Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 27,661 to 27,680 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Alfred K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Alfred K., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1921, the youngest of three brothers. He recounts attending public school; antisemitic harassment; participating in socialist and Zionist organizations; Austrians welcoming the Germans during the Anschluss; one brother emigrating to relatives in the United States, the other, as a physician with a Kindertransport, to England; the concierge protecting him and his parents during Kristallnacht; fleeing with an aunt and uncle to Belgium; living in Antwerp; placement in Merksplas refugee camp; German invasion; fleeing to France;...

  2. Barbara L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Barbara L., who was born in Guben, Germany in 1927, the oldest of four children. She recounts her maternal grandparents' conversions to Christianity; baptism of all their children, including her mother (her father was Protestant); their affluence; a beautiful childhood on their estate in Neuzelle; becoming antisemitic due to stereotypes in school; being classified as a "mischling first degree" by the Nuremberg laws; her maternal uncle's emigration to South Africa in 1937; her grandparents visiting him and deciding not to stay; dismay when students accused her of havin...

  3. Raymond D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Raymond D., who was born in approximately 1938, an orphan. He recounts being hidden in Brussels in 1942 (he recalls a house, but does not remember with whom he was hiding); being moved to a convent in Borsbeek; transfer to Antwerp, then Malines; release with eleven other children to an Association des juifs de Belgique (AJB) children's home in Vlezenbeek, then to another elsewhere; the Resistance hiding him in a convent in Rixensart; liberation; placement in an AJB home in Aische-en-Rafail; living with a family of survivors who wanted to adopt him; transfer to an AJB ...

  4. Iser R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Iser R., who was born in Pia?tek, Poland in 1923, one of nine children. He recalls German bombardment in September 1939; moving to the Warsaw ghetto; being smuggled to the Wegrow ghetto; escaping the liquidation in September 1942; a Polish family hiding him in their attic for two years; his hostess being killed and host injured by German bombing; liberation by Soviet troops; vouching to the Soviets for his rescuers; traveling to ?o?dz?; learning no relatives had survived; living in Fo?hrenwald displaced persons camp, Munich, and Netherlands; emigration to Israel in 19...

  5. Marta E. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Marta E., a Romani, who was born in East Prussia, Germany. She remembers moving to Berlin with her family at age six; one brother's deportation to Dachau and another's to Buchenwald; receiving both brothers' ashes with a notice that they had died from pneumonia; examination with her siblings by "race scientists"; deportation with her family to the Zigeunerlager (Gypsy Lager) at Auschwitz/Birkenau; her father and uncle being beaten to death by an SS officer; her mother being beaten by a Romani kapo; her sister arranging their transfer to Ravensbru?ck; beatings, killing...

  6. Itzchak S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Itzchak S., who was born in Bratislava, Czechoslovakia (presently Slovakia), in 1921, one of five children. He recounts attending Jewish and public schools; participating in Hashomer Hatzair, then Betar; increasing antisemitism in the late 1930s; working as an accountant; anti-Jewish legislation; his family's eviction; one brother's deportation to a labor camp; draft into a Jewish forced labor brigade (Sixth Battalion) in 1941; visits home and to his brother, who was incarcerated in Sered; postings to Svätý Jur, Trenčín, and Dubnitsa; twenty-one days in prison whe...

  7. Sonia B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sonia B., who was born in Z︠H︡ytomyr, Ukraine in 1928. She recalls German invasion; her brother's military draft; fleeing with her parents to relatives in Kotelʹnya; fleeing east; encountering Germans in Andrushevka; returning to Kotelʹnya; the hanging of her uncle after he was identified as the village head; escaping a mass shooting of Jews on August 18 (her parents were killed); returning to her grandmother's house; escaping a mass killing in December when her grandmother and aunts were murdered; her grandmother's instructions to seek revenge; hiding with assistance...

  8. Shmuel S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Shmuel S., who was born in Kaunas, Lithuania in 1920. He recounts moving to Palestine with his family; living in Rishon le-Tsiyon, Petaḥ Tiḳṿah and Hebron; returning to Kaunas in 1929; Soviet occupation; German invasion; a massacre of Jews prior to the arrival of the Germans; fleeing east with his father and brothers; being overtaken by the Germans; returning home; ghettoization; tensions over housing; smuggling; selections and deportations; surviving a mass execution; sneaking back to the ghetto; forced labor; transfer to Panevėžys; incarceration in Stutthof; ob...

  9. Ruth B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ruth B., who was born in Plovdiv, Bulgaria and moved to Sofia when her father's business burned down. She recalls attending French school; anti-Jewish restrictions beginning in 1941, including wearing the yellow star; her brother's draft for forced labor; his warning they were not to get on trains if ordered to do so; his suggestion that she join the resistance; deportation orders in May 1943; refusing to consider leaving her parents; entrusting possessions with non-Jewish friends; non-Jewish neighbors cursing the transport organizers; arrival in Khaskovski; welcome b...

  10. Hudeza P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hudeza P., who was born in Poland in 1910. She recalls being orphaned and raised by extended family; emigrating to join a brother in Paris in May 1930; living with an uncle in Les Lilas; marriage in 1938; her daughter's birth in 1941; visiting her in-laws in Vigneux-sur-Seine; arrest and imprisonment in Paris; a guard allowing her to write a warning to her husband (she reads it); deportation to Drancy, then Auschwitz/Birkenau in March 1944; remaining with a friend; slave labor; beatings resulting in the loss of her teeth; one prisoner lighting Friday night candles; th...

  11. Yaakov B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Yaakov B., who was born in Hrubieszów, Poland in 1926, the youngest of three children. He recounts his brother's death from pneumonia; attending a Jewish school; compulsory transfer to a public school; antisemitic harassment; working in his father's business from age fourteen; German, then brief Soviet occupation; traveling with his father to an uncle in Volodymyret︠s︡ʹ; their return home; German occupation; ghettoization; forced labor; deportation with his family to Sobibór in spring 1942; separation from his mother and sister; slave labor with his father cutting t...

  12. Moshe B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Moshe B., who was born in a Polish town (presently Belarus) in 1920. He recalls Soviet occupation; German invasion; an aborted escape attempt; anti-Jewish restrictions; ghettoization; planning resistance or escape with other young people; the ghetto leadership informing them they would jeopardize everyone, so ceasing their efforts; forced labor; some of his family's escape from the ghetto's liquidation (his father remained with his sick sister and they perished); hiding his mother, sister, and brother with a non-Jewish farmer; joining the partisans; his family leaving...

  13. Temoignages Pour Memoire

  14. Ruth M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ruth M., who was born in Krako?w, Poland in 1927. She recalls her childhood in Tarno?w; her father's medical practice; her mother traveling to Switzerland in summer 1939 while she and her brother stayed with an aunt in C?esky? Te?s?i?n; German invasion; her father's military draft; traveling to stay with an aunt in Krako?w; returning to her parents in Tarno?w; confiscation of their home; forced labor repairing military uniforms; ghettoization in 1941; a former non-Jewish employee hiding her cousin; refusing to hide, not wanting to leave her family; separation from the...

  15. Anton P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Anton P., who was born in Providence, Rhode Island, in 1917. Mr. P., who served in the United States Third Army, tells of being wounded in France; evacuation to England; returning to the front to aid in the relief of Bastogne; his artillery unit's rapid advance across Germany in April 1945; passing through Buchenwald hours after its liberation; and dining with a German who denied knowledge of Buchenwald, but whose home overlooked the camp. He recalls being temporarily reassigned to serve with the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA), where h...

  16. Dina G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Dina G., who was born in Zolochiv, Poland in 1921, one of four children. She recalls her family's Zionism; Soviet occupation in 1939; her older brother's draft into the Soviet military (she never saw him again); German invasion; a mass killing of Jews; round-up with her mother, sister-in-law, and infant nephew (her father and brother hid); a soldier brutally killing her nephew; removal from the deportation train by a German solider; returning home; forced labor in a nearby camp; meeting her future husband there; bringing her father and brother food; ghettoization; a m...

  17. Reena F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Reena F., who was born in Krako?w, Poland in 1929. She recalls a happy childhood; German invasion; anti-Jewish regulations and harassment; her parents falsifying her age as twelve so she could remain in Krako?w; ghettoization; forced labor in a paper workshop; deportations from which many tried to hide; resistance bombing of a nightclub resulting in the deportation of 2,000 to Auschwitz, including her father; and smuggling children into P?aszo?w when the ghetto was liquidated, then learning the children in the ghetto were killed. Mrs. F. recounts being sent to work in...

  18. Carla S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Carla S., who was born in Groningen, Holland, in 1917, and raised in Assen. Mrs. S. recalls childhood in an affluent, religious family; nursing training at a mental institution in Apeldoorn; meeting her first husband; her mother's death; obtaining her father's consent to marry in late 1938; moving to Enschede, where her husband was a cantor; and the birth of a daughter in July 1939. She describes German occupation; the September 1941 Aktion in which her husband was taken (she never saw him again); her second daughter's birth in 1942; contacting the Dutch underground w...

  19. Samuel R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Samuel R., who was born in Koszyce, Poland in 1923. He describes moving to Paris in 1923; collecting money for Spanish children in 1936; joining the Communist Party; learning about Nazism from German and Austrian refugees in 1937 and 1938; the outbreak of war in September 1939; evacuation to Pau in June 1940; joining the Resistance after returning to Paris on July 14, 1940; his father's death on September 2, 1940; and participating in student demonstrations in 1940 and 1941. Mr. R. recalls his arrest in August 1941; release from Drancy in November; hiding with the aid...

  20. Rita L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rita L., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1932. She describes her wealthy, assimilated parents; German invasion; moving to the "small" ghetto; attending an illegal school; corpses in the streets becoming routine; family contacts with Janusz Korczak; escape to an uncle in Klimonto?w; and fleeing to L'viv with her mother in 1942, having learned all Jews were to be deported (she never saw her father again). Mrs. L. recounts living with her non-Jewish governess's sister; moving when threatened by blackmailers; her mother working as a servant for a German family, then in ...