Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 881 to 900 of 22,191
Country: United States
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Visiting family in Pinsk, 1934

    The Lourié family visits relatives in Pinsk, Belarus in August 1934, including shots of the family's plywood factory in Pinsk. Woman looks at large plaques written in Hebrew, outdoors. Two pre-teen girls climb over large logs, walk out of a building and look at another building. Pan of the town of Pinsk and the family factory. Shoreline filmed from a moving boat, and men in canoes. On shore, one of the girls and a woman walk over as men bring large logs onto the shore. 5:02 Three men talk, one in a suit. Lourie plywood factory process: large logs, bark removed from smaller logs by two men w...

  2. GIs in Paris, Brussels, and Düren

    (b/w) American soldiers in Paris, sightseeing, street scenes, local civilians, opera house, Avenue des Champs Elysses, Arc de Triomphe, the Unknown soldiers' tomb. 01:04:59 Title card: “Maastricht, Holland.” Street scenes, soldiers in field. 01:05:26 Sightseeing in Brussels, street cars. Title card: “The King’s Memorial to his wife” 01:07:59 Title card: “US Army Pro. Station in rear” Well-dressed women, ornate buildings in city. 01:08:36 Sign for American soldiers, “Warning Curfew in Brussels”. Building destruction. Title card: “Bomb crater”. 01:10:54 Title card: “Duren, 40,000-complete rui...

  3. Jews in Budapest during the German occupation, Autumn 1944

    A film by József Herczog. As an amateur filmmaker, Herczog filmed the streets of Budapest during the German occupation of Hungary in autumn 1944 and captured a record of his salon business, the dedication of the bomb shelter in cellar of the “yellow star house” where he lived and over 50% of the tenants were Jewish, Hungarian soldiers, an evacuation, and bomb damage. Title card: “Filmezte es osszeallitotta: Herczog Jozsef fodraszmester” Title card: drawing of Danube and Parliament with handwritten “BUDAPEST”. Herczog's salon at Thököly street 22 (Hernád street) in Budapest. Baross Square. S...

  4. Czech Jewish families before the Holocaust; parade in Prague

    Title card: “Rodina 1937” Steffi Guttmann and her daughters Zuzana (Suzi) and Sylvie get into a car in Prague. Shaky tracking shot in the city, tram, shops. Simon Guttmann strolls with daughters Suzi and Sylvie by the banks of the river. Other family and friends join, pose for the camera by the river. Mahrer and Guttmann children run in a park, castle in BG, joking around for the camera. Older man, Baruch Guttmann, cantor of the Pincas Synagogue, and Jerome Mahrer get out of the car, CUs with another man. The family again poses and walks with linked arms in a park, various views. CU their d...

  5. Lourié & Co. factory in Vienna; Birthday celebration

    The Lourié plywood factory and daily family life in Vienna, Austria in the year 1929. "Ein Familienfilm aus dem Jahre 1929 Vienna, Part 1" "Hergestellt durch: Hans Brueckner Wien I. Operngassse 2." "Die Holzbearbeitungsfabrik LOURIE & CO. in Wien X." Lourié & Co. was founded in 1899 by Leopold Lourié. Pan of factory in the industrial neighborhood, tour of exterior, factory operations with businessmen. 01:07:56 The Lourié family celebrates the seventieth birthday of Leopold in the Dornbach neighborhood of Vienna. Garden party. Titles in German: 01:01:02 “Gegrundet 1899 Leopold Lourie...

  6. Prewar Czech families: birthday; beach; skiing

    Guttmann family picks vegetables from the garden in Bechyně (Continuation of RG-60.7181), eating. Suzi and Sylvie walk in the street with an older man (Simon?). Steffi and the two girls exit the sweet “Cukrářství” shop. INTs, birthday party for Suzi’s fourteenth birthday. Steffi brings in flowers and the cake. Suzi opens presents. CUs, sweets, cake with “14”. CU, her new watch (some soft shots). EXT, Girls and their mom carry baskets along the road. INTs man (Simon?) shaving. 01:02:15 EXTs Sylvie and her mother in bathing suits get into a row-boat for Sylvie’s swimming test. She passes and ...

  7. Lourié plywood factory and daily family life in 1929

    Outtakes (3 reels) of the Lourié plywood factory and daily family life in Vienna, Austria in 1929.

  8. Elbe river crossing; Woebbelin after liberation; POW camp

    Field camp of German anti-aircraft soldiers. Title card: “Forced labor camp of Poles, Russians and French" Low brick buildings of unidentified forced labor camp. Men, women and children dressed in civilian clothes, daily activities. Title card: “Just married this morning! I just missed it. Romance blossoms under any conditions it seems”. Social gathering in town center. Title card: “The Germany of the future…I hope!” People tilling soil on farm with cow pulling plow. “Note primitive wood plow” Walking along road - soldiers in uniform along with women and men in civilian clothes, all smiling...

  9. Survivors with concentration camp tattoos; USO performance; Russian soldiers

    American soldier walking amongst fly bombs, low buildings in fields with tree cover. CU, bomb,“Nicht Auftreten” Title card: “So well concealed it was never bombed” 01:02:06 Title: “A British plane is consumed by explosion of ammunition train it strafed.” Bombed out plane filmed from vehicle on dirt road. Title: "Trees blown over from blast” Soldiers examine wreckage. “German field piece” Machine and camouflaged fence. 01:04:30 Title card: “Jewish girls from Italy, Belgium, Greece.” Female Jewish survivors near Rostow showing their prisoner tattoos. Girls in dresses, smiling showing their ar...

  10. Jewish wedding in Holland

    Wertheimer family, CUs, jumping rope. Jewish wedding of Alfred Wertheimer (a cellist) and Marion Warner in Amsterdam, Holland on May 19, 1937. 01:04:52 Family trips: beach, Pension Belvedere, CUs girls, young women, Wertheimer family members posing in a garden. The newly married couple, Alfred and Marion.

  11. Jewish wedding in Sofia

    The Jewish wedding of Aharon Mevorach and Lutzy Pincas in Sofia, Bulgaria in 1935 (probably in May). The couple arrives at the Central Synagogue of Sofia, poses, and greets guests. They move toward the exit of the synagogue where a carriage waits to transport the newly married couple to their home. Aharon's brother, Dr. Leon Mevorach, filmed the event. Family members shown include: Baruch and Dudah Mevorach; Dr. Daniel Pincas and Dora Pincas (nee Mevorach); Stefie (wife of Dr. Leon Mevorach who films the wedding) and their son Baruch (called Bubie), with a white beret; Baron Mevorah, the yo...

  12. Belarus, 1934

    Lourie family visits Pinsk and Deniskovichi, Belarus in August 1934. Outdoor market. Crowds walk and stand in the market. Three women with bundles on their backs walking in ankle-high water. Horse-drawn carts in the water. Men and women in boats/raft. Scenery and people on boats filmed from a moving boat. Car drives through shallow water and stops. People are helped onto the shore, men push the car in the water. Three men and one woman stand and talk.

  13. U.S. 8th Infantry in the Rhineland

    Title card: "Banen Productions" "8th Infantry Division: Normandy. Northern France. Rhineland. Central Europe." Swastika flag. American soldiers in the Rhineland, smoke in field. Damaged cathedral in Cologne. Ruins. "Cologne air field" Soldiers board U.S. Army Air Forces Air Transport plane. Title card: "Crossing the Rhine! surely Jerry won't hold out long now!" American military vehicles cross the Rhine River in March 1945. Traveling in trucks on roads, passing abandoned tanks. Rubble in villages. Road sign for Altenkirchen. 01:07:16 Medics loading wounded military into ambulance "USA 72544...

  14. Lourié family life in 1934

    Title: "5 Jahre Spaeter". Lourié family life in Vienna in 1934. Automobile. 01:01:27 "In der Zwengalle” Lourié’s home address #17, film pans residential neighborhood from rooftop perspective, Leopold Lourié and wife host guests. Family scenes.

  15. Records of the Sociedad Israelita de Paysandú

    Records of the Sociedad Israelita de Paysandú (Israelite Society of Paysandú), Uruguay. Includes correspondence, minutes of sessions; reports and other office documents, 1945-1948.

  16. Oral history interview with Lajos Sághy

  17. Ernest N. Strauss collection

    Documents and photographs of Ernest N. Strauss and family from Europe, immigration to the United States and his military service as a Ritchie Boy.

  18. Erna Wimbley photograph collection

    Collection of photographs of German citizens entrusted to Erna Wimbley by an American serviceman that depict German citizens exhuming victims immediately following WWII.

  19. Oral history interview with Leo Parenti

  20. Geheime Staatspolizei Neustadt records

    Contains three interrelated collections pertaining to the Gestapo headquarters in the city of Neustadt an der Weinstrasse (Gestapostelle Neustadt). These Gestapo records cover the German state of Rhineland-Palatinate.The three collections are as follows (a. - c.): a. Bestand H90 (Geheime Staatspolizei Neustadt-Verwaltung): Administrative files of the Gestapo headquarters in Neustadt. Contains financial records, building plans, rules and regulations, and records pertaining to the monitoring of the French border, the transfer of political prisoners to the concentration camp Neustadt, registra...