ENSV Vabariiklik Komisjon Saksa fašistlike sissetungijate ja nende kaasosaliste roimade ja nende poolt tekitatud kahjude uurimiseks
- Extraordinary State Commission of the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic for the Establishment and Investigation of Crimes and Damages Perpetrated by the German-Fascist Invaders and Their Collaborators
Extent and Medium
732 records in 3 series
Biographical History
This fonds contains a collection of documents of the Extraordinary State Commission of the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic for the Establishment and Investigation of Crimes and Damages Perpetrated by the German-Fascist Invaders and Their Collaborators. This commission worked as sub-unit of the Extraordinary State Commission of the USSR in Soviet-occupied Estonia 1944-1947. The Extraordinary State Commission of the USSR (Russian: Чрезвычайная Государственная Комиссия / ChGK) was formed by the Soviet authorities, officially aiming at "investigating and punishing for the Crimes of the German-Fascist Aggressors" and their allies. The commission was established 1942 and was responsible for investigating Nazi war crimes and collecting materials which would confirm crimes and losses caused by the invaders. According to its own data, 32,000 organization staff took part in the work of the commission and around 7,000,000 Soviet citizens participated in the collection of materials and evidence. The 27 reports of the ChGK were the majority of Soviet evidentiary material at the Nuremberg process and at the Japanese war criminals trials.
Archival History
The Extraordinary State Commission worked in Estonia 1944-1947. Reports and major part of documents from Commission was sent to the Central Commission in Moscow. Part of documentation was delivered to the Estonian History Museum; in 1962 the Museum delivered a substantial part of the collection to the Estonian State Archive (Fond ERA.R-364). A small part (9 records) of the collection remained in the Estonian History Museum.
Scope and Content
This fonds contains different kinds of reports, including photos, about Nazi crimes and war damages. The reports of the Commission were compiled in a very short time and under strong political guidance, and mostly by non-specialists. They contain a large amount of information, which for historical research is applicable only to strong source criticism.
It includes some Holocaust-related reports:
ERA.R-364.1.201 - Lõppkokkuvõte Klooga koonduslaagris toime pandud mõrvade kohta / Summary about murders in Klooga concentration camp
ERA.R-364.1.202 Akt toime pandud roimade kohta Klooga koonduslaagris / Act about killings in Klooga concentration camp
Further information is available here.
System of Arrangement
This archival fonds includes original documents of the Extraordinary State Commission of the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic. These documents are divided into 3 series:
Sõjakahjude uurimis-, registreerimis- ja hindamistöö organisatsioon / War damages, investigation, registration and assessment organisation
Sõjakahjud ja -roimad ENSV-s /War damages and war crimes in ESSR
Küsimuslehed Saksamaalt kodumaale tagasi tulnud kodanike usutlemise kohta / Questionnaires concerning interviews of citizens who returned from Germany
Additional information is available here.
Conditions Governing Access
Free access
Conditions Governing Reproduction
It is possible to order copies, including digital copies, and to take photographs (without flash). Price list of copies.
Finding Aids
A printed finding aid (find books) is available in the archive reading room; an online finding aid is available through the Archival Information System (AIS). Information about Archival Information System.
Existence and Location of Copies
The main part of the documentation of the Extraordinary State Commission of the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic was sent to Moscow and is retained in the State Archives of the Russian Federation, Fond P-7021.
Publication Note
Niels Bo Poulsen. The Soviet Extraordinary State Commission on War Crimes: An Analysis of the Commission's Investigative Work in War and Post War Stalinist Society. Det Humanistiske Fakultet, Københavns Universitet, 2004.
Archivist Note
Entry added on October 9, 2014 by Meelis Maripuu based on finding aids available at the homepage of the Estonian State Archive, printed finding aid, and personal research experiences.
Rules and Conventions
EHRI Guidelines for Description v.1.0
Dates of Descriptions