Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 43,441 to 43,460 of 55,890
  1. Орловский плацдарм

    • Orel Beachhead

    Views of destroyed Oryol. Military entry of Soviet Army in Oryol, mine clearance of the bridge, cemetery of Soviet and German soldiers, concentration camp — prisoners release; captured German vehicles; funerals of deceased Soviet soldiers. Work of the commission for investigation of fascist crimes. Group of Soviet commanders. Residents return home. Medical help for injured Soviet pilot.

  2. Бюро судебно-медицинской экспертизы по Орловской области

    • Bureau for forensic medical examination for Orel oblast

    Lists of dead and buried prisoners of POW camp in Orel

  3. Управление НКВД Москвы и области

    • Moscow and Moscow Oblast NKVD Office

    Приказы, распоряжения, указания Штаба истребительных батальонов УНКВД МО. Директивы и указания Штаба истребительных батальонов НКВД СССР, ГУББ НКВД СССР, ОББ УНКВД МО. Планы работы Штаба истребительных батальонов УНКВД МО, 5 отделения ОББ УНКВД МО, совещаний с командирами истребительных батальонов. Планы переброски истребительных групп УНКВД МО в тыл противника, планы оперативно - служебной деятельности истребительных батальонов. Отчеты, докладные записки, рапорты, спецсообщения, справки о боевых действиях в тылу противника истребительно - диверсионных групп 4 Отдела УНКВД МО, истребительно...

  4. Документы немецких оккупационных властей действовавших на временно оккупированной территории Ленинградской области

    Отрывочные документы (удостоверения, записные книжки, письма, инструктивные и пропагандистские материалы) немецких воинских частей, дислоцированных главным образом в Красносельском районе. Приказы, распоряжения и объявления оккупационных властей. Списки, временные удостоверения личности, сведения о семейно-хозяйственном положении граждан. Трудовые книжки рабочих лагеря Xемниц (Германия).

  5. Archivio del Museo del Risorgimento e della Resistenza

    • Risorgimento and Resistance Museum Archive

    Il nucleo documentario originario, proveniente da lasciti e da acquisti, è costituito per la maggior parte da lettere e da memorie manoscritte riguardanti le figure più note del Risorgimento mantovano, in particolare i Martiri di Belfiore. Il manoscritto più conosciuto è il “Giornale dell’assedio di Mantova, 1848-1854” di Enrico Grassi, corredato da 5 buste di documenti raccolti dall’autore. La ricca documentazione che costituisce l'archivio ricopre in realtà un più ampio arco di tempo, a partire dal periodo napoleonico fino alla seconda guerra mondiale e alla Resistenza.

  6. Bessarabian Directorate of Education and Cults

    • Directoratul învăţămîntului şi cultelor din Basarabia şi instituţiile subordonate lui
    • Бессарабский директориат просвещения и культов
    • Bessarabskiy direktoriat prosveshcheniya i kul'tov

    The lists of teachers who remained on the territory of Bessarabia in 1940‐41; the lists of teachers from Bessarabia who worked in 1940‐41

  7. Sezione novecentesca. Archivio storico

    La Sezione Novecentesca comprende gli atti dell’amministrazione della città di Mantova del sec. XX. La documentazione è ordinata in 15 Categorie sulla base del piano di classificazione comunemente denominato Titolario Astengo dal nome del firmatario della Circolare ministeriale del 1° marzo 1897 n. 17100/2 recante "Istruzioni per la tenuta del protocollo e dell'archivio per gli uffici comunali". Di seguito le 15 Categorie: 1 - Amministrazione; 2 - Opere Pie e Beneficenza; 3 - Polizia Urbana, Stradale e Rurale; 4 - Sanità ed Igiene; 5 - Finanze, Contabilità, Patrimonio e Beni Demaniali; 6 - ...

  8. Sezione antica

    • Sezione storica

    Per tentare una descrizione, ancorché sommaria, delle materie contenute nella sezione antica dell’archivio, è opportuno far ricorso ai 10 volumi del repertorio di Isacco Bonaiuto Levi, in cui si dà conto della situazione archivistica all’altezza del 1790. Una prima parte (da lui stesso definita “etica”), descritta nei primi tre volumi, comprende i documenti legati alle varie forme di “governo nazionale”, ovvero alle figure e agli organi preposti al governo della “nazione”, ossia della comunità ebraica di Mantova: dai componenti la “Vicinia generale” e “ristretta”, ai “legislatori alle regol...

  9. Bessarabian Directorate of Education and Cults

    • Directoratul învăţămîntului şi cultelor din Basarabia şi instituţiile subordonate lui
    • Бессарабский директориат просвещения и культов
    • Bessarabskiy direktoriat prosveshcheniya i kul'tov

    Files of the Cahul boy’s gymnasium “Ion Voievod”: correspondence with Leova private gymnasium “Tarbut” regarding the permission of the pupils to take exams; the requests of pupils from Leova Jewish private school “Tarbut” to be allowed to the exams

  10. Bessarabian Directorate of Education and Cults

    • Directoratul învăţămîntului şi cultelor din Basarabia şi instituţiile subordonate lui
    • Бессарабский директориат просвещения и культов
    • Bessarabskiy direktoriat prosveshcheniya i kul'tov

    Files of the Bălţi boy’s gymnasium “Ion Creanga”; the records of grades received by the pupils of Balti Jewish girl’s private school, which took the exams for 1933‐34 academic year at Balti boy’s gymnasium “Ion Creanga”; the records of grades received by the pupils of Floresti private progymnasium, which took the exams for 1935‐36 academic year at Balti boy’s gymnasium “Ion Creanga"

  11. Soroca City Hall

    • Primăria oraşului Soroca
    • Сорокская городская примэрия
    • Sorokskaya gorodskaya primeriya

    The record book of the owners of real estate; the minutes of the meetings of communal council; the lists of manufacturers insured with the central office of social assurance; the list of residents of Soroca town The list of residents of Soroca town; the list of residents of Soroca town and its suburbs; the lists of functionaries, civil servants, workers of city hall and state institutions; the lists of staff of Soroca women’s professional school # 2, who remained in Bessarabia under the Soviet regime; the budget of Soroca town for 1931; the budget of Soroca town for 1935‐36; the budget of S...

  12. Lăpușna District Chamber of Commerce and Industry

    • Camera de comerţ şi industrie a judeţului Lăpuşna
    • Лапушнянская уездная палата торговли и промышленности
    • Lapushnianskaya uezdnaya palata torgovli i promyshlennosti

    The lists of traders and industry owners from Bessarabia who had the right to elect the Chamber; the lists of traders and industry owners form Chişinău; same for Orhei; informations about the people invloved in commerce

  13. Lăpuşna District Chamber of Commerce and Industry

    • Camera de comerţ şi industrie a judeţului Lăpuşna
    • Лапушнянская уездная палата торговли и промышленности
    • Lapushnianskaya uezdnaya palata torgovli i promyshlennosti

    Personal files of the owner of brick factory from Chişinău, Averbuh Mendel; personal files of the owner of bakery in Rezina, Avras Ber Haim; personal files of the owner of bakery in Rezina, Avras Lea; personal files of the owner of a shop in Chişinău, Akkerman Toruhai; personal files of the owner of a scrap metal shop in Chişinău, Amerling Aizik; personal files of the owner of a shop in Bravicea village, Arbit Sruly; personal files of the owner of alcohol store in Chişinău, Balter Abram; personal files of the owner of a grocery shop in Chisinau, Banar Syra Rivka; personal files of the owner...

  14. Soroca District Chamber of Commerce and Industry

    • Camera de comerţ şi industrie a judeţului Soroca
    • Сорокская уездная палата торговли и промышленности
    • Sorokskaya uyezdnaya palata torgovli i promyshlennosti

    The lists of traders of Soroca town and Soroca district in 1923; the lists of traders from Tarigrad village in 1927; the requests of the traders from Soroca district regarding the registration of commercial enterprises; the minutes of the registrations and the certificates on the ending of commercial activity by citizens; the requests of the traders for registration of commercial enterprises; the lists of traders from Soroca district and certificates on the right to trade; the lists of traders from Soroca district in 1934; the lists of members of Soroca district Chamber of Commerce and Indu...

  15. 15th Regional School Inspectorate and its Educational Institutions

    • Inspectoratul XV regional al învǎţǎmîntului public şi instituţiile subordonate
    • 15-й областной школьный инспекторат и его учебные заведения
    • 15-y oblastnoy shkol'nyy inspektorat i yego uchebnyye zavedeniya

    Files of the Chişinău Private Gymnasium “Mogen David”: record books on the grades received by the pupils of 1‐6th grades in 1920‐1921 academic year; class book of the 1st grade for 1920‐1921 academic year; same for 2nd grade; records on the paid salaries to the teachers in 1921‐1923 years; the record books of the grades received by the pupils of 1st grade in 1924‐25

  16. 15th Regional School Inspectorate and its Educational Institutions

    • Inspectoratul XV regional al învǎţǎmîntului public şi instituţiile subordonate
    • 15-й областной школьный инспекторат и его учебные заведения
    • 15-y oblastnoy shkol'nyy inspektorat i yego uchebnyye zavedeniya

    Files of the Progymnasium from Vadul Rașcov village, Chişinău district: the record books of the grades received by the pupils from 1‐4 grades in 1931‐1932; the record books on the salaries received by faculty and staff of the school in January‐June 1933; Statistical information for the making of the budget for 1935‐1936 academic year

  17. 15th Regional School Inspectorate and its Educational Institutions

    • Inspectoratul XV regional al învǎţǎmîntului public şi instituţiile subordonate
    • 15-й областной школьный инспекторат и его учебные заведения
    • 15-y oblastnoy shkol'nyy inspektorat i yego uchebnyye zavedeniya

    Files of the Chişinău Private Jewish Gymnasium I. G. Vaisman: the record book of biographical information on the pupils admitted into school in 1916‐17 and 1920‐1921 academic years; the record on the marks received by the pupils of 1‐7 grades in 1917‐18 year; the list of pupils for 1917‐18 academic year; the record books on marks received by the pupils of 3‐8 grades in 1919‐1920 academic year; class books for 1‐5 grades for 1919‐1920 academic year; the marks for pupils of 8th grade in 1920‐1921; the examination files and the minutes of the meeting of committee for graduation exams for 8th g...

  18. 15th Regional School Inspectorate and its Educational Institutions

    • Inspectoratul XV regional al învǎţǎmîntului public şi instituţiile subordonate
    • 15-й областной школьный инспекторат и его учебные заведения
    • 15-y oblastnoy shkol'nyy inspektorat i yego uchebnyye zavedeniya

    Files of the Briceni Private Gymnasium “R. Dr. Penhas”: record books of the marks received by the pupils of 1‐4 grades in 1930‐1931 academic year; record books of the marks received by the pupils of 1‐7 grades in 1930‐1931 academic year; record books of the marks received by the pupils of 1‐7 grades in 1932‐1933 academic year; record books of the marks received by the pupils of 1‐7 grades in 1933‐1934 academic year; record books of the marks received by the pupils of 1‐7 grades in 1934‐1935 academic year; record books of the marks received by the pupils of 1‐8 grades in 1935‐1936 academic y...

  19. 15th Regional School Inspectorate and its Educational Institutions

    • Inspectoratul XV regional al învǎţǎmîntului public şi instituţiile subordonate
    • 15-й областной школьный инспекторат и его учебные заведения
    • 15-y oblastnoy shkol'nyy inspektorat i yego uchebnyye zavedeniya

    Files of the Cahul High Commercial School: the requests of the pupils for waiving school fees and the issuing of certificates of education; the requests of parents to accept their children in school and the issuing of certificates of education

  20. 15th Regional School Inspectorate and its Educational Institutions

    • Inspectoratul XV regional al învǎţǎmîntului public şi instituţiile subordonate
    • 15-й областной школьный инспекторат и его учебные заведения
    • 15-y oblastnoy shkol'nyy inspektorat i yego uchebnyye zavedeniya

    Files of the Briceni High Commercial School Certificates of the graduates from the school in 1930‐1932; the minutes of the meetings of school’s pedagogical council; correspondence with Chișinău district inspectorate regarding the admission, transfer, summer holidays, and firing of the teaching personnel; documents regarding budget inspection