
Displaying items 821 to 840 of 10,160
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. British Pathé Gazette -- St. Louis ship anchored off-shore

    Location unknown. Titles read: " REFUGEES WITHOUT A COUNTRY" LSs of the 'St Louis' ship with 900 hundred Jewish refugees on board. The commentator says that "900 Jews have found a haven at last. They crossed from Hamburg to Cuba. But in Havana they were refused entry and had to return to Europe and possibly to Hamburg, the city they dreaded. In every harbor, friends come out to give them words of cheer and sympathy while they appeal by radio to the democracies. Eventually, they are allowed to land in Holland, when some will go to Belgium and France, and others to England. So at last the wan...

  2. "Über Die Grenzen" issue

    1. Max K. Liebmann collection

    Consists of a copy of the Christmas 1945 issue of "Über die Grenzen," which was the last issue of the publication. "Über die Grenzen" was a periodical published by and for refugees and emigrants in labor and/or refugee homes in Switzerland during World War II. The newspaper includes articles written by refugees who found safety in Switzerland during the Holocaust. The articles discuss subjects such as economics, resistance, and the "Judenfrage." .

  3. Illegal Ship

    Night-time shots of refugees with large packs boarding rubber boats. Crowded onto deck, rushing into hold and covering selves with tarpaulin when British airplane flies overhead. Airplane is an RAF : Lancaster. British warship (destroyer) sited, Brits jump from their decks to refugee ship. English and Hebrew sign "Haganah Ship Unafraid" and "Jewish" flag raised.

  4. German troops

    German troops evacuate Finland. Refugees bound for Sweden on a road. Refugees with belongings at railroad station. German men and equipment in retreat on the Western front; they are loaded aboard ship and move out. Wounded loaded into ambulances. Engineers repair bridge. Destruction in Belgrade. Rocket barrage fired on the Russian front. German antitank and machine guns fired. Russian T-34 tanks advance. Bazookas destroy some. German tanks counterattack. Good combat footage, may have cut in some Russian footage.

  5. March of Time -- outtakes -- Jews, refugee relief, England

    A refugee couple being interviewed in German at Woburn House (staged). In BG can see others being assisted. They present passport documents. MCU of couple as husband speaks, CU of him as he speaks. Woman shyly stares down at table. Both speak German? CU profile of agent providing assistance. Two women processing documents concerning boarding and lodging of refugees.

  6. Bulletin issued by the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel Rescue Committee containing information from various sources regarding the experiences of the Jews in Europe during the war and afterwards, September 1946

    1. M.4 - Bulletins of the Vaad Hahatzalah (Rescue Council) of the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel, 1937-1959
    • ועדת - ההצלה של הסוכנות היהודית לארץ-ישראל ,בולטין, ספטמבר 1946

    Bulletin issued by the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel Rescue Committee containing information from various sources regarding the experiences of the Jews in Europe during the war and afterwards, September 1946 Bulletin issued by the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel Rescue Committee containing: - Information regarding the state of the Jewish refugees in Europe, and especially in Poland and Germany.

  7. Bulletin issued by the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel Rescue Committee containing information from various sources regarding the experiences of the Jews in Europe during the war and afterwards, October 1946

    1. M.4 - Bulletins of the Vaad Hahatzalah (Rescue Council) of the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel, 1937-1959
    • ועדת - ההצלה של הסוכנות היהודית לארץ-ישראל ,ביולטין, אוקטובר 1946

    Bulletin issued by the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel Rescue Committee containing information from various sources regarding the experiences of the Jews in Europe during the war and afterwards, October 1946 Bulletin issued by the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel Rescue Committee containing: - Report regarding camps in Yugoslavia during the war; - Report regarding the Jewish refugees in Cyprus and Italy.

  8. Bulletin issued by the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel Rescue Committee containing information from various sources regarding the experiences of the Jews in Europe during the war and afterwards, March 1947

    1. M.4 - Bulletins of the Vaad Hahatzalah (Rescue Council) of the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel, 1937-1959
    • ועדת - ההצלה של הסוכנות היהודית לארץ-ישראל ,בולטין, פברואר 1947

    Bulletin issued by the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel Rescue Committee containing information from various sources regarding the experiences of the Jews in Europe during the war and afterwards, March 1947 Bulletin issued by the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel Rescue Committee containing: - Information regarding the Jewish refugees in Germany and Austria, 1947; - Testimony regarding the murder of Jews in Norway; - Testimony regarding the Risiera Di San Sabba camp.

  9. Esther Lask photograph collection

    The photographs relate to the experiences of Esther Lask in several displaced persons camps in Germany after World War II. The photographs mainly consist of studio portraits of individuals and informal group images of refugees at various camps. Many of the photographs have handwritten messages on the back.

  10. Singer family papers

    The papers consist of four photographs of Estera Singer [donor], her father, Friedrich, and her sister, Sandra, in the Esslingen, Wasseralfingen, and Feldafing displaced persons samps in Germany as well as two identification cards issued to Friedrich and Estera Singer in Wasseralfingen DP Camp and one affidavit issued on behalf of Friedrich Singer.

  11. Photograph of Rabbi Benjamin and Chana Gelband on board the St. Louis

    The photograph shows Rabbi Benjamin and Chana Gelband, in a cabin looking out a porthole on board the St. Louis.