Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 29,181 to 29,200 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Edith B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Edith B., who was born in Prague, Czechoslovakia in 1927. She recalls a happy childhood; cordial relations with non-Jews; a close, extended family; attending a Jewish school; German annexation; anti-Jewish measures; her father's dismissal from his job; forced relocation; studying with a private teacher; her older sister going to England (she was supposed to join her on a kindertransport, but war broke out); deportation to the ?o?dz? ghetto in October 1941; hunger, pervasive disease, and deaths; slave labor with her mother in a uniform factory; her father obtaining a m...

  2. Fernande H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Fernande H., who was born in Paris, France in 1923. She recalls being the middle of five children; working for a small company; one brother's deportation in 1942 and her mother's in 1943; another brother joining the Resistance and escaping to England; her father and two brothers going into hiding; being arrested in 1944 for not wearing the star when her boss was investigated for hiding British parachutists; visits from non-Jewish friends; incarceration in Drancy for one month; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau in May 1944; a month in quarantine; during forced labor, s...

  3. Harry K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Harry K., who was born in Otynya, Poland in 1919. He recalls his childhood in Zablotow; his older brother's service in the Polish military; supporting his parents from age fourteen on; the outbreak of war in 1939; Soviet occupation; forced labor; being drafted into the Soviet army in 1940; transfer to Cheliabinsk; attending a military school; service in Manchuria and Leningrad; assignments building bridges and as a traffic regulator near Moscow; transfer to the Polish army in spring 1944; serving in W?odawa, then Tomaszo?w Mazowiecki; learning his family had been murd...

  4. Steven L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Steven L., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1920. He recalls attending secular school; increased prosperity when Hitler came to power; having to transfer to a Jewish school; attending technical school in Bodenbach, Czechoslovakia (now Podmokly); moving to London in 1939; visiting his girlfriend in Poland in August 1939; German invasion which prevented his return; bombardment of Warsaw; brief incarceration as a German spy; joining his girlfriend's family in Krako?w; traveling to Amsterdam to join his parents (they were there due to his father's influence in Germany a...

  5. Dora S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Dora S., who was born in Sighet, Romania in 1919, one of six children. She recounts working as a secretary in a law firm; Hungarian occupation in 1940; anti-Jewish restrictions; German invasion in March 1944; ghettoization; round-up to a synagogue; brutal treatment by Hungarians; deportation to Auschwitz in May; separation from her parents and siblings; privileged work for a kapo because she spoke several languages; transfer to Bergen-Belsen in November, then Bendorf five weeks later; transfer to Braunschweig; slave labor clearing rubble; receiving bread from a German...

  6. Rachel S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rachel S., who was born in Belitsa, Poland in approximately 1919, one of five children. She recounts participating in a leftist youth movement; attending a Jewish seminary in Vilna; increasing antisemitism; Soviet occupation; marriage; her daughter's birth in 1940; living in Slonim; her husband's draft into the Soviet military; returning to Belitsa; German invasion; her brothers and father fleeing to the Soviet Union; Germans burning the town; forced transfer with her daughter, mother, and sister to the Dyatolovo) (Dzi︠a︡tlava) ghetto; constructing an underground tunn...

  7. Marie M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Maria M., who was born in Bogumin, Czechoslovakia, the youngest of six children, and raised in Katowice, Poland. She recalls German invasion; fleeing with other youths to Lʹviv in the Soviet zone; German invasion; joining her family in the Chrzanów ghetto; deportation to Oberalstadt two months later; assignment as a nurse; approaching the camp head for permission to send her to visit her parents en route to another camp; her one week visit with them (she never saw them again); transport to Neusalz; the arrival of two of her sisters; being appointed "Judenälteste" (h...

  8. David L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of David L., who was born in Sadgora, Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (presently Ukraine) in 1910, one of four children. Mr. L. recounts his family fleeing the Russians during World War I to Vienna, via Budapest; his father's and uncle's military service in the war (his uncle was killed); his family's orthodoxy; participating in Zionist groups; visiting relatives in Palestine in 1920; completing gymnasium and medical school; frequent antisemitic harassment; Austrian receptiveness to the Anschluss in March 1938; dismissal from his research position; his father's and grandfather...

  9. Pieter B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Pieter B., a Catholic, who was born in Lier, Belgium in 1926. He recalls attending primary school in Lier, then secondary school in Bergen; German invasion; joining the resistance; distributing flyers and delivering weapons; meeting other couriers in school; delivering messages to Antwerp and Mechelen; meeting his future wife who was also in the resistance; arrest in 1944; imprisonment in St. Gilles; transfer a week later to Cologne, then a week later to Esterwegen; assignment to a youth barrack; older prisoners teaching them and making them toys; transfer to Gross St...

  10. Helen F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Helen F., who was born in Ko?o, Poland in 1923. She recalls her happy childhood; German invasion; fleeing to Warsaw in December 1939; returning to Ko?o; returning to Warsaw after learning her family was there; her sister's departure for the Soviet zone in May 1940; ghettoization; trying to maintain some normalcy; starvation and typhus; traveling with false papers to Lublin to visit her grandfather; her mother's killing during a round-up in August 1942; escaping from the Umschlagplatz with assistance from her cousin; hiding in a factory cellar for almost a year; her ma...

  11. Judith P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Judith P., who was born in Bessarabia, Russia in 1913. She discusses her parents; her childhood in Moscow; and smuggling herself across the Polish border with her mother circa 1921 to be with her anti-Communist father. She relates her life in Warsaw; her marriage; experiences in law school; and her work for the American Joint Distribution Committee. She recalls the German bombing of Warsaw; her and her husband's separate journeys to the Russian side of Poland; and life in Vilna. She recounts her crossing to Kovno, Lithuania to assist the Joint; her decision not to joi...

  12. Toni R. and Emilia S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Emilia S. and her daughter Toni R., who was born in Stryi?, Ukraine in 1940. Emilia S. recalls marriage in 1939; Soviet occupation; her daughter's birth in 1940; German invasion in 1941; round-ups and killings; teaching her daughter to identify herself as a Catholic; obtaining false papers for her daughter; arranging with a non-Jewish woman to take her daughter to a priest; hiding with her husband in a bunker, with assistance from a Polish couple, for over two years; liberation by Soviet troops in 1944; moving to Sanok; her husband's difficulties getting their daughte...

  13. Jan W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jan W., who was born in Hamburg, Germany in 1920. He recounts attending school; his parents' divorce; his father's remarriage; moving to Prague with his mother; attending gymnasium; volunteering for the army; German occupation; anti-Jewish restrictions; his grandmother bribing officials so he could join his father in Yugoslavia; futile attempts to obtain emigration visas in Zagreb; his father and stepmother committing suicide in front of him rather than living under German occupation; fleeing to Italian-occupied Ljubljana, then Trieste; assistance from a Slovak baker;...

  14. Aladár K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Aladár K., a Catholic Romani, who was born in Podskalka, Czechoslovakia (presently Slovakia) in 1926. He recalls attending school until age nine; working for a hatmaker, then on a farm; a pleasant life where everyone worked, everything was clean, and stories were told at the fireside; persecution of Jews and Romanies when the Slovak state was established; being beaten by Hlinka guards; deportation of the Jews and some Romanies; hiding in the forests; being shot in the foot by Germans; living in Porúbka; attempting to enlist in the military (his brother had already);...

  15. Ada R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ada R., who was born in Przemys?l, Poland in 1934. She recounts her parents' successful business; the bombing of Przemys?l in 1939; Soviet occupation; her father's arrest as a capitalist (she never saw him again); arrest with her mother and brother; their deportation to Qostanai?, then to Novosibirsk in July 1940; German invasion; their escape to Samarqand via Tashkent; hardships and hunger; her mother arranging to send her and her brother on a children's transport to Palestine in 1942; her brother's help throughout the journey; living in an orphanage in Tehran; assis...

  16. Samuel W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Samuel W., who was born in Częstochowa, Poland in 1923, one of three children, to a Russian mother and a Jewish father. He recounts his mother's conversion to Judaism; attending a Hebrew school; his family's move to Warsaw; attending school; moving to Radość; German invasion; enlisting in the Polish military; moving with his battalion, ending in Chełm; being injured in a train bombing; hospitalization in Lublin; returning to Radość; traveling with his mother to join his father in Opatów in January 1941; his mother obtaining papers as a non-Jew; ghettoization; sn...

  17. Isidor R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Isidor R., who was born in 1920 in Bilky, Czechoslovakia (presently Ukraine), the oldest of nine children. He recounts his family's orthodoxy; attending Hebrew school from the age of four; Hungarian occupation; anti-Jewish restrictions; draft into a Hungarian slave labor battalion in 1941; transfer to Kos?ice; slave labor building a railroad; transfer to Budapest; contact with the Jewish community; occasional visits home; volunteering for privileged work as a sign-painter; German invasion in 1944; learning his family had been deported to the Berehove ghetto; visiting ...

  18. Jack M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jack M., who was born in Poland in 1924. He recalls antisemitic harassment in public school; learning to be a tailor; German invasion; ghettoization; deportation to a labor camp in 1941; transfer to another camp; return home; escaping from the town's last deportation in 1943; returning to the labor camp; deportation to Auschwitz; transfer to Buna/Monowitz; slave labor; hospitalization for an injury; assistance from a prisoner doctor in avoiding selection; public hanging of a friend; transfer to Gleiwitz, Oranienburg, Flossenbu?rg, then Plattling in winter 1945; Allied...

  19. Sidi N. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sidi N., who was born in Czechoslovakia. She recalls the Hungarian occupation of Ko?sice in 1939; German invasion in 1944; ghettoization six weeks later; horrendous conditions during her family's transport to Auschwitz; separation from her father; transfer three days later, with her mother, to P?aszo?w (two aunts were there); hospitalization and surgery; her mother bringing her food; release from the hospital prior to recovery when her mother learned the sick would be killed; their return to Auschwitz during the summer; daily selections; learning about the crematorium...