Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 28,221 to 28,240 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Yehuda A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Yehuda A., who was born in Wu?rzburg, Germany in 1924. He recalls his family's liberal orthodoxy; attending school; antisemitic harassment and violence after Hitler's ascent to power; emigration with his family to Palestine in 1935; enlisting in the British army in 1941; smuggling arms and refugees to Palestine after his discharge; joining the Haganah in 1946, then the Palmah? in 1947; serving in the Israel-Arab War; meeting the poet Haim Gouri in the military; beginning to write poetry; marriage in 1949; and writing a novel resulting from his visit to Wu?rzburg and t...

  2. Larry S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Larry S., who was born in Hofheim, Germany in 1922. He recounts moving to Bamberg in 1934 or 1935 so his father would not be placed in a concentration camp; his father fleeing to Holland; attending gymnasium in Wu?rzburg with his brother; his father's return; attending school in Florence in 1936; his arrest during Hitler's visit; apprenticeship in a tool and die shop in Nuremberg; his father's arrest during Kristallnacht; being placed on a children's transport to England; living with an aunt and uncle; working as a tool and die maker; and emigrating to the United Stat...

  3. Susan F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Susan F., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1919. She recalls moving with her mother to Prague in 1933 to join relatives, her father thinking it safer; anti-Jewish measures in 1939 including expulsion from the family home; her father telephoning to tell them he had to report to a transport (they never saw him again); deportation with her mother to Theresienstadt in May 1942, then to Estonia in September; their separation in Raasiku (she never saw her again); slave labor in Ja?gala, Reval, Narwa, and Kivio?li; close bonds with her fellow prisoners which saved her from...

  4. Sam C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sam. C., who was born in Thessalonike?, Greece in 1922, the younger of two sons. He recounts his father's death in the late 1920s; his mother working to support him and his brother; graduating from the French Lyce?e in 1939 with a degree in commercial studies; working for a Greek import company; his brother's military draft; bombings by Italy in October 1940; German occupation in April 1941; a one-day round-up to Eleftheria (Freedom) Square in late 1942; his brother's marriage; ghettoization; deportation with his friend in 1943 by train; slave labor building railroad ...

  5. Elizabeth D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Elizabeth D., a Jehovah's Witness, who was born in Germany in 1929 and grew up in Saxony. She relates her father's activities as a Jehovah's Witness; his repeated arrests beginning shortly after Hitler's rise to power; his final arrest in 1936; and her mother's arrest at that time. She speaks of the 1936 trial of Jehovah's Witnesses, including her parents; her mother's two and a half year sentence; her father's imprisonment; his refusal to renounce his faith; and his eventual death in Sachsenhausen. Mrs. D. recalls living with her grandparents during her parents' impr...

  6. Elly G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Elly G., who was born in Simleul-Silvaniei, Romania in 1929. She recalls her brother's birth in 1939; Hungarian occupation in 1940; anti-Jewish laws; her father's draft into a Hungarian slave labor battalion (they never saw him again); ghettoization in spring 1944; a woman giving birth and a man dying during transport to Auschwitz/Birkenau; separation from her mother and brother (she never saw them again); remaining with a cousin; her cousin getting her a privileged kitchen job; transfer to another camp; slave labor in a factory; illness from fumes in the factory (she...

  7. Lauryann F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lauryann F., who was born in Strasbourg, France, in 1928, an only child. She recalls her family's orthodoxy; visits to Paris; moving to join her mother's family in Gyulaha?za, Hungary; an idyllic childhood; attending Catholic school; harassment by the Arrow Cross beginning in 1938; moving to IV. Keru?let, a Budapest suburb; German invasion in March 1944; forced relocation to Jewish-designated housing; attending a private art school; declining a rescue offer by a priest in order to remain with her parents; round-up to a brick factory; deportation to Auschwitz; separati...

  8. Isaac K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Isaac K., who was born in Košice, Czechoslovakia (presently Slovakia) in 1925, the middle child of five. He recalls cordial relations with non-Jews; Hungarian occupation in 1938; his bar mitzvah shortly thereafter, which was sad due to the occupation; his father losing his business permit; learning cantorial and opera singing; German invasion in spring 1944; his arrest as a hostage in place of his father; his father obtaining his release after two weeks; ghettoization at a brick factory; a severe beating which left him unable to process information for some time; dep...

  9. Eva L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eva L. who was born into a well known Hasidic famiy in ?o?dz? in 1924. She remembers the outbreak of the war; the actions against Jews which followed; and her brother's wedding, which took place just before the family was transferred to the ?o?dz? ghetto, where they led a relatively privileged life due to family connections. Mrs. L. describes life in the ghetto, including the constant round-ups and raids; widespread starvation, disease, and dehumanization; slave labor; spiritual resistance and religious observance; and the closeness of her family throughout their orde...

  10. Selma S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Selma S., who was born in Bratislava, Czechoslovakia in 1925, one of four children. She recalls her family's focus on Zionism and culture; their orthodoxy; spending time with her large extended family; her paternal family's bookstore, a cultural center; attending German and Jewish schools; her father having to transfer his bookstore to a non-Jew; arrest and deportation of her parents and brother by Hlinka guards (she never saw them again); incarceration with her younger brother in Žilina; their release through her uncle's intervention; staying with an aunt in Nové M...

  11. Hildegard W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hildegard W., who was born in Berlin, Germany, in 1912. Mrs. W. describes her liberal Protestant childhood; unfamiliarity with Judaism and antisemitism before marrying a Jew in 1931; early Nazi anti-Semitic acts which they and others did not take seriously; their reluctance to abandon their successful business; the birth of her sons in 1933 and 1935; and a vacation in the Hartz mountains in 1936 during which an encounter with Nazis convinced her husband to emigrate. She recalls increased intimidation; the arrest of a homosexual employee; preparations to leave; and the...

  12. Michael B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Michael B., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1931. He recounts his father's death when he was a year old; visits to his grandparents in Budapest; the Anschluss in 1938; antisemitic propaganda; his mother withdrawing him from school; their conversion to Roman Catholicism, hoping for safety; futile attempts to emigrate to the United States; traveling to Budapest in spring 1941; German occupation in March 1944; anti-Jewish measures; forced relocation in June; their housemate, Béla Vihar, entertaining the children; Allied bombings; forced labor with his scout troop; hi...

  13. Zvi S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Zvi S., who was born in Komaro?w, Poland in 1931 one of nine children. He recalls German invasion; the murder of a friend; the outpouring of mourning at the funeral which still haunts him; killings whenever Germans entered town; his family hiding; ghettoization; digging a bunker under their room; hiding when Germans came; being attacked by a German dog; hiding with his family during the final liquidation; escaping one at a time; meeting one brother, one sister, and his father in the woods (the rest of the family was killed); hiding in a village; receiving food from Po...

  14. Serge H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Serge H., who was born in Ti?rgu Ocna, Romania in 1928, one of two children. He recounts moving to Podu Iloaiei in 1931, then Ias?i in 1936; antisemitic harassment in school; having his bar mitzvah in their apartment during a violent round-up on June 28, 1941; not being included in the round-up due to the configuration of their housing complex; resuming "normal" life; his father retaining his business through "partnerships" with non-Jews; forced labor digging trenches; his mother's injury during Allied bombings; liberation by Soviet troops in August 1944; moving to Bu...

  15. Claire G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Claire G., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1923, one of four children. She recounts moving to Paris in 1925; her family's assimilated lifestyle; German invasion; anti-Jewish laws; hiding with friends after the July 1942 round-up; illegally entering the unoccupied zone with her cousin, using false papers and posing as Christians; benign conditions in Italian-occupied Nice; one brother's arrival (her parents and other brothers were arrested); German occupation; hiking to Italy; returning to Nice; denunciation and arrest; transport to Drancy, then Auschwitz/Birkenau; e...

  16. Joseph and Dorothy B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Joseph B., who was born in Hamburg, Germany in 1927. He recalls his family's orthodoxy; his father teaching in a Jewish school; attending a Jewish boys' school; participation in Maccabi; his father's trip to Palestine and return, thinking he could not make a living there; antisemitic harassment; being warned prior to Kristallnacht; his father leaving (he went to the synagogue to rescue a Torah); Gestapo coming to arrest his father; his father's return days later (they attribute his survival to the Torah); difficulties trying to emigrate; receiving exit visas outside o...

  17. Barbara G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Barbara G., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1924. She describes her happy childhood; attending a private Jewish school; German invasion; anti-Jewish restrictions; her brother fleeing to Soviet territory; traveling to Cze?stochowa via Warsaw in December 1939; ghettoization; learning from her mother's letter about her grandparents' deaths from starvation in the ?o?dz? ghetto; losing contact with her parents in May 1942; deportations from the Cze?stochowa ghetto; her marriage; forced labor in a factory; public executions; the small ghetto's liquidation; transfer with h...

  18. Eva G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eva G., who was born in 1923 in Liepa?ja, Latvia. She recalls secular and Jewish life in Liepa?ja; attacks on Jews by Latvian Nazis beginning in 1936; Soviet occupation in 1939; loss of the family business and residence; German air raids for a week starting June 22, 1941; German occupation on June 29th; immediate forced labor and mass killings; round-up of her father and grandfather on July 8th (they were shot); ghettoization of the last 860 Jews (out of 9,000) in one square block; and liquidation of the ghetto on Yom Kippur, 1943. Mrs. G. describes transport to Kaise...

  19. Eric E. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eric E., who was born in Rastatt, Germany in 1921. He recalls anti-Jewish laws resulting in loss of the family business; moving to Westphalia where his father worked for former employees; his terror when hiding in a haystack alone during Kristallnacht; his father's incarceration in Buchenwald; his mother arranging for him to join a kindertransport to England; leaving the day of his father's release; living in Harwich for several months; an apprenticeship; living with a family; learning his parents had gone to Belgium; emigrating to the United States in 1940, believing...

  20. Raphael E. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Raphael E., who was raised in Lyon, France. He describes the formative influence of participating in scouting; fleeing with his older brother after German invasion in 1940; returning to Lyon after the armistice; graduating from technical school in 1942; participating in Resistance activities through the scouts; working with Sixie?me and Organisation juive de combat; fabricating false documents; arrest in January 1944; imprisonment in Montluc; torture during interrogations; transfer to Drancy; meeting and falling in love with his future wife; deportation to Auschwitz; ...