Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 31,761 to 31,780 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Fonds Eichmann trial

    • Fonds procès Eichmann

    This fond holds the transcription of the court hearing of the Eichmann trial and all documentations related to the trial.

  2. Ministerstvo zahraničných vecí

    • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    • MZV

    The fond contains documents of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic from the years 1939 and1945. In addition to the records of the Ministry, it contains documents of Slovak diplomatic missions, including political and economic reports sent to Slovakia by its diplomats. The fond contains reports reflecting the persecution of Jews in Slovakia and abroad (eg. In Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, Romania, Bulgaria).

  3. Ministerstvo vnútra

    • Ministry of Interior

    The fonds contains documents of the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic from years 1939 and 1945, including some of the most important documents relating to the Holocaust in the Slovak territory. This includes various types of registers of Jews created by the state bodies in 1939-1945. Among others there are Sheets of the Census of Jews from 1942 , 1943, 1944 covering most of Slovak districts of those days. In addition, the fonds contains documents on different anti-Jewish persecution measures of state administrative bodies and security (police) forces. Fond also contains transport ...

  4. Jelínek Yeshayahu Andrej

    Fragmentary personal fonds of prof. Jelínek contains numerous copies of his correspondence from the years 1988 – 1998. Letters are mainly dedicated to the professor´s main field of study – Slovak State (1939 – 1945) and Jewish persecution, especially on information about relevant sources and literature, as well as on the contemporary phenomenon of anti-Semitism with specific focus on the territory of Slovakia and Czech lands. Correspondence is mainly pertaining the discussions with Slovak, American and Canadian historians who are dealing with Central European History. Some of the letters ar...

  5. Notes and information.

    Instructions by the Soviet army for partisan groups: organization, fighting tactics, objectives etc. Instructions for conduct of the army toward the civil population.

  6. Various

    The rebellion of 21.I, 1941. Orders received. 21.I - 31.I, 1941. Reports of military activity. Conclusions and further instructions to prevent unrest and rebellions.

  7. Occupation troops between the Dniester and Dnieper.

    Orders and instructions given to the occupation troops of the 4-th Army, for guarding the territory between the two rivers. Decree of administrative organization of the province Transnistria. List of military units allocated. Text of the “accord” determining the safety, administration and economical development in Transnistria and the territory between the Bug and the Dnieper. Letter from Hitler to Antonescu. Organization of the administration, lines of communication. Infrastructure and military preparedness in Transnistria. The explosion of the military headquarters in Odessa: results, cle...

  8. The Communist and Anti-communist movements.

    The communist propaganda. Informative notes regarding the activity of Jewish industrialists. Copies of communist manifests. Synthesis of the organization and activity of the communist movement. The anti-communist propaganda in the Army. Anti-communist manifests.

  9. Communications, authorizations, reports.

    Factories owned by Jews. Voided authorizations for work and free movement.

  10. Misc. Propaganda. Juridic.

    Instructions for the Propaganda units. Instructions for the Services of propaganda and counter-propaganda in the Army.

  11. The Jews and their evacuation.

    Letter of Horia Sima. Relax attitude vs. the “Jidani”.

  12. Dispositions

    regarding the creation of a new Zionist organization, for the Jews from Romania. Information bulletin of the Pretorate in Odessa. 247 Jews in Shmerinca are taken over by German authorities. A German lieutenant is found to be a Jew from Cernauti.

  13. Problems related to Jews.

    Proposal to evacuate Jews ages 15 - 50 from towns in operation zones of the Army. On 30/6 Antonescu orders a curfew for Jews and placing them in guarded places during the night hours. Also hostages will be taken from Jews, communists, to be shot at the first signs of rebellion. The problem of transferring masses of Jews East of the Dniester and the Germans turning them back on the West banc. The Jews already in Transnistria will stay there until taken over by the Germans with whom a convention in this matter was signed. (Tiraspol, Oct.11, 1941). Orders to prevent contacts between Jews and t...

  14. Jewish Labor Committee (U.S.) Records, Part III: Post-War Administrative Files and Anti-Discrimination Department Files.

    The series “General Files”, contains correspondence, flyers, reports, memos, documentation, … on a wide variety of topics, individuals, events, Jewish and other organisations. We point out the following files: “Belgium” (box 122, folders nrs. 40, 41 and 42; for the years 1957-1968), “Child Adoption Program: Belgium” (box 124, nrs. 35-37; years 1956-1964), “Child Adoption Program: Belgium – Lists” (box 124, nrs. 38-39; years 1957-1964), “Reparations: Belgium” (box 160, nr. 32; years 1961-1962) and “Soviet Jewry: Brussels Conference” (box 168, nrs. 20-21; years 1971, 1975-1976). The “Series V...

  15. Jewish Labor Committee Records, Part II: Holocaust Era Files.

    In “Series III: Foreign Countries” of this fonds, we find several files containing “mixed materials” on Belgium, for the period 1948-1956. See box 80, folders nrs. 25-32 and box 81, folders nrs. 1-2. These numbers correspond with microfilm reels nrs. 237-238. In “Subseries IV:C: Child Adoption Program: Correspondence files” of “Series IV: Immigration, Resettlement and Refugee Aid” we note the following files: “Belgium: General & Lists” (box 114, folder nr. 29), “Belgium: Mila Alter” (box 114, nrs. 30-31) and “Belgium: Poale Zion” (box 114, nr. 32). These files mostly contain corresponde...

  16. Jewish Labor Committee Records, Part I: Holocaust Era Files.

    In “Series III: Foreign Countries” we find a series of files containing “mixed materials” on Belgium. See box 29, folders 9-15, corresponding to microfilm reels nrs. 77 and 78. The files are dated ca. 1940-1947. “Subseries V:C: Addendum” also holds a file on Belgium (1946) – see box 53B, folder nr. 6 (microfilm reel 167).

  17. Rescue Children, Inc. Collection.

    Several files in this collection concern the activities of Rescue Children in Belgium. Box 13, folder 1 contains an undated list of adopted and non-adopted children in the home in “St. Marianberg” [Sint Mariaburg]. In box 15, folder 1 we note an undated report (including photographs) from the Comité central Israélite addressed to the Conference on Jewish Material Claims against Germany. In “Series III: Photographs”, we find two folders with photographs relevant to Belgium. Box 14A, folder 9 contains i.a. photos of Rescue Children, Inc.’s Belgium Committee, children in Antwerp and a Belgian ...

  18. Vaad Hatzala Collection.

    Apart from the usual general series of correspondence, reports, press releases, notes, newspaper clippings etc. this fonds contains several files with explicit reference to Belgium. In the series of correspondence concerning immigration and rehabilitation, we find a list of refugees in Italy and Belgium (box 18 folder 107), dating back to 1946. The series of correspondence with Vaad Hatzala representatives in foreign countries contains several interesting files. Box 27 folder 50 holds letters from yeshivot in France and Belgium (year 1949) and box 40 folder 187 contains general corresponden...

  19. Records of the Central Relief Committee, Volume II.

    In this fonds, we firstly note box 105 folder 1 (years 1920-1940), containing an account book which lists appropriations to yeshivot and Talmud Torahs in several European countries, including Belgium. The series of correspondence with Europe, the Far East and Palestine/Israel contains two files relevant to Belgium. Box 224 folder 15 contains questionnaires and lists concerning Belgium, Lithuania and Romania (1938-1939). In box 225 folder 4 we find correspondence and receipts with regards to Yeshiva Etz Hayim in Heide (Antwerp), for the year 1939. Lastly, we point out that the inventory desc...

  20. United Czenstochower Relief Committee.

    In this fonds we note, in box 3, a folder entitled “9.h. France / Belgium”, containing correspondence (ca. 1946-1950) with individuals asking for information on missing relatives, on how to contact family members in the United States, requests for sending parcels with food and supplies, etc.