Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 41 to 60 of 126
Country: Croatia
  1. Kotarska oblast, sresko načelstvo Požega

    • County Administration for the town of Požega

    The collection should provide insight into the paths leading to the perishing of the Jews of Pozega and the introduction of race laws. The time range extends until the change of power in Croatia, i.e., the introduction of the Independent State of Croatia (April 10, 1941).

  2. Kotarski narodno-oslobodilački odbor Split

    • National Liberation Committee of Split
  3. Glavarstvo građanske uprave za Dalmaciju u Splitu

    • The Civil Administration for Dalmatia in Split
  4. Gradska komisija za ispitivanje zločina okupatora i njihovih pomagača

    • City Committee for the Investigation of Crimes Committed by the Occupiers and Their Helpers
  5. Okružni narodno-oslobodilački odbor srednje Dalmacije

    • The County Committee of the People's Liberation Army for Central Dalmatia
  6. Okružna komisija za ispitivanje zločina okupatora i njihovih pomagača srednje Dalmacije Split

    • • The County Committee for Investigating Crimes Committed by the Occupying Forces and Their Helpers in Central Dalmatia Split

    The various County Commissions on Establishing the Crimes of the Occupying Forces and Their Local Helpers during the war were established throughout Croatia, as well as the region of Dalmatia, following the end of the war. Direct perpetrators (1945/1946) were usually tried in ad hoc trials and executed. The controversy of trials in the immediate after-war period unfortunately sometimes overshadowed the anti-fascist victory.

  7. Vlada za Dalmaciju/ Talijanska okupaciona uprava

    • R. Governo della Dalmatia
    • Italian Administration - Dalmatian Government

    In April 1941, during World War II, the Independent State of Croatia came into being, backed by Fascist Italy (where most Ustasha lived during the 1930s, as they were anti-royalist Yugoslavia in the inter-war period) and Nazi Germany. A month later, large sections of Dalmatia were annexed by the Kingdom of Italy (in the Governatorato di Dalmazia), with the rest being formally left to the Independent State of Croatia, though it was in fact occupied by Italian forces which later supported Chetniks in Serb-populated areas. Many Croats from Dalmatia joined the resistance movement led by Tito's ...

  8. Jugoslavenski zbjeg u Egiptu

    • Yugoslav Refugees to Egypt

    Fleeing the German offensive in late 1943 and early 1944, when Germany occupied Dalmatia, a large number of civilians (over 30,000), fearing reprisals, took refuge on the island of Vis. As Vis already housed the General Staff of the Partisan army and the allied British army, it was not able to accept and feed so many people. Therefore it was decided that the non-combatant population of the island be evacuated as refugees to South Italy, first to Bari and then to Taranto. Refugees mostly consisted of people from the Makarska area (around 6000), as well as from Vodice, the islands of Hvar, Vi...

  9. Jugoslavenski zbjeg u Italiji

    • Yugoslav Refugees to Italy
  10. Židovska općina Split

    • Jewish community of Split
  11. Gradsko poglavarstvo Osijek

    • The City Government of Osijek

    The collection contains minutes from meetings, files from the mayor's office files (prezidijal); documentation concerning various boards, the health services, the police, accounting and city budget, the military departments, the Social Services Commission, the Tax Office, the Committee for food; financial documentation. Particularly noteworthy are Civil Office documents among the well-preserved material of the architectural project.

  12. Kraus Lavoslav, stomatolog, NOB

    • Kraus Lavoslav, dentist, anti-Fascist fighter

    Life and work of Kraus Lavoslav, an Osijek dentist of Jewish origin who took part in the anti-fascist uprising.

  13. Zapisnici sjednica gradskog vijeća

    • Minutes from City Council meetings
  14. Okružna komisija za ratnu štetu Šibenik

    • County Commission for War Damages

    • Đuro Đaković Elementary School in Brodski Varoš

    • Branko Radičević Elementary School in Slavonski Brod
  17. DRŽAVNA DJEVOJAČKA PUČKA ŠKOLA U BRODU NA SAVI (Osnovna škola Ivan Goran Kovačić)

    • The State Elementary School for Girls in Brod na Savi

    • City Council Office, Brod na Savi

    • City Council Office, Slavonski Brod

    • Matija Mesic High School (comprehensive) in Slavonski Brod