Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 30,641 to 30,660 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Paula S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Paula S., who was born in Antwerp, Belgium in 1912. She recounts her family's evacuation to England during World War I; returning home; their poverty; her father's death; one sister emigrating to England (she had been born there); participating in communist youth activities; German invasion; organizing anti-Nazi activities; joining the partisans; defying anti-Jewish restrictions; her mother's and sister-in-law's deportations (she never saw them again); hiding using false papers; arrest; imprisonment in Antwerp and St. Gilles; transfer to Breendonk, then Malines; not r...

  2. Shirley W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Shirley W., who was born in Poland circa 1924. She tells of the German occupation and describes the massacres of Jews which followed. Her mother, grandmother, and older sister were killed during this time. Mrs. W. explains that by hiding in a bunker, she, her father, and her younger sister were able to avoid deportation from the ghetto to which they were confined. She relates their experiences in hiding, first in the countryside surrounding the ghetto, and later in the forest where they lived with the partisans. Mrs. W. also mentions spending four years after the war ...

  3. Kurt M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Kurt M., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1915. He recalls his excellent education prior to 1933; Hitler's ascent to power; anti-Jewish restrictions barring him from university; cantorial training; teaching in a Jewish school; the trauma of Kristallnacht; deportation to Theresienstadt in 1943; conducting religious services; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau in fall 1944 (he later learned his wife volunteered to follow him); remaining with his brother; observing prisoners trampling another prisoner to death because he had sent others to their deaths; the stench of bu...

  4. Hella D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hella D., who was born in Amsterdam, Netherlands in 1924. She recounts her parents' divorce in 1929; moving with her mother to Berlin; returning to her father in Amsterdam in January 1939 (her mother moved to London); placement in an orphanage (her father's wife did not want her); working in a hat shop; visiting her father and his three children; German invasion; nursing training at a Jewish hospital; obtaining false papers; she and a friend escaping a round-up at the hospital; moving to another Jewish hospital; hiding during round-ups; a friend's offer to contact the...

  5. Daniel C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Daniel C., who was born in Thessalonike?, Greece in 1913. He remembers his family of three brothers and one sister, who with his parents, perished in Auschwitz; cordial relations with non-Jews; his participation in athletics; work as a pharmacist; German occupation of Greece in 1941; and persecution of Jews beginning in 1942. Mr. C. describes deportation to Auschwitz in May 1943; horrendous conditions during the seven day trip; last seeing his parents upon leaving the box cars; working as a nurse in the hospital; losing that job and being beaten because he stole bread...

  6. Linda B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Linda B., who was born in Stropkov, Czechoslovakia (presently Slovakia) in 1924, a twin and one of six children. She recalls cordial relations with non-Jews prior to 1939; attending tailoring school in Bratislava in 1940; forced expulsion; moving to Prešov; arrest on March 24, 1942; deportation to Auschwitz (the first Jewish females there) via Poprad; transfer to Birkenau; slave labor building roads; starvation, suicides, frequent killings by guards and corpses everywhere; transfer to Canada Kommando, where she could obtain extra food; being forced to give blood for ...

  7. Dina L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Dina L., who was born in Paris in approximately 1927 to Polish immigrants. She recounts her family's poverty; antisemitic harassment by children; participating in a program that sent poor children to country farms during the summer; her father's enlistment in the French military; German occupation in June 1940; her father's brief return, then departure to work in Belgium; anti-Jewish restrictions, including the yellow star; a teacher and bystanders convincing a German soldier not to arrest her for not having her papers; joining her brother, who was living with farmers...

  8. Maurice B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Maurice B., a non-Jew, who was born in Jemappes, Belgium in 1924, the older of two brothers. He recounts his family's extreme poverty; working in a factory from age fifteen; German invasion in May 1940; briefly fleeing to France; the disappearance of local Jews; volunteering to work in a factory in Germany in 1943; an Allied bombing; rescuing a German woman from the rubble; receiving a two-week furlough as a reward; returning home; deciding to remain; hiding at his aunt's home; joining the Resistance; learning his father was active in the Resistance; hiding and transp...

  9. Joseph F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Joseph F., who was born in Missouri in 1919. He relates enlisting in the army in 1942; assignment to the 20th Armored Division; entering France in early 1945; hearing horror stories from Jewish refugees; starting a daily newspaper in his division; coming into the town of Dachau on April 30th, the day after the liberation of the camp (which he did not enter); viewing boxcars filled with corpses, the area littered with body parts, and the horrendous conditions of the prisoners wandering outside the camp; the disparity between the peaceful life in the town and the horror...

  10. Peter H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Peter H., who was born in Spišská Nová Ves, Czechoslovakia (presently Slovakia) in 1935, an only child. He recalls his secular household; having to wear the yellow star; former friends harassing him; his father's deportation to Majdanek in 1942 (he never saw him again); deportation with his mother to Nováky in July 1943; release in the fall; living in Nitra; imprisonment with his mother and grandparents in Prešov in fall 1944; deportation to Ravensbrück; separation from his family; finding his grandfather in another block; sharing his bread with him; assistance ...

  11. Jacob G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jacob G., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1924. He recalls antisemitic incidents beginning in 1938; anti-Jewish measures in 1940; forced labor in Mokoto?w in 1941; ghettoization; hiding with his family during round-ups; being caught with his brother on the street; their deportation to Lublin (Lipowa 7); separation from his brother upon transfer to Majdanek (he never saw him again); slave labor building barracks; transfer to Birkenau in 1943; pointless slave labor; encountering his other brother there and learning that his family had been deported (he never saw them ...

  12. Henri M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Henri M., a non-Jew, who was born in Saverne, France in 1920. He recalls attending school with Jews; his family's strong French patriotism; learning German in Berlin; studying in Strasbourg and Nancy; German invasion; military draft in June 1940; capture; escape from a POW center; traveling to Paris and Dijon; living in Saverne; studying in Heidelberg; arrest and escape; returning clandestinely to France with the help of French and Austrian Resistance members; studying law in Clermont-Ferrand; anti-Petain sentiments among students; Resistance work in the unoccupied zo...

  13. Claude L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Claude L., who was born in Paris, France in 1926. Mr. L. recalls his family's varied eastern European origins; his paternal grandfather's service and injuries in World War I, for which he received high military distinctions; his father's service and subsequent gassing; his mother's difficult childhood; his parents' arranged marriage; their separation when he was nine; his lack of a traditional Jewish upbringing; and awareness of his Judaism resulting from World War II. He describes his father's intuition that the German occupation would result in tragedy; his father's...

  14. Harold S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Harold S., who was born in Ostrowiec S?wie?tokrzyski, Poland in 1925. He recalls antisemitic harassment in school; German invasion in 1939; anti-Jewish regulations; public hangings; forced labor; deportations, including his mother, grandmother, and younger brother; ghettoization in 1940; his father's deportation; the ghetto's conversion to a concentration camp; his brother's injury; their deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau in 1944; transfer to Buna/Monowitz; slave labor for I. G. Farben; helping his brother when he was injured; public hangings of escapees; the death ma...

  15. Eva V. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eva V., who was born in 1922 in Oradea Mare, Romania. She recalls her family's high position in local society; their sense of Hungarian identity; graduation from a convent school in 1939; Hungarian occupation; compulsory service for Jewish men in Hungarian labor battalions; the Gestapo commandeering their home; living with her grandfather in the ghetto; refusing to leave her family to escape to Romania; her grandfather's death; and deportation to Auschwitz. Mrs. V. recounts separation from her parents, whom she never saw again; transfer to Kaiserwald, Danzig and Stutt...

  16. Robert S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Robert S., a Catholic, who was born in Ixelles, Belgium in 1923, one of two children. He recounts attending school in Uccle; German invasion; a futile attempt to flee to France; participating in an illegal demonstration; joining a Resistance group; printing and distributing illegal pamphlets and newspapers; collecting information from others on German equipment and troop movements to convey to a superior; meeting a contact in Floriffoux, Charleroi, and other locations; arrest on January 30, 1943 in Brussels; incarceration in Avenue Louise; being beaten; transfer to Br...

  17. Henryk P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Henryk P., who was born in Go?ra Kalwaria, Poland in 1916. He recounts his father's death when he was a baby; cordial relations with non-Jews; attending six years of Polish school; participating in Hapoel Hamizrachi; apprenticing as a tailor; working for a Catholic; military draft in November 1937; serving in an elite unit in Suwa?ki; becoming an officer; transfer to Raczki; German invasion; skirmishes in Cimochy and elsewhere; transfer to Hrodna; capture by Soviet troops in Shchuchyn in September; forced labor; release in December; returning home via Warsaw; forced l...

  18. Klara M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Klara M., who was born in Čaňa, Czechoslovakia in 1924, one of six children. She recalls cordial relations with non-Jews; Hungarian occupation; anti-Jewish restrictions; learning to be a seamstress in Košice when she was sixteen; being rounded-up with her family in Čaňa in spring 1944; ghettoization; non-Jewish neighbors bringing them food; declining to hide with a non-Jew, not wanting to leave her family; incarceration in the Košice brickyard; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau; separation from her family; transfer to Bergen-Belsen in fall 1944, then to Braunsch...

  19. René B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of René B., a Roman Catholic, who was born in Belgium in 1916. He recalls apprenticeship as a butcher; military service for a year beginning in 1936 in Tournai; marriage; military recall in 1939; capture by the Germans in Louvain; transport to a POW camp in Cologne; forced labor doing farm work; transfer to several POW camps; separation of Flemish and Walloon Belgian prisoners; removal of Jewish prisoners (they did not know their fate); receiving packages from the United States, England, and the Red Cross; liberation by Soviet troops; returning home via Odesa, Gdańsk, ...

  20. Valeria S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Valeria S., who was born in Čata, Czechoslovakia (presently Slovakia) in 1928, one of three sisters. She recounts cordial relations with non-Jews; Hungarian occupation in 1939, followed by anti-Jewish restrictions; confiscation of the family store; working to obtain food for her family; German invasion in March 1944; round-up and transport to Levice in May; deportation with her family to Auschwitz; horrendous conditions in the cattle car en route; an SS threatening to shoot her for assisting her grandmother to debark; separation with her sisters from their family; ha...