Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 12,981 to 13,000 of 55,889
  1. Bill John Seregi collection

    Photograph album of images taken in Hungary during World War II.

  2. David Zugman collection

    Consists of one memoir, 16 pages, written by Dov Zugman (now David Zugman) originally of Sokal, Poland. In the memoir, Mr. Zugman describes the German invasion of Soviet-occupied Poland, the establishment of the ghetto, multiple aktions, escaping to Wolyn, the death of his mother, who was captured and killed by Ukrainians, and hiding with a family of Jehovah's Witnesses until liberation. After liberation, he emigrated to Canada. Also consists of eight photographs (six original and two copyprints) of the Zugman family before the Holocaust; one identity card, dated Feb. 6, 1946, issued to Dow...

  3. Nanette Jakobs-DeVries collection

    The collection consists of photographs documenting the Holocaust experiences of Nanette de Vries and her brother David de Vries, both of whom were hidden children in Haarlem, Netherlands. Modern inscriptions are written on the verso in English.

  4. Swiss Federal Archives records

    Contains files concerning control of Jewish and other refugees coming into Switzerland; on activities of Swiss-Jewish rescue and charity organizations; on Swiss legations in various European countries reporting on relevant matters; on communications of the United States, Great Britain, and Germany; on establishment and operation of labor camps and homes for refugees, and the like. It includes material on Jewish self-help organizations in Switzerland, Jewish communities in Switzerland, and labor camps for Jews in Switzerland. Includes approximately 3,500 case files from the child refugee aid...

  5. War crimes investigation and trial records from the former Lithuanian KGB Archives (Fond K)

    Contains documents from the criminal investigation files and trial records of Lithuanian citizens of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) accused of wartime crimes related to the Holocaust.

  6. Shneidman documents

    Contains documents pertaining to Iliya Shneidman's role as volunteer in the Red Army (Leningrad Army 3rd volunteer division). Iliya Shneidman was later captured by the German Army and executed as a Jew.

  7. Reichsorganisationsleiter der NSDAP selected records (NS 22)

    Contains selected records from the group NS 22, Reichs Organization Leader of the Nazi Party.

  8. Dienststellen Rosenberg-Überwachung der geistigen und weltanschaulichen Schulung der NSDAP selected records (NS 15)

    This collection contains selected German Federal Archives (Bundesarchiv) records from the office of Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg (ERR), which concerned itself with the training, political education, and motivation of Nazi Party members. The collection includes staff personnel forms; correspondence from the ERR’s cultural-political archives; and records of the Science Office and the Music Office. Also included is material pertaining to the creation of a “Jews in Music” dictionary.

  9. Dienststellen Rosenberg-Aussenpolitisches Amt (NS 43)

    Contains materials from the branch or department of the Alfred Rosenberg organization that dealt with foreign affairs.

  10. Enemy property office in occupied Netherlands Feindvermögensverwaltung in den besetzten Niederlanden (R 177)

    Contains materials on confiscated Jewish property in the Netherlands.

  11. SS-Personalhauptamt selected records (NS 34)

    Contains internal reports from the main SS personnel office, including lists of promotions and transfers; lists of SS officers stationed in Eastern Europe; recommendations and guidelines for personnel actions; and other SS-related administrative matters.

  12. Hitler-Jugend/Reichsjugendführung selected records (NS 28)

    The collection features official correspondence and reports about the Hitler Youth movement, such as the ideological indoctrination and instruction of its members, the elimination of Jews from the national economy; the participation of Hitler Youth in the relocation of ethnic Germans in Poland; and the use of forced labor.

  13. Selected records of Jewish political refugees from the Schweizerisches Arbeiterhilfswerk Archives

    This collection contains materials on Jewish refugees in Switzerland who were helped by the Swiss Labor Assistance. It also contains a 1260-card registry of persons who were in contact with the Swiss Labor Office from 1933 to 1945.

  14. Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg selected records (NS 30)

    Contains selected records from the group NS 30.

  15. Reichspressechef selected records (NS 42)

    Records from the group NS 42. Contains the office files of the "House of the Press," Munich, mostly correspondence with other countries, free subscriptions to the German propaganda periodical "News from Germany", German requests for press items or publications from abroad, publications concerning Jews, news clippings, letters from foreign citizens, and miscellaneous documents.

  16. Benjamin Gerow papers

    Contains an IMT International Military Tribual identification card, one letter, ten black and white photographs, thirteen signatures of defendants, IMT International Military Tribunal publication, "These 21" compliments of Stars and Stripes.

  17. Ruth Berkowicz Segal collection

    Consists of one permit to stay in Japan issued to "Rys Berkowicz" (donor), one postcard, sent to the donor in Vilnius from Warsaw, with Nazi censorship stamp; two postcards sent to the donor in Kobe from family and friend; and four envelopes with Nazi censorship stamps sent to the donor in Vilnius from friends in Warsaw who perished in the Holocaust.

  18. Alexander White collection

    Collection of seven black-and-white images of members of Jewish community in Krosno, Poland, before the Holocaust.

  19. Property administration of the DAF Deutsche Arbeitsfront (DAF). Vermoegensverwaltung der DAF GmbH (NS 5 II)

    Records NS-5 II (formerly NS 3498). Contains documents relating to real properties (the sale or rental) in various locations and the erection and administration of forced labor camps including those using POWs.

  20. Horn-Ermann collection

    Collection consisting of passports, identification cards, postcards, and documents relating to Irmgard Horn donor's aunt, her first husband Max Ermann and her second husband Walter Horn, and their families' experiences in Berlin, Hamburg, and Shanghai during the Holocaust.