Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 27,441 to 27,460 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Marcel W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Marcel W., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1922. He describes his family's move to France in 1931 due to antisemitism; participating in scouts and Zionist activities; working with his father as a watchmaker; German invasion; anti-Jewish measures; incarceration with his family in the Ve?lodrome d'Hiver in July 1942; walking out with his sister; returning, unable to abandon his parents; transfer to Pithiviers; organizing the children; deportation with his brother and father to Birkenau (he never saw his mother and sister again); assignment with his brother to the maso...

  2. Martin D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Martin D., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1920. He recalls apprenticing as a furrier when he was fourteen; increasing antisemitism; warnings from non-Jews of a round-up; hiding with his father; applying with his sister to emigrate to relatives in London; obtaining a visa; emigrating with a cousin in January 1939 (he never saw his sister or parents again); his relatives refusal to assist him; futile efforts to obtain visas for his sister and parents; arrest as an "enemy alien"; transfer via Liverpool to an internment camp in Ontario, Canada; fights between German a...

  3. Mordechai M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Mordechai M., who was born in Jabłonna, Poland in 1931, the older of two brothers. He recalls attending cheder and public school; antisemitic harassment in school; his father's draft into the Polish military; German invasion in 1939; his father's return; ghettoization in Legionowo; his mother obtaining food outside the ghetto from Poles she knew; her escape after she was caught and beaten; his grandfather's and uncle's deaths during an epidemic; his father persuading a non-Jewish physician to operate on his mother, which saved her life; creating an attic hiding place;...

  4. Rachel G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rachel G., who was born in Pacano?w, Poland in 1927. She recalls a close and large extended family; their orthodoxy; attending public and Hebrew schools; visiting ?o?dz?; German invasion in September 1939; anti-Jewish measures; ghettoization; her father's death resulting from a beating; deportation to Skarz?ysko-Kamienna in October 1942; slave labor in a HASAG munitions factory; prisoners helping each other; cruel officials, including Fritz Bartenschlager; assignment to an office position leading to improved conditions; transfer to Cze?stochowa in summer 1944; slave l...

  5. Jacob W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jacob W., who was born in Wolbrom, Poland in 1920. He recalls antisemitism from 1936 to 1939; friendships with non-Jews; German invasion; expulsion from school; a mass killing in a forest which included his brother; his other brother's death in the Polish army; transport to Auschwitz; and separation from his parents whom he never saw again. He describes transfer after three weeks to Auenrode; cruel treatment of many by a kapo who had been a family friend; a German civilian worker who saved his life; a friend's subterfuge which provided extra time for Mr. W. in the inf...

  6. Yorgan L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Yorgan L., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1925. He recounts his father serving in World War I; attending Jewish school; anti-Jewish restrictions; his father losing his job; deportation of friends who were Polish citizens; Kristallnacht; participating in Habonim; collecting money for the Jewish National Fund; agricultural training on a kibbutz in Rüdnitz; moving to Paderborn; forced labor; learning his parents had been deported in December 1942; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau in March 1943; transfer to Monowitz; slave labor; transfer to the hospital in Auschwit...

  7. Rosy S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rosy S., who was born in Frankfurt, Germany in 1923. She recounts her family's move to Luxembourg when she was a baby; her father's Zionist and anti-German activism; an influx of German and Polish Jewish refugees; German invasion in May 1940; fleeing to Antwerp; her brother's bar mitzvah; joining relatives in De Panne, then traveling to Spain via Royan and Hendaye; her father's arrest on a train to Madrid; living in Fuentes de O?noro; futile attempts to obtain her father's release; moving to Lisbon; assistance from HIAS; working for HIAS, then the Red Cross; her grand...

  8. Nathan K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Nathan K., who was born in Vilna, Poland in 1923. He recalls Soviet occupation in 1939; non-Jewish neighbors who hid his family during a pogrom; German invasion; fleeing to Minsk; returning when unable to reach Soviet territory; ghettoization in 1942; forced labor; and learning of the murder of "small ghetto" residents at Ponary. He recounts transfer with his father to Ereda, Narwa and another camp in Estonia (he never saw his mother and brother again); a Jewish doctor who treated his infected knee; officers celebrating Christmas by beating prisoners; returning to Ere...

  9. Samuel M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Samuel M., who was born in Czernowitz, Romania (presently Chernivt︠s︡i, Ukraine) in 1930, the younger of two children. He recounts his family's orthodoxy; attending a private Jewish school from age six; antisemitic harassment en route to school; beginning violin lessons; Soviet occupation; studying violin at the conservatory; his father not allowing him to be sent to study in Moscow; German invasion in 1941; murders and rapes of Jews; ghettoization; his father refusing when his German friend offered to help them escape and hide them; deportation with his family in cat...

  10. Benjamin V. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Benjamin V., who was born in Amsterdam, Netherlands in 1936, one of four children. He recounts his parents living in Palestine in the 1930s; their return to Holland; German invasion; anti-Jewish restrictions; round-up to a synagogue; deportation with his family to Westerbork; hunger and lack of sanitation; his father sabotaging deportation lists when he cleaned the offices; celebrating Hanukkah; transfer to Bergen-Belsen in 1944; looking for extra food; his father obtaining school books for him; his mother making matzo and his father reciting the Haggadah in their bar...

  11. Renate K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Renate K., a non-Jew, who was born in Stargard in Pommern, Germany (Stargard Szczecin?ski, Poland after 1945) in 1922. She recalls the important contributions of Jews to the community; cordial relations with the local Jews; her father helping a fellow Jewish physician emigrate in 1935; Gestapo threats against her father for his efforts on behalf of Jews and other victims of the Gestapo; and his succesful efforts to hide another Jewish family and arrange for the escape of their child to South America. Mrs. K. recalls replacement of local officials by Nazis; her marriag...

  12. Ze'ev R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ze'ev R., who was born in Manevichi, Poland (presently Prilesnoye, Ukraine) in 1923, one of two children. He recounts attending Polish public school, then gymnasium in Lʹviv; Soviet occupation in September 1939; he and his sister attending a Soviet school; German invasion in June 1941; hiding with Ukrainian neighbors; other Ukrainians stealing their possessions; hiding in a Ukrainian friend's barn; leaving his family to escape to the forest with a group; joining a partisan group; learning that his family had been shot in a mass killing; receiving food from a family fr...

  13. Esther G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Esther G., who was born in Mutvitsa, Poland (presently Ukraine) in 1934. The information in this testimony is all contained in a previously recorded testimony (HVT-1434).

  14. Charlotte J. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Charlotte J., who was born in Frankfurt am Main in 1908 to a Jewish father and Christian mother, the youngest of four children. She describes being raised in both faiths; a sheltered life prior to the rise of Nazism; termination from her job in 1938 due to anti-Jewish laws; her boss clandestinely bringing her food; being smuggled with a group in 1942 through Graz to Zagreb; being caught; imprisonment in Zagreb, then Graz; release and return to Frankfurt; she and her fiance volunteering to accompany her debilitated father (he was eighty-seven) to Theresienstadt; marria...

  15. Margot S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Margot S., who was born in Berlin, Germany to Polish parents. She recounts attending a Jewish school; losing her job in 1934 due to anti-Jewish measures and in 1938 after Kristallnacht; her parents' return to Poland (her five siblings all emigrated); joining them in Tarno?w in 1939; ghettoization; forced factory labor; hiding with her future husband during round-ups; seeing her sister and niece for the last time; incarceration in P?aszo?w; selection for Schindler's factory; transfer to Auschwitz, then Brne?nec; reunion with her future husband; liberation by Soviet tro...

  16. Donia M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Donia M., who was born in Krystynopil?, Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (presently Chervonohrad, Ukraine) in 1912. She recounts her mother's death when she was three weeks old; living with her aunt and two cousins; attending school in Sokal?; marriage in 1936; her son's birth; German invasion; fleeing to Soviet-occupied Peremyshli?a?ny with her husband, aunt, cousins, and mother-in-law; German invasion; a German who knew her husband giving him a privileged position; ghettoization; mass killings including her aunt and mother-in-law; hiding with her cousins, their children, a...

  17. Jack A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jack A., who was born in Be?chato?w, Poland in 1927, one of four children. He recounts a happy childhood; attending public and Hebrew schools; anti-Jewish violence; German invasion in 1939; anti-Jewish restrictions; his older brother fleeing to ?o?dz?, then Warsaw (he was killed in a bombing); public hanging of ten prominent Jews, including his uncle; ghettoization; his sister's marriage; a round-up; his brother's and grandmother's deportation to Che?mno; forced labor with his father cleaning the ghetto; transfer to the ?o?dz? ghetto with his parents and sister; slave...

  18. Lilly G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lilly G., who was born in Újfehértó, Hungary in 1926, the eighth of sixteen children in a Hasidic family. She recounts her grandfather's affluence; his obtaining papers for them to emigrate to the United States; not going because an uncle believed they had "everything here"; her brothers' draft into Hungarian slave labor battalions; forced relocation with her family to Nyírbátor, then the Simapuszta ghetto; deportation to Auschwitz; remaining with a friend when she was separated from her family; selection with other Hungarian women, including her friend, for slav...

  19. Bernard and Henry S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Bernard and Henry S., twins who were born in Lie?ge, Belgium in 1935. They detail their close, extended family; the German invasion; their escape; and settling in Saint-Etienne, France with the families of two uncles. They describe changes in 1942; being placed with a non-Jewish family; their father's and uncle's arrest and mother's evasion of a German round-up; their cousin's release from Drancy with fifty other children through intervention of the Cardinal of Lyon; living in an orphanage in Saint-Etienne, on a farm where they were mistreated, and an orphanage in Gre...

  20. Hela V. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hela V., who was born in Będzin, Poland in 1927, the youngest of three sisters. She recounts her family's affluence; attending public and Jewish schools; German invasion; her father dying from a police beating; buying food posing as a non-Jew (she was blond); selling family belongings to non-Jews; ghettoization; forced factory labor; her mother's deportation; her deportation to Oberaltstadt; slave labor in a weaving factory; better treatment by a German guard after she knit her a sweater; other guards giving them extra food; a prisoner nurse helping them; assistance ...