
Displaying items 7,781 to 7,800 of 10,510
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. [Reports regarding Scandinavia in 1940]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains informations regarding Scandinavia in the years of 1939 till 1942. The author writes reports and letters to inform the public about the situation in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finnland during the war. In his writings he is dicussing several topics regarding economical, political and social issues of the scandinavian countries. Furthermore he reports about happenings in Germany and the occupied countries. Nevertheless the main topic he reports about is the invasion of German forces in the neutral Scandinavian countries Norway and Denmark. By the autumn of 1939, there was a...

  2. Zbirka gradiva o sodnih zaporih v Ljubljani

    • Collection of material on the Court Prison in Ljubljana

    lists of the staff of the judicial prisons 1941-1945 / various correspondence, reports, minutes 1941-1945 / house rules for the judicial prisons 1944 / records of verbal orders of the commander of the military prisons 1941-1943 / various indexes and lists of prisoners 1941-1945 / transport lists of those taken to internment, transport lists of prisoners taken to Begunje (October 1943-August 1944), KL Dachau and Ravensbrück (November 1943, January-August 1944), lists of prisoners taken to work (December 1943-August 1944) / lists of prisoners shot (January-February, May 1944) / various notes ...

  3. Družina Kukovec (1908-1981)

    • Kukovec family (1908-1981)

    Personal documents (diplomas, certificates); biography and obituary of Klara Kukovec.

  4. Gusen [War Crimes Commission: Mauthausen Concentration Camp]

    "Mauthausen Concentration Camp" [Title incorrectly identifies this camp as Mauthausen. The footage actually shows Gusen concentration camp.] High pan of concentration camp for slave laborers. Pan of buildings. Gallows with 2-3 men standing alongside it, courtyard wall behind. Soldiers provide "tour." American POW talking about experience at Mauthausen [filmed at Mauthausen], "fortunately my turn hadn't come," talks of two American soldiers/officers killed, talks about his uniform. Survivors. Pile of corpses. Inmates help each other through the camp, one washes another at trough. German civi...

  5. Embroidered tablecloth with a floral design owned by a Romanian Jewish woman

    1. Klara Stempler Greif family collection

    Large tablecloth embroidered by Izi Greif (née Korn) while she was in high school or shortly thereafter. Izi grew up in Piatra Neamț, Romania with her younger brother Hary, and their parents Lisa and Solomon Korn. Izi was in high school when Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939, starting World War II. Originally, Romania chose to stay neutral in the war. However, in September 1940, a coalition government came to power led by General Ion Antonescu and the Iron Guard, a nationalistic party which promoted violent antisemitism. Following this change in government, Romania officially joi...

  6. Embroidered pink tablecloth with a nautical design owned by a Romanian Jewish woman

    1. Klara Stempler Greif family collection

    Small tablecloth embroidered by Izi Greif (née Korn) while she was in high school or shortly thereafter. Izi grew up in Piatra Neamț, Romania with her younger brother Hary, and their parents Lisa and Solomon Korn. Izi was in high school when Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939, starting World War II. Originally, Romania chose to stay neutral in the war. However, in September 1940, a coalition government came to power led by General Ion Antonescu and the Iron Guard, a nationalistic party which promoted violent antisemitism. Following this change in government, Romania officially joi...

  7. Embroidered pink tablecloth with a floral design owned by a Romanian Jewish woman

    1. Klara Stempler Greif family collection

    Small tablecloth embroidered by Izi Greif (née Korn) while she was in high school or shortly thereafter. Izi grew up in Piatra Neamț, Romania with her younger brother Hary, and their parents Lisa and Solomon Korn. Izi was in high school when Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939, starting World War II. Originally, Romania chose to stay neutral in the war. However, in September 1940, a coalition government came to power led by General Ion Antonescu and the Iron Guard, a nationalistic party which promoted violent antisemitism. Following this change in government, Romania officially joi...

  8. Embroidered yellow tablecloth with a floral design owned by a Romanian Jewish woman

    1. Klara Stempler Greif family collection

    Small tablecloth embroidered by Izi Greif (née Korn) while she was in high school or shortly thereafter. Izi grew up in Piatra Neamț, Romania with her younger brother Hary, and their parents Lisa and Solomon Korn. Izi was in high school when Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939, starting World War II. Originally, Romania chose to stay neutral in the war. However, in September 1940, a coalition government came to power led by General Ion Antonescu and the Iron Guard, a nationalistic party which promoted violent antisemitism. Following this change in government, Romania officially joi...

  9. Hand-knit baby bootie made by a Romanian Jewish woman

    1. Klara Stempler Greif family collection

    Hand-knit baby bootie made by Izi Greif shortly after her marriage to Ignacy Grief in Bucharest, Romania in 1948. Izi grew up in Piatra Neamț, Romania with her younger brother Hary, and their parents Lisa and Solomon Korn. Izi was in high school when Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939, starting World War II. Originally, Romania chose to stay neutral in the war. However, in September 1940, a coalition government came to power led by General Ion Antonescu and the Iron Guard, a nationalistic party which promoted violent antisemitism. Following this change in government, Romania offic...

  10. Tea infuser spoon owned by a Romanian Jewish family

    1. Klara Stempler Greif family collection

    Tea infuser spoon owned by Izi Greif’s (née Korn) family. Izi was born in Romancauti, Romania (now Romankivt︠s︡i, Ukraine), but grew up in Piatra Neamț, Romania with her younger brother Hary, and their parents Lisa and Solomon Korn. Izi was in high school when Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939, starting World War II. Originally, Romania chose to stay neutral in the war. However, in September 1940, a coalition government came to power led by General Ion Antonescu and the Iron Guard, a nationalistic party which promoted violent antisemitism. Following this change in government, Rom...

  11. Fork owned by a Romanian Jewish family

    1. Klara Stempler Greif family collection

    Berndorf fork owned by Izi Greif’s (née Korn) family. Izi was born in Romancauti, Romania (now Romankivt︠s︡i, Ukraine), but grew up in Piatra Neamț, Romania with her younger brother Hary, and their parents Lisa and Solomon Korn. Izi was in high school when Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939, starting World War II. Originally, Romania chose to stay neutral in the war. However, in September 1940, a coalition government came to power led by General Ion Antonescu and the Iron Guard, a nationalistic party which promoted violent antisemitism. Following this change in government, Romania...

  12. Butter knife owned by a Romanian Jewish family

    1. Klara Stempler Greif family collection

    Butter knife owned by Izi Greif’s (née Korn) family. Izi was born in Romancauti, Romania (now Romankivt︠s︡i, Ukraine), but grew up in Piatra Neamț, Romania with her younger brother Hary, and their parents Lisa and Solomon Korn. Izi was in high school when Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939, starting World War II. Originally, Romania chose to stay neutral in the war. However, in September 1940, a coalition government came to power led by General Ion Antonescu and the Iron Guard, a nationalistic party which promoted violent antisemitism. Following this change in government, Romania ...

  13. Table knife owned by a Romanian Jewish family

    1. Klara Stempler Greif family collection

    Berndorf table knife owned by Izi Greif’s (née Korn) family. Izi was born in Romancauti, Romania (now Romankivt︠s︡i, Ukraine), but grew up in Piatra Neamț, Romania with her younger brother Hary, and their parents Lisa and Solomon Korn. Izi was in high school when Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939, starting World War II. Originally, Romania chose to stay neutral in the war. However, in September 1940, a coalition government came to power led by General Ion Antonescu and the Iron Guard, a nationalistic party which promoted violent antisemitism. Following this change in government, ...

  14. Training film for indoctrinating American soldiers and unify the American public to support the war effort

    "Prelude to War" reviews events leading to the war and contrasts American democracy with fascism. This is the first film of Frank Capra’s "Why We Fight" propaganda film series, commissioned by the Office of War Information (OWI) and George C. Marshall. "Prelude to War" was made to convince American troops of the necessity of combating the Axis Powers during World War II. The film was based on the idea that those in the service would be more willing and able fighters if they knew the background and reason for their participation in the war. It was later released to the general American publi...

  15. American occupation of European towns: daily life; reconstruction; Red Cross

    EXT, large building, broken windows. Two young women smile at the camera, sign behind them: "Off Limets" [sic]. Cows pull a wagon through village street. Men on bikes. Post with a swastika on top. Pedestrians walking, smiling at camera. Ruins of a building. Two women inspect the debris. Airplane in the sky. People walking past bombed out buildings. Rubble. Rooms of a house exposed due to bombing damage. Boy stands outside. 30:35 American soldier looks at bombed homes. Sign: "Danger, Base, Athletic Field" with an arrow. Soldier walks in the direction of the arrow past a dilapidated shed. Sol...

  16. SD-Guide Sections Weimar und Erfurt SD-Leitabschnitte Weimar und Erfurt (Fond 1241)

    Consists of the 1939 reports of the SD sector in Eisenach; printed materials on the activities of the Institut zur Erforschung und Beseitigung des jüdischen Einflusses auf das deutsche kirchliche Leben ("Institute for the Investigation and Removal of Jewish Influence on German Religious Life"); a 1942 Himmler directive and other reports and regulations on strengthening SS and police combat forces in occupied Poland and the Eastern Territories, including the recruitment of Ukrainians, Balts, and White Ruthenians under the coordination of SS Brigade Leader Odilo Globočnik. Also included is a ...

  17. US War Bonds poster of three small children under the shadow of a swastika

    1. War Bonds poster collection

    U.S. War Bond poster designed by Lawrence Beall Smith in 1942, after America's entry into World War II. It features three young children, apprehensive and fearful, as they are enveloped by the large, dark arm of a swastika shadow. The poster was distributed by the United States Treasury Department and implied that purchasing war bonds would keep the children safe from the Nazi threat. War bonds were offered by the United States Government for purchase by the public; purchasers would keep the bond and be reimbursed for its return at a later date. Purchasing bonds was considered patriotic and...

  18. Jewish people in Lublin and Krasnik, 1940

    Lublin, late summer 1940, man rides bike down the street. People mill about on the sidewalk. A Polish officer crosses the street. German soldiers march in twos down the street. More men in uniform walking along the sidewalk, as well as women and children. Large trees line the sidewalk. Another group of soldiers walking together. A woman walks across the street but halts as a line of men march on in her path. They make a right and turn down another street. Swastika flag on building, mostly obscured by trees. Horse-drawn carriage. Buildings bombed out along the street. The Cathedral of Lublin...

  19. Shaving brush received in a concentration camp

    Shaving brush given to Elias Cala for safekeeping by a fellow inmate in 1944 at Auschwitz III-Monowitz concentration camp. The other inmate was a barber who gave the brush to Elias when he became ill. He was sent to the infirmary, but never returned. Elias had been deported to Monowitz from the Jewish ghetto in Mlawa, Poland, in November, 1942, with his wife and one-year-old daughter. His wife and daughter were selected for death upon arrival at Auschwitz. Elias was assigned to work as slave labor in the I.G Farben company’s Buna plant associated with the Monowitz camp. In January 1945, Eli...

  20. War Crimes Commission: Buchenwald and Dachau Concentration Camps

    "Buchenwald Concentration Camp" General views of the camp at Buchenwald. Red EXT of camp. HSs of the area. "Jedem Das Sein" gate closes. Red Cross trucks from Switzerland enter the camp grounds. Male survivors leave the camp. Among the survivors are 1000 boys under 14. Evidence of crimes: CUs of dead with numbers tattooed on stomachs; emaciated survivors; stacks of bodies outside and inside the crematorium; the experimental building where various toxins were tried; truckloads of the dead; CU weapon of torture; INT, crematorium ovens showing skeletons inside and piles of bone ash. 1200 Germa...