
Displaying items 7,661 to 7,680 of 10,858
  1. Gilberte W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Gilberte W., who was born in Paris, France in 1913. She recounts that her mother was a French Catholic and her father a German Jew; visiting her paternal grandparents in Germany when World War I started; her father's draft into the German military; living in several places including Rastatt, Mannheim, then Magdeburg; attending a convent school; living with her paternal grandfather after her grandmother died; attending Friday night services with him and church on Sunday with her mother; moving to Leipzig, then Vienna; marriage to a Jew in 1935; the Anschluss; obtaining...

  2. Sarah M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sarah M., who was born in Je?drzejo?w, Poland in 1928. She recalls her family's focus on education; antisemitic harassment in public school; friendship with a non-Jew; her father's military draft in 1939; German invasion; her father's return in 1940 (he had been a POW); leaving family possessions with her non-Jewish friend when they were ghettoized (she returned them after the war); deportations, including her father; receiving letters from him (she never saw him again); her mother arranging her treatment for appendicitis in the non-Jewish hospital; deportation of the...

  3. Abe L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Abe L., who was born in a small town near Vilna, Poland in 1925. He recalls poverty in the shtetl; attending Yeshiva for one year; prohibitions against Jewish land ownership in the late 1930s; schooling from 1939-1941 under Soviet occupation; arrival of German troops in July 1941; immediate killing of Jews; imposition of forced labor; round-ups of Jews from surrounding areas; living in ghettos in Kozyany and Szarkowzczyzna; and mass killings (including two nephews), carried out by local Lithuanians and White Russians, beginning in spring 1942. He describes the formati...

  4. Rolf W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rolf W., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1912. He recounts his assimilated family's affluence; his parents' divorce; attending gymnasium; business training in Breslau, Du?sseldorf, Berlin, and Bremen; termination because he was Jewish; working in his father's business in Auerbach; his father's death in 1934; economic and social problems resulting from the Nuremberg laws; returning to Berlin; a warning about Kristallnacht; hiding with his brother's friend; obtaining immigration papers for San Salvador from his half-brother who was there; his brother's emigration to ...

  5. Henri S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Henri S., who was born in Aurich, Germany, the younger of two children. He recalls his family's orthodoxy; moving to Norden around 1935; attending a Jewish school; anti-Jewish restrictions; his father's deportation to Buchenwald and his grandfather's arrest on Kristallnacht; their release; smuggling themselves to Brussels via Aachen; German invasion in 1940; hiding with non-Jews during round-ups; his parents contacting the underground to hide him and his sister; placement with a farmer in Grendel; hearing from his sister through a priest (he did not know where she was...

  6. Marvin N. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Marvin N., who was born in Yasinya, Czechoslovakia (presently Ukraine) in 1929, one of eight children. He recounts his family's orthodoxy; Hungarian occupation; forced labor with his brother for the German military; escaping from a round-up; witnessing a mass killing; returning home; deportation with his family in 1943 to Hungary, then Kos?ice, then Auschwitz/Birkenau; selection for work with his older brother and father (his remaining family were murdered); a fellow inmate, too sick to eat, sharing his food; transfer with his brother to Mauthausen eight days later, t...

  7. Eric S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eric S., who was born in Cologne, Germany in 1921. He recounts his family's affluence; antisemitic harassment; his father's large, extended family; his death in 1929; living with his maternal grandparents in Crailsheim in 1932; his bar mitzvah in 1934; his grandmother's death; beatings by an antisemitic teacher; the Nuremberg laws negative impact on the family business; their move to Stuttgart in 1936, thinking it would be better in a large city; being sent to boarding school in England in November 1936; several family visits through summer 1938; an American industria...

  8. Michele C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Michele C., who was born in Paris, France in 1932. She recalls a happy childhood in an assimilated, affluent family; moving to La Celle-Saint-Cloud; her father's military draft in 1939; visiting him in Arcachon in May 1940; German invasion; living with her grandparents, brother, and governess in Juan-les-Pins; joining her parents in Saint-Etienne a year later; her parents placing her and her brother in a boarding house for children due to the presence of many Germans; weekend visits with their parents; vacationing in Le Chambon-sur-Lignon with their governess; her gra...

  9. Adam S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Adam S., who was born in Warsaw, Poland (then Russia) in 1905. He recounts growing up in ?o?dz?; his family identifying themselves with Polish, not Jewish culture; his brother's execution and his father's imprisonment during the Russian Revolution; obtaining a degree in electrical engineering; retuning to Warsaw; employment by the government beginning in 1931; increasing antisemitism; German invasion; evacuation with his wife and daughter to Romania due to his employment status; volunteering for the Polish military in France; separation from his family; German invasio...

  10. David M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of David M., who was born in Simleul-Silvaniei, Romania in 1928, the ninth of twelve children. He recounts his family's relative affluence; attending cheder and public school; Hungarian occupation in 1941; anti-Jewish restrictions; working for a non-Jewish furniture maker to learn the trade; his older brothers' draft into Hungarian slave labor battalions; German invasion in 1944; a round-up; giving his father's watch to a family friend; incarceration in a brick factory; deportation to Auschwitz; privileged work in a kitchen; contact with his sisters; throwing them food a...

  11. Menachem G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Menachem G., who was born in Kzepice, Poland in 1914, one of five children. He recounts attending Jewish school in Częstochowa; working as a driver in his family's bus company; participating in Betar; antisemitic violence; military draft in 1937; German invasion in 1939; capture as a prisoner of war; incarceration in Żarki; transfer to Germany; separation of Jews from Poles; forced labor building a lake; receiving extra food for repairing vehicles; transfer to Lublin; the Jewish community obtaining the release of Jewish prisoners; returning home; incarceration in Gr...

  12. Yaakov F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Yaakov F., who was born in Suwałki, Poland in 1924, the sixth of eight children. He recounts his family's affluence; attending Jewish school; antisemitic harassment and violence; one brother enlisting in the Polish military; brief Soviet invasion, then German invasion in 1939; a local German warning his father of imminent deportations; his parents arranging for him to hide with a non-Jewish family; attending church and wearing a cross; moving to the barn when the family feared discovery; escaping to the forest when the Pole hiding him tried to kill him; assistance fro...

  13. Alexander B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Alexander B., who was born in Paks, Hungary in 1929. He recalls his comfortable, assimilated family; his parents' divorce; his mother's remarriage in 1938; anti-Jewish violence in school; German occupation in March 1944; deportation with his mother and grandmother in July to Auschwitz/Birkenau; separation from his family; transfer two weeks later to Mühldorf; slave labor building railroads; transfer a few months later to Kaufering; observing cannibalism by Russian POWs; train transfer to Dachau in late April; being injured en route during an Allied bombing; liberati...

  14. George K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of George K., who was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1922, one of four children. He recounts his family's affluence; living in Pa?pa; increasing antisemitism and anti-Jewish legislation; draft into a Hungarian slave labor battalion for three months in 1943, despite his and his father's exemption due to the latter's World War I military service; German invasion in March 1944; ghettoization; transfer to a brick factory; forced labor; transfer with his father to Sa?rva?r with his father; deportation to Auschwitz; slave labor digging trenches and building barracks; frequent be...

  15. Josif P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Josif P., who was born in Derventa, Yugoslavia in 1924. He recalls cordial relations between the Serbs and Jews; his father's observant Judaism and acts of charity; inclusion of Derventa in Croatia (a German ally) in 1941; anti-Jewish restrictions and terrorism by the Ustas?a; deportation with his family to Zagreb; returning to Derventa; his mother's bribe resulting in his release from a month's imprisonment; escaping to Banja Luka; traveling to Italian-occupied Split using false papers and bribery; resistance activities; joining partisans in the Mosor Mountains after...

  16. Joseph W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Joseph W., who was born in Kuro?w, Poland in 1924, the oldest of three children. He recounts antisemitic harassment at school; his father's Polish military service; German invasion; briefly fleeing with his mother and siblings; his father's return; forced labor in Janiszo?w; he and his brother escaping a round-up in Kon?skowola (he never saw his mother and sister again); returning home; reunion with his father; hiding by himself on farms and in fields, then in a forest with other Jews, including an aunt; leaving to find food; learning the others had been killed; recei...

  17. Fridrich F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Fridrich F., who was born in Bratislava, Slovakia in 1932. He recalls a happy childhood; increasing antisemitic harassment; deportation with his parents in 1942 to Sered, which was run by Slovak Hlinka guards; attending school and social events; escape during the Slovak uprising in 1944; traveling to Nitra; hiding with assistance from the Jewish community and non-Jews; capture; return to Sered; transfer of camp control to Germans; being whipped by the Kommandant, Alois Brunner; deportation in cattle cars to Theresienstadt; a German soldier giving milk to the children ...

  18. Helena B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Helena B., a Catholic Romani, who was born in Rakovec nad Ondavou, Czechoslovakia (presently Slovakia) in 1921. She recounts that her father was not Romani; his death when she was three (she does not remember him); only three Romani households in the village; cordial relations with non-Romanies; marriage to a Romani when she was eighteen; the birth of one child prior to the war; her brother's military draft; his capture and imprisonment as a prisoner of war in Germany; deportation of all the Jews from her village; bringing food to partisans in nearby forests; German c...

  19. Iosif D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Iosif D., who was born in Gorodno, Poland (presently Haradnaya, Belarus) in 1924, the oldest of three children. He recalls attending cheder and Polish school; holiday and Sabbath observances; his father's death; working to help support his family; Soviet occupation in 1939; German invasion in summer 1941; fleeing to Turov; returning home; ghettoization; forced labor; peasants informing them in September 1942 of pits being dug nearby; escaping to a forest; a mass shooting including his sister and mother; encountering his brother; assistance from local non-Jews; living ...

  20. Edith S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Edith S., who was born in Solotvyno, Czechoslovakia (presently Ukraine) in 1925, one of two daughters. She recounts her family's orthodoxy; attending Hebrew school; antisemitic harassment; her father's draft into the Czech military; Hungarian occupation; anti-Jewish restrictions; her father's draft into a Hungarian slave labor battalion; his return in 1943; her parents' arrest; ghettoization; her parents' return (her father had been tortured); her parents' re-arrest; her mother's return; bringing her father food (she never saw him again); deportation with her mother a...