Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,321 to 1,340 of 1,934
Country: United Kingdom
  1. Arbeitsgemeischaft fuer Wehrgeistige Forschung e.V

    Arbeitsgemeischaft fuer Wehrgeistige Forschung e.V: Information leaflet 

  2. Centralverein: Poster receipt for antisemitism donation, nd

    Poster in the form of a receipt for 500 RM as ‘a building block in the dam against anti-Semitism'. 

  3. Cook book with annotations

    Cookbook entitled Grundrezepte als Schlüssel zur Kochkunst with pencilled annotations by the owner

  4. Peter Hartman collection

    The contents of this archive document 3 narratives all of which relate to the same extended family. The first deals with Peter Hartman the main protagonist who came to England shortly before the invasion of his homeland, Czechoslovakia, by the Nazis in March 1938. There is general correspondence documenting his life and activities (1951/2) and family correspondence mainly between him and his parents during the early part of the war, prior to the latter's deportation and murder by the Nazis (1951/1). In addition there are scanned photographs of family members (1951/7) and official documentat...

  5. Edgar Dreyfus: Family papers

    The papers in this collection document in part the lives of a French Jewish family and their experiences during the German occupation.

  6. Sergeant C.C. Warmer: Material re Bergen Belsen

    Documents and photographic material showing Bergen-Belsen concentration camp after liberation.

  7. Deutsche Volksunion: sticker

    Sticker of the German Neo-Nazi party Deutsche Volksunion (DVU), German people's party, stating: "Deutschland Deutschland ueber alles

  8. Martin Fisher: personal papers

    Personal papers and correspondence of Martin Fisher

  9. Copy will of Moritz Heller, Vienna

    Copy will of Moritz Heller, Vienna 

  10. Harry Jarvis: family papers

    This collection contains the family papers of a Jewish immigrant from Chernivtsi (formerly Czernowitz), Bukovina, Ukraine. It is a relatively rare example of material from the German speaking Jewish community of this region and, as such, is valuable evidence of a now effectively extinct era. Item 1617/14 is an accrual which was added on 3.2.2011.

  11. Copy German army documents re invasion of Great Britain

    Copy documents re the planned German invasion of Great Britain, 1940.

  12. Ferdinand Schwarz: papers re emigration to England

    These papers document, in part, the process of emigration from Germany to England in 1939. The original letters are accompanied by typescript transcriptions and translations.

  13. Bern Brent and Otto Bernstein: Reminiscences

    This series of reminiscences provide an insight into the lives of a German Jewish family from the end of the 19th century until the aftermath of the Second World War.Most of them recount the experiences of Otto Bernstein, the father of the depositor, who describes life growing up in late 19th century Elbersfeld and Kassel (-/1); life in turn of the century Germany and during the First World War(-/2) and his experiences as an inmate of Theresienstadt.(-/3). Bern Brent, the depositor, provides us with an account of his experiences on the ship, the 'Dunera', bringing refugees from Europe to Au...

  14. Max Wolff collection

    Part autobiographical , part historical part legal treatise

  15. Reverend M.L. Perlzweig: Conference address transcript

    Transcript of a speech given by Reverend M. L. Perlzweig from London given at the Conférence de la Jeunesse Juive de France, Paris, 11 April 1938, in which he exhorts his audience in the light of the antisemitism sweeping across Europe, to defend justice and liberty against tyranny 2 pages

  16. Copy report re situation of Jews in Germany

    The detailed knowledge of wide ranging prohibition, intimidation and persecution suggests that the report is genuine. It is stated on the first page that the report was written by 'an intelligent and reliable emigrant, for many years a resident of Berlin.' It is also marked 'Confidential, not to be published' and dated March 17 1942, New York although the title is 'Jews in Germany, October 1941'.

  17. Copy report re the founding of the Anglo-German fellowship

    Letter from the German embassy, London, to the Auswärtiges Amt, reporting on the founding dinner of the Anglo-German fellowship at the Dorchester Hotel on 28 November 1935, in which the German treatment of the Jewish population was regarded as having cast a shadow over what was otherwise thought to be a successful occasion 

  18. Czechoslovakia and the Soviet invasion: Various papers

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.Material re the invasion of Czechoslovakia by the Soviet Union in 1968 consisting of leaflets, proclamations of solidarity, photographs, appeals to the public, warnings concerning traitors issued by the Czech Communist Party, and a report of a confidential press conference given by Prime Minister Černik to the directors of the mass media. 

  19. Eric Erber collection

    The collection contains the personal papers of Eric, Robert and Anna, in particular vital records and identity documents. Eric’s papers include the materials he collected in seeking compensation for a property owned by his mother’s family. Robert’s papers contain materials on his dismissal from the Viennese tram company because of the Nazi race laws and a letter from the foreign representatives of the Austrian socialists offering Robert support as a political refugee. The collection also includes Robert’s correspondence with various institutions on the whereabouts of his brother Ernst, who...