Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 6,781 to 6,800 of 56,066
  1. Leonard Burrows photographs

    Consists of six photographs taken after the liberation of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. The photographs, which depict corpses and a crematorium oven, likely belonged to Flight Lt. Leonard (Bunny) Burrows, a member of the British military who took part in the liberation.

  2. "Parcours"

    Consists of one typed memoir, approximately 30 pages, entitled "Parcours," written in November 2012 by Pierre Saragoussi. In the memoir, Mr. Saragoussi describes his family's pre-war lives in Paris. During the war, he and his sister were cared for by the Caron, Guyollot, and Namias families, who hid the children as Catholics in Appoigny, France, during the war.

  3. District Liquidation Office in Częstochowa Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie (Sygn.401)

    This collection contains selected files of the District Liquidation Office in Częstochowa concerning ownership of property in the region of Częstochowa. Records relate to Jewish and German abandoned or deserted property in the post-war period (documents of the so-called "entering into possession," “wprowadzenia w posiadanie”). Included are lists of estates, along with their descriptions, tenancy agreements, applications for purchase or lease of Jewish estates, monthly reports, correspondence, as well as the administrator’s files of those estates.

  4. Records of the commune Regnów, County of Rawa Mazowiecka Akta gminy Regnów powiatu Rawskiego (Sygn.1105)

    The collection contains vital records of the commune Regnów, County of Rawa Mazowiecka. Includes reports, police announcements and orders regulating registration of people who had migrated to that region, name lists of firemen, correspondence relating to military cemeteries, and government support of Jewish families after World War II.

  5. Clearing war debris; military officers make plans

    The Allies commissioned this four part documentary from Maurits Schaap after liberation. Titles, "Zeeuwsch Vlaanderen", "Documentaire Film der Verwoesting", "De toegang tot west Z. Vlaanderen Isabellasluis". Allied vehicles move along a cleared road. The surrounding area is heavily damaged. Destroyed buildings. Men and horses work through the rubble. Possible near Breskens. Title, "Nu verrichten deze "heeren" productieve arbeid, waar zij altijd zooveel", "over spraken". Men work to clear debris, probably in Oostburg. Signs in English from the Allied Forces and in Dutch demarcating destroyed...

  6. Irvin Boring testimony

    Consists of two essays (2 pages and 5 pages) written by Irvin Boring, a scout with the 26th Infantry Division, describing his experiences discovering and liberating a small concentration camp for women in the area of Wiesbaden-Sonnenberg, Germany, and his experiences discovering the site of a mass grave, possibly the victims who could not continue during a death march.

  7. Collection of photographs from the Kazerne Dossin Archives

    This collection contains more than 19,000 photographs of Jewish deportees and Romanies living in Belgium and deported from Belgium and France to concentration and extermination camps in Eastern Europe.

  8. Ostrava Jewish Community collection

    This collection contains materials from 83 families throughout the world originating from Ostrava, including: family photographs, as well as images of pre-war Ostrava, including synagogues and businesses, personal papers such as birth, marriage, and death certificates, school records, newspaper clippings, business advertisements, letters, as well as memoirs, genealogy charts, and testimonies documenting pre-war Jewish life in Ostrava, as well as experiences during the war, and in the postwar period, in many cases to the present: including information and photographs of the survivor's famili...

  9. Oral testimony of Roland Levi

  10. Oral history interview with Helen Trenkler and Kazimierz M. Lamparski

  11. Presentation by Kenneth R. Goldsmith

  12. Lithuanian Jewish charities Lietuvos Žydų labdaros draugijos (Fond 1147)

    Contains records of Lithuanian Jewish charity organizations who provided aid to the Jewish repatriates from Russia expelled from Lithuania during the WWI, and to Jewish refugees who fled from Poland, 1939-1940 (ca, 12,000 refugees). Includes also files relating to the activities of Jewish charities in Vilnius (Vilna), Kaunas (Kovno) and other cities in Lithuania; minutes, reports, financial and statistical reports of Jewish organizations "Ezra", OZE; lists of Jews who applied for the financial aid and medical treatment, and individual forms with personal data of Jewish refugees.

  13. Records of the Jewish Community Board in Utena Utenos žydų bendruomenės taryba (Fond 1233)

    The collections includes various materials related to the activities of Jewish community of Utena (Utyan). Consists of correspondence with government offices, minutes of meetings, circular letters from the Ministry of Jewish Affairs in Lithuania, voter registration lists, lists of community members, and reports on community activities.

  14. Fenyves family recipe book

    The Fenyves family recipe book was prepared by Klári (Klara) Fenyves and is written in Hungarian. After the Fenyves family was forced to leave their apartment before deportation in May 1944, the family’s cook, Maris, entered the apartment and saved this cookbook and some of Klári Fenyves’ artwork. The cook returned the artwork and the recipe book to the surviving family members after the war.

  15. Oral history interview with Hannah Stein