Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 28,281 to 28,300 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Tzvi I. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Tzvi I., who was born in Lenin, Poland (presently Belarus) in 1923, one of seven children. He recounts his father's murder when he was two; their poverty and constant hunger; attending a Tarbut, then Polish school; leaving school to help support his family; one sister's emigration to Israel in 1931; one brother's draft into the Polish military; Soviet occupation; German invasion; his brother's return from a POW camp; slave labor constructing utility poles; sabotaging the work; public executions; the threat of mass killings if anyone escaped; deportation with his broth...

  2. Ziuta G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ziuta G., who was born in Kraków, Poland in 1927, the younger of two children. She recounts her family's affluence; her father's architectural business; attending a Polish school; speaking and reading German at home; vacationing in Zakopane; an Austrian cousin living with them after the Anschluss; increasing tension in 1939; her parents sending her brother to England; vacationing in Muszyna in the summer of 1939; returning home in late August when her father was drafted; his rejection and return; German invasion on September 1; her father fleeing with his three broth...

  3. Sidney L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sidney L., who was born in Kozienice, Poland in 1927. Mr. L. describes his childhood in detail; life in his town which was home to a famous Maggid; and reactions to the German invasion of Poland. He recalls the bombing of his home; the resulting deaths of his mother and five of his eight siblings; and the formation of and life in the ghetto. He recounts seeing his father murdered by a German; rumors of transports to Treblinka; and joining a slave labor project with his brother to avoid transport. He tells of work conditions in Wolano?w; a selection; the arrest of his ...

  4. Ruth J. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ruth J., who was born in Frankenberg, Germany, in 1932. Ms. J. recalls a family move to Du?sseldorf; Kristallnacht; her parents' decision to flee to Holland; living on the estate of an anti-Nazi baron in Utrecht; being joined by her grandmother; German invasion; imposition of anti-Semitic measures; the disappearances of school classmates; deportation of her grandmother to Terezi?n; and in 1942 being hidden by a non-Jewish friend who told others the family had committed suicide. She describes being helped by the Dutch resistance; separation from her parents; placement ...

  5. Allen W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Allen W., who was born in Radom, Poland in 1931. He recalls attending a Jewish school; antisemitic harassment; German invasion; his father and brother fleeing toward the Soviet zone while he and his mother went to I?z?a; all of them returning to Radom; anti-Jewish restrictions; his brother-in-law's killing; escaping from a deportation train; returning home with assistance from non-Jews; taking the identity of a person who had died; the transition of Radom from ghetto to camp; public executions; a forced march to Tomaszo?w Mazowiecki; deportation with his family to Aus...

  6. Abraham K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Abraham K., who was born in Biecz, Poland in 1908. He recounts his youth; entry into the family businesses; marriage in 1939; and his son's birth in 1940. He describes German persecution of Jews in Biecz; conscript labor; the death of his father-in-law from typhus; ghettoization of Biecz; the killing of 169 Jews, including his father, sister, brother and nephew; and his wife's and son's escape. Mr. K. relates deportation to P?aszo?w in 1942; building railroads; camp conditions; reunion with his wife and brother-in-law in the Krako?w ghetto; and the killing of his son....

  7. Regina N. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Regina N., who was born in Myszyniec, Poland in 1920. She recounts her father's death when she was a baby; antisemitic violence; participating in Zionist youth groups; child care work in Warsaw, then P?ock; German invasion; her mother's death from cancer; ghettoization; hiding during round-ups; deportation to Dzia?dowo; escaping upon arrival; traveling to Starachowice; ghettoization; marriage; transfer to Starachowice camp; slave labor in a munitions factory; pregnancy and childbirth (the child was taken after three days); a failed escape attempt by the camp resistanc...

  8. Josef S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Josef S., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1930, the third of six children. He recalls his family's orthodoxy; attending cheder and public school; antisemitic harassment; German invasion in September 1939; cessation of schooling; smuggling goods with his sister and mother to support the family; ghettoization; smuggling food into the ghetto; his youngest sister's death from illness; his illness due to starvation; an aunt assisting his recovery; hospitalization for typhus; learning of his parents' deaths upon release; his youngest brother's death; he and his sisters co...

  9. Alexander B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Alexander B., who was born in Vilna, Russia (presently Vilnius, Lithuania), in 1916. He recounts his friendship with Abraham Sutzkever; studying art; German invasion; fleeing east with his wife; German troops overtaking them; traveling back to Vilnius for nine months via Lyubashevo, Svirʹ and other villages; witnessing round-ups of local Jews; entering the Vilna ghetto; helping to smuggle food into the ghetto; joining an uncle in Švenčionys; ghettoization; working as a shoemaker, and a translator for the Judenrat; transfer back to the Vilna ghetto when the Švenčio...

  10. Hubert D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hubert D., a non-Jew, who was born in Ghent, Belgium in 1922. He recounts his parents' divorce shortly after his birth; placement in a foster home for twelve years, then with his father and paternal grandmother, both of whom were abusive; running away to his foster mother; placement with his biological mother; apprenticing as a butcher; working from age fifteen; German invasion; becoming unemployed; volunteering for work in Germany in early 1941; placement in Flensburg; returning to Belgium a few months later; returning to work in Germany in 1942; assignment to a meat...

  11. Henry S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Henry S., who was born in Frankfurt am Main, Germany in 1924. He recalls his family's relative affluence; their strong German identity; antisemitic harassment in school; transferring to the Philanthropin, a Jewish school; his family applying to emigrate to the United States in summer 1938; his father's arrest on Kristallnacht and incarceration in Buchenwald; his release five weeks later providing he left the country; his emigration to England; Henry S.'s emigration with his mother and sister to the United States in February 1940 (his father preceded them); assistance ...

  12. Sylvia F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sylvia F., who was born, an only child, in Krako?w, Poland, in 1909. During the last quarter of the testimony she is joined by her husband, Jacob, who details the circumstances under which they met and notes the camps in which he was interned: Lemberg (Lv?ov,) Borislav, Krako?w (P?aszo?w,) Vielichka, Mauthausen, and Linz. [His wartime experiences are more fully recounted in Holocaust videotape testimony T-120.] Mrs. F. describes her marriage at the age of nineteen; the arrest and murder of her first husband; her life in the ghetto and her work in the commissary in Kra...

  13. Fernand V. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Fernand V., a Catholic, who was born in Ndjoko-Punda, Congo in 1909, one of three children of a Belgian man and a Congolese woman. He recounts his father's death in approximately 1911; his father's family bringing him to Belgium without his mother's permission (he never saw her or his siblings again); living with his father's sister in Uccle; German invasion in World War I; attending school; racist harassment; enlisting as a reserve cavalry officer; studying art; working in a bank and as a newspaper illustrator; marriage in 1937; his daughter's birth; military mobiliz...

  14. Jerry W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jerry W., who was born in Landsberg am Lech, Germany in 1927. He recounts his mother's divorce and remarriage; living with his grandmother; his beloved dog's disappearance, then finding a box at his door with the dog's corpse and an antisemitic note; expulsion from school; attending a girls' convent school (he was the only boy); having to leave when officials learned he was there; attending a Jewish boarding school in Coburg; being forced to shine a German officer's shoes and carry books to a fire on Kristallnacht; emigration with his mother and stepfather to the Unit...

  15. Abraham G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Abraham G., who was born in Volodymyr-Volyns?kyi?, Poland in 1915. He recalls attending a private Jewish school; his father's lumber business; Soviet occupation; moving to L?viv; German invasion; transport toward the Soviet Union; leaving the group in Brody; traveling to his uncle's home in Zolochiv; being caught in a round-up for a mass shooting; falling into the pit with the dead; crawling out at night; returning to his uncle's home; meeting his future wife; volunteering for a forced labor camp; convincing an Austrian guard to take him to his future wife's home wher...

  16. Pearl N. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Pearl N., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1919 and raised in Soko?o?w Podlaski. She recounts a sheltered childhood in a rabbinic family (her grandfather was Rabbi Yitzhak Zelig); pervasive antisemitism; German bombardment in September 1939; fleeing to a farm; returning home; the two-week Soviet occupation; transfer to German sovereignty; ghettoization in 1941; hiding her grandfather's library and religious objects; working in a labor camp with her brother; paying a Pole to bring her mother and sister there; sharing food with them; volunteering to work on a farm outs...

  17. George G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of George G., who was born in Dallas, Texas in 1924, and served in the 99th Infantry Division of the United States Army during World War II. He recounts deployment to England; crossing the Channel in November 1944; fighting in Belgium and Germany; capture; his foxhole mate giving him his rosary and advising him to discard his Star of David; identifying himself as Catholic when asked by his captors; execution of a wounded U.S. soldier; transfer in cattle cars to Nuremberg, then Hammelburg; severe cold and hunger; train transfer back to Nuremberg, then a 100 kilometer marc...

  18. Pessia B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Pessia B., who was born in 1922 in Zheludok, Poland (presently Belarus), one of seven children. She recounts her family's Zionist beliefs and activities; the emigration of two older sisters to Palestine; Soviet occupation; joining her sister in Vilna, intending to emigrate; returning home; traveling to Lida; brief incarceration in Eis?is?ke?s; returning home; German invasion; a brother and sister fleeing east; anti-Jewish restrictions; forced labor; hearing a mass shooting of Jews and seeing the open grave; hiding with others during a round-up; discovery; escape; hidi...

  19. Genia S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Genia S., who was born in Sosnowiec, Poland in 1927, one of seven children. She recalls moving to Bielsko-Bia?a; German invasion; a round-up of men including her father; his return three months later; anti-Jewish restrictions including confiscation of their business; her family's move to Sosnowiec to join relatives; serving in her older sister's place for forced labor (her sister was ill); deportation with other girls to a camp; slave labor in a textile factory; starvation, lack of sleep, and arduous labor; her older sister's arrival two years later; assisting each ot...

  20. Veronika S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Veronika S., who was born in Vráble, Czechoslovakia (presently Slovakia) in 1929, the middle of three children. She recalls celebrating Jewish holidays; Hungarian occupation in 1938; her father's six-month imprisonment for assisting Jews escaping from Slovakia; anti-Jewish restrictions; deportation to Levice, then Auschwitz/Birkenau in spring 1944; separation with her sister from her family; brutal conditions; a woman from her father's hometown giving them soap and a thermos, which saved their lives; transfer to a factory; slave labor; Italian male prisoners giving t...