Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1 to 17 of 17
Country: Estonia
  1. Kalevi-Liiva süüdistab

    • Kalevi-Liiva accuses, Documentary
    • Eesti Filmiarhiiv
    • EFA.203.1436
    • English
    • 1961
    • Record contains film tape (b/w, sound; 35 mm), duration 21 minutes.

    Contains video materials about a show trial in Tallinn (March 6-11, 1961) against war criminals Ain-Ervin Mere, Ralf Gerrets, and Jüri Viik, who were accused of a massacre in Kalevi-Liiva (Camp Jägala).

  2. Fašistlike sõjaroimarite kohtuprotsess Tallinnas 6.-11 märts 1961.a. A. Mere, R. Gerretsi ja J. Viigi süüasjus

    • Process in Tallinn (March 6-11, 1961) against fascist war criminals Ain-Ervin Mere, Ralf Gerrets, and Jüri Viik
    • Eesti Filmiarhiiv
    • EFA.319.77
    • English
    • 1961
    • Record number 77 contains 18 audiotapes, with total duration ca. 27 hours, (EFA.319.77. parts I-XVIII).

    Contains audio recorded show trial in Tallinn (March 6.-11. 1961) against war criminals Ain-Ervin Mere, Ralf Gerrets, and Jüri Viik, who were accused of participation in a massacre of German and Czech Jews in Kalevi-Liiva (Camp Jägala) in September 1942.

  3. Tartu protsess sõjaroimarite Ervin Viksi. Karl Linnase, Juhan Jüriste üle (16.-20. 01. 1962)

    • Process in Tartu against war criminals Ervin Viks, Karl Linnas and Juhan Jüriste (January 16.-20, 1962)
    • Eesti Filmiarhiiv
    • EFA.319.79
    • English
    • 1962
    • Record number 79 contains 16 audiotapes, with total duration ca. 21 hours, (EFA.319.79, parts I-XVI).

    Contains audio recorded show trial (January 16-20, 1962) in Tartu against war criminals Ervin Viks, Karl Linnas and Juhan Jüriste, who were accused in the massacre of local people (including local Jews) in Tartu 1941-1942.

  4. Fašistliku saksa okupatsiooni aegne koonduslaager Kloogal, kollektsioon

    • The Nazi German concentration camp at Klooga, collection
    • Eesti Ajaloomuuseum
    • AM, D 150
    • English
    • 1943-1947
    • 4 records, alphabetical card files, book, original paper documents

    The fonds contains 4 sub-fonds: - AM, D 150.1.1: A file of prisoner cards (original file delivered to Estonian State Archive (ERA.R-170.1.1, ERA.R-170.1.2, ERA.R-170.1.3); the museum retained duplicates and an incomplete copy of the card file. - AM, D 150.1.2: Card file of persons who attempted to escape and were shot (original card file delivered to Estonian State Archives), and an incomplete copy of the card file (ERA.R-170.1.5). - AM, D 150.1.7: Prayer book, in Hebrew. - AM, D 150.1.9: Statistical table about camps in Estonia, compiled by Extraordinary State Commission of the Estonian So...

  5. Narva Koonduslaager

    • Narva Concentration Camp
    • Rahvusarchiiv
    • ERA.R-966
    • English
    • 1943
    • This fonds contains 1 record

    The only record contains lists of Jewish inmates detained in Narva Concentration Camp in 1943. For further information, see here.

  6. Eesti Julgeolekupolitsei Tallinna Töö- ja Kasvatuslaager (Tallinna Keskvangimaja)

    • Tallinn Work and Education Camp of Estonian Security Police (Central prison in Tallinn)
    • Arbeits- und Erziehungslager Tallinn (No. 1)
    • Rahvusarchiiv
    • ERA.R-294
    • English
    • 1941-1944
    • 192 records in 9 series; original bounded paper documents.

    This fonds contains different kinds of documentation of Central Prison in Tallinn (official named Work and Education Camp, German: Arbeitserziehungslager), which was subordinated to the German Security Police in Estonia (Sicherheitspolizei und SD Estland). Documentation includes curriculas, orders, circulars, correspondence and reports, personal lists and statistics. Relevant materials contain: - personal files of inmates - personal lists and statistics of inmates - lists of inmates sent to forced labour - materials concerning fate of Jews from Estonia; Jews from Germany and Czech territory...

  7. SD Klooga koonduslaager

    • Klooga Concentration Camp
    • Arbeitslager Klooga

    The fonds contains 5 records: - ERA.R-170.1.1 - Juudisoost kinnipeetavate nimekirjad koos arstlike ülevaatuslehtedega / Register lists of the Jewish prisoners with medical certificates - ERA.R-170.1.2 - Laagris kinnipeetud isikute kartoteek / Prisoner cards - A-H; ERA.R-170.1.3 - Laagris kinnipeetud isikute kartoteek / Prisoner cards - I-O; ERA.R-170.1.4 - Laagris kinnipeetud isikute kartoteek / Prisoner cards - P-Z; ERA.R-170.1.5 - Klooga koonduslaagris tuleriidalt põgeneda katsetanud ja mahalastud isikute kartoteek / Card files about persons who attempted to escape and were shot. The find...

  8. Eesti Julgeoleku Politsei (Julgeolekupolitsei ja SD Eestis grupp B, Tallinn-Harju Prefektuuri Poliitilne Politsei)

    • German Security Police and SD in Estonia, Group B (Estonian Security Police); Political Police of Tallinn-Harju Prefecture
    • Sicherheitspolizei und SD in Estland, Gruppe B (Estnische Sicherheitspolizei); Präfektur Reval-Harrien/Politische Polizei
    • Rahvusarchiiv
    • ERA.R-64
    • English
    • 1941-1944
    • 2,122 records in 9 series; original bounded paper documents.

    The fonds contains different kinds of documentation from the German Security Police, including circulars, correspondence, reports, staff documentation, and investigation materials. Relevant materials contain mainly data concerning repressions against Estonian residents, including Roma, the executions of Estonian Jews, and places of imprisonment (unofficially named "Concentration Camps"). For example: circulars from Security police, reports (e.g. list of Jews, executed before 6.10.1941), investigation files of arrested Jews, see [here](

  9. Baltische Öl Gesellschaft mit beschänkter Haftung

    • Baltische Öl limited liability company
    • Rahvusarchiiv
    • ERA.R-187
    • English
    • 1941-1944
    • 74 records in 5 series

    The fonds contains original management and economical documents from the oil company Balt. Öl GmbH. Holocaust-related materials in this fonds concern data about forced labour of Jews from Vaivara Concentration Camp in the oil-shale industry in north-eastern Estonia. For example: statistics of forced labour implemented Jews in 1943-1944; reports about working conditions.

  10. Eesti Omakaitse Peavalitsus

    • Main Administration of Estonian Home Guard
    • Hauptabteilung (Estnische) Selbstschutz
    • Rahvusarchiiv
    • ERA.R-358
    • English
    • 1941-1944
    • 117 records in 4 series; original bounded paper documents.

    The fonds contains different kind of documentation of Estonian Home Guard, which was subordinated to the Estonian self-administration. German Security Police involved Estonian Home Guard in arrests and repressions against local people, including Jews. It includes overviews about activities of paramilitary units of Omakaitse during last months of 1941, when Estonian Jews were arrested and executed; see [series 1](

  11. Saksa fašistlike okupantide roimade ja nende poolt tekitatud kahjude kindlakstegemise ja uurimise Eesti Vabariiklik Komisjon

    • Extraordinary State Commission for the Establishment and Investigation of Crimes and Damages Perpetrated by German-Fascist Invaders and Their Collaborators Against Citizens, Kolkhozes, Public Authorities, State Companies and Agencies.
    • Eesti Ajaloomuuseum
    • AM, D 152
    • English
    • 1944-1945
    • 9 records in 2 series; original bound paper documents.

    This archival fonds contains, in addition to documents from the Extraordinary State Commission, original documents from German authorities. Documents that are directly related to the Holocaust include original reports from SS camp doctor KZ Vaivara Franz von Bodmann from October 1943 until June 1944 (Der SS Lagerarzt K.L. Waiwara an das SS Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungshauptamt. Monatsberichte Oktober 1943 – June 1944). These reports present statistics and death rates of inmates in KZ Vaivara and subcamps (AM.D-152.2.40). Documents partially related to the Holocaust include original documents...

  12. ENSV Vabariiklik Komisjon Saksa fašistlike sissetungijate ja nende kaasosaliste roimade ja nende poolt tekitatud kahjude uurimiseks

    • Extraordinary State Commission of the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic for the Establishment and Investigation of Crimes and Damages Perpetrated by the German-Fascist Invaders and Their Collaborators
    • Rahvusarchiiv
    • ERA.R-364
    • English
    • 1941-1947
    • 732 records in 3 series

    This fonds contains different kinds of reports, including photos, about Nazi crimes and war damages. The reports of the Commission were compiled in a very short time and under strong political guidance, and mostly by non-specialists. They contain a large amount of information, which for historical research is applicable only to strong source criticism. It includes some Holocaust-related reports: - ERA.R-364.1.201 - Lõppkokkuvõte Klooga koonduslaagris toime pandud mõrvade kohta / Summary about murders in Klooga concentration camp - ERA.R-364.1.202 Akt toime pandud roimade kohta Klooga koondu...

  13. ENSV ORKA erifondide osakonna Saksa okupatsiooni dokumentide uurijatele kasutamiseks väljaantud koopiate kollektsioon

    • Collection of copies, including documents about the German occupation, preserved in the special collections department of the Central State Archives of the October Revolution (ORKA) of the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic intended for investigators and researchers

    This collection of copies includes various relevant copied documents, including: - The testimonies of the Klooga camp survivors. - Materials of the ESSR Extraordinary Commission. - Acts and interrogations (1944-1945) concerning crimes in Estonia during the German occupation. The finding aid to this collection is available [online](

  14. ENSV Riikliku Julgeoleku Komitee lõpetatud uurimistoimikute kollektsioon

    • Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic KGB, Collection of files of closed investigations
    • Коллекция прекращенных следственныхдел
    • Rahvusarchiiv
    • ERAF.130SM
    • English
    • 1920-1990
    • 15,448 records in 2 series; original bounded paper documents; partly digitalized.

    This archival fonds includes mostly cases of political repressions of the Soviet regime (1940-1941 and after 1944). A smaller part contains the interrogation materials of former guards and officials of the Concentration Camps, police and military personnel among Estonian residents who participated in or were accused of participating in Nazi crimes during the Second World War. The basic languages of the documents are Russian and Estonian; only a limited number of documents are in German (copied documents from the German occupation period) or other languages.

  15. Välisriikide järelepärimised seoses sõjakuritegude uurimisega

    • Inquiries of foreigners regarding investigation of crimes against humanity
    • Материалы по запросам иностанных государств в связи с расследованием военных преступлений
    • Rahvusarchiiv
    • ERAF.133SM
    • English
    • 1942-1990
    • 24 records; original paper documents, photocopies, alphabetical card files.

    This archival fonds includes mostly correspondence between Soviet State Security Institutions and Prosecutors’ Offices concerning Inquiries of foreign states (USA, Canada, Australia, German Dem. Rep., German Fed. Rep.) regarding investigations of war crimes and crimes against humanity; correspondence between Soviet institutions about using investigation materials for propaganda purposes. Six files (ERAF.133SM.1.18 - ERAF.133SM.1.23) include mainly photocopies from documents from German period, copies from KGB interrogation protocols, and investigation materials. File ERAF.133SM.1.24 contain...

  16. ENSV Riikliku Julgeoleku Komitee lõpetamata uurimistoimikute kollektsioon

    • Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic KGB Archive, Collection of files of incomplete investigations
    • Коллекция следственных дел
    • Rahvusarchiiv
    • ERAF.129SM
    • English
    • 1932-1990
    • 13,422 Records, original paper documents, partly digitalized.

    This archive fond includes mostly cases of political repressions of Soviet regime (1940-1941 and after 1944). It contains also as smaller part the interrogation materials of the former guards and officials of the Concentration Camps, police officers and military among Estonian residents, who participated or was accused in participating during the Second World War in Nazi crimes. The basic languages of documents are Russian and Estonian; only a limited number of documents are in German (copied documents from German occupation period) or other languages.

  17. Eesti Julgeolekupolitsei ja SD Komandör Eestis

    • Commander of the Security Police and SD in Estonia
    • Kommandeur der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD in Estland
    • Rahvusarchiiv
    • ERA.R-819
    • English
    • 1941-1944
    • 91 records

    This fonds contains different kinds of documentation of the Commander of the Security Police and SD in Estonia (1941-1943 SS-Standartenführer Martin Sandberger; 1943-1944 SS-Obersturmbannführer Bernhard Baatz): 1) Management documents - 25 records 2) Investigation files - 66 records Includes: Jahresbericht der Sipo und SD July 1941–30 June 1942 / Annual report German Security Police and SD in Estonia July 1941–30 June 1942 with statistics about executed Jews. Detailed information on all of these sub-categories is available [here](