Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 28,621 to 28,640 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Josef W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Josef W., who was born in Prague, Czechoslovakia, in 1922. He describes his prewar life; German occupation of Prague; anti-Jewish restrictions; deportation to Terezi?n in November 1941, followed by his parents; forced labor; daily life and organization of the camp; meeting his future wife; transport with his family to Auschwitz; transfer after three months from the family camp to Schwarzheide in 1944; arduous conditions; starvation; and forced labor in a gas factory. Mr. W. tells of extreme hunger during the death march to Varnsdorf in 1945; evacuation, as Soviet troo...

  2. Sam F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sam F., a Protestant, who was born in Piétrebais, Belgium in 1918. He recounts that his parents were very religious; working in their market; military draft in 1939; German invasion; demobilization; continuing to work for his father; moving to Brussels to avoid forced labor; sending packages to Belgian POWs in Germany; arrest in June 1944; incarceration in Charleroi prison; deportation to Buchenwald in August; transfer several weeks later to Blankenburg; slave labor in construction; frequent deaths and starvation; a death march to Magdeburg; a mass killing of prisone...

  3. Anna R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Anna R., who was born in Rajka, Hungary in 1931. She recalls her family's orthodoxy; attending a Catholic school (there was no Jewish school); being taken to a ghetto in March 1944; transfer a month later to the Gyo?r ghetto; deportation to Auschwitz two months later; remaining with her sister (she never saw her parents again); being told by a prisoner to say she was sixteen; separation from her sister; forced labor; seeing her sister once; transfer to Gebhardsdorf; receiving extra food from a camp official; a forced march to Georgenthal in February; forced factory la...

  4. Rose Z. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rose Z., who was born in Sosnowiec, Poland in 1922. She recalls her mother telling her to escape in 1942; being caught by Nazis; a tearful departure from her parents (she never saw them again); deportation to Bolkenhain; slave labor in vegetable fields which provided her with extra food; transfer to another labor camp; a kind German female guard who brought her extra food; transfer to Gra?ben; encountering her sister there; singing at night in her barrack; a death march and train transport to Bergen-Belsen; no food, filth, corpses all over, and rampant disease; remain...

  5. Benjamin H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Benjamin H., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1918. He describes his family's move to Belgium; his father's successful business in Brussels; attending school in Anderlecht; German invasion; his family's arrest attempting to enter Switzerland; arrest with his wife in the Pyrenees fleeing to Spain; internment in Gurs; his release through Abbe? Alexandre Glasberg; obtaining false papers; joining FTPF (the French communist underground movement); his second arrest; torture during interrogations in Limoges; transfer to Compie?gne, then Buchenwald; and slave labor in Gustlo...

  6. Michel L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Michel L., who was born in Skierniewice, Poland in 1922, one of five children. He recounts his family's emigration to Metz in 1923; their return to Poland in 1936; moving back to France; attending a Jewish school; living among his extended family; his father's death; leaving school for a tailor's apprenticeship; German invasion; forced relocation with his extended family to Angoule?me; denunciation and arrest in 1942; incarceration near Poitiers; transfer to Drancy; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau in August; slave labor digging canals and moving corpses; volunteerin...

  7. Doris S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Doris S., who was born in Fürth, Germany in 1925, the younger of two sisters. She recalls expulsion from public school in 1933; attending Jewish school; their maid leaving due to anti-Jewish laws; her father's sense of safety due to his status as a decorated World War I veteran; being rounded-up with her family on Kristallnacht; her father's arrest; his release due to his veteran's status; his efforts to secure the release from Dachau of family and friends; visiting her grandparents in Berlin; placement on a Kindertransport with her cousins to London via Rotterdam; ...

  8. Bianca B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Bianca B., who was born in Roz?kovany, Czechoslovakia in 1923. She describes cordial relations with non-Jews; Zionist activities in Lipany; her father believing they were safe due to their essential farm; anti-Jewish laws when Slovakia became independent; expulsion from school; a non-Jewish schoolmate saving her from a round-up; a Catholic women hiding her when she received a deportation notice; one sister's deportation with other relatives in 1942; a policeman warning them they would be taken in 1943; an aborted escape attempt; imprisonment in Sabinov; her father's b...

  9. Sandra M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sandra M., who was born in Romania in approximately 1924. She recalls her family's orthodoxy (her father was a rabbi); living in Baraolt; cordial relations with non-Jews; Hungarian occupation; anti-Jewish restrictions; her father's draft into a Hungarian slave labor battalion in 1942 (she never saw him again); hiding family possessions; a round-up in May 1944 to a school; transfer three days later to the Oradea ghetto; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau three weeks later; separation from her mother, brother and sisters; briefly seeing her brother; a child's birth in he...

  10. Jack T. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jack T., who was born in Bełżyce, Poland in 1930. He recalls German invasion; anti-Jewish violence; his brother's transfer for forced labor; his mother selling their house to "buy back" his brother; being caught in a round-up in October 1942; escaping; finding his brother's body; he and his sisters burying him; deciding not to tell their mother; incarceration in the newly established Bełżyce concentration camp; one sister's deportation; hiding during a mass killing (his mother and other sister were killed); transfer to Budzyń; slave labor for Heinkel; transfer to W...

  11. Joseph P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Joseph P., a Catholic, who was born in Bonheiden, Belgium in 1924. He recalls his father's death in 1935 from World War I injuries; German invasion in May 1940; fleeing to France; returning to Belgium via Poperinge; seeing Hitler and other high German officers there; visiting his grandmother in Arlon to obtain food; hiding a Jewish family in 1942; having them leave when exposure was imminent; joining the Resistance; broadcasting to the British from a clandestine radio in their home; arrest on January 3, 1944 with his brother, sister, and mother; separation from his br...

  12. Louis G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Louis G., who was born in Frankfurt, Germany in 1925. He recounts his uncle's murder by Brownshirts; moving to Paris with his parents and brother in 1933; attending school; German invasion; fleeing to Lugagnac in June 1940; moving to Cahors; their internment in Agde; their release; living in Montpellier; their futile attempt to enter Switzerland in November 1942; returning to live with a Jew in hiding in Montpellier (his brother and parents went to Saint-Martin-Ve?subie); obtaining real identity papers in Limoges; arrest in Nice; having to report to the police weekly;...

  13. Moshe K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Moshe K., who was born in Kaunas, Lithuania in 1931, the older of two brothers. He recounts attending school; visiting relatives in Vilnius; Soviet occupation; attending a Yiddish school; German invasion in 1941; fleeing east; returning weeks later; ghettoization; attending a clandestine school; becoming religious; his bar mitzvah; hiding during round-ups; digging a bunker with his brother; round-up in July 1944 (his brother was killed in the bunker); deportation with his parents to Stutthof; transfer with his father to Landsberg; transfer with a group of children to ...

  14. Hans D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hans D., who was born in Amsterdam, Netherlands in 1935, an only child in an assimilated household. He recalls warm relations with his extended family; his parents' businesses; attending a Jewish school; German invasion; visiting Rotterdam after it was destroyed by German bombing; anti-Jewish restrictions; his father transferring businesses to non-Jews; his father obtaining a permit exempting them from deportation; his father and uncle disappearing when out on business (they never saw them again); deportation with his mother to Westerbork in fall 1942; vainly hoping h...

  15. Jacob B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jacob B., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1933. He describes his family's affluence; moving to his grandfather's house in Czernowitz before the Anschluss in 1938; Soviet occupation in 1939; German invasion; ghettoization; deportation to Transnistria; his grandfather's murder en route; remaining with his father (his mother was nearby); slave labor in a quarry; limited contact with his father; random executions; adults in the barracks teaching him a variety of subjects; constant fear; being smuggled out briefly by an uncle's friend in 1943; returning three months lat...

  16. Renate K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Renate K., who was born in Kassel, Germany in 1926. She recounts her family's assimilated lifestyle; attending German school; cordial relations with non-Jews; increasing antisemitism in the 1930s; former friends ignoring her; anti-Jewish restrictions; her violin teacher discontinuing her lessons; a woman in their building, whose son was a Nazi official, offering her lessons despite the prohibition; Kristallnacht; her father's and grandfather's deportation to Buchenwald; their release several weeks later; her father's ruined health; expulsion from school; obtaining vis...

  17. Toman B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Toman B., who was born in Prague, Czechoslovakia, in 1929. A distinguished Czech historian, Mr. B. speaks of his childhood in a well-to-do, assimilated family; his strong Czech patriotism; collecting money in school for national defense; his father's death on the eve of the Munich agreement; previously hidden antisemitism; humiliation at having to wear a star; and help from a Christian ex-servant when the family home was commandeered by Germans. He relates deportation with his mother and brother to Theresienstadt in July 1942; organization and sociocultural life in th...

  18. Chava L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Chava L., who was born in Bratislava, Czechoslovakia (presently Slovakia) in 1926, the older of two sisters. She recounts her family's relative affluence; attending a German, then a Slovak school, until the expulsion of Jews; her father's dismissal from his bank job; participating in a Zionist youth group beginning in 1938, despite her parents' disapproval; her mother's brothers converting to Christianity in 1939; her refusal to do so; living on a Zionist training farm; being sent home because she was under sixteen; helping produce false papers and ration coupons with...

  19. Friedrich L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Friedrich L., a Catholic Romani, who was born in Frankfurt, Germany in 1915, one of eight children. He recalls their traveling musical show; expulsion from the national musicians organization and no longer being allowed to travel due to anti-Romani laws; escaping with his sister to Yugoslavia (they were the only survivors); posing as a German musician; Ustas?as burning a barn filled with people; living in Austria; returning to Munich after the war; meeting his wife; and performing with his son because all his colleagues had been killed. Mr. L. discusses not speaking o...

  20. Michael V. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Michael V., who was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1936. He relates his family's long history in Hungary; his father's successful career as a textile businessman; the impact of anti-Jewish laws; his father's compulsory service in a Hungarian labor battalion and subsequent disappearance (he never saw his father again); German occupation in 1944; moving into a building designated for Jews; good relations with non-Jews; learning of deportations; obtaining false papers of protection from the Swiss consulate; living in a Vatican protected house; escaping a round-up of reside...