Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 81 to 100 of 1,669
Language of Description: English
Country: Israel
  1. P.62 - Peter Erben Collection: Documentation regarding the Jews of Czechoslovakia, and specifically the Jews of Ostrava, during the Holocaust period

    P.62 - Peter Erben Collection: Documentation regarding the Jews of Czechoslovakia, and specifically the Jews of Ostrava, during the Holocaust period Peter Erben, a native of Ostrava, was an inmate in Theresienstadt, Auschwitz and other camps during the Holocaust period. After the war, he was greatly involved in the collection of materials related to the fate of the Jews of Czechoslovakia during the Holocaust in general and the fate of the Jews of Ostrava in particular. Erben submitted part of the collection of memoirs, letters, photographs and documents he gathered to Yad Vashem.

  2. P.48 - Aryeh Kubovy Personal Collection

    P.48 - Aryeh Kubovy Personal Collection The Collection includes mainly documentation from 1951-1952, the years when Dr. Aryeh Kubovy served as the Legate for Israel in Czechoslovakia and Poland. Aryeh Leon Kubovy (Kubovitzki) was born in Kursenai, Lithuania, in 1896. In 1906 his family emigrated to Belgium, where he acquired the rest of his education. He completed his studies for a Doctorate in Classical Philology and Law at the University of Brussels and Liége University. In 1926 he became a Belgian citizen. He worked as a lawyer from 1926-1940, first in Antwerp and afterwards in Brussels....

  3. P.4 - Dr. Eliezer Yerushalmi Collection: Documentation from the Siauliai Ghetto

    P.4 - Dr. Eliezer Yerushalmi Collection: Documentation from the Siauliai Ghetto Dr. Eliezer Yerushalmi was born in Gorodishche (Horodyszcze), Belorussia, in 1900. He studied Science and Hebrew Literature at Kaunas University, and worked as a teacher, always conducting his educational activities in Hebrew. An active member of the Zeirei Zion movement and Hechalutz, he served as a teacher and principal at the school in the Siauliai Ghetto from 1941. He described his work in the ghetto in his book, "Children of the Holocaust". Dr. Yerushalmi served as a technical advisor to the Judenrat, colle...

  4. P.36 - Saly Mayer Archive: Documentation regarding the activities of Saly Mayer, President of the SIG (Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland), on behalf of the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC)

    P.36 - Saly Mayer Archive: Documentation regarding the activities of Saly Mayer, President of the SIG (Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland), on behalf of the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) The documentation is from 1939-1950. Most of the documentation describes the activities of Saly Mayer as the (unofficial) representative of the JDC in Switzerland during World War II. Saly Mayer transferred JDC funds to persecuted Jews in Europe and Shanghai in various ways. He also distributed money for the care of the Jewish refugees in Switzerland. As part of his activities, he received info...

  5. M.17 - Documentation of the Polish Jewish Refugee Fund in Geneva, 1933-1940

    M.17 - Documentation of the Polish Jewish Refugee Fund in Geneva, 1933-1940 The collection contains correspondence of Joseph Thon and Theodor Grubner, representatives of the Polish Jewish Refugee Fund in Geneva. There are also personal letters from relatives of Jews in Poland to the Polish Jews in Geneva, reports regarding the situation of the Jews in Poland and lists of Jews from Poland.

  6. P.46- Kaelter Collection: Documentation from the estate of David and Judith (Edith) Kaelter, residents of Germany, who emigrated to Eretz Israel in 1939

    P.46- Kaelter Collection: Documentation from the estate of David and Judith (Edith) Kaelter, residents of Germany, who emigrated to Eretz Israel in 1939 David Kaelter served as a teacher in a few Jewish communities in the Saxony region of Germany and subsequently in Berlin. In 1935 he established and administered a Jewish elementary school in Koenigsberg. In 1939, David and Judith (Edith) Kaelter made aliya to Eretz Israel, where David continued in the teaching profession. The material includes: - Details regarding David and Judith Kaelter's families (File 1); - Personal documents belonging...

  7. O.23 - Gilbert Collection: Documentation written by senior Nazi war criminals in detention during the Nuremberg Trials

    O.23 - Gilbert Collection: Documentation written by senior Nazi war criminals in detention during the Nuremberg Trials Gustave Mark Gilbert was an American psychologist best known for his psychological diagnoses of high ranking Nazi leaders and officials during the Nuremberg Trials. In the collection there are interviews with these Nazi leaders and officials, as well as essays and manuscripts written by them while they were imprisoned during the trials. Among other items in the documentation: - Hans Michael Frank, Governor of the Generalgouvernment, who described his experiences and persona...

  8. P.22 - The Dr. Nathan Eck Collection, holocaust researcher, 1938-1976

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 4019707
    • English, Hebrew
    • Administrative documentation Draft Excerpt(s) Letter List of refugees Memoirs Newspaper clippings Note Passport Personal documents Poems/Songs Record of persecuted persons Reports Research article Testimony

    P.22 - The Dr. Nathan Eck Collection, holocaust researcher, 1938-1976 In the collection there are files from the private archive of Dr. Nathan Eck. Description of the collection: The documentation mainly deals with research on various aspects of the Holocaust period in Poland and France. There are research papers, testimonies, newspaper clippings, correspondence and documentation concerning the emigration of Jews to Latin American countries. About Dr. Nathan Eck: - Dr. Nathan Eck was born in Janow, Poland, 19 March 1896. He was a Gordonia youth movement activist and a Zionist activist, as w...

  9. P.1 - Archive of Recha Freier, the founder of Youth Aliyah in Germany, 1935-1951

    P.1 - Archive of Recha Freier, the founder of Youth Aliyah in Germany, 1935-1951 Recha Freier was born in Norden, in the northwestern part of Germany, in 1892. On completion of her University Language studies, she worked as a teacher and folklore researcher. In 1932 she conceived of the idea of organizing the sending of Jewish youth to Eretz Israel for education in the kibbutzim. She gathered funds for this purpose and saw her idea become a reality when the first group of Jewish youth left Berlin in late 1932. The World Jewish Congress approved the idea in 1933, however initially Recha Frei...

  10. O.58 - Applications for the Fighters against Nazis Medal, 1967-1969

    O.58 - Applications for the Fighters against Nazis Medal, 1967-1969 The Record Group contains questionnaires completed by people requesting that they be awarded the Fighters against Nazis Medal by the Defense Ministry. Documents and testimonies have been attached to some of the questionnaires, and confirmations have been attached to the others. The questionnaires are arranged alphabetically in loose-leaf notebooks. Requests which were denied are filed in a separate notebook.

  11. P.25- Archive of Erich Kulka, Historian of Czech Jewry and Author

    P.25- Archive of Erich Kulka, Historian of Czech Jewry and Author Erich Schon, who was born in the village of Vsetin, Moravia (today in the Czech Republic), 18 February 1911, and died in Jerusalem, 12 July 1995, was the son of Malvina and Siegbert Schon. After World War II Schon changed his last name to Kulka, the last name of his first wife, Elly Kulka, who did not survive the Holocaust. The history of the arrests of Erich Kulka began in July 1939, first with arrest by the Gestapo in Brno and afterwards with imprisonment in the Dachau, Sachsenhausen and Neuengamme camps until November 1942...

  12. Documentation of the administration of neighborhood no. 5 in Kharkov, 1941-1943

    Documentation of the administration of neighborhood no. 5 in Kharkov, 1941-1943

  13. Documentation regarding the Jews of Bohemia and Moravia (Czechia), mainly during the Holocaust Documentation regarding the Jews of Bohemia and Moravia (Czechia), mainly during the Holocaust In the Sub-Record Group there is documentation regarding Jewish youth movements and sports associations that were active before World War II, documentation concerning anti-Jewish legislation from 1939-1944; official documentation about the work of the Central Office for Jewish Emigration and pertaining to the employment of Jews; newspaper clippings on the subject of Jews in the Economy, 1938-1943, documentation regarding Jewish communities, documentation concerning the function of the Jewi...

  14. M.11 - The Mersik-Tenenbaum Archive: Documentation regarding the Bialystok Ghetto underground

    M.11 - The Mersik-Tenenbaum Archive: Documentation regarding the Bialystok Ghetto underground The archive gets its name from Mordechai Tenenbaum-Tamaroff, who set up the archive in early 1943, and Zvi Mersik, one of Mordechai Tenenbaum's outstanding aides, who continued to maintain the archive after Mordechai Tenenbaum-Tamaroff's death. Most of the documentation, which was created between July 1941 and April 1943, is located in the Yad Vashem Archive. The original material is not concentrated in one place: some of it is housed in the Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw, and the rest of th...

  15. P.20 - Zorach Warhaftig Archive: Documentation of rescue and aid extended to refugees who escaped from Poland and Lithuania to Japan, 1939-1990

    P.20 - Zorach Warhaftig Archive: Documentation of rescue and aid extended to refugees who escaped from Poland and Lithuania to Japan, 1939-1990 Zorach Warhaftig was born in Wolkowisk, White Russia. While still a youth, he was an active member of the Hamizrachi movement. He acquired a traditional Jewish education and a general education, earning his Law degree at Warsaw University. From 1936-1939 he served as Chairman of the Eretz Israel office in Warsaw and a representative at the 17th through the 21st Zionist Congresses. When World War II broke out, he escaped to Lithuania, and there he ai...

  16. O.12 - Perlman Collection: Testimonies of refugees from Poland who arrived in Eretz Israel, 1942-1943

    O.12- Perlman Collection: Testimonies of refugees from Poland who arrived in Eretz Israel, 1942-1943 The Perlman Collection consists of 64 testimonies gathered by Jewish Agency representatives during the years 1942-1943, mainly from Jews who arrived to Eretz Israel during World War II. Most of the testimonies were given by Jews who held Mandatory Palestine citizenship, were married to Mandatory Palestine citizens or were related to them. These Jews were included in exchange agreements of foreign citizens for German citizens, and they succeeded in reaching Eretz Israel. Another group of witn...

  17. O.41 - Collection of Lists and Documentation Regarding Those Who Perished and Those Who Were Persecuted During the Holocaust Period

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 4019587
    • English, Hebrew
    • Death certificate List of camp inmates List of deportees List of inmates List of Jewish residents List of Jewish soldiers List of murdered persons List of persecuted persons List of survivors Personal documents Photograph

    O.41 Collection of Lists and Documentation Regarding Those Who Perished and Those Who Were Persecuted During the Holocaust Period The collection is mainly comprised of lists of Jews who perished or were persecuted during the Holocaust period. These lists come from many diverse sources, various types and different languages. The lists of those who perished were compiled and prepared by official sources and established bodies, as well as by family members, friends and fellow townspeople. Besides the lists of those who perished, the Collection also contains concurrent lists of those who were d...

  18. M.19 - The Friesland District Joodse Raad (Jewish Council) Collection, the Netherlands, 1940-1943

    M.19 - The Friesland District Joodse Raad (Jewish Council) Collection, the Netherlands, 1940-1943 The Collection contains correspondence between the Friesland district Joodse Raad and the Amsterdam Joodse Raad on various issues, and correspondence of the Joodse Raad with various organizations regarding help to Dutch Jews in camps and help to Jewish refugees from Germany. There are also reports received from the Amsterdam Joodse Raad regarding the Jews, documentation of decrees and restrictions on Dutch Jews, Jewish education, Jewish owned property, mixed marriages, persecution and deportati...

  19. P.18 - Kaczerginski Collection: Documentation regarding the Vilna Ghetto, 1941-1954

    P.18 - Kaczerginski Collection: Documentation regarding the Vilna Ghetto, 1941-1954 Shmaryahu Kaczerginski was born in Vilna in 1908. From a very young age, he started to write and publish poetry and stories. Kaczerginski was one of the founders and activists in "Young Vilna", a group of young Yiddish poets in Vilna, and he was also active in the Communist movement. Even when he was a young man, some of his poems were adopted by the Jews of Vilna and Poland, and these poems became the folk songs sung by many of the Jews. In 1942, after about a year of hiding from the Germans, Kaczerginski r...

  20. M.22 - Archives of the Comite Juif Belge (Belgian Jewish Committee) during the Holocaust

    M.22 - Archives of the Comite Juif Belge (Belgian Jewish Committee) during the Holocaust The Comite Juif Belge (Belgian Jewish Council) was established, in London in 1943 by Mr. Herman Schamissa, and it affiliated itself with the World Jewish Congress in 1944. The documentation includes correspondence with various Jewish institutions in Belgium, England, the United States and the Belgian Government in Exile regarding ways of assisting the Jews of Belgium. The archive also includes lists of deportees and survivors.