Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 30,081 to 30,100 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Yaakov M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Yaakov M., who was born in Łódź, Poland in 1925, one of two children. He recounts his family's affluence; attending a Polish school, then a Katzenelson school and summer camp; antisemitic harassment of orthodox Jews; volunteering in a civil defense corps during the German invasion; forced labor; a German assisting his father receive payment for his store merchandise; ghettoization; receiving food from the same German; attending a school and a haschshara in Marysin; slave labor in a shoe factory, then a printing factory; receiving extra food from the manager when a s...

  2. Julius O. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Julius O., who was born in Kisva?rda, Hungary in 1920. Mr. O. relates his happy childhood in a family of seven children; his first experience with antisemitism through a Polish priest's speech in 1938, after which their lives changed; three months in a Hungarian labor battalion; deportation with his family; arrival at Birkenau on June 2, 1944; his and a brother's selection for a work group and his family's for gassing; transfer to Auschwitz after eight days; being tattooed; and the dehumanizing conditions. He describes being selected with other strong men and isolated...

  3. Juraj A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Juraj A., who was born in Kladno, Czechoslovakia (presently Slovakia) in 1937. He recounts baptism of his entire family; an uncle in the United States sending them tickets to travel there in 1938; not going due to his father's illness; his death in 1941; his mother's remarriage; living in Rybárpole; his grandfather's privileged position as a factory owner; fleeing to Černová; moving to Velk̕á Bytča in summer 1944; anti-Jewish restrictions, including the yellow star; living briefly with his stepfather's parents; hiding in mountain villages, including Štrba, Ružo...

  4. Abe H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Abe H., who was born in Opole Lubelski, Poland in 1925, one of eight children. Mr. H. recounts the family's move to ?o?dz? when he was six; attending school until he began his apprenticeship as a tailor; the extreme poverty; his father's death in 1938; rumors of war; mobilization; German invasion; and restrictions on Jews. He describes ghettoization; extreme food shortages; organization of the ghetto under H?ayim Rumkowski; his sister opening a tailor shop in which he worked; deportations; transports of German, Czech, and Belgian Jews into the ghetto; deportation of h...

  5. Anne D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Anne D., who was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1935. She recounts attending boarding school when her mother became ill in 1938; her parents' baptisms; not knowing she was Jewish; illegal emigration to Lucerne, Switzerland in 1939, then to Casablanca (they had relatives there); regularly attending church; exposure to antisemitism (she did not learn she was Jewish until she was ten); marriage to an American soldier in 1954; emigration to Seattle; the births of two children; divorce; remarriage; living in France, where her third child was born, then Seattle; and emigratio...

  6. Shlomo S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Shlomo S., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1924. He recalls his mother's severe illness; being raised in Chernyshevskoye by his father and grandmother; his family's Zionisim; attending German primary school until 1934; leaving due to antisemitism; studying with private tutors; attending a Hebrew gymnasium in Kaunas beginning in 1936; Soviet occupation; arrival of Jewish refugees from Poland; German invasion in June 1941; a non-Jewish woman hiding them during a mass killing by Lithuanians; his grandfather being killed; ghettoization; his mother and grandmother being...

  7. Alfred S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Alfred S., who was born in Mannheim, Germany in 1921. Mr. S. describes his family's strong sense of German identification and patriotism; the appearance of Nazis and antisemitism in his school; his growing sense of Jewish identity; alienation from his parents due to their refusal to recognize the danger of antisemitism; and participation in Jewish youth groups including Hashomer Hatzair. He recalls his father's death in 1934; non-Jewish friends protecting him from police; voluntary transfer to a Jewish school in 1936; attending the ORT school in Berlin from 1937 onwar...

  8. Felix N. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Felix N., who was born in Łódź, Poland in 1926, one of three children. He recounts attending public school and cheder; antisemitic harassment; attending summer camp in Piotrków Trybunalski; his bar mitzvah; working in his father's tailor business; German invasion in September 1939; ghettoization; hiding during round-ups; public executions; working in a factory; deportation with his family to Auschwitz/Birkenau in summer 1944; separation from his sister and mother (he never saw them again); meaningless slave labor; transfer to Gross-Rosen three weeks later; slave la...

  9. Agi R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Agi R., who was born circa 1928 in Budapest, Hungary. She recalls her parents' close friends with whom they vacationed in the Balaton area; parental pressure to become a concert pianist; anti-Jewish measures from 1939 onward; her father's dismissal from his job in 1940; German occupation of Budapest in March 1944; deteriorating conditions; her father's deportation for forced labor; and moving in with a family friend. Mrs. R. describes a seven day walk with her mother in November to a brick factory in III. Keru?let (O?buda); a forced march to Hegyeshalom; obtaining Swe...

  10. Halina B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Halina B., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1929. She recalls German invasion; anti-Jewish measures; ghettoization; distracting herself from harsh conditions by reading and dreaming of becoming invisible; her brother disposing of corpses on the Umschlagplatz after deportations; hiding during round-ups; escaping deportation with her mother and brother by bribing a soldier; hiding in a bunker with her mother, brother, and his wife Hela; deportation to Majdanek; separation from her mother and brother; appels, hunger, beatings, selections, and slave labor; fighting to st...

  11. Max G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Max G., who was born in approximately 1930. He recounts living in Warsaw, Poland; his father and grandfather owning Jewish newspapers; German invasion; ghettoization; attending school; smuggling food and weapons through his father's contacts; hiding during the uprising in 1943; deportation to Majdanek; separation from his mother and younger brother (he never saw them again); transfer with his father to Budzyn?; slave labor in an airplane factory; public hangings; his father's murder in reprisal for an escape; transfer to Mielec; civilian workers leaving them food; tra...

  12. Joseph M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Joseph M., who was born in Oradea, Romania in 1918. He recalls his father's death; attending Jewish schools; their identification as Hungarians; his successful garment manufacturing business; participating in Mizrachi; Hungarian occupation; draft into a Hungarian slave labor battalion in Baia Mare in 1942; slave labor in Yugoslavia and Ukraine; frequent beatings and killings; bombings by Soviets; feeling he would die from the work in Brest; transfer to the Ma?tra Mountains; escaping briefly with a friend near Hasznos; a mass killing when they rejoined a Jewish unit; a...

  13. Avraham S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Avraham S., who was born in Jēkabpils, Latvia in 1921, the oldest of three children. He recounts cordial relations with non-Jews; completing high school; attending university in Rīga in 1939; Soviet occupation in 1940; German invasion in June 1941; forced labor clearing rubble; hearing rumors Jēkabpils's Jews had been murdered; his landlord, a Latvian priest, saving his life by hiding him during a round-up; ghettoization; daily slave labor; several mass killings; the arrival of Jews from Germany and Austria; transfer to Kaiserwald, then to Dundangen; slave labor bu...

  14. Berry N. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Berry N., who was born in Kastoria, Greece, the older of two daughters. She recounts her mother's death; her father's remarriage; the births of four half-siblings; attending a Jewish school, then secular gymnasium; cordial relations with non-Jews; benign Italian occupation; German occupation beginning in 1943; separation from the non-Jewish population; not going when her father encouraged her to flee to the partisans with a younger brother; round-up with some fifty relatives and others to a school in March 1944; encouragement from her friend Dora; deportation to Thess...

  15. Norbert S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Norbert S., who was born in Bad Homburg, Germany in 1927, one of two brothers. He recounts beatings by a Nazi teacher in 1933, resulting in his parents transferring him and his brother to a Jewish school in Frankfurt am Main; their move to Frankfurt in 1936; increasing anti-Jewish restrictions; his father and uncle being arrested and deported to Buchenwald on Kristallnacht; seeing the synagogue burning while the fire department stood idle; his father's release four weeks later due to his status as a World War I veteran and his pledge to leave Germany within six months...

  16. Paulette W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Paulette W., who was born in Antwerp, Belgium in 1934. She recalls a happy childhood; German invasion in May 1940; fleeing with her parents to Toulouse; living in a refugee camp; joining relatives near Pau; her father's incarceration in a labor camp; his visit in 1942; being hidden in several places by a Jewish organization; her brother's birth in 1943; being hidden in a convent; her mother working for farmers nearby; assistance from teachers who were partisans; not knowing she was Jewish; her father retrieving her after the war in May 1945; returning with her parents...

  17. Suzanne T. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Suzanne T., who was born in Vishnevo, Poland in 1920. She recounts being reared by her aunt in Svir? after her mother's and grandmother's deaths; attending school in Vilna; Soviet occupation; living with her father in Vishnevo; German invasion; hiding with a non-Jewish farmer; returning to the ghetto to save her uncle; forced labor in Ziezmariai and other camps; public executions; deportation to Stutthof; separation from her aunt upon their arrival; obtaining extra food and sharing it with her friends; and escaping with her friends during a death march. Mrs. T. descri...

  18. Mois E. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Mois E., who was born in Thessalonike?, Greece in 1920. He recounts his father's death; attending a Jewish school; involvement of his sister and brother-in-law in the Communist Party; participating in a communist youth group; German occupation; refusing German orders to register as a Jew and report for forced labor; hiding with his mother, sister, and brother-in-law in near-by sanitariums with assistance from communists; moving after a Greek policeman warned them; joining the EAM partisans (his mother, sister, and brother-in-law were sent elsewhere); working as a cour...

  19. Lea A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lea A., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1929. She recounts that her father was Jewish and her mother Christian; their affluence; her father leaving for Paris in January 1933; she and her mother joining him in May; their impoverishment; moving to Saint-Ouen in 1935; her parents opening a restaurant in Paris; attending school; a Jewish organization sending her for summers to a Jewish family in Zurich, then to another in Thun for several years; her parents managing the Bund canteen in Paris; German occupation; feeling excluded when she was told she was not Jewish and ...

  20. Morris R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Morris R., who was born in Kielce, Poland in 1914. He describes his orthodox family; attending a selective Polish school; antisemitic incidents, particularly by members of Endecja; serving in the Polish military from 1935 to 1937; mobilization five days before the German invasion; retreating to ?o?dz?, Warsaw, then Tomaszow Lubelski; a last stand against German troops; posing as a civilian and fleeing to Lublin; brief imprisonment; traveling to Pu?awy, then Radom; and returning to Kielce. Mr. R. recounts reunion with his family; hiding to avoid forced labor; arranging...