Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 32,501 to 32,520 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Запорізька міська управа, м. Запоріжжя Запорізької області

    • Zaporiyhyhia city board, city of Zaporizhzhia
    • Zaporizka miska uprava, m. Zaporizhzhia
    • Запорожская городская управа, г. Запорожье

    Inventory 1 (Opys 1) contains files with statistical information about population of the city, indicating the national composition (including Jews and Karaites), the number of male and female Jewish population with an indication of the age groups and neighborhoods (files 227, 231); inventory and receipts on the receiving derelict household goods by the warehouse of the city council (files 48, 98, 263); informations about transferring of furniture to the store of city council and acts of its sale with the names of former owners; information about the number of houses and premises, formerly b...

  2. Στρατόπεδα Συγκεντρώσεως εκτός Ελλάδος (κατάλογοι)

    • Concentration Camps outside of Greece (Lists)
    • Stratopeda Sygkentroseos ektos Ellados (Katalogoi)

    Lists of Greek hostages and political prisoners in concentration camps in Nazi Germany and Austria [Dachau, Bergen-Belsen, Hannover, Buchenwald, Mengen (Kreis Saulgan) Wurttemberg, Neuengamme, Prison Aichach, Lustenau (Bregenz), Ebensee, Mauthausen, Linz]. The lists were formed by the International Red Cross.

  3. Τράπεζα Θεσσαλονίκης

    • Banque de Salonique
    • Trapeza Thessalonikis

    The "Banque de Salonique" archive consists of records of current accounts, securities, cashier records and customer records, journals, ledgers and files of incoming correspondence, letters of guarantee, cashier and other vouchers.

  4. Αρχείο Εφημερίδων

    • Newspapers Archive
    • Archeio Efimeridon

    The collection contains the anti-Semitic newspaper "Nea Evropi" (from 15-04-1941 to 22-02-1944), the newspaper "Makedonia" (1940-1941) and a number of the newspaper "Apogevmatini" (1941-1943) newspaper. All were printed in Thessaloniki. One can also find the local Jewish newspapers "L'Ιndépendant" (01-01-1940 to 07-04-1941) and "Le Progrès" (01-03-1940 to 30-12-1940).The collection consists of seven volumes; two volumes for "Nea Evropi", two volumes for "Makedonia", one volume for issues of "Apogevmatini" issues, one volume for "L'Ιndépendant" and one volume for "Le Progrès".

  5. Πρακτικά και αποφάσεις του Δημοτικού Συμβουλίου του Δήμου Θεσσαλονίκης

    • Proceedings and Decisions of the Municipal Council of the Municipality of Thessaloniki
    • Praktika kai Apofaseis tou Dimotikou Symvouliou tou Dimou Thessalonikis

    The material contains information on issues related to municipal administration, finance, taxes and fees, assets and foundations; public works; healthcare; youth; culture; social services; religious minorities; disabled people; disadvantaged groups.

  6. Дніпропетровський обласний комітет Комуністичної партії України

    • Dnipropetrovsk Regional Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine
    • Dnipropetrovskyi oblasnyi komitet Komunystychnoi partii Ukrainy
    • Днепропетровский областной комитет Коммунистической партии Украины

    Inventory 4 (Opys 4) contains filed relating to the history of the German occupation regime, population policies and the Holocaust in the region during the World War II. Inventory 4 (Opys 4). File 4. Letters, informations, reports by the Regional Committee to the lower-level party and governmental bodies, city- and district Communist party branches about activities of military registration and enlistment offices, defense construction works and dislocation of military units, creation of destruction battalions, about atrocities committed by the occupiers and their accomplices. 1943. 66 pages....

  7. Διεύθυνση Διαφάνειας και Εξυπηρέτησης του Δήμου Θεσσαλονίκης- Τμήμα Ληξιαρχείου

    • Division of Transparency and Service of the Municipality of Thessaloniki - Registry Office
    • Diefthynsi Diafaneias kai Exypiretisis tou Dimou Thessalonikis - Tmima Lixiarcheiou

    The archive has complete series of volumes from 1915 to 2014 (only a few volumes are available for the first year). The material contains information on births, marriages, and deaths of Jews in Thessaloniki before, during and after the Second World War.

  8. Διεύθυνση Διαφάνειας και Εξυπηρέτησης Δημοτών του Δήμου Θεσσαλονίκης- Τμήμα Δημοτολογίων

    • Division of Transparency and Civil Service of the Municipality of Thessaloniki - Civil Registry Office
    • Diefthynsi Diafaneias kai Exypiretisis Dimoton tou Dimou Thessalonikis - Tmima Dimotologion

    The archive contains 50 books with the names of girls who were born in Thessaloniki from 1896 to 1950; 144 books with the names of boys who were born in Thessaloniki from 1832 until today (the first decades have few names); and unknown number of books with the names of people who were born in Thessaloniki from 1931 to 2000. Data include name, surname, place and date of birth, the decision of the registry and the act of erasing.

  9. Εθνικά Αρχεία (ΗΠΑ), Αρχεία του Υπουργείου των Εξωτερικών σχετικά με τις Εσωτερικές Υποθέσεις στην Ελλάδα

    • National Archives (USA), Records of the United States Department of State Relating to the Internal Affairs of Greece
    • Ethnika Archeia (IPA)-Archeia tou Ypoyrgeiou ton Exoterikon shetika me tis Esoterikes Ypotheseis stin Ellada

    Documents include instructions and dispatches from US diplomatic and consular personnel regarding political, military, economic, social, and other internal conditions and events in Greece.

  10. Εθνικά Αρχεία (ΗΠΑ), Αρχεία του Υπουργείου των Εξωτερικών σχετικά με τις Εσωτερικές Υποθέσεις στη Γιουγκοσλαβία

    • National Archives (USA), Records of the United States Department of State Relating to the Internal Affairs of Yugoslavia
    • Ethnika Archeia (IPA)-Archeia tou Ypoyrgeiou ton Exoterikon shetika me tis Esoterikes Ypotheseis sti Yugoslavia

    The records consist of instructions to and despatches from diplomatic and consular officials in Yugoslavia. The dispatches are often accompanied by enclosures, such as diplomatic notes exchanged, pamphlets, and issues of newspapers. They also contain letters and telegrams from private individuals and from officials, notes from foreign diplomatic representatives in the United States, and memoranda prepared by State Department officials.

  11. Архівний відділ виконкому Дніпропетровської обласної Ради народних депутатів

    • Archival department of the Executive Committee of Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council of People's Delegates
    • Arkhivnyi viddil vykonkomy Dnipropetrovskoi oblasnoi Rady narodnykh deputativ
    • Архивный отдел исполкома Днепропетровского областного Совета народных депутатов

    Files of inventories 1-add., 2 and 3 relate immediately to the World War II in the region and contain information about human losses and material damage during the German occupation, information about the structure of the occupation regime, population policies and the Holocaust. Inventory 1-additional (Opys 1 dodatkovyi). File 91/19. Correspondence with district branches of NKVD concerning compiling lists of establishments, organizations and enterprises which existed during the German-Fascist occupation in the region. 1944-45. 43 pages. File 94/21. Statements about annihilation of the Germa...

  12. Εθνικά Αρχεία (ΗΠΑ), Αρχεία του Υπουργείου των Εξωτερικών σχετικά με τις Εσωτερικές Υποθέσεις στη Ρουμανία

    • National Archives (NARA), Records of the Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs of Romania
    • Ethnika Archeia (IPA)-Archeia tou Ypoyrgeiou ton Exoterikon shetika me tis Esoterikes Ypotheseis sti Roumania

    The documents in this file are primarily instructions to and dispatches from U.S. diplomatic and consular staff regarding political, economic, military, social, and other internal conditions and events in Romania. Other types of material represented are reports and memoranda prepared by State Department staff, communications between the State Department and foreign governments, and correspondence with other departments of the U.S. government, private firms, and individuals.

  13. Εθνικά Αρχεία (ΗΠΑ), Αρχεία του Υπουργείου των Εξωτερικών σχετικά με τις Εσωτερικές Υποθέσεις στη Βουλγαρία

    • National Archives (USA), Records of the Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs of Bulgaria
    • Ethnika Archeia (IPA)-Archeia tou Ypoyrgeiou ton Exoterikon shetika me tis Esoterikes Ypotheseis sti Voulgaria

    The documents in this file are primarily instructions to and dispatches from U.S. diplomatic and consular staff regarding political, economic, military, social, and other internal conditions and events in Bulgaria. Other types of material represented are reports and memoranda prepared by State Department staff, communications between the State Department and foreign governments, and correspondence with other departments of the U.S. government, private firms and individuals. Some materials are related to the Bulgarian alliance with the Nazis, the position of the Jews, and anti-Semitic laws.

  14. Εθνικά Αρχεία (ΗΠΑ), Φάκελοι των Γερμανικών Αρχείων

    • National Archives (USA), Records of German Archives
    • Ethnika Archeia (IPA)-Fakeloi ton Germanikon Arceion

    Guide to German Records microfilmed at Alexandria (T733); records of the Headquarters of the German Armed Forces High Command (T77); records of the Headquarters of the German Army High Command (T78); records of the National Socialist German Labor Party (T81); records of the German Foreign Office received by the Department of State (T120); records of the Reich Leader of the SS and Chief of the German Police (T175); records of German Field Commands: Army Groups (T311); records of German Field Commands: Corps (T314), records of German Field Commands: Divisions (T315), records of German Field C...

  15. Εθνικά Βρετανικά Αρχεία - Αρχεία του Υπουργείου των Εξωτερικών

    • British Public Records Office, Foreign Office Records
    • Ethnika Bretanika Archeia-Archeia tou Ypoyrgeiou ton Exoterikon

    Embassy and Consulates, Turkey (formerly Ottoman Empire), General Correspondence (series FO195 and FO78); Political Departments: General Correspondence (series FO371). In series FO371 the topics are Bulgarian foreign relations, Bulgarian internal situation, Bulgarian foreign policy, Jews in Romania, Bulgarian-German relations and Bulgaria's accession to Tripartite Pact, Bulgarian-Greek relations, situation in Bulgaria, Jewish political activities, minorities in Yugoslavia.

  16. Αρχείο Πρωτοδικείου Δράμας

    • Archive of the Court of First Instance in Drama
    • Archeio Protodikeiou Dramas

    Various proceedings and decisions relate to the Jews of Drama after the Holocaust. These items usually concern death certificates and property issues.

  17. Αρχείο Πρωτοδικείου Ξάνθης

    • Archive of the Court of First Instance in Xanthi
    • Archeio Protodikeiou Xanthis

    The files are relevant to the Bulgarian occupation, war crimes, Greek collaborators, war trials and Bulgarian reparations.

  18. Дніпропетровська обласна комісія обліку збитків, заподіяних німецько-фашистськими загарбниками та їх співучасниками, м. Дніпропетровськ

    • Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Commission for Registration of Damage Caused by German-Fascist Invaders and Their Accomplices, city of Dnipropetrovsk
    • Dnipropetrovska oblasna komisiia obliku zbytkiv, zapodiianykh nimetsko-fashistskymy zagarbnykamy ta ikh spivuchasnykamy, m. Dnipropetrovsk

    Despite the Commission was focused primarily on collecting information on the material damage caused by the German occupiers, some part of collection are files containing materials about atrocities towards the civilian population of the region, including the Holocaust-related data. Inventory 1 (Opys 1) File 1. Directives, lists of personnel in charge in regional organizations, correspondence between regional commission and Extraordinary State Commission regarding sending commission statements and statements by individuals, who were evacuated from Dnipropetrovsk, to compensate the material d...

  19. Дніпропетровський штадткомісар, м. Дніпропетровськ

    • Dnepropetrowsk Stadtkommissar
    • Dnipropetrovsk City Commissar
    • Dnipropetrovskyi shtadtkomisar, m. Dnipropetrovsk

    As an occupation German civil administration documentation, the collection contains the following files which are -- or potentially could be -- related to the Holocaust: File 1. Orders, decrees by Reichskommissariat Ukraine, gendarmerie and city board instructions about organization of gendarmerie, registration of anti-Soviet individuals, prohibition to Germans to marry persons of another ethnicity, reporting police and gendarmerie activities, fight against partisans, Jews, arrest of communists in Piatikhatskyi district. Minutes of propaganda staff meeting and gendarmerie officers meeting; ...

  20. Сільські управи Дніпропетровської області (об'єднаний фонд)

    • Village boards of Dnipropetrovsk region (joint collection)
    • Silski upravy Dnipropetrovskoi oblasti (objednanyi fond)

    Village boards were the lowest level administrative bodies responsible for implementation of the German orders on the ground and facilitation of the occupation policies. Some of the files included in the Inventory 2 of the collection are connected to the German population policies and the Holocaust. Inventory 2 (Opys 2) File 1. Orders of the chef of district board in Apostolovo district, Soldatovo village board. 1941-42. 549 pages. File 4. Orders and decrees of Apostolovo district board about prohibition of Soviet propaganda, giving help to prisoners of war, awarding for arrests of communis...