
Displaying items 9,041 to 9,060 of 10,857
  1. Velika Župa Bilogora

    • The Great Governorate of Bilogora

    Velika Župa, or the Great Governorate of Bilogora, was established in August 1941. As one of the 22 Great Governorates across the Independent State of Croatia, it was the highest regional authority directly responsible to the Ustasha-led government. Velika Župa Bilogora is composed of seven counties: Bjelovar, Križevci, Koprivnica, Đurđevac, Čazma, Grubišno Polje and Garešnica. The first part of the archival collection of Velika Župa Bilogora (boxes 1-7 and books 1-2) is mainly concerned with the orders from the top which it received from various state ministries. However, the fond also con...

  2. Files of the arbitrator for claims for compensation in Stuttgart

    Files of the arbitrator for claims for compensation in Stuttgart: The legal basis for the work of the arbitrator for reparations in the American zone was Law No. 59 of the Military Government (American Control Area) of November 10, 1947. According to this, the confiscated property, firm, bank account or other property was to be returned or compensation for it was to be paid. For this, the injured party or his legal successor had to conduct contentious proceedings against the individual or institution liable for restitution, which had seized the property. In order to prevent every claim for ...

  3. M.53: Documentation from the Central State Archives of Supreme Bodies of Power and Government of Ukraine, 1941-1945

    M.53: Documentation from the Central State Archives of Supreme Bodies of Power and Government of Ukraine, 1941-1946 In the collection there is documentation regarding the Reichskommissariat (Regional Commissariat- occupation regime in Ukraine), 1941-1945. Additionally, there is documentation regarding the period prior to the German occupation, such as documentation from courts in Ukraine regarding Jews accused of anti-Soviet propaganda, theft and profiteering, reports of meetings of the Council for Religious Affairs (CRA) attached to the USSR Council of Ministers (SNK), including decisions ...

  4. Bequest Ernst Bürgin

    The Fritz Bauer Institute acquired the bequest of Ernst Bürgin from the historian Dr. Florian Schmaltz in March 2007. Ernst Bürgin was born in Wyhlen on July 31, 1885. After attending school in Basel, he studied chemistry and electrochemistry there and in Berlin. In 1911, he earned his doctorate. Subsequently and only interrupted by his deployment in World War I, he worked as a chemist for various companies in Berlin and the Rhineland. In 1924, he became the procurator and head of the plant Rheinfelden of the Chemische Fabrik Griesheim-Elektron (CFGE), which became part of the I.G. Farben i...

  5. TR.18 - Documentation from Committee for State Security (KGB) archives in Ukraine

    TR.18 - Documentation from Committee for State Security (KGB) archives in Ukraine In the collection there are files selected from the State Archives of the Ukrainian Security Service in Kiev and its branches by regions: Chernigov, Chernovtsy, Khmelnitskiy, Ternopol, Sumy, Rovno, Poltava, Nikolayev, Lvov, Kirovograd, Ivano-Frankovsk, Zaporozye, Zhitomir, Donetsk, Simferopol, Vinnitsa, Odessa and Drogobych. Collection description Files of investigations conducted by the People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs (NKVD), the Counter-Intelligence Department (SMERSH [Death to Spies]), and the Mi...

  6. Documentation of the I. G. Farbenindustrie Company from the Osoby Archive in Moscow, 1928-1943

    Documentation of the I. G. Farbenindustrie Company from the Osoby Archive in Moscow, 1928-1943 The I. G. Farbenindustrie Company was established in 1925 from the amalgamation of several chemical industry companies, and it was, in its time, the largest company in this field in the west. During World War II it was notorious due to its involvement in the Nazi oppression and murder process, and mainly due to the production and supply of the gas Zyklon B which was used for mass murders in Auschwitz, and for the establishment of the Buna factory for synthetic fuel as part of the Auschwitz camps c...

  7. American propaganda poster depicting Mussolini, Tojo, and Hitler listening for information

    Poster depicting the heads of Axis leaders, Benito Mussolini of Italy, Hideki Tojo of Japan, and Adolf Hitler of Germany, above a clear warning. Each man is holding a hand cupped to one ear, suggesting that he is listening carefully for any careless talk revealing valuable information about the United States or their allies. The poster was designed by Ralph Iligan, an artist working for the Graphics Division of the United States Office of War Information, in 1942. The need to manage information about the war on the home front led to the establishment of the OWI in June 1942. This office con...

  8. Gutmann family Bible containing inscribed death dates and pressed flowers mesudar bi-shelemut ha-sidur u-meduyaḳ be-takhlit ha-diyuḳ

    Gutmann family Bible, Sidur Safah berurah, with family death dates recorded on the endsheets and dried flowers (b) pressed between two pages. The Bible was published by J. Lehrberger & Comp.‏ in Rödelheim, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, in 1886. The Bible and flowers are part of a collection documenting the experiences of Herbert Gutmann and the Gutmann family in Germany and their immigration to the United Kingdom and the United States before and during WWII.

  9. French resistance leaflets

    Leaflets, newspapers, and documents from resistance organizations in the south of France.

  10. Bequest Benno Erhard

    Benno Erhard (1923-2011) was born in Bad Schwalbach on February 22, 1923. Following his Abitur, he was drafted into military service and taken prisoner of war by France. After an agricultural education, Erhard studied law at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz from 1949 to 1956. Thereafter, Benno Erhard worked as a lawyer and a notary from 1964 onwards. He defended Hans Stark in the First Frankfurt Auschwitz trial. Benno Erhard was also active in politics. He was a member of the Hessian Landtag (Parliament) and the German Bundestag. From 1983 to 1987, he was parliamentary undersecret...

  11. Documentation of the Generalkomissariat (General Commissariat) of Schitomir region, 1941-1944

    Documentation of the Generalkomissariat (General Commissariat) of Schitomir region, 1941-1944 The collection of documents from the Generalkomissariat (Reich Commissioner General) in Zhitomir from the period of the German occupancy, 1941-1943, was stored in the Regional Archive in Brest, as was the entire State Archive of the Zhitomir Region. The collection contains orders issued by the Gendarmerie Commander and the Sipo (Security Police) Commander, correspondence with various bodies, maps, photographs, lists of those wanted and lists of German activists and Ukrainian collaborators. 30,000 J...

  12. Files of the arbitrator for claims for compensation in Ulm

    Files of the arbitrator for claims for compensation in Ulm: The legal basis for the work of the arbitrator for reparations in the American zone was Law No. 59 of the Military Government (American Control Area) of November 10, 1947. According to this, the confiscated property, firm, bank account or other property was to be returned or compensation for it was to be paid. For this, the injured party or his legal successor had to conduct contentious proceedings against the individual or institution liable for restitution, which had seized the property. In order to prevent every claim for reimbu...

  13. Lebenserinnerungen unseres Allverehrten Familienoberhauptes Leopold Weil

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file is the memoir of Leopold Weil (1832-1913) published by his son Albert (1862-1946). He was born in Laupheim, where his father was a small trader. He became an apprentice in the local printing business. In 1849 he finished his apprenticeship and started his wandering years. In Stuttgart he saw for the first time a steam train. When jumping over a small canal he twisted his leg. Winter had started and he and a fellow traveler continued to Nuernberg and crossed the Erzgebirge. His foot deteriorated and he arrived in Dresden, where they finally found work. After almost one happy year in...

  14. [Anti-Nazi Publications V]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The assortment of files contains newsletters, newspapers, and leaflets published by various Anti-Nazi networks and political groups in Germany and Europe between 1933 and 1945, as well as two postwar publications. Four issues of the “IVKO-Nachrichten”, the newspaper of the “Internationale Vereinigung der Kommunistischen Opposition (IVKO)”, were published in 1934 and 1935 deal with the frictions among the international Communist groups and their effort to form a strong Anti-Nazi opposition. The 1937 edition of the newspaper “Die Schiffahrt” was published by the „Organ des Gesamtverbandes der...

  15. Сільські управи Херсонщини (ОАФ)

    • Village boards of Kherson region (joint collection)

    Selected files presented below can contain information about occupation population policies and the Holocaust: Velykooleksandrivka district, Borozenska village board. File 3. Documents (orders, circulars, information, lists) to collect taxes from the population; list of people born in 1922-1924. 1941-43. 126 pages. File 4. Information on the number of people in the district; acts, property inventory lists of local institutions and organizations. 1942-43. 82 pages. Novohryhor'yivka village board. File 9. Orders, directives, instructions by Velykooleksandrivka Gebietskommissar regarding popul...

  16. Головна регістратура Губернаторства Трансністрії, м Одеса

    • Main Registry of the Governorate of Transnistria, City of Odessa

    The fond consists of four inventories systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Documents (op. 1, 3-4) include correspondence of Governorate directorates with administrative institutions and military and police departments of Romania and Transnistria on the deportation of the Jewish population of Odessa, Bessarabia, and Bukovina into ghettos, the location and movements of Jews in the territory of Transnistria and their labor conscription fulfillment, on food ration deliveries, etc. (1942-43); lists of Jews (including a breakdown by sex and profession) in the ghettos ...

  17. Gradska komisija za ispitivanje zločina okupatora i njihovih pomagača

    • City Committee for the Investigation of Crimes Committed by the Occupiers and Their Helpers
  18. Αρχείο Ιωσήφ Σιακκή

    • The Joseph Siakkis Archives
    • Archeio Siakkis Iosif

    Contains records related to the history of the Jewish communities of Greece. The archives are organized into 28 thematic sections. The most important topics are: 1. History of Greek Jewry and Jewish communities of Thessaloniki, Kerkyra [Corfu], Larissa, Volos, Trikala, Zakynthos, Chania, Preveza, Sparta, Chalkis and other major Jewish centers; 2. Antisemitism, Nazi occupation and Holocaust; 3. Collections of Jewish periodicals (Kerkyra and Athens); 4. Records of the Greek Jewish family names, personal correspondence, literary essays and poetry.

  19. Stjepan (Esteban) Hefer, odvjetnik, političar, veliki župan župe Baranjske

    • Stjepan (Esteban) Hefer lawyer, politician, head of the ISC Baranya County

    The collection holds material relevant to the life and work of Stjepan Hefer, a lawyer and politician who was the head of Baranya County during the Independent State of Croatia. After the war, Hefer emigrated to Argentina to escape execution/trial in socialist Yugoslavia. In Argentina, he ran the Croatian Liberation Movement until his death. During the Second World War, Stjepan Hefer was the leader of the Velika Župa Baranja, one of the highest regional authorities in the northeast of the Independent State of Croatia. Considering that the collection of the Velika Župa Baranja is very fragme...

  20. Ministerstvo financí - Londýn

    • Ministry of Finance - London
    • MF-L
    • Národní archiv
    • 819
    • English
    • 1940-1945
    • 24,85 linear metres from which are 16,5 linear metre processed and inventoried and 8,8 linear metres are unprocessed. The fonds is partially accessible.

    The fonds consists of documents of Ministry of Finance activities - documents for preparing and compilation of the state budget, documents for payments of Czechoslovak military and civil authorities. There can be found documents from other financial matters such as checks, accounts, financial confirmations, contracts or travel expenses. Documents that refer to jewish issue can be found in several boxes. The most important one might be the box n. 131, there are registers of Czechoslovak Jews (and other citizens) deported in to the Terezín ghetto and later in to the concentration camps in occ...