Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 23,421 to 23,440 of 26,867
Language of Description: English
Country: United States
  1. Shlomo K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Shlomo K., who was born in Vilna, Poland (presently Vilnius, Lithuania) in 1921, one of two children. He recounts attending a Bund school; joining Hashomer Hatzair, in spite of his family's and school's Bundist beliefs; completing school in 1939; joining a Hashomer hachsharah in Kalisz; German invasion; fleeing with his group to Łódź, Warsaw, then returning home; Soviet occupation; attending a Jewish technical school; clandestine Hashomer activities led by Abba Kovner; German invasion in June 1941; anti-Jewish restrictions and killings; ghettoization; forced labor w...

  2. Nathan G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Nathan G., who was born in Guttenberg, New Jersey in 1913. He recalls growing up in a liberal orthodox home in Brooklyn and Minneapolis; active participation in labor Zionist organizations including editing "Jewish Frontier"; visiting Israel and Europe in 1938; speaking publicly in the United States about the Nazi danger; induction into the Army in 1943; one year's training in Mississippi; landing in Marseille in December 1944; moving through France into Germany; encountering a train of prisoners who had been headed for Dachau; visiting Buchenwald in May 1945; talking...

  3. Robert S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Robert S., a non-Jew, who was born in Weissenstadt, Germany in 1927. He recalls being impressed by a torchlight parade for a relative who was a leader in the SA; membership in the Hitler Jugend; attending gymnasium in Wunsiedel; relatives in California wanting to adopt him; rumors of Kristallnacht (there were no Jews in his town); a teacher who was a high ranking SA member; propaganda which aroused pro-war, anti-American sentiments; emphasis on Hitler's life and greatness; his American aunt arranging for his emigration; being unable to leave after war broke out; his h...

  4. Peter V. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Peter V., who was born in Nitra, Czechoslovakia (presently Slovakia) in 1929, an only child. He recalls his father's position as a bank director; his family observing major Jewish holidays within their assimilated lifestyle; attending an orthodox day school; participating in Zionist youth groups; establishment of the Slovak state; anti-Jewish laws preventing his entry to public school and expulsion from their house; deportations beginning in 1942; their official exemption due to his father's expertise; recognizing that the arrival of Germans in 1944 imperiled them; hi...

  5. Conference 1985

  6. Matilda Z. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Matilda Z., who was born in Belgrade, Yugoslavia in 1926, the third of six children. She describes her father's death in 1937; their subsequent impoverishment; support from relatives and the Ashkenazi community; their home being bombed in April 1941; living with relatives; anti-Jewish restrictions; going without her armband with Serbian friends; a German patrol identifying her as a Jew; forced labor washing toilets for a day; another older brother being shot in a mass killing; another older brother being caught and killed in 1942; orders for her family to report to th...

  7. Benjamin J. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Benjamin J., who was born in Dobra, Poland in 1919, the youngest of three children. He recalls antisemitic harassment; attending one year of dental school; German invasion; ghettoization; assistance from a few Polish friends; deportation with his father in 1941 to Poznan?; slave labor for Hoch und Tiefbau; receiving extra food from a Polish woman who also smuggled mail to him; a severe beating for smuggling bread; transfer with his father in 1943 to a nearby camp; public executions; assignment to the hospital as a dentist and medical assistant; learning his mother and...

  8. Chana B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Chana B., who was born in Chop, Czechoslovakia (presently Ukraine), in 1931. She tells how her family and other Jews were affected by the Hungarian occupation in 1938 and, using the Jewish holidays to define her chronology, she vividly recalls her experiences of the German occupation. She also recalls her deportation, with her family to the Uz?h?horod (Ungva?r) ghetto, where she was separated from her father, and her deportation to Auschwitz, where she was separated from her mother but managed to be "adopted" by a cousin, the first of many older women who cared for he...

  9. Hedy W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hedy W., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1905. She recalls studying piano at the conservatory; marriage in 1928; the births of two sons; the Anschluss; anti-Jewish regulations; her husband's imprisonment in Dachau for a year; transferring funds to Switzerland; obtaining Yugoslavian papers (his parents were Yugoslavs) resulting in her husband's release; traveling via Koprivnica to Zagreb, where they remained for two years; German invasion; fleeing to Split; returning to Zagreb; obtaining Bolivian papers; crossing from Sus?ak to Abbazia (now Opatija) in Italian terri...

  10. Paulina R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Paulina R., who was born in Veškovce, Czechoslovakia (presently Slovakia) in 1922, the youngest of ten children. She recalls her father was a Talmud scholar; cordial relations with non-Jews; commuting to high school in Uz︠h︡horod; Hungarian occupation; the school principal accommodating the Jewish students despite anti-Jewish laws; the draft of two brothers into Hungarian slave labor battalions; her father's death in 1940; round-up with her family to a brick factory in Uz︠h︡horod; deportation to Auschwitz; separation from her mother and sisters' children upon arrival...

  11. Tamara K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Tamara K., who was born in Minsk, Belarus in 1922 and raised in Seirijai, Lithuania. She describes her family's strong Zionist commitment; school quotas due to antisemitism; being sent to Kaunas to attend school; German invasion in 1941; mass killings; ghettoization; losing contact with her family; living with her fiance?'s parents; exemption from forced labor and receiving extra food because her fiance? was in the Jewish police; deportation to Stutthof in June 1944 (she never saw her fiance? or family again); starvation and cold leading to her wish to die; evacuation...

  12. Lily M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lily M., who was born in Vilna, Poland in 1924. She recalls an assimilated, affluent home; antisemitism beginning in 1935; her father losing his state job; moving to a village; her mother's death from cancer; Soviet occupation; German invasion in June 1941; ghettoization with her father and sister and other relatives in Vilna; obtaining essential jobs; attending music and poetry performances; a woman who escaped mass shootings in Ponary (she went mad); singing partisan songs at work at Porobanek airfield; deportation with her aunt, sister, and cousins to Kaiserwald; s...

  13. Cela L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Cela L., who was born in Kielce, Poland, circa 1932. She describes completing first grade in 1939; German invasion; her nanny leaving; ghettoization; smuggling food from Polish friends; killings during round-ups in 1942; transfer to the slave labor camp with her family; her father saving her from a children's round-up; her shame at being one of two children left alive; being hidden during roll calls; her parents' futile attempt to arrange her escape; her joy at not being separated from them; public hangings; deportation to Auschwitz in 1944; remaining with her mother ...

  14. Lucille M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lucille M., who was born in Zboro?w, Poland (presently Zboriv, Ukraine) in 1930. She recalls Jewish communal life and Zionism; her affluent family; antisemitic harassment by children; German bombardment in 1939; Soviet occupation; confiscation of her father's business by Soviet authorities; German invasion in June 1941; her father and uncles hiding during a mass killing of Jewish men; ghettoization; hiding during round-ups; having extra food and protection due to her father's membership on the Judenrat and his non-Jewish associates; incarceration in the Zboro?w labor ...

  15. Jorge G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jorge G., who was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1931, an only child. He recalls many relatives playing the violin, including his parents; studying violin with his uncle from an early age; attending a Jewish gymnasium; his preoccupation with playing and performing music; German invasion in March 1944; food shortages; ghettoization; his father's appointment as ghetto pharmacist and his as a messenger; the ubiquitous presence of the Arrow Cross, who abused and killed Jews; liberation by Soviet troops; returning to their apartment; attending music school beginning in 1948;...

  16. Erna R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Erna R., who was born in Z?ywiec, Poland in 1922. She recalls being one of two Jewish families; attending high school in Krako?w; anti-Semitic incidents; German invasion; forced labor; ghettoization; hunger, deportations, and mass killings; the demoralizing effect of family separations; liquidation of the ghetto in 1943; her family's transfer to P?aszo?w; working in the Madritsch factory; truck transport of all children out of P?aszo?w, including her eleven year old brother (they were all killed); her father's and mother's deportations; frequent hangings and shootings...

  17. David P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of David P., who was born in Šiauliai, Lithuania in 1924. He recalls attending a Hebrew gymnasium; participating in a Socialist-Zionist youth group; Soviet occupation; transformation of his school from Hebrew to Yiddish; joining a clandestine Zionist group; German invasion in 1941; fleeing east with his family; capture by Lithuanians; imprisonment in Šiauliai; separation from his family; forced labor digging ditches, which he later learned were mass graves where his father was killed; release; ghettoization; living with his mother and sister; working in a factory; brie...

  18. Tauba B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Tauba B., who was born in Zamos?c?, Poland in 1918. She recalls German invasion; brief Soviet occupation; reversion to German authority; fleeing with her family to Hrubieszo?w, then Volodymyret?s??; Soviet authorities settling them in Dubno; marriage; her family's flight to Russia in 1940; her husband's draft into the Soviet military (she never saw him again); her daughter's birth; German invasion in 1941; ghettoization; her baby's death; being smuggled out by a Ukrainian (her husband's family perished in a mass killing); traveling to Ternopil? as a non-Jew; working f...

  19. Georges D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Georges D., a non-Jew, who was born in Ixelles, Belgium in 1911. He recounts his mother's death in 1918; his family's move to Brussels; training as a mechanic in a technical school; military service beginning in 1931; working as a policeman; marriage in 1936; the births of two daughters; German invasion on May 10, 1940; military draft; fleeing to France on May 16; encountering Germans; returning home the day after Belgian capitulation; joining the Resistance; delivering underground journals; hiding individuals sought by the Gestapo; obtaining false papers for Jews; ar...

  20. Odette S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Odette S., who was born in France in 1925 to an affluent family. She recalls helping refugees from central Europe; the outbreak of war; the family's moves to Deauville, Dordogne, and Brive; participating in the scouts; moving to Larche in 1942, thinking it would be safer; three months in Italian-occupied Savoie; arrest with her parents in Larche in 1943; separation from her father (she learned later he was shot); transfer with her mother to Drancy via Pe?rigueux and Paris; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau; digging ditches; her mother's death after six weeks; transfer...