Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 61 to 80 of 973
Country: Ukraine
  1. Archive and manuscripts collection of the Cabinet of Jewish culture at the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR

    • Архів та зібрання рукописів Кабінету єврейської культури Академії Наук УРСР

    Available are: collection of manuscripts; documents and materials of the folklore department: a collection of Jewish folk songs, stories, proverbs and sayings, aphorisms, jokes; Soviet Jewish antireligious folklore; clippings from periodicals with publications about Jewish folk art, and archives; protocols of work meetings; lists of Cabinet staff; materials on the work of the Department for collecting materials about the Great Patriotic War (1947); materials for the collection "Jewish folk art of the days of the Great Patriotic War" (1948-1949); testimonies of Jewish population under German...

  2. Барашівська сільська управа, с. Бараші Житомирського району

    • Barashi district administration
    • Barashivska silska uprava

    File 1 contains, particularly, an order by Barashi district administration to the elder of Barashi village to make and submit to the district administration the list of the property which left from the Jews in the village.

  3. Колекція друкованих видань КГБ України

    • Collection of printed publications of KGB of Ukraine

    There are, particularly, copies of memos, reports, reviews, orientations, analytical materials and other documents on the operational situation in Ukraine, emergency events, results of search operations, investigations of individual criminal cases; reference books and bibliographic publications; materials about the shooting of Jews during the Second World War. Of particular significance is file No. 98 "Materials on the killings of Citizens of Jewish Nationality by Nazi Occupiers" (1999-2000, 101 pages), which contains an inquiry (signed on January 22, 1999 by the Deputy Head of the SBU V. P...

  4. Колекція друкованих видань КГБ УРСР

    • Collection of printed publications of KGB of UkrSSR

    The following cases contain information about the history of the Jews, the occupation regime and the Holocaust: File 252. Collection of reference materials on the German intelligence agencies acting against the USSR during the Second World War. 1952 Vol. 1-2-3-4-1. File 306. List of Romanians who committed crimes against the USSR during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. 1945 Vol. 1-7. File 319. List of persons working in Romanian police and intelligence agencies. 1942. Tom 1-5. File 322. List of employees of the German gendarmerie and the police and persons who were persecuted by these ...

  5. 3 відділ УДБ НКВС УРСР – 2 управління НКДБ- КДБ УРСР

    • 3 Department of DIrectorate of State Security of NKVD UkrSSR -- 2 Directorate of NKGB-KGB UkrSSR

    The following documentary material is related to the history of Jews and the Holocaust: Materials on the search of the traitors of Motherland, agents of the Nazi intelligence, police and security bodies, as well as other individuals who actively collaborated with Nazi Germany during the Second World War (fond 1, op. 1, pp. 12-28, 108-246, 260-280). Materials on the search of individuals who served in the unit of Einsatzgruppe D detachment created by the occupants - the so-called "SD Caucasian company" and "SS battalion 32", and actively participated in police operations on the territory of ...

  6. Управління боротьби з бандитизмом МВД, Управління 2-Н та 4-те Управління МГБ–КГБ УРСР

    • Directorate on fight against banditism at the Ministry of Internal Affairs

    Materials relevant to history of occupation regime and the Holocaust: File 24. References about employees of the Ukrainian Police in Kharkiv. 1943. 87 pp. File 26. Search for agents of foreign intelligence, traitors of Motherland, occupants’ auxiliaries. 1942. 300 pp. File 27. Investigation of foreign intelligence agents, traitors of the Motherland, occupants’ auxiliaries. 1942. 315 pp. File 28. List No. 2 (Attachment to file No. 9 “Investigation of foreign intelligence agents and their helpers”). 1942. 286 pp. File 29. List No. 1 (Attachment to file No. 9 “Investigation of foreign intellig...

  7. Житомирське обласне управління

    • Zhytomyr regional administration
    • Zhytomyrske oblasne upravlinnia

    Lists of personnel of the statistical department of the Zhytomyr administration and applications for employment, personal files of teachers, regulations of the administration on organization of police, the procedure recording acts of civil status, instructions on census of population and of livestock, information on land in public farms of the region, certificates of teachers, lists of industrial enterprises of the region and of settlements of the region, curricula and reports of the work of schools. File 7. Lists the population of districts and settlements of Zhytomyr region by age, gender...

  8. Редакція газети «Голос Волині», м. Житомир

    • Editorial office of "Voice of Volyn" newspaper
    • Redaktsiia hazety "Holos Volyni"

    File 3. Register on payment of wages to employees of "Holos Volyni" newspaper and payment of honorarium for reporters of the newspaper for October 1941, October 7 - November 11, 1941, 811 p. File 4. Register on payment of wages to employees of the editorial office and the printing house of "Holos Volyni" newspaper and payment of honorarium to reporters of the newspaper for October-November of 1941, October-December 1941, 989 p. File 10. Correspondence with the General Commissariat and the Gebietskommissariat on economic and organizational matters. Daily reports of the Supreme Command by the...

  9. Ярунська районна управа, м. Ярунь Житомирської області

    • Iarun district administration
    • Iarunska raionna uprava

    File 1 contains protocols of meetings of villagers of Iarun district. P. 4 of the file contains an order by Iarun district administration to village administrations to register Jewish population in their villages.

  10. Volyn regional administration

    • Волинська обласна управа
    • Volynska oblasna uprava

    Collection contains order of the Gebietskommissar on the organization of the work of the district administration, the structure of the administrative department, the departments of education and health care; instructions, reports of departments of the regional administration and rayon departments, reports of the congress of teachers; lists of hospitals of the region, heads of district administrations, teachers, medical staff, intellectuals; lists of individuals repressed by the Soviet authorities, prisoners; questionnaires of employees of enterprises and institutions of Lutsk, teachers, inf...

  11. Volyn regional statistic office

    • Волинське обласне управління статистики

    Collection contains, particularly, statistics about the population of the region (1940, 1944) with the specification of ethnic background, as well as reports on the number of urban and rural population by age and sex, natural and mechanical population movements, lists of settlements with population information, results of population censuses. Collection includes tables containing ethnic composition of the population of various districts and locations of Volyn oblast (region) as of September 1, 1944 (inventory 2, file 424, p. 3).

  12. Collection of testimonies, documents and other materials about revolution struggle, participation of Volyn working-people in Civil War and Great Patriotic War, and in Sociaist organization

    • Колекція спогадів, документів та інших матеріалів про революційну боротьбу, участь трудящих Волині у громадянській та Великій Вітчизняній війнах, соціалістичному будівництві
    • Kolektsiia spohadiv, dokumentiv ta inshykh materialiv pro revoliutsiinu borotbu, uchast trudiashchykh Volyni u hromadianskii ta Velykii Vitchyznianii viinakh, sotsialistychnomu budivnytstvi

    Collection contains, particularly, memoirs of partisans, underground members, Red Army soldiers who fought for the region. Essays on the Heroes of the Soviet Union. Lists of the members of the partisan movement and Soviet underground in Volhynia. Lists of individuals shot by Nazi occupants. Documents about settlements destroyed by German invaders. Reports on the combat activity of the underground Volyn Regional Committee of the KP(b)U, the Komsomol organizations, anti-Nazi groups and guerrilla members during the Second World War. Chronicle of guerrilla movement in Volyn. The materials of me...

  13. Lutsk district administration

    • Луцька районна управа
    • Lutska raionna uprava

    Collection contains circulars, orders of the head of the administration; correspondence with village administrations of the district, budget, balance, regulations on youth courses, reports on budget expenses, economic plan, work of district hospital, registration of school-age children, school premises, lists of institutions and enterprises of the district, lists of district residents, employees of the district administration and village administrations, teachers; lists of the residents deported to Germany, personal statements, certificates issued to individuals, orders of receipts and expe...

  14. Collection of the photodocuments on the history of Kharkiv Communist party organization

    • Колекція фотодокументів з історії Харківської обласної партійної організації
    • Kolektsiia fotodokumentiv z istorii Kharkivskoi oblasnoi partiinoi orhanizatsii

    Collection contains photos of the old Bolsheviks, partisans and underground fighters, leading figures of industry, Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of Socialist Labor, photos of various events, including German occupation, photo albums (mostly positives). Collection includes photos of barracks on the territory of the Kharkov tractor plant, where thousands of Jewish civilians were destroyed by the German invaders in the city of Kharkiv (inventory 1, file 402, pp. 1, 2).

  15. Kharkiv regional committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine

    • Харківський обласний комітет Комуністичної партії України
    • Kharkivskyi oblasnyi komitet Komunistychnoi partii Ukrainy

    Collection contains, particularly, documents of the Kharkiv Regional Commission for Assistance to the Extraordinary State Commission on Investigation of the atrocities of German Nazi invaders and their associates and damage caused to public organizations, state enterprises, Institutions of the USSR (general information on the record of atrocities and the forced removal of Soviet citizens into German slavery, general registers of damage incurred to enterprises, collective farms, state farms, museums, citizens, etc., correspondence of the commission). Documents (reports, certificates, lists) ...

  16. Collection of documents about German-Fascist regime on the territory of Kharkiv region

    • Колекція документів про німецько-фашистський окупаційний режим на території Харківської області
    • Kolektsiia dokumentiv pro nimensko-fashistskyi rezhim na terytorii Kharkivskoi oblasti

    Collection includes essays (memoirs) of pupils of the IV-X grades of rural schools of different districts of Kharkiv region and of city of Kharkiv on the subject "What did I experience during the German occupation", written in 1943-1945. The following essays relate to the Holocaust: Essay by L. Ianovska (inventory 1, file 103, p. 91). Essay by R. Emets (inventory 1, file 113, pp. 6-7). Essay by L. Holovkina (inventory 1, file 118, p. 172). Essay by V. Kulia (inventory 1, file 119, p. 57). Essay by H. Zakhlivna (inventory 1, file 131, pp. 115-118). Essay by Ye. Ovdenko (inventory 1, file 134...

  17. Kharkiv medico-legal mortuary of the Kharkiv city administration

    • Харківський міський судово-медичний морг Харківської міської управи
    • Kharkivskyi miskyi sudovo-medychnyi morg Kharkivskoi miskoi upravy

    Collection contains instructions of the Department of Health on the procedure for receiving patients, correspondence with city and district authorities on the restoration of lost metric statements, on the mass burial of corpses. Orders and acts of forensic medical examination. Register books. Lists of staff for obtaining rations. Files 9-15, 17-20, 22-25, 27, 28, 55, 59 contain letters of transmittal about the dead individuals of Jewish origin to the mortuary stating their names, addresses, age and reason of death (suicide, starvation, sickness and so on).