Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 46,241 to 46,260 of 55,890
  1. Ruth L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ruth L., who was born in Hamburg, Germany in 1936. She recounts frequent visits to her grandparents in Cologne; Kristallnacht; emigration to Amsterdam; her brother's birth; German invasion in 1940; attending a Jewish school; anti-Jewish restrictions; hiding during round-ups; a non-Jewish neighbor arranging for her and her brother to be hidden with non-Jews in December 1942; occasional visits with her parents; arrest in September 1943; transfer to the central gathering site for Jews; her brother's hospitalization for polio; being smuggled out; hiding with non-Jews in T...

  2. Leica B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Leica B., who was born in Kishinev, Russia (presently Chișinău, Moldova) in 1906. She recounts visiting her uncle in prison in Saint Petersburg; attending secular and Bundist schools; her sister's emigration to Paris; Kishinev becoming part of Romania; emigration to Paris in 1929; expulsion due to leftist activities; illegally living in Brussels; marriage; becoming a citizen; birth of a son and daughter; German invasion; placing her daughter in a convent and her son in a health care facility; working for the Resistance hiding children; visiting her children once a m...

  3. Hanka J. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hanka J., who was born in Piaski Luterskie, Poland in 1931. She recalls brief German and Soviet occupations, then German takeover of Piaski; ghettoization; round-ups and deportations; her brother being killed after he was denounced for black marketeering; hiding with her family during round-ups; from their hiding place, hearing a baby being killed by the SS; obtaining false papers and escaping; hiding with Poles in a nearby village; being joined by her sisters who had been hiding in Warsaw; returning to the ghetto when their funds ran out; her father being killed in w...

  4. Erich H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Erich H., who was born in Essen, Germany in 1920. He recalls his family's move to Cologne in 1924, then to Rinteln; his family's strong German identity (they had been in Germany since the sixteenth century); his bar mitzvah in 1934; attending a trade school; working in Cologne; his father's refusal to emigrate; release from the draft because he was Jewish; Kristallnacht; receiving emigration documents from Bolivia in November 1939; departing from Cologne to Holland in February 1940; traveling to Panama, then Arica, Chile; living with his relatives in La Paz; and emigr...

  5. Paulina D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Paulina D., a Catholic Romani, who was born in Čierny Balog, Czechoslovakia (presently Slovakia) in 1935, one of four children. She recalls her mother was a widow; their poverty; working in fields or as house servants; working for the one Jewish family in town, who liked them very much; her sister's marriage in ľubietová and the births of her two children; she and her mother living with her sister; vandalism of the house when the war started; her sister and her sister's husband being killed; she and her mother raising their children; returning to their town to find...

  6. Jetse S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jetse S., a Protestant, who was born in the Netherlands in approximately 1926 and raised in Hilversum. He recounts cordial relations with Jews; German invasion in 1940; rationing; his father warning Jewish friends in 1941 not to register; anti-Jewish restrictions; his father serving in a civil defense unit that was a front for the resistance; hiding a Jewish friend in their home for several months; his father obtaining false papers for his friend and arranging a hiding place in Amsterdam; receiving a postcard from him from Westerbork (he did not survive); seeking hidi...

  7. Daniel C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Daniel C., who was born in Kaunas, Lithuania in approximately 1932, the youngest of three children. He recounts his family's affluence; a non-Jewish servant who raised him; attending a Jewish school; vacationing in Kačerginė; Soviet occupation in 1940; joining the Soviet youth movement; his father's disability after a car accident; German invasion in June 1941; anti-Jewish violence; ghettoization; a German helping him hide during a round-up; deportation with his family; separation from his mother and sister en route (he never saw them again); arrival in Landsberg; p...

  8. Pavel S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Pavel S., who was born in Prague, Czechoslovakia in 1921. He recalls his cordial relations with non-Jews; one antisemitic professor; German occupation; his father's suicide in 1940; his deportation to Theresienstadt in December 1941 (he never saw his mother again); reunion with his fiancée; their marriage on December 16, 1943; deportation to the Auschwitz/Birkenau family camp the next day; slave labor; his wife sharing food with him; assignment to the children's block; selection during liquidation of the family camp in March 1944; transfer to Schwarzheide; Allied ai...

  9. Yeshayahu L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Yeshayahu L., who was born in Ciechanów, Poland in 1928, one of six children. He recounts his family's poverty; attending public school; many relatives emigrating to Palestine; visiting family in Mława; brief hospitalization in Warsaw; antisemitic harassment; German invasion; his father and two brothers fleeing east; their return; one brother's successful flight to the Soviet Union; ghettoization; public executions; his bar mitzvah; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau; separation from his family; useless slave labor; a supervisor giving him extra food and an easier wor...

  10. Daniel P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Daniel P., who was born in Ploies?ti, Romania in 1928, the oldest of three children. He recounts his mother's birth in the United States; his father's employment as an engineer for a United States oil company; his family's assimilated, affluent lifestyle; local fascist antisemitic publications; restrictions, including his expulsion from public school; forced emigration to Belgrade in 1940 because his father was a Yugoslav citizen; German invasion; his father's arrest (they never saw him again); deportation with his grandmother, mother and sisters to Zemun in December ...

  11. Cyla S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Cyla S., who was born in a Polish/Ukrainian village in 1927. She recounts living with her grandmother in Buchach to attend school with her brother; antisemitic violence against her parents; Soviet occupation; German invasion in 1941; her father's beating by Ukrainian police; hiding with a non-Jewish family; moving with her parents and brother to Tovste; her father's disappearance during a mass killing; her mother's disappearance; hiding with her brother in a bunker; paying a local farmer for food and protection; brief separation from her brother; attack and retreat of...

  12. Maria O. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Maria O., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1933. She recalls a happy childhood in a prosperous family; German invasion; moving to the Warsaw ghetto in 1940; attending school; her family's move to Oz?aro?w; her father instructing her to pretend to be Christian and to memorize the Lord's Prayer; being sent to a woman, Shesha (she never saw her parents or brother again); living in L'viv; being moved to Czudec and Wola Raniz?owska; preparation for her First Communion; a priest's refusal to baptize her, but allowing her to pretend to receive First Communion; moving to Tar...

  13. Martin L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Martin L., who was born in Poland in 1914. He recalls his religious upbringing; discharge from the Polish army in 1938 after eighteen months service; recall in 1939; capture by Germans; escaping the mass shooting of his company; recapture and internment in Kutno as a non-Jewish prisoner of war; receiving false papers from a former schoolmate, which enabled him to continue to pose as a non-Jew; witnessing German soldiers set fire to a Jewish man; escaping to the Soviet zone; imprisonment as a spy by the Soviets; release by a Jewish colonel; a brief reunion with his fam...

  14. Mayer Z. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Mayer Z., who was born in Piotrko?w, Poland in 1921. He recalls economic, but not social, contacts between Poles and Jews; attending Polish public school; antisemitic incidents; participating in a Zionist organization with his brother; German occupation; anti-Jewish violence; ghettoization; organized cultural and educational activities in the ghetto; starvation, overcrowding, and forced deportation to a camp in Lublin in 1940; digging ditches (he still has nightmares about this); returning home two weeks later; contacts with the Warsaw underground; working in a glass ...

  15. Emery G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Emery G., who was born in Budapest, Hungary, in 1933. Mr. G., whose parents divorced when he was four, recalls life in wartime Budapest; imposition of anti-Semitic restrictions; moving with his mother to several different apartments in the city; German occupation in 1944; going into hiding; discussions among those in hiding of deportations and concentration camps; and executions of Jews. He tells of Hungary's capitulation in October 1944; working as an underground courier for Raoul Wallenberg; being hidden with his mother in the home of her Christian employer; a narro...

  16. Antónia P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Antónia P., a Catholic Romani, who was born in Čierny Balog, Czechoslovakia (presently Slovakia) in 1932, one of eight children. She recounts her father was a musician; moving to Lučenec, then Kokava for her parents' employment; her father's arrest several times for not having a musician's certificate; working in a sawmill in her mother's stead so her mother could care for a newborn; a Jewish shop owner giving them merchandise when they had no money; playing with Jewish children and sleeping at their homes; observing the Hlinka guard confiscating all the property o...

  17. Gertrúda M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Gertrúda M., who was born in Bratislava, Czechoslovakia in 1923. She recalls her father's death; leaving school in 1937 due to anti-Jewish measures; living on a Hashomer Hatzair farm in preparation to live in Palestine; moving to Melčice to help her grandmother in 1942; learning of impending deportations from Hashomer Hatzair; traveling to Budapest; being joined by her mother and sister; obtaining a false document; their arrest in 1943; transfer to Ricse; her sister's release; transfer with her mother to Nagykanizsa; their deportation to Birkenau; help from women fr...

  18. Rachel R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rachel R., who was born in Sosnowiec, Poland in 1923 to a family of eight children. She describes her orthodox and affluent home; German invasion; fleeing with her family to her grandfather's village; returning to Sosnowiec; anti-Jewish restrictions; forced labor in a workshop her father had established; the killings of her brother and grandmother; hiding with her sister and fiance during the ghetto's liquidation; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau; separation from her fiance upon arrival; finding her mother (she was in an earlier transport); helping each other when th...

  19. Alice B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Alice B., who was born in Michalovce, Czechoslovakia in 1924. She describes cordial relations with non-Jews; anti-Jewish laws beginning in 1939; her parents hiding her with an aunt to prevent her deportation in 1942; her parents' and sister's deportation; hiding in sheds and with a non-Jewish relative; her aunt paying a smuggler to bring her and her grandmother to Hungary in 1943; betrayal by the smuggler; escaping; returning to her aunt; traveling to Zemianske Sady in 1944; working in tobacco fields; her uncle paying a man to hide them in Hlohovec; betrayal when thei...

  20. Julien E. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Julien E., who was born in Antwerp, Belgium in 1933. He describes fleeing with his family via Brussels to Nice after German occupation; round-ups in 1942; their attempt to flee to Switzerland and arrest in Annecy; deportation to Rivesaltes; separation from his parents when he and his brother were taken to a Catholic facility near Toulouse in 1942; living with his mother's cousins in Italian-occupied Nice; the cousins' arrest after Italian capitulation in 1943; briefly hiding with neighbors; living in a children's home in Cannes from 1943 to 1946; and the loving atmosp...