Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,161 to 1,180 of 22,191
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Ruins in Italy; American pilot

    Outdoor amphitheater in Italy. Tower and a domed building in the distance. Ruins. (1:13) US soldier posing in front of the ruins. Town on the side of a hill. People walking around covered vehicles. (2:42) An impressive cathedral with many spires along the top. A distinct looking building on the top of a hill, overlooking a body of water. (4:02) US soldiers driving in an open aired vehicle up a winding road. Soldiers hefting large duffels onto a US naval transport ship. Woman smiles and pets a dog. (5:03) A damaged Red Cross vessel on its side sinking into the water. (5:28) Women handing out...

  2. Selected records of the Communal Council in Nagłowice Gminna Rada Narodowa w Nagłowicach (Sygn. 1662)

    Questionnaires and correspondence on events of historical significance in the commune of Nagłowice for 1939-1945. Includes description of WWII events and German atrocities against Polish and Jewish people, deportation of 123 Jews to the ghetto in Jędrzejów, mass murder of four Jewish families by Germans in Ślęcin, underground movement, and a role of the Catholic church in helping war victims.

  3. Prewar summertime activities

    July 1939. Children on a swing in the garden at the Eckstein family home in Brno in summer. Pan of the garden, the home, and the ornate balcony. Blossoming bushes, outdoor furniture. Michaela and Antonin run around and play with garden tools in the sandbox and take dips in the baby pool. The nanny lays a sheet in the grass for the kids to rest; she makes a sun-hat for Michaela; she splashes them with pool water. End 01:04:09

  4. Grupa Bojowa Reinefahrta w Warszawie 1944 Kampfgruppe Reinefahrt Warshau 1944 (GK 661)

    Records relating to the Warsaw Uprising of 1944. Includes German reports, information on the situation among Polish fighters and civilians in Warsaw, interrogations of Home Army officers (Teofil Suscitowski, Ryszard Jankowski, Henryk Wilczkowiak, Józef Hoffman), and documents of Sonderkomando Spilker (photocopies from the German archives).

  5. Selected records of the commune Odrowąż Akta gminy Odrowąż (Sygn. 530)

    List of owners of buildings in the Commune Odrowąż, 1941-1942 and a register of residents of the village Stąporków Nowy from 1934-1943.

  6. Day of Mourning in the Yishuv Poster announcing a day of mourning for the deportation of the illegal immigrants of SS Exodus

    A poster announcing a day of mourning and a protest rally subsequent to the deportation to Germany of the illegal immigrants of SS "Exodus."

  7. Selected records of the Primary School No. 2 in Opoczno Szkoła Podstawowa Nr 2 w Opocznie (Sygn. 604)

    Organizational files of the school, regulations, reports and ordinances regarding education, registers of resolutions, minutes of meetings, student attendance, grades and plans of classes .In almost the entire interwar period, only Jewish children attended this school. Only after 1935, some Roman Catholic children appear in the classes.

  8. Selected records of the Provincial Information and Propaganda Office in Łódź Wojewódzki Urząd Informacji i Propagandy w Łodzi (Sygn. 641)

    Records relating to German war crimes committed in the Łódź province. Includes reports on committed crimes, lists of graves of soldiers and murdered people, copies of the "Biuletyn Żydowskiej Agencji Prasowej (ŻAP) from 1945-1946, memories of Mieczysław Słowikowski from KL Auschwitz (born on 4th Sept. 1900 in Suwałki, prisoner number 5363).

  9. Selected records of the District Commission to Investigate Nazi Crimes in Poznań Okręgowa Komisja Badania Zbrodni Niemieckich w Poznaniu (GK 178)

    Investigation records regarding crimes committed in the territory of the Warthegau, such as hearings of witnesses, exhumation, medical and autopsy reports, examination of corpses, correspondence, reports of former concentration camp prisoners, questionnaires regarding mass graves, lists of war criminals, files of the case of Artur Greiser (Reichsstatthalter der Warthegau), a collection of files from criminal proceedings and many others. Records relate to: Poznań, Żabikowo, Chełmno (Kulmhof) Śrem, Kórnik, Łódź, Kalisz, Włocławek, Gniezno, Ostrów, Kepno, Szamotuły.

  10. Selected records of the commune Wąchock Akta Gminy Wąchock (Sygn. 2698)

    Minutes of meetings of the Commune Board, a list of owners of farming land, and statistics of land taxes.

  11. Selected records of the County National Council and Department of County in Łódź Powiatowa Rada Narodowa i Wydział Powiatowy w Łodzi (Sygn. 2126)

    Registers of Jewish properties, population books, copies of birth certificates, and photographs.

  12. Selected records of the Brandenburg State Archives

    Consists of police reports about the activities of different political groups and congregations, including Jewish communities or individuals, deportations of foreign citizens, implementation of Nuremberg laws for Jewish population of the region, lists of Jews in Potsdam as to October 6, 1942. Includes reports on the Jewish congregations in Prenzlau-Wriezen.

  13. Selected records of the commune Niewachlów, 1889-1954 Akta gminy Niewachlów (Sygn. 136), 1889-1954

    Consists of files of abandoned Jewish property, 1942-1947, population books of Niewachlów commune, including Białogon village; and alphabetical indexes to population books.

  14. Polish Committee for Assistance to War Victims in Bern (Switzerland) Polski Komitet Pomocy Ofiarom Wojny w Bernie (Szwajcaria) (Sygn. 138)

    Files related to the assistance of Polish citizens in Switzerland, Romania and Italy, provided by the Swiss Legation in Bern, Swiss Legation in Bucharest, and the Swiss Legation in Florence, Milano,Trieste, Turin, Venice, and Rome. Includes correspondence, list of benefits payments, reports, notes, and other documents.

  15. Starosta Grodzki i Powiatowy w Lublinie Der Kreishauptmann und Stadthauptman in Lublin-Land (GK 699)

    Notifications about the deaths of Poles imprisoned in concentration camps (including KL Lublin, KL Auschwitz, KL Ravensbruck), prisoner-of-war camps and prisons (prison in Lublin).

  16. Okręgowa Komisja Badania Zbrodni Niemieckich we Wrocławiu (GK 183)

    Contains lists of camps, lists of KL Gross-Rosen prisoners, file of the Gross-Rosen camp, interrogations of former prisoners of Gross-Rosen and sub-camps in Miłoszyce and Laskowice, inspection report of the camp, investigation of the mass grave in Rogoźnica, exhumations and examination of corpses, lists of war graves, and correspondence regarding prisoners of war.

  17. Selected records of the commune Kliszów located in Kije Akta Gminy Kliszów w Kijach (Sygn. 2317) : Wybrane materiały

    Books of permanent population with an alphabetical index, files related to fiduciary matters and Jewish properties from the Kliszów region.

  18. Prison on the Święty Krzyż Wiezienie na Świętym Krzyżu (Sygn.187)

    Correspondence of the Ministerstwo Sprawiedliwości (Ministry of Justice), Warsaw and Sąd Okręgowy (Regional Court), Kielce, statistics, registers, files on pardon, early dismissal (1930) and personal files of prisoners of the Więzienie na Świętym Krzyżu (Prison on the Święty Krzyż), Kielce. Includes Jewish prisoners.

  19. German Anti-Nazi Opposition-collection of records Niemiecka Opozycja Anty-hitlerowska-zbiór akt (Sygn. 1336/0)

    Selected records of the Nationalkomitee Freies Deutschland (National Committee of Free Germany; Komitet Narodowy Wolne Niemcy). Includes leaflets intended for German soldiers on the Eastern Front, the Komitee der Bewegung “Freies Deutschland” fur den Westen (Committee of the Free Germany-West Movement (Komitet Ruchu Wolne Niemcy-Zachód), and proclamations calling for the overthrow of the Nazi regime and various other appeals.

  20. Selected records of the Polish Red Cross from the Łódź Voivodeship Szczątki zespołów akt Polskiego Czerwonego Krzyża z terenu województwa łódzkiego (Sygn. 900)

    Consists of correspondence, lists, questionnaires and protocols from the files of the Polish Red Cross, Information Office in Łódź. Includes a list of deceased civil citizens and fallen soldiers in the Łódź region, personal surveys of fallen and buried people in the Łowicz county, 1939-1942 ("Grób Polski"); exhumations and lists of killed in the Łowicz county; lists and information about the fallen and missing, lists of graves, and list of foreigners residing in the city of Piotrków,1932.