dz?; the torture and humiliation which followed; the ghettoization of ?o?dz?; ghetto life; their impressions of Rumkowski, elder of the Jewish Council of ?o?dz?; and round-ups and deportations from the ghetto. Mrs. S. describes the death of her father in the ghetto; her transport to Auschwi...

  19. St. Louis: Bardeleben

  20. Matala B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Matala B., who was born in Hrubieszów, Poland, one of three daughters. She recalls their affluence; being spoiled as the youngest; joyous family holidays; giving to charity; cessation of school when war began; having tutors at home; her father being part of the Judenrat which helped them survive; hiding during round-ups; being held and then released when an official was bribed by a local Jew, Dr. Orenstein; her whole family being taken; incarceration in Budzyń and Majdanek; separation from her sister; a death march to Auschwitz/Birkenau when her mother was shot in f...