Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 42,581 to 42,600 of 55,889
  1. Αρχείο Οργανισμού Περιθάλψεως και Αποκαταστάσεως Ισραηλιτών Ελλάδος (ΟΠΑΙΕ)

    • Archive of the Organization for the Relief and Rehabilitation of Greek Jews
    • Archeio tou Organizmou Perithalpseos and Apokatastaseos Israiliton Ellados

    The Archive contains copies of approximately 4.105 declarations of property conducted in 1943 by Jews of Thessaloniki. It also contains records of approximately 2000 trustees of Jewish businesses in Thessaloniki during the Occupation.

  2. Αρχείο του δικηγορικού γραφείου Θεοδώρου Σαλγκάμη

    • Theodoros Salgamis Archive
    • Archeio tou dikigorikou grafeiou Theodorou Salagami

    The Archive consists of cases of Jewish clients of the lawyer after the end of World War II, as well as cases of the Bank "Union" and of Joseph Nehama.

  3. Αρχείο Ηλία Μεσσίνα

    • Elias Messinas Archive
    • Archeio Elia Messina

    It contains copies of the research of the architect Elias Messinas, mainly plans of synagogues in Greece. The copies are in paper and digital format.

  4. Αρχείο Γιοσέφ Νεχαμά

    • Josheph Nehama Archive
    • Archeio Josheph Nehama

    The Archive consists of manuscripts and unpublished editions of Josheph Nehama’s works.

  5. Podziemne Archiwum Getta Białostockiego

    • Archiwum Mersika - Tenenbauma
    • Konspiracyjne archiwum getta w Białymstoku
    • Underground Archive of the Białystok Ghetto

    W naszych zasobach znajduje się: - ponad 400 ogłoszeń, rozporządzeń, komunikatów i odezw Rady Żydowskiej w getcie Białystok 8.07.1941 - 12.1942; - protokoły posiedzeń Rady Żydowskiej 02.08.1941 - 29.11.1942; - relacje z gett: Białystok, Ciechanowiec, Dereczyn, Grajewo, Grodno, Mińsk, Orla, Słonim, Sokoły, Supraśl, Swisłocz, Wilno i in.; z obozu zagłady w Treblince; - pisma M. Tenenbauma (w odpisach): dziennik 01.1943-03.1943, listy, odezwy; - odpisy dokumentów osobistych ofiar obozu w Treblince; - opracowanie dotyczące Rady Żydowskiej w Białymstoku;

  6. World War II

    The collection World War II has been created by DANS. The collection consists of datasets that have been deposited by researchers. Keywords provided by the data depositors have been used to create this thematic collection. Most of the datasets contain oral history materials. Many of these datasets are the result of the national program "Heritage of the War" (2005-2009) that improved access to the large variety of WOII collections and thereby contributed to the advance of knowledge of WOII

  7. Njemačka narodna zajednica u nezaviznoj državi Hrvatskoj

    • The German National Community in the Independent State of Croatia

    The German National Community in the Independent State of Croatia [Deutsche Volksgruppe im Unabhängigen Staat Kroatien] was founded in April 1941. Under Branimir Altgayer, it claimed to represent the interests of all ethnic Germans in Croatia. The activities of the German National Community were mainly concentrated in the regions of Syrmia, Baranya, and Slavonia, even though its representatives were also active across the Independent State of Croatia. The archival collection covers various materials related to military, economy (box 22, 48-60), education (box 30-32), health (box 33), cultur...

  8. Okružni sud u Osijeku

    • District Court of Osijek

    The district court of Osijek was founded in 1945 and was involved in the trials of Holocaust and genocide perpetrators after the war. Boxes 46-117 deal with such criminal offenses. The files inside the boxes usually include the indictment, summary of the trial, and perpetrator and victim testimonies given just before or during the trial. Due to the changing legal context in postwar-Yugoslavia, some perpetrators gave their testimonies multiple times over the course of several years. Therefore, this material is helpful to researchers focusing on the (re)construction of memory and narratives a...

  9. Fond nezavisna država Hrvatska

    • The Independent State of Croatia Collection

    The collection contains various documents from ministries, state institutions, regional and local state, and military institutions. Researchers of the Holocaust will be interested in the materials related to the looting of Jewish property, “Aryanization,” intermarriage, as well as the reactions to persecution from ordinary citizens. The collection contains rich material on interethnic and inter-confessional relations across Bosnia-Herzegovina. This includes cooperation and conflicts between Catholic and Muslim communities in Sarajevo and other locations in Bosnia during the Holocaust. Repor...

  10. Gradsko poglavarstvo grada Križevci

    • The City Authorities of Križevci

    The collection is incomplete and contains various instructions and orders issued and received by the city authorities of Križevci. Researchers of the Holocaust will find files regarding the activities of the State Office for Renewal [Državno Ravnateljstvo za ponovu] here. This office oversaw the managing and distributing of property confiscated from Jews during the Holocaust. In addition, for scholars interested in perpetrator studies the files of the city employees are a potentially helpful source.

  11. Velika Župa Posavje

    • The Great Governorate of Posavje

    Velika Župa was the highest regional authority in the Independent State of Croatia. It was responsible only to the Poglavnik Ante Pavelić, who personally named its leader, and to the respective state ministries. Velika Župa Posavje was founded on 10 June 1941 with the seat in the contemporary town of Slavonski Brod and continued to function until 1945. Velika Župa Posavje included the administrative units (kotar) of Bijeljina, Brčko, Brod na Savi, Derventa, Gradačac and Županja. Researchers of the Holocaust will find the “Very secret files” (1 box) and “Secret files” (14 boxes) useful. “Ver...

  12. Velika Župa Bilogora

    • The Great Governorate of Bilogora

    Velika Župa, or the Great Governorate of Bilogora, was established in August 1941. As one of the 22 Great Governorates across the Independent State of Croatia, it was the highest regional authority directly responsible to the Ustasha-led government. Velika Župa Bilogora is composed of seven counties: Bjelovar, Križevci, Koprivnica, Đurđevac, Čazma, Grubišno Polje and Garešnica. The first part of the archival collection of Velika Župa Bilogora (boxes 1-7 and books 1-2) is mainly concerned with the orders from the top which it received from various state ministries. However, the fond also con...

  13. "The Koordynacja": The Zionist Koordinatsia for the Redemption of Children in Poland

    Index cards – 330 index cards of Koordynacja children with their details and photographs. Each card contains preliminary details (in many cases only partial information) such as their name, year of birth, who were their parents and from where did they arrive. • Albums – 16 Koordynacja albums that belonged to the organization's activists. It was given to them as a farewell gift when they immigrated to Eretz Israel. The albums contain photographs of the children during their daily activities & celebrations as well as photos of individual children with information about them. • 2 albums th...

  14. Stjepan (Esteban) Hefer, odvjetnik, političar, veliki župan župe Baranjske

    • Stjepan (Esteban) Hefer lawyer, politician, head of the ISC Baranya County

    The collection holds material relevant to the life and work of Stjepan Hefer, a lawyer and politician who was the head of Baranya County during the Independent State of Croatia. After the war, Hefer emigrated to Argentina to escape execution/trial in socialist Yugoslavia. In Argentina, he ran the Croatian Liberation Movement until his death. During the Second World War, Stjepan Hefer was the leader of the Velika Župa Baranja, one of the highest regional authorities in the northeast of the Independent State of Croatia. Considering that the collection of the Velika Župa Baranja is very fragme...

  15. Ustaška nadzorna služba

    • Ustasha Surveillance Service

    The complete structure of the Ustasha Surveillance Service, the most powerful police establishment of the Independent Croatian state (during World War II), can be found in the collection and these materials have been used as basic source material for numerous scientific papers, doctorates, and publications of local and foreign researchers. Contains records of activities of the Ustasha Surveillance Service regional office in Sarajevo, with documentation regarding fight against Partisans and Serbian (Chetniks) resistance, daily and weekly intelligence reports about the political situation in ...

  16. Javno tužilaštvo Socijalističke Republike Hrvatske

    • The State Attorney office of the Socialist Republic of Croatia

    The Public Prosecutor's Office was established in 1945. The Law on the Public Prosecutor's Office was adopted after the promulgation of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1946, and the Public Prosecutor's Office of PRC acted as an organ of public prosecution in the country. Collection holds 9 boxes of the Indictment Ante Pavelic-Andrija Artuković, from 1951 for their extradition. Besides the text of the statutory provisions of the ISC there is evidence, testimony and statements of surviving camp inmates, lists of interned and murdered Jews, etc. Researchers of the Hol...

  17. Bernard (Ber) Mark. 1908-1966. Spuścizna

    Na zespół składają się - oryginalne dokumenty i relacje dotyczące Zagłady zgromadzone przez autora - korespondencja powojenną z instytucjami i osobami prywatnymi - materiały, wycinki prasowe, kwerendy do prac naukowych i publicystycznych - kserokopie dokumentów dotyczących ruchu robotniczego i ruchu oporu w okupowanej Europie - fotografie, - wspomnienia pośmiertne.

  18. Spuścizna rodziny Naimark

    • Kolekcja 62 listów z getta warszawskiego i białostockiego rodziny Dawida Naimarka.

    Kolekcja 62 listów z getta warszawskiego i białostockiego rodziny Dawida Naimarka. W skład kolekcji wchodzą listy do D. Naimarka z kraju i zagranicy.

  19. Podziemne Archiwum Getta Warszawskiego

    • Archiwum Ringelbluma
    • Konspiracyjne Archiwum Getta Warszawy
    • Oneg Szabat (cryptonime)
    • Underground Archive of the Warsaw Ghetto: the Ringelblum Archives

    RING. I I. Oneg Shabat records – call no. 1-4. II. General studies on the situation of the Jewish population during the war: 1. Plans and drafts of works, questionnaires – call no. 5-22. 2. Oneg Shabat bulletins – call no. 23-38. 3. Studies, scholarly works, reports – call no. 39-70. 4. Autonomous collections: – the “Kalisz letters” – call no. 71-163, – the “Płock letters” – call no. 164-178. III. Warsaw and the Warsaw ghetto: 1. Documents generated by the German authorities and institutions – call no. 179-193. 2. Documents generated by other institutions and organizations – call no. 194-19...