
Displaying items 7,041 to 7,060 of 10,858
  1. [Nazi Justice Trial Transcripts]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains the verdicts of Anton Novak (born on 3 June 1914 in Ungersdorf) and Adolf Novak (born on 25 April 1920 in Ungersdorf), two brothers from the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. The defendants were accused of illegally possessing granates and munition. Anton Novak, who received the weapons during his military service, kept them and hid them on the family's property with his brother's knowledge in 1939. During a fight between the brothers in 1943 Adolf threatened Anton, implying he would report him to the police. For his own protection Anton send one of his workers to the p...

  2. Чернігівська районна управа, м. Чернігів Чернігівської області

    • Chernihiv district board, city of Chernihiv, Chernihiv region
    • Chernihivska raionna uprava, m. Chernihiv Chernihivskoi oblasti

    Local administration documentation can contain information connected to the Holocaust. Titles and sizes of the selected files potentially related to the subject: File 22. Orders and instructions of the German commandment and Chernihiv district board about drafting of volunteers to serve in the rear units of the German army; labour duty to serve wartime needs of the front area; registration of the population and other administrative and economic issues. Lists of the employees at town board of Kotovsk town, 264 pages. File 23. Decrees of the German commandment and Chernihiv district board abo...

  3. Претура Александерфельдського району Очаківського повіту.

    • District Pretura of the Aleksanderfel'd District, Village of Aleksanderfeld (Ochakov County)

    The fonds’ inventories are systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Documents on “the Jewish question” contained in the pretura fonds may provisionally be divided into the following thematic groups: 1. Directives of the Romanian civilian and military authorities that defined the legal status of the Jewish population of Transnistria; these include copies of decrees of Transnistria civilian governor G. Alexianu (4 August 1943) on remuneration of Jewish labor in accordance with rates established for the local population; (3 May 1943) on remuneration of the labor of Jew...

  4. Претура Варварівського району, с. Варварівка Варварівського району Очаківського повіту

    • District Pretura of the Varvarovka District, Village of Varvarovka (Ochakov County)

    The fonds’ inventories are systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Documents on “the Jewish question” contained in the pretura fonds may provisionally be divided into the following thematic groups: 1. Directives of the Romanian civilian and military authorities that defined the legal status of the Jewish population of Transnistria; these include copies of orders of the commander of the Third Army Corps stipulating that Jews working in various Governorate directorates be closely surveilled by gendarme legions; 2. Orders of local authorities dealing with the forced l...

  5. Претура Мостівського району, с. Мостове Мостівського району Березівського повіту.

    • District Pretura of the Mostovoe District, Village of Mostovoe (Berezovka County)

    The fonds’ inventories are systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Documents on “the Jewish question” contained in the pretura fonds may provisionally be divided into the following thematic groups: 1. Directives of the Romanian civilian and military authorities that defined the legal status of the Jewish population of Transnistria; 2. Orders of local authorities dealing with the forced labor of the Jewish population; 3. Documents on the situation of Jewish doctors and on hygiene and sanitary conditions in which the Jews of Transnistria lived; 4. Materials on financ...

  6. Претура Біляївського району, с. Білявка Біляївського р-ну Одеської області.

    • District Pretura, Beliaevka District, Village of Beliaevka (Ovidiopol’ County)

    The fonds’ inventories are systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Included are directives, instructions, and orders of the Romanian civilian and military authorities on restrictive measures regarding Jews located in the territory of Transnistria. A significant number of documents concern Jews located in ghettos and labor camps. Documents of the Romanian authorities regarding the conscription of Jews into forced labor include copies of orders of the governor and official correspondence with prefectures and preturas on procedures for the payment of Jewish labor (f. ...

  7. Дирекція забезпечення Примарії Одеського муніципалітету, м. Одеса.

    • Odessa Municipal Primaria Procurement Directorate

    The fond includes four inventories systematized according to the structural-chronological principle. Documents in the fond include the order (8 January 1943) of Odessa city head G. Pyntia that Jews’ and communists’ personal assets remaining after their deportation to the ghetto be leased to Romanian military and diplomatic personnel, officials, and other persons; instructions of the Odessa Municipal Primaria Procurement Directorate on the leasing and takeover of “ghetto property” and a report by commodities subsection chief N. Okul on the transfer of 4,000 apartments of Odessa residents dri...

  8. Штадткомісаріат, м. Запоріжжя Запорізької області

    • Stadtkommissariat of city of Zaporizhzhia

    Some files presented below can contain information regarding Nazi population policies and the Holocaust: File 2. Orders by the local Ortskommandantur and Fieldkommandantur. 1941-1942. 85 pages. File 3. Orders by the local Ortskommandantur and Fieldkommandantur. Lists of employees of various organizations; lists of citizens of the city. List of members of WiKdo. 1941-1942. 84 pages. File 21. Lists of the German civil administration. 1941-1943. 38 pages. File 22. Lists of employees of establishments and organizations of the city. 1941-1943. 36 pages. File 27. Decrees and instructiond by Stadt...

  9. Zbirka dokumenata Službe državne sigurnosti Republičkoga sekretarijata za unutarnje poslove Socijalističke Republike Hrvatske

    • Collection of documents of the State security agency of the Federal unit for the interior affairs of the Socialist Republic of Croatia

    This collection of materials of different origin is created by the State Security Service, or earlier OZNA (Department for the protection of the people) and UDBA Administration (State Security). Part of the material relates to the original material of the Ustasha police, military and other government and institutions of the ISC, and part is the result of the original documentation. The material is grouped into thematic sections (political parties to II. World War II Ustasha movement between the two world wars, and the NDH Ustasha movement, organization of the NDH government, the judiciary, ...

  10. David Boder Collection: Testimonies of survivors in DP camps in Germany

    This record group is a collection of testimonies recorded by David Boder, a Professor of Psychology at the Illinois Institute of Technology, in DP camps in Europe in 1946. The collection is comprised of testimonies of Jews and non-Jews, recorded in various languages and translated into English. The testimonies focus on the events in the lives of the survivors during the war in the ghettos and camps, while serving in the military, in hiding and in children's homes. The testimonies also contain information regarding the rehabilitation of the survivors from immediately after the war until the ...

  11. Indictments, verdicts and investigatory reports from the trials of Nazi criminals, Germany

    Included in the files: - Legal documentation: indictments and verdicts, protocols of trials and correspondence between the investigating bodies (the local States Attorneys in West Germany, the Security Bureau in East Germany);- Evidentiary materials: Information gathered during the investigation regarding Nazi criminals including many testimonies, copies of documents from the Nazi period, maps and photographs of sites at which crimes were committed, interrogations of criminals; - Reports of experts prepared for the trial such as reports from the Military History Research Institute in East G...

  12. ENSV Riikliku Julgeoleku Komitee lõpetamata uurimistoimikute kollektsioon

    • Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic KGB Archive, Collection of files of incomplete investigations
    • Коллекция следственных дел
    • Rahvusarchiiv
    • ERAF.129SM
    • English
    • 1932-1990
    • 13,422 Records, original paper documents, partly digitalized.

    This archive fond includes mostly cases of political repressions of Soviet regime (1940-1941 and after 1944). It contains also as smaller part the interrogation materials of the former guards and officials of the Concentration Camps, police officers and military among Estonian residents, who participated or was accused in participating during the Second World War in Nazi crimes. The basic languages of documents are Russian and Estonian; only a limited number of documents are in German (copied documents from German occupation period) or other languages.

  13. ENSV Riikliku Julgeoleku Komitee lõpetatud uurimistoimikute kollektsioon

    • Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic KGB, Collection of files of closed investigations
    • Коллекция прекращенных следственныхдел
    • Rahvusarchiiv
    • ERAF.130SM
    • English
    • 1920-1990
    • 15,448 records in 2 series; original bounded paper documents; partly digitalized.

    This archival fonds includes mostly cases of political repressions of the Soviet regime (1940-1941 and after 1944). A smaller part contains the interrogation materials of former guards and officials of the Concentration Camps, police and military personnel among Estonian residents who participated in or were accused of participating in Nazi crimes during the Second World War. The basic languages of the documents are Russian and Estonian; only a limited number of documents are in German (copied documents from the German occupation period) or other languages.

  14. Eesti Omakaitse Peavalitsus

    • Main Administration of Estonian Home Guard
    • Hauptabteilung (Estnische) Selbstschutz
    • Rahvusarchiiv
    • ERA.R-358
    • English
    • 1941-1944
    • 117 records in 4 series; original bounded paper documents.

    The fonds contains different kind of documentation of Estonian Home Guard, which was subordinated to the Estonian self-administration. German Security Police involved Estonian Home Guard in arrests and repressions against local people, including Jews. It includes overviews about activities of paramilitary units of Omakaitse during last months of 1941, when Estonian Jews were arrested and executed; see [series 1](

  15. Darányi Kálmán miniszterelnök iratai

    • Personal Files of Prime Ministers and other governmental officials: Kálmán Darányi

    Kálmán Darányi (1886-1939) was a politician who served as Minister of Agriculture and later as Prime Minister of Hungary (1936-1938), replacing the deceased Gyula Gömbös. In March 1938, the program of Győr, a massive program of military and infrastructural development, was initiated under his premiership. The program was conceived by Béla Imrédy, Minister of Economic Coordination who was to become his immediate successor. At first pursuing balancing acts, Darányi clearly shifted to the right in the latter parts of his premiership. He was to initiate the First Anti-Jewish Law that was eventu...

  16. Országos Közellátási Hivatal ügyosztályainak iratai (1940-1945)

    • Records of the National Public Supplies Office (1940-1945)

    In Hungary, a Minister without Portfolio for Public Supplies (közellátás) was appointed in 1940. The major aims of creating such a new position was to exert increased state control and improve the organization of the economic life of the country, assure that foreign trade was beneficial for military as well as civilian purposes, and to have an uniform control and administration of the food supply as well as that of other public necessities. In order to help the work of the Minister without Portfolio, a National Office for Public Supplies (Országos Közellátási Hivatal) was organized. The Tra...

  17. Projekt Dotrščina: Zagrepčani - revolucionari, antifašisti i žrtve fašističkog terora 1941. - 1945. (podserija)

    • The Dotrščina Park Project: citizens of Zagreb, revolutionaries, anti-Fascist fighters and victims of fascist terror 1941-1945

    The Dotrsicna park in Zagreb is the site of the mass murder where around 18 000 citizens of Zagreb and its surroundings were shot during the Fascist regime due to their ethnic background, or the fact they were anti-regime. Thanks to archivists Josipa Paver and Igor Graovac, there was systematic work on the names of the victims from 1967 until the late 1990s. The project started in the State Archive back in 1967, and lasted, with interruptions, until April 1985. The project examined the records of the Croatian State Archives, the former archives of the Institute of History of the labor movem...

  18. Župné mesto Nové Zámky (1939 - 1944)

    • Érsekújvár megyei város

    In the fragmentary fonds, it is possible to find traders' records, records pertaining to business restrictions, revisions and withdrawals of Jewish concessions and trades. The fonds also contains documents on the aryanization of the mill and Jewish shops. The fonds contains also inventories of Jewish property, documents pertaining to the confiscation of Jewish homes and shops, as well as to a ban on Jews attending public baths. There is also a decree defining the streets of the ghetto preserved in the fonds. The fonds also contains a list of books from the town library that remained with Je...

  19. Treuhandvermögen- Bericht der Gruppe III

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains a report concerning several institutions working on and with confiscated private property in the Nazi administration. The first section provides information on asset management, for example the supervisory authority and the Brussels trust company. The supervision and administration of private property, which was confiscated by the military administration, was largely the responsibility of Group XII of the economic department. The second section provides information on enemy property law, for example on the general principles, legal developments in Belgium, defines hostile ...