Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 31,641 to 31,660 of 55,889

    В коллекции содержатся: фотокопии документов за 1516 - 1796 гг., полученные из Российского государственного архива древних актов; материалы, переданные в дар архиву бывшими жителями Восточной Пруссии; немецкие архивные материалы за 1854 - 1944 гг. о водном хозяйстве Восточной Пруссии, поступившие от института «Запгипроводхоз».


    • Kriminalpolizei Königsberg

    В фонде содержатся: сообщения полиции; списки разыскиваемых лиц.

  3. Коллекция документов личного происхождения ветеранов Великой Отечественной войны

    Опись № 8- Карпов К.М.(1918-2003) Первый раздел: документы к биографии, анкеты, характеристики, воспоминания , личные листки по учету кадров, почетные грамоты, приветственные адреса и поздравления. Второй раздел: документы по истории 376-й стрелковой Псково-Кузбасской дивизии. Краткая история 1250 стрелкового полка 376-й стрелковой дивизии, справки о боевом пути дивизии, анкеты ветеранов Великой Отечественной войны- псковичей. Список солдат 376-й дивизии, захороненной на Кривой Версте. В составе фотоколлекции: фотографии Карпова К.М., его боевых друзей, торжественные мероприятия, проводимые...

  4. Секретариат Молотова

    • The Molotov's Secretariat

    Political and economic affairs with foreign states.Instructions from Ministry of Foreign Affairs to embassies, correspondence between Soviet executives (Stalin, Kalinin, Bulganin) with international colleagues, Ministries, TASS etc. Materials about bilateral agreements, trade, payments, scientific and cultural cooperation, repatriation.

  5. Гроссман Василий Семенович (1905-1964) - писатель

    • Vasily Semyonovich Grossman (1905-1964) - writer

    244 files, 4 opisi Manuscrips, drafts, and notebooks of the writer, correspondence with editors and colleagues. Opis 2: 1949 - 1963 Manuscripts of "Life and Fate" (1960). Notebooks, diaries, interviews with red army soldiers (1943-1945) Opis 3: Notebooks (1941-1950)

  6. Белгородчина в период Великой Отечественной войны Советского Союза 1941-1945 гг.

    • Belgorod Oblast during the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945

    Fond contains materials related to the patriotic activity of partisans in Belgorod Oblast, to the fascist atrocities, economical and cultural loss. Materials are also related to the combat activity in the region, reconstruction of national economics, to the Belgorod citizens who participated in the War.

  7. Штаб истребительных батальонов Управления народного комиссариата Внутренних дел по Ростовской области, г. Ростов-на-Дону

    • The headquarters of the fighter battalions of the Office of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs in the Rostov region, Rostov-on-Don

    Orders of the Operation Headquarter of NKVD USSR; Documents of selected fighter battalions; Orders of German Headquarters related to extraordinary measures against partisans.

  8. Бургоминистерство города Ростова-на-Дону

    • City ministry of the city of Rostov-on-Don

    Orders initiated by the City Ministry. Appeal to the citizens. Fascist propaganda posters, leaflets, interrogation reports, explanatory notes of prisoners of war. Information about the formation of Cossak units. Information about "Volksdeutsche".

  9. Συλλογή Ιωάννης Σταθάκης

    • Collection Ioannis Stathakis
    • Syllogi Ioannis Stathakis

    The collection covers the period from 1916 until 1982 and concerns mainly judicial cases of Christians and Jews of Thessaloniki the lawyer Ioannis Stathakis handled. In the collection one can find documents from a) collaborators'trials, b) cases of Jews that claim their confiscated property and b) the Max Merten Trial.

  10. Αρχείο 40ού Δημοτικού Σχολείου Θεσσαλονίκης (Ιωαννιδείου)

    • Archive of 40th Public Elementary School of Thessaloniki (Ioanideio)
    • Archeio 40ou Dimotikou Scholeiou Thessalonikis (Ioannideiou)

    Student records containing names of Jewish pupils and other administrative records.

  11. Αρχείο Ιδιωτικού Σχολείου "Ο Κοραής"

    • Archive of Korais Private School
    • Archeio Idiotikou Scholeiou "O Korais"

    Student records containing names of Jewish pupils and other administrative records.

  12. Αρχείο Νυκτερινής Επαγγελματικής Σχολής Εμπορικού και Βιομηχανικού Επιμελητηρίου Θεσσαλονίκης (ΕΒΕΘ)

    • Archive of the Vocational Night School of Thessaloniki's Chamber of Commerce and Industry
    • Archeio Nikterinis Epagkelmatikis Scholis Emporikou kai Viomichanikou Epimelitiriou Thessalonikis (EVETH)

    Student records containing names of Jewish pupils and other administrative records.

  13. Αρχείο Ιδιωτικού Σχολείου Δέλλιου "Ιωακείμειο Λύκειο"

    • Archive of Delliou Private School "Ioakeimeio Highschool"
    • Archeio Idiotikou Scholeiou Delliou "Ioakeimeio Likeio"

    Student records containing names of Jewish pupils and other administrative records.

  14. Αρχείο Ιδιωτικού Σχολείου Βαλαγιάννη

    • Archive of Valagianni Private School
    • Archeio Idiotikou Scholeiou Valagianni

    Student records containing names of Jewish pupils, personnel register and other administrative records.

  15. Αρχείο Α΄ Γυμνασίου Θηλέων Θεσσαλονίκης

    • 1rst Girls Highschool Archive
    • Archeio A' Gymnasiou Thileon Thessalonikis

    Student records containing names of Jewish pupils, correspondence protocols and other administrative records.

  16. Αρχείο Αστικού Γυμνασίου Αρρένων Θεσσαλονίκης

    • Archive of "Astiko" Boys Highschool
    • Archeio Astikou Gymnasiou Arrenon Thessalonikis

    Student records containing names of Jewish pupils, Books of certificates of studies, Personnel register, other administrative records.

  17. Processo de pedido de visto para Daniele Gnecchi e Dina Gnecchi Fiocchi

    Processo de pedido de visto pela Legação de Itália ao Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros para Daniele Gnecchi, de nacionalidade italiana e residente em Itália, com destino a Portugal. Visto autorizado. Processo de pedido de visto pela Legação de Itália ao Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros para Dina Gnecchi Fiocchi, de nacionalidade italiana e residente em Itália, com destino a Portugal. Visto autorizado.