
Displaying items 7,561 to 7,580 of 10,858
  1. Paul P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Paul P., a twin, who was born in Mikulov, Czechoslovakia in 1925. He recounts attending German and Czech schools; antisemitic harassment; involvement in Zionist youth groups; moving to Brno after German occupation; his mother "forcing" his father's illegal emigration to Palestine in 1939; his departure for England and his mother and sister leaving for Yugoslavia on August 31, 1939; their return to Prague due to the outbreak of war; forced labor in coal mines; hospitalization; refusing a nun's offer to hide him; returning to Brno; deportation with his mother and sister...

  2. Maurice E. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Maurice E., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1925, the youngest of three children. He recounts his family's 1929 move to Antwerp, then Brussels, to escape from the orthodox community; their assimilated life style; attending school until age fourteen; participating in socialist groups; his family housing a German-Jewish refugee; German invasion in May 1940; he and his brother fleeing to Paris to join the military; his rejection though his brother was accepted; living in a facility for Belgians in Montpellier; working at a vineyard; incarceration at Agde; escaping with...

  3. Roger C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Roger C., who was born in Paris, France in 1919. He recounts the important influence of scouting; apprenticeship as an electrician; enlisting in the French military; retreating to Tarbes; demobilization; working as an electrician; his family and fiancee joining him; creating false papers for the Resistance in Le Chambon-sur-Lignon; an unsuccessful attempt to illegally enter Spain; joining Sixie?me, a network rescuing Jewish children in Rodez, Clermont Ferrand, and Aix-les-Bains; arrest in Lyon in May 1943; transfer to Montluc prison; digging graves for executed prison...

  4. Larry R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Larry R., who was born in Lez?ajsk, Poland, in 1929. In this exceptionally vivid and detailed testimony, Mr. R. describes his privileged childhood; his family's move to Zakliko?w in 1937; and the outbreak of the war in 1939. Mr. R. recalls seeing his father beaten; his family's eviction from their estate; their eventual betrayal and arrest; and the deportation of Jews from Zakliko?w. He describes conditions in the freight cars to Budzyn? and in the camp, where he arrived with his brother in April 1943. He tells of witnessing a mass murder and his consequent desire to ...

  5. Arthur R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Arthur R., who was born in Derecske, Hungary in 1928, one of seven children. In a reflective and detailed testimony, he remembers centering their life on the synagogue, religious school, Sabbath, and Jewish holidays; increasing antisemitism in the mid-1930s; rescinding of Jewish business licenses, including his father's; increasing poverty; his father's draft into a Hungarian forced labor battalion; German occupation in 1944; ghettoization in Nagyva?rad (Oradea); deportation to Auschwitz; separation from his mother and younger brothers (they perished); pervasive hunge...

  6. Baruch H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Baruch H., who was born in Utrecht, Netherlands in 1924, one of four children. He recounts his happy childhood; his father's secularism and Zionism; attending public school; cordial relations with non-Jews; his mother's illness; his father's military draft as a veterinarian in 1940; German invasion in May; anti-Jewish restrictions, including expulsion from school, his father's dismissal from his job, confiscation of valuables and compulsory wearing of the yellow star; his father's decision to hide the family in different locations in summer 1942; entrusting valuables ...

  7. Hyman M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hyman M., who was born in Huedin, Romania, in 1927. He recalls helping in the family store; attending Hebrew school; local conflicts between Vizhnitz and Satmar Hasidim; Hungarian occupation in 1940; his family selling their store rather than complying with Saturday opening requirements; his parents refusal to hide in the woods (his mother was pregnant with her ninth child); transfer to a Cluj brickyard in 1944; and his resentment when the Satmar rebbe escaped to Switzerland. Mr. M. recounts transport to Auschwitz; transfer with his father and brother to Kaufering (he...

  8. Maurice G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Maurice G., who was born in Poland in 1922, the youngest of three brothers. He recounts his father's emigration to Belgium; he and his family joining him in Brussels in 1926; attending public school; antisemitic name-calling; involvement with leftist causes beginning with the Spanish Civil War; apprenticeship to a tailor in 1937, despite aspirations to become a doctor; attending night school; his father's visit to brothers in the United States in 1939; German invasion in May 1940; his brothers' mobilization; fleeing to Paris, then southern France; brief military mobil...

  9. Samuel A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Samuel A., who was born in Grimaylov, Poland (now Ukraine) in 1916. He recalls attending public school; participating in Betar; working in the family restaurant; being drafted into the Polish military in 1939; German invasion; being captured; separation of the Jewish POWs; escaping with help from a Pole; returning home; Soviet occupation; German invasion in 1941; establishment of the Judenrat; hiding to avoid becoming a member of the Jewish police; agricultural work at a labor camp; release of all the prisoners by the camp commander; hiding with his brother in Kopychy...

  10. Walter K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Walter K., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1914. He describes his family background; the Anschluss and resulting terror; losing his job; unsuccessful escape attempts through Luxembourg to Brussels; returning to Vienna; the terrorism and destruction of Crystal Night; his arrest and transfer to Dachau; slave labor and his efforts to remain unnoticed; and release in April due to membership in a Zionist organization which obtained emigration papers for him to Great Britain as a farm laborer. He describes arrival in London; transfer to Wales; several farm jobs; internme...

  11. Jack K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jack K., who was born in Zakroczym, Poland in 1920, the oldest of three children. He recounts his family's poverty and orthodoxy; attending cheder and public school; antisemitic laws resulting in financial hardships; participating in Hashomer Hatzair; leaving school at fourteen due to his family's poverty; moving to Warsaw; living on the street until he found a job at a grocery store; enlisting in the Polish military in 1938; German invasion; being wounded and captured as a POW; release; finding his family in P?on?sk; smuggling food to his uncle in the Warsaw ghetto; ...

  12. Berthe B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Berthe B., who was born in Paris, France in 1935. She relates traveling with her parents after the war began; her father's enlistment in the French military in 1939; his return in 1940; learning to read from him; her father's arrest in May 1941; reading his letters from Pithiviers and visiting him in the summer of 1941; her mother arranging for her to live in Normandy in June 1942; hiding with a French woman in Conde?-sur-Huisne (she later learned her father advised her mother to hide her); Marcel, a French man, arranging her transfer to another family; studying for c...

  13. Marcelo G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Marcelo G., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1913. He recalls living in Praga; learning to be a furrier at age fifteen; military service from 1935-1937; marriage in 1938; German invasion; service on the eastern front; capture by Germans; escaping home; anti-Jewish measures; ghettoization in fall 1940; traveling in 1941 to Siedlce to arrange food shipments to the Warsaw ghetto; helping to organize tree planting in the ghetto; exemption from deportation due to his job in a fur factory; observing the deportation of Janusz Korczak and his orphans; his parents' and siblin...

  14. Arie T. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Arie T., who was born in Thessalonikē, Greece in 1925, the fourth of six children. He recalls a large and close extended family; cordial relations with non-Jews until the rise of a fascist party in the 1930s; his mother's death in 1937; working in a carpentry factory to help support his family; his older brother's marriage and the births of his two children; military draft of two brothers; German invasion; a round-up of Jewish men over eighteen in July 1942 for forced labor, including two brothers; a non-Jew taking one of them to his workshop to protect him; ghettoiz...

  15. Elias S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Elias S., who was born in Petrova, Romania in 1930, the oldest of six children. He recounts the family move to Strîmtura; attending public school; Hungarian occupation; anti-Jewish restrictions; forced labor; German invasion in spring 1944; ghettoization in another town for a few weeks; deportation to Auschwitz; separation from his mother and younger siblings (he never saw them again); transfer with his father to Buchenwald a few days later; separation from his father when he was transferred to Dora, then Nordhausen; slave labor with his cousin constructing undergrou...

  16. Joe K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Joe K., who was born in Czechoslovakia in approximately 1929, the youngest of seven children. He recalls attending the village school; his father's death; Hungarian occupation; his brothers' conscriptions into Hungarian slave labor battalions; round-up to the Munka?cs ghetto; deportation to Auschwitz; separation from his mother and two sisters (he never saw them again); giving extra clothing to his other sister; transfer a few days later to Buchenwald, then Leipzig; slave labor in a factory; Allied bombings; train transport a year later; escaping during an Allied bomb...

  17. Zinaida M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Zinaida M., who was born in Illint︠s︡i, Ukraine in 1921. She recalls attending accounting school in Kiev; returning home; marriage in May 1941; German invasion in June; military draft of her husband, brother, and father; briefly fleeing east; returning home; ghettoization; forced labor; mass shootings of Jews; assistance from some Ukrainians; her son's birth; her husband's return from a POW camp where non-Jews protected him; escaping to the woods in August 1942; locating a partisan unit which refused them entry because they had no weapons and had a baby; building bunk...

  18. Vera L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Vera L., who was born in Zagreb, Yugoslavia, an only child. She recounts her family's Zionism; participating in Maccabi sports club; attending a Jewish school; joining Hashomer Hatzair; anti-Jewish restrictions preventing her from studying at the university; her fiancé's military draft (he was captured by the Germans); German invasion in April 1941; Ustaša searching their home and evicting them; her father's arrest and deportation to Jasenovac; living with several friends, Jews and non-Jews; moving to Sombor; obtaining false papers from friends; a policeman confisca...

  19. Leon M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Leon M., who was born in Zaleschiki, Poland (presently Ukraine) in approximately 1933. He recalls cordial relations with non-Jews, despite some "name-calling"; Soviet occupation in 1939; his father's draft into the Soviet military (they never saw him again); German invasion; hiding with his younger brother whenever German or Ukrainian police appeared; hiding during a mass killing which included his grandmother; moving to his other grandmother's in Tolstoye (Tovste); obtaining food from farmers in Lezhanovka, his mother's birthplace; his mother bribing someone to repla...

  20. Esther F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Esther F., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1908. She recounts segregated seating for Jews at university in Krako?w; attending medical school in Paris in 1926 with one brother (he remained); returning to ?o?dz? in 1933; working as a physician; marriage in summer 1939; German invasion; her husband's draft into the Polish military (she never saw him again); ghettoization; living with her mother and another brother; working as a doctor; pervasive hunger, disease, and deaths; frequent round-ups and deportations; deportation to Auschwitz in August 1944; separation from he...