Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 26,861 to 26,880 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Okresný ľudový súd v Trnave

    • District People´s Court in Trnava

    The fonds contains documents of the District People´s Court in Trnava. Among others there are documents pertaining to the anti-Jewish activities of the Hlinka Guard in Trnava. Several case-files of the former members of the HG pertain to the deportations of Jews from Trnava and surrounding villages in 1942, various forms of persecution of Jews as well as the deportation of Jews in 1944-1945. These files contain the information on the arresting of Jews in September 1944, directions of their deportation etc. Some files pertain to the former members of the German minority in Trnava who joined ...

  2. Αρχείο Πρεσβείας Ρώμης

    • Archive of the Embassy in Rome
    • Archeio Presveias Romis
  3. Republican Board of the Moldovan SSR to promote the activity of the emergency state commission for the Investigation of crimes committed by German-Fascist invaders

    • Реcпубликанская Комиссия Молдавской ССР по содействию в работе чрезвычайной государственной Комисии по установлению и расследованию злодеяний немецко-фашистских захватчиков
    • Respublikanskaya Komissiya Moldovskoi SSR po sodeistviju v rabote chrezycainoi gosudarstvennoj Komisii po ustanovleniju i rassledovaniju zlodeyanij nemetski-fashistskih zahbatchikov
    • Comisia de asistență republicană a RSS Moldovenească pentru a sprijini activitatea comisiei de urgență de stat pentru investigarea crimelor comise de invadatorii germano-fasciști

    Materials about prejudices and crimes committed by Germans and Romanians in Bessarabia. Commission report on the investigation of crimes and prejudices committed against the population of Bălți county during Romanian administration.

  4. 15th Regional School Inspectorate and its Educational Institutions

    • Inspectoratul XV regional al învǎţǎmîntului public şi instituţiile subordonate
    • 15-й областной школьный инспекторат и его учебные заведения
    • 15-y oblastnoy shkol'nyy inspektorat i yego uchebnyye zavedeniya

    Materials related to the Leova Mixed progymnasium from Cahul district. Minutes of the Parents Council sessions, which took place in the study year 1921-1922.Certificates on the “trustworthiness” of the teaching. Correspondence with the Chișinău Public Education Directorate regarding the management of the gymnasium budget and other economic subjects. Parents’ requests to be waived school fees for education of their children. Minutes of the sessions of the Pedagogical Council and the School Committee. Directives of Central office and district office of “Straja tarii” [The Guard of the Country...

  5. Воронежская областная комиссия по установлению и расследованию злодеяний немецко-фашистских захватчиков

    • Voronezh oblast commission for for ascertaining and investigating crimes perpetrated by the German–Fascist invaders and their accomplices

    Acts of investigation of nazi crimes by local commission

  6. Бабий Яр

    • Babi Yar

    Kiev suburbs, December of 1943. German prisoners are digging the ditch, where tortured Soviet people were buried. One of the former camp prisoners tells about fascist crimes during the Kiev occupation.

  7. В городской чрезвычайной комиссии г. Ленинграда

    • In the city Extraordinary Comission of Leningrad

    January of 1944. The meeting of Extraordinary State Commission for investigation of fascist invaders crimes in the presence of members of expertise bureau. Among them: engineers Bronnitsky, Kuprianova, professors Farmakovsky, Fomin and corresponding member of the Academy of Architecture Fedorova.

  8. Процесс по делу о злодеяниях немецких захватчиков в Латвийской, Литовской и Эстонской ССР

    • War crimes trials in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia

    Latvia. Riga. The trial of fascist invaders, who committed crimes on the territory of Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian SSR during the temporary occupation. Proceedings of Military Tribunal in the House of Officers. Members of Military Tribunal, defenders, audience in the court. Interrogations of the accused, testimonies of witnesses, announcement of the sentence. Execution of convicts in the city square.

  9. Киевский процесс

    • Kiev trial

    Kiev. The trial of fascist invaders, who committed crimes on the temporary occupied territory of Ukranian SSR, held in Kiev from 17 until 28 of January 1946. Court hearings of Military Tribunal. Interrogations of the accused, testimonies of witnesses. Speech of the accused. Announcement of the sentence. Execution of criminals. City residents in court, on square during the execution. Destroyed buildings. Babi Yar. Khreshchatyk during the execution.

  10. Ламсдорф - лагерь русских военнопленных

    • Lamsdorf - the Soviet POW camp

    View on the territory of the camp, buildings, barracks, ditches-graves of Soviet prisoners of war, cemetery of Russian prisoners of war - participants of First World War; gas chambers, cemetery of English prisoners of war; corpses of Soviet prisoners of war. Work on the camp territory of Soviet-Polish commission for investigations of German crimes.

  11. Освенцим

    • Auschwitz

    Prisoners of Auschwitz and Birkenau concentration camps in Oswiecim were freed by Ukranian Front of Soviet Army. Corpses of tortured prisoners could be found in camps among crematories and gas chambers and on the nearby territory. Some of them were killed during the Nazi retreat. Prisoners who were killed in camps were buried in Oswiecim, and those who were able to survive underwent the physical checkup: they were found to be extremely exhausted during incarceration. Some of the former camp prisoners were taking part in technical and forensic expertise together with Soviet scientists and me...

  12. В освобожденных районах

    • In the liberated areas

    Members od Extraordinary State Committee headed by N.M. Shvernik observe destroyed buildings in Gzhatsk, Vyazma, Sychevka, Rzhev. Member of the commission Nikolay, metropolian of Kiev and Halych observes schools, ornaments from churches. N.M.Shvernik talks to the citizens of Gzhatsk. Views of the destroyed churches, schools, and other buildings. Members of the Commission on the site of murder of Citizens of Vyazma. Members of the Commission on the German cemetery in Sychevka. View of the barracks where Soviet POW lived. N.M.Shvernik in orphanage in Sychevka.

  13. Приговор народа

    • People's verdict

    Trial of the crimes by german invaders in Leningrad Region. Interrogation of accused. Verdict. Death-penalty.

  14. Концентрационный лагерь "Саласпилс"

    • Salaspils concentration camp

    October, 1944 г. Former concentration camp "Salaspils" in 15 km from Riga. Observation of the camp by City and Military Investigation Commissions. Disinterment.

  15. Трагедия двух городов

    • The tragedy of the two cities

    June, 1944.Июль, 1944 г. Extraordinary State Commission is observing destructions of Kremenets and Vyshnevets in Tarnopol Region. Disinternment.

  16. Коллекция фронтовых писем "Память"

    • Сollection of Red Army soldiers’ private correspondence "Memory"

    Red army oldiers’ letters addressed to relatives, friends, lovers, and pen friends, it merits researchers’ attention.

  17. Районные управления полиции периода оккупации Курской области

    • District police departments during the occupation

    Orders, reports, lists of workers, acountant documentation, documents related to legal wranglings.

  18. Comitato di Liberazione Nazionale di Mantova e Provincia

    • Mantua and District Area National Liberation Committee

    This fonds contains acts of the Committee created after the liberation of Italy from Nazi-fascism, on July 25th, 1945. The Mantua Committee had previously worked secretly, since July, 1944. The National Liberation Committee watched over public order, waiting for democratic election. Local committees depended on District Committee, which in turn was subordinated to the Regional one. In the fonds there are also pictures testifying atrocities perpetrated by the Nazis against Italian soldiers, in September 1943.

  19. Confederazione Nazionale Sindacati fascisti Professionisti ed Artisti Comitato Provinciale di Mantova

    • Unione Provinciale Professionisti e Artisti (UPPA)
    • Mantua District Union of Professional people and Artists (National Confederation of Fascist Syndicates)

    During the fascist period, trade-unions freedom had been abolished: only corporative syndicates (protecting a specific workers’ category) were allowed to operate (law n° 563, issued in 1926). This kind of syndicates were legally responsible for all the workers, even though they were not formally enrolled in. Italian government could watch over syndicates’ leaders, and also remove them. This fonds contains acts of the Mantua District Union of Professional people and Artists, that was part of the National Confederation of Fascist Syndicates.

  20. Corte straordinaria d'assise. Sezione di Mantova

    • Extraordinary Court of Assizes. Mantua Section

    This fonds contains the acts of the Extraordinary Court of Assizes, established in April, 1945 in Mantua (as in all the chief towns of Italy) in order to judge collaborationist crimes committed between September 8th, 1943 and April 25th, 1945.